Communication in teaching English

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Communication in teaching English




1. Theoretical basis of the communicative language teaching

1.1 Background of the communicative language teaching

1.2 Principles and features of the communicative approach

1.3 Communicative competence as a goal of the FLT

1.4 Methodological aspects of teaching communication

2. Typology of communicative language activities

2.1 Types of communicative activities and their arrangement

2.2 Techniques of communicative teaching

3. Approbation of technology in teaching communication



Appendix A

Appendix B


Nowadays the English language has got status of a global language due to globalization and general computerization. Modern English language teaching aims to lingual and social adaptation of pupils to contemporary life. A modern experience professional should possess skills of expression of the thoughts in English, i. e. he should possess communicative competence which includes speech, language and cultural levels. Language learning, in turn, requires motivation. Getting motivation is possible only due to transformation of each pupil from the passive contemplator into the active and creative participant of learning process, i. e. pupils should be involved into communication.aspect is reflected in the State Program of Educational Development in 2011-2020: there is a task of formation of intellectual, physically and spiritually mature citizen who would be able to integrate in competitive environment [1; 3].

The pedagogical science is developing and leading to increase new teaching methods and technologies. One of them is teaching through communication, i. e. collaborative teaching, or teaching in intercourse, or communicative teaching.

It will help to engage pupils to "social communication in conditions of multilingual environment" [2; 9].

During the communicative teaching pupils possess the active life position, creative abilities, language skills, their own opinion, responsibility, the logic communications promoting understanding of laws and world outlook ideas, etc.

There is no doubt, that in learning a second language it is necessary for students to acquire, in addition to phonological and vocabulary-grammatical knowledge, ways to communicate with others using their target language.

Practical teaching of a foreign language possesses a number of communication techniques which provide self-determination and self-realization of the pupil as the language person in the course of learning and developing language skills.

communication teaching english language

The educational system of Kazakhstan has changed dramatically within a few last years. Especially the modifications are related to the content and functions of foreign language teaching and learning caused by changes in policy, economy and society. The growth of professional requirements to foreign language knowledge has been observed under the conditions of the fast developing intercultural integration and international policy held by Kazakhstan. All these conditions led to the modernization and intensification of of motivation of three languages policy as a new direction in the state policy of education [3].the "Conception of Foreign Language Education till 2015” it is stated that the necessity of Foreign language teaching and learning has been realized together with its development and intensification within the system of educational organizations [4].

The novelty of our diploma work is defined by necessity of transition to the modern model of formation communicative pupils’ skills and high potential of the teaching.

The problem is in fact that teaching communication has its difficulties in successful teaching and should be thoroughly prepared and designed.

The object of investigation: the process of the English language teaching and learning.

The subject is the methodological process of teaching communication in English.

The hypothesis: if we teach communication and develop communicative competence it will contribute to rising teaching effectiveness.

The goal of the diploma work: to consider effective ways in formation of communicative competence in the process of English teaching and learning.following objectives are established:

-        to study the theoretical basis of communicative language teaching;

-        to research principles, aims and features of communicative teaching;

         to reveal main techniques of involving of pupils in communication activity;

         to develop lesson plans with using of communicative teaching techniques.

In our diploma work we use methods of research:

·        studying and analyzing scientific literature;

·        observation of the process of teaching and learning foreign languages at school;

·        descriptive method

·        contextual method

·        transformative method

·        generalization of teachers' experience;

·        lesson modeling;

Scientific basis: this diploma work mainly based upon studies of the following scientists and methodologists: R. Gower, D. Philips, S. Walters, N. Chomsky, H. D. Brown, D. Nunan <#"807694.files/image001.gif">

A response unit is a unit of speech between two pauses. It may consist of more than one sentence. But the most characteristic feature of a dialogue is that the lead-response units are closely connected and dependent on each other. The lead is relatively free, while the response depends on the first and does not exist without the book?

5.      There, on the shelf [32; 168].teaching dialogue one should use pattern dialogues as they involve all features which characterize this form of speech.are three stages in learning a dialogue:

·        receptive;

·        reproductive;

·        constructive (creative).

1. Pupils "receive" the dialogue by ear first. They listen to the dialogue recorded or reproduced by the teacher. The teacher helps pupils in comprehension of the dialogue using a picture or pictures to illustrate its contents. They listen to the dialogue a second time and then read it silently for better understanding, paying attention to the intonation. They may listen. to the dialogue and read it again, if necessary.

. Pupils enact the pattern dialogue. We may distinguish three kinds of reproduction:

Immediate. Pupils reproduce the dialogue in imitation of the speaker or the teacher while listening to it or just after they have heard it. The teacher checks the pupils’ pronunciation, and intonation in particular. The pupils are asked to learn the dialogue by heart for homework.

Delayed. After pupils have learned the dialogue at home, they enact the pattern dialogue, in persons. Before calling on pupils it is recommended that they should listen to the pattern dialogue recorded again to remind them of how it "sounds”.

Modified. Pupils enact the dialogue with some modifications in its. Contents. They change some elements in it. The more elements (main words and phrases) they change in the pattern the better they assimilate the structure of the dialogue:

.        Will you help me, sonny?

7.      What shall I do, Mother?

.        Will you bring me a pail of water?

.        Certainly I will.

The use of pictures may be helpful. Besides pupils use their own experience while selecting the words for should not be done mechanically. Pupils should speak on the situation. As a result of this work pupils master the structure of the pattern dialogue (not only the contents), i. e., they can use it as a model for making up dialogues of their own, that is why pattern dialogues should be carefully selected.first two stages aim at storing up patterns in pupils’ memory for expressing themselves in different situations, of course within the topics and linguistic material the syllabus sets for each. Form.

. Pupils make up dialogues of their own. They are given a picture or a verbal situation to talk about. This is possible provided pupils have a stock of patterns, a certain number of phrases for starting a conversation, joining in, etc. They should use those lead-response units they have learned in connection with the situation suggested for a conversation.the third stage the choice of stimuli is of great importance, as very often pupils cannot think what to say, though they know how to say this or that. Therefore audio-visual aids should be extensively utilized.teaching dialogue the teacher uses pattern dialogues and should be sure that pupils go through the three stages from receptive through reproductive to creative, supply them with the subject to talk about.teaching speaking the problem is what form of speech to begin with, and what should be the relationship between monologue and dialogue. This problem may be solved in different ways. Some methodologists give preference to dialogic speech in teaching beginners, and they suggest that pupils learn first how to ask and answer questions which is mostly characteristic of a dialogue, and how to make up a short dialogue following a model. Others prefer monologic speech as a starting point. Pupils are taught how to make statements, how to combine several sentences into one utterance in connection with an object or a situation offered.approaches to the problem are reflected in school textbooks now in use. Some prefer to begin with dialogic speech. They start by teaching pupils how to ask various types of questions. For example:

The book is on the desk. The book isn’t under the desk. Is the book on the desk? Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t.) Is the book on the desk or under it? It’s on the desk. Where’s the book? It’s on the desk [33; 129].to the relationship between monologue and dialogue, it should vary from stage to stage in teaching speaking in schools. In the junior stage (5-6 forms) dialogic speech, the one which allows the teacher to introduce new material and consolidate it in conversation, must prevail. In the intermediate stage (7-8 forms) dialogue and monologue must be on an equal footing.the senior stage (9-10 forms) monologue speech must prevail since pupils either take part in discussion and, therefore, express their thoughts in connection with a problem or retell a text read or heard. To sum it up both forms of speech (monologue and dialogue) should be developed side by side with preference for the one which is more important for pupils’ progress in learning a foreign language at a certain stage.’ speech in both forms may be of two kinds: prepared and unprepared. It is considered prepared when the pupil has been given time enough to think over its content and form. He can speak on the subject following the plan made either independently at home or in class under the teacher’s supervision. His speech will be more or less correct and sufficiently fluent since plenty of preliminary exercises had been done before.schools, however, pupils often have to speak on a topic when they are not yet prepared for it. As a result only bright pupils can cope with the task. In such a case the teacher trying to find a way out gives his pupils a text which covers the topic. Pupils learn and recite it in class. They reproduce the text either in the very form it was given or slightly transform it. Reciting, though useful and necessary in language learning, has but little to do with speech since speaking is a creative activity and is closely connected with thinking, while reciting has to do only with memory. Of course, pupils should memorize words, word combinations, phrases, sentence patterns, and texts to "accumulate” the material and still it is only a prerequisite. The main objective of the learner is to be able to use the linguistic material to express his thoughts in the dialogue speech.

Brainstorming is a popular tool that helps students to generate creative solutions to a problem. It is particularly useful when there is a need to break out of stale, established patterns of thinking, so that you can develop new ways of looking at things. It also helps overcome many of the issues that can make group problem-solving a sterile and unsatisfactory process. Used with the team, it helps bring the diverse experience of all team members into play during problem solving. This increases the richness of ideas explored, meaning that students can find better solutions to the problems they face. What’s more, because brainstorming is fun, it helps team members bond with one-another as they solve problems in a positive, rewarding environment. Brainstorming provides a freewheeling environment in which everyone is encouraged to participate. Quirky ideas are welcomed, and many of the issues of group problem-solving are overcome. All participants are asked to contribute fully and fairly, liberating people to develop a rich array of creative solutions to the problems they’re facing. Brainstorming combines a relaxed, informal approach to problem-solving with lateral thinking. It asks that people come up with ideas and thoughts that can at first seem to be a bit crazy. The idea here is that some of these ideas can be crafted into original, creative solutions to the problem you’re trying to solve, while others can spark still more ideas. This approach aims to get people unstuck, by "jolting" them out of their normal ways of thinking. During brainstorming sessions there should therefore be no criticism of ideas: Students are trying to open up possibilities and break down wrong assumptions about the limits of the problem. Judgments and analysis at this stage stunt idea generation. Ideas should only be evaluated at the end of the brainstorming session - this is the time to explore solutions further using conventional approaches [34; 94].

Role play and dramatization are modeling various situations for the educational aims of developing speaking abilities. They reflect a principle of problematical character at its certain organization and allows solving problem situations of a various degree of complexity [35; 76]. It can be used independently as well as in a context of a method of projects. Pupils apply the experience of the saved up knowledge, results of research during work above the project in realization of socially significant roles growing on the importance with passage of a cycle of occupations. Such modeling of situations of professional - business intercultural dialogue helps pupil to get used to various situations of the future activity which he can face in a real life [36; 65]. Problematical character of role game is realized through modeling of situations in which this or that problem can find the certain a role, pupil solves problem situations, evidently showing in full communicative competence the practical decision of a problem. Certainly, such way of protection should be adequate to a researched problem. Selection by that and problems for use of this or that method is a separate research problem. Here it is important, that communicative competence was formed in real acts of intercourse in which the English language is means of formation and a formulation of idea [37; 49]. Thus, pupil, being based on the skills generated with the help of a debatable method, it is capable to apply and develop these skills in concrete situations of dialogue, carrying out socially significant roles and skill to assert the position in problem situations.can be one or several role play groups. If the whole class represents one role play group, it is necessary to keep some minor roles which can be taken away if there are less people in class than expected. If the teacher runs out of roles, he/she can assign one role to two students, in which one speaks secret thoughts of the other. With several role plays, when deciding on their composition, both the abilities and the personalities of the students should be taken into consideration. For example, a group consisting only of the shyest students will not be a success. Very often, optimum interaction can be reached by letting the students work in one group with their friends [38; 73].

Whether taking any part in the role play or not, the role of the teacher is to be as unobtrusive as possible. He or she is listening for students’ errors making notes. Mistakes noted during the role play will provide the teacher with feedback for further practice and revision. It is recommended that the instructor avoids intervening in a role play with error corrections not to discourage the is difficult to distinguish between a role play and simulation. Both are forms of games mirroring a slice of reality. As a rule simulations are more highly structured and contain more diverse elements in their content and procedure. Simulations are simplified patterns of human interactions or social processes where the players participate in roles. Most simulations demand that the participants are supplied with background information and materials to work from both before and during the simulation. Accomplishing the task set in a simulation has sometimes got to be done within a time limit, e. g. in writing the front page of a newspaper, just as in reality. In contrast to simulations, role plays often consist of short scenes, which can be realistic - as in acting out a shopping situation - or pure fantasy - as in pretending to interview on TV. Realistic role plays have been common features of situational language teaching for a long time and are catered for by suitable dialogues in most beginners’ textbooks.plays are quite demanding foreign language situations in that the players have to use the foreign language correctly and adequately both in terms of the foreign language itself and the particular role that is acted out. Even very advanced learners of English are rarely able to speak consciously in a particular style or register, which may be necessary for a role. For these students the study of texts, or better, video tapes of encounters where the foreign language is used at different levels of formality, can be a valuable training in this skill prior to role play [39; 40].plays improve the students’ oral performance generally, and simulations quite often train all four skills. The complexity of simulations, which run over several stages, prevents the teacher from exactly determining beforehand which structures, words and language skills will be needed by the players. Therefore simulations mainly constitute practice sessions where the participants draw on everything they have learnt so far.

Debates (discussion) allow forming the conscious attitude to consideration of problems, activity in its discussion, speech culture, an orientation on revealing of the reasons of arising problems and installation on their decision further. Here the principle of formation of critical thinking is realized. Language, thus, is simultaneously both the purpose and means of teaching. The technique of debates helps pupils not only to seize all four kinds of speech activity, but to bring a language situation on a background of a problem of social and cultural sphere, to find out the reasons of the arisen situations and try to solve them. Interest to the independent decision of a problem is the stimulus, driving force of process of knowledge [40; 59]., application of discussion allows making active cognitive activity of pupils, their independence, forms culture of creative operative thinking, creates conditions for use of personal life experience and received before knowledge for mastering new. As discussion and the decision of problems occurs during controlled group dialogue at participants skill to operate in interests of group is developed, there is an interested respect for interlocutors and conducts to formation of collective. Application of this method in aggregate with a method of projects allows generating thinking and owning not only the English language, but also the expert understanding in various problems, capable to be guided in quickly varying information streams.are pros and cons of group discussion:

         group discussions provide for greater interaction between students,

-        instructors maintain a greater control over what is being taught because they are able to steer the discussion.

         auditory learners find them appealing to their learning style,

         teachers can check on what students are retaining through questions posed,

         group discussion is comfortable for many teachers because it is a modified form of lecture,

         students have a tendency to stay focused on the lesson because they might be called on to answer questions,

         students may feel more comfortable asking questions during group discussions.


         group discussions require setting up and enforcing ground rules for students. If these rules are not enforced then there is a possibility that the discussion could quickly go off-topic.

-        students who are weak in note-taking skills will have trouble understanding what they should remember from group discussions. This is even more so than in lectures in many cases because not only the teacher but fellow students are talking about the lesson,

         some students may not feel comfortable being put on the spot during a whole group discussion.

Thus, group discussions are an excellent teaching method when used in conjunction with other methods. Instruction should be varied from day to day to help reach the most students possible. Teachers need to provide their students with note taking skills before starting discussions. It is important that teachers be good at managing and facilitating discussions. Questioning techniques are effective for this. Two questioning techniques that teachers employ is to increase their wait time after questions are asked and to only ask one question at a time.

Many experienced textbook and methodology manuals writers have argued that collaborative games are not just time-filling activities but have a great educational value in communicative teaching. W. R. Lee holds that most language games make learners use the language instead of thinking about learning the correct forms. He also says that games should be treated as central not peripheral to the foreign language teaching programme [41; 43]. A similar opinion is expressed by Richard Amato, who believes games to be fun but warns against overlooking their pedagogical value, particularly in foreign language teaching [42; 26].interactive teaching collaborative games are used. They are aimed to developing communicative abilities, fluency in speaking, creative mind.are many advantages of using games. They are highly motivating and entertaining, and they can give shy students more opportunity to express their opinions and feelings. They also enable learners to acquire new experiences within a foreign language which are not always possible during a typical lesson. Furthermore, to quote Richard Amato, they, "add diversion to the regular classroom activities," break the ice, " [but also] they are used to introduce new ideas”. [19, c.56]. In the easy, relaxed atmosphere which is created by using games, students remember things faster and better. Further support comes from A. Zdybiewska, who believes games to be a good way of practicing language, for they provide a model of what learners will use the language for in real life in the future [43; 48].games encourage, entertain, teach, and promote fluency. If not for any of these reasons, they should be used just because they help students see beauty in a foreign language and not just problems.

Project is a set of educational and cognitive modes which allow solve this or that problem as a result of independent actions of pupils with obligatory presentation of results. With reference to a lesson of foreign language, the project is specially organized by the teacher and independently carried out by pupils, finished with creation of a creative with the projects teacher can realize in groups and individually. It is necessary to note, that the method of projects helps children to seize such competences as: to be ready to work in collective, to accept the responsibility for a choice, to share the responsibility with members of the team, to analyze results of activity [44; 24].a project work students are put in the centre of the action, where they use the language and practice communicative speech. The purpose of this method is to encourage the learners to work things out for themselves. It is an extended language activity, focusing on the topics, themes. The project work is a means of communication and enjoyment. The learners can experiment with the language as something real. It is a highly adaptable methodology, it is useful as a means of generating positive motivation, because it is very personal. The students tell about their own lives, their own research into topics that interest them. This work helps them to understand that they can use English to talk about their own world, it improves their ability to think [45; 37].work allows students to consolidate the language that they have learnt and encourages them to acquire new vocabulary and expressions. In addition, it gives learners integrated skills practice. Throughout project work students have extensive practice of the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Using projects with classes provides excellent opportunities for cross - curricular work. The topics should be carefully chosen and have to be presented in a lively and up-to-date manner. It is important to present a new project in an enthusiastic way and encourage the class activity in a discussion about the key topic [46; 54]. The more students are engaged in to a project, the more likely that the project will be a success. The teacher tries to encourage learners to think of their own ideas, to produce something new of their own. Before setting up a project it is essential to explain the final outcome, this will help them to understand what they are doing and why. The teacher explains the students that at the end of the project they will write or design a small leaflet on the topic, a wall display, a poster…are some stages in presenting a project:

.        Initial discussion of the idea.

2.      Decide a form of the project.

.        Practicing language skills.

.        Collecting information.

.        Displaying the result of the research [46; 54]

Every project work finished in stage of reflection. All errors are marked and corrected is a cooperative learning technique that reduces racial conflict among school children, promotes better learning, improves student motivation, and increases enjoyment of the learning experience. The jigsaw technique was first developed in the early 1970s by Elliot Aronson and his students at the University of Texas and the University of California. Since then, hundreds of schools have used the jigsaw classroom with great success [29; 43].technique learning allows students to be introduced to material and yet maintain a high level of personal responsibility. The purpose of Jigsaw is to develop teamwork and cooperative learning skills within all students. In addition it helps develop a depth of knowledge not possible if the students were to try and learn all of the material on their own. Finally, because students are required to present their findings to the home group, Jigsaw learning will often disclose a student’s own understanding of a concept as well as reveal any misunderstandings.strategy involves students becoming "experts" on one aspect of a topic, then sharing their expertise with others. Divide a topic into a few constitutive parts ("puzzle pieces”). Form subgroups of 3-5 and assign each subgroup a different "piece" of the topic (or, if the class is large, assign two or more subgroups to each subtopic). Each group’s task is to develop expertise on its particular subtopic by brainstorming, developing ideas, and if time permits, researching. Once students have become experts on a particular subtopic, shuffle the groups so that the members of each new group have a different area of expertise. Students then take turns sharing their expertise with the other group members, thereby creating a completed "puzzle” of knowledge about the main topic. A convenient way to assign different areas of expertise is to distribute handouts of different colours. For the first stage of the group work, groups are composed of students with the same colour of handout; for the second stage, each member of the newly formed groups must have a different colour of handout.jigsaw helps to avoid tiresome plenary sessions, because most of the information is shared in small groups. This method can be expanded by having students develop expertise about their subtopics first through independent research outside of class. Then, when they meet with those who have the same subtopic, they can clarify and expand on their expertise before moving to a new group. One potential drawback is that students hear only one group’s expertise on a particular topic and don’t benefit as much from the insight of the whole class; to address this issue, you could collect a written record of each group’s work and create a master document-a truly complete puzzle-on the topic.its simplest form, the Jigsaw instructional strategy is when:

. Each student receives a portion of the materials to be introduced;

. Students leave their "home” groups and meet in "expert” groups;

. Expert groups discuss the material and brainstorm ways in which to present their understandings to the other members of their "home” group;

. The experts return to their "home” groups to teach their portion of the materials and to learn from the other members of their "home” group. [26, c.39]benefit of the jigsaw classroom is that it is a remarkably efficient way to learn the material. But even more important, the jigsaw process encourages listening, engagement, and empathy by giving each member of the group an essential part to play in the academic activity. Group members must work together as a team to accomplish a common goal; each person depends on all the others. No student can succeed completely unless everyone works well together as a team. This "cooperation by design” facilitates interaction among all students in the class, leading them to value each other as contributors to their common task.

Snowball Groups/Pyramids. This technique involves progressive doubling: students first work alone, then in pairs, then in fours, and so on. In most cases, after working in fours, students come together for a plenary session in which their conclusions or solutions are pooled. Provide a sequence of increasingly complex tasks so that students do not become bored with repeated discussion at multiple stages. For example, have students record a few questions that relate to the class topic. In pairs, students try to answer one another’s questions. Pairs join together to make fours and identify, depending on the topic, either unanswered questions or areas of controversy or relevant principles based on their previous discussions. Back in the large class group, one representative from each group reports the group’s conclusions.

3. Approbation of technology in teaching communication

We have developed and approbated 10 lessons using the communicative activities for the 7th Form of the secondary school.was held at Ushakovskaya school, Karasusky district, Kostanay region.

lessons were conducted.

Conditions of approbation:

There were computers for each pupil, interactive board, tape-recorder, video-recorder, multimedia.were designed for the group of 14 pupils with middle and high level of the English language.

Procedure of approbation

Lesson 1

Topic: "Environmental problems”Date: 8.10.2011

Aim: to develop communicative competence.:dialogue skills,of listening skills with a support on the read text,of ability to a logic statement of the text,of speech habits on the situationof ecological thinking and conducting.


Stage (ESA)






Organization moment

 Teacher: Good afternoon dear children! Glad to see you. Today we are going to speak about environmental problems. We’ll practice our skills in speaking, reading and listening. I wish you to be calm and to work well.

2 min



Look at the screen, please. Let’s see the first slide - the topic of the lesson and the second slide - the inscription and try to translate it: "People will be lost from inability to use forces of the nature and from ignorance of the true world"-the inscription on a pyramid of Cheops.

2 min

 1-2 slides of the presentation



And now, let’s speak about nature and environmental problems. But at the beginning look at the blackboard and read the words which help us understand the information from the text (see Appendix to the lesson 1)

3 min




Reading the text. Using the words. "The Earth’s atmosphere" - see Attachment to the lesson

7 min

Text "The Earth’s atmosphere. ”



Answer the questions: What is the ozone layer? How is it being damaged? What harm does the damage bring to the Earth?

5 min



Find the words in the text: Озоновый слой; ежедневное использование; рак кожи; ослаблять иммунную систему; загрязнять слой; разрушать; ультрафиолетовые лучи; озоновая дыра; проникать; разрушительный

3 min



And now we’ll speak about other environmental problems. Look at the screen (presentation) Land, air and water are important for the life on the Earth. But what is happening now? Water is polluted Land is polluted Air is polluted

10 min




Now let’s play a game. Imagine that your neighbor is the alien. An alien has arrived on our planet, to learn how we live and asks us about our environmental problems. We are working in groups. These cards will help you to make the dialogue.

7 min




Let’s make a KWL-chart

4 min



You were great. I like your working today. You were very active. As for your marks, they are… Stand up please. The lesson is over. Hometask: Monologue about environmental problems

2 min

to the lesson 1

"The Earth’s atmosphere"

High above the Earth’s atmosphere there is a thin veil called the ozone layer, which protects the earth from the sun’s destructive ultraviolet (UV) rays.protective layer is being damaged by chemicals, which are released into the atmosphere by the daily use of industrial and household product such as refrigerators, air conditioners, cleaning chemicals, food packing, and etc. the chlorine attacks the ozone molecules, thinning or even making a "hole” in the ozone layer. This "hole’ allows more UV rays to penetrate to the UV rays can increase the risk of skin cancer, weaken the immune system, and damage the retina.only humans are at risk, so are animals, plants, and the environment in general.

Analysis of the lesson 1

1. The topic of my lesson was "Environmental problems”

I have set a goal to develop communicative competence.objectives of the lesson were:dialogue skills,of listening skills with a support on the read text,of ability to a logic statement of the text,of speech habits on the situationof ecological thinking and conducting.

I have used visual aids: presentation PowerPoint, flashcards and communicative techniques of KWL-chart, dialogues, a game.

2. Type of the lesson - skill-oriented.

Methods: question - answer, individual and group - work.material about environmental problems.

3. Structure and procedure of lesson phases were justified, the transition from one phase to another is carried out in accordance with the logic.the lesson communicative and productive skills of speaking were formed, a new vocabulary was introduced and consolidated.

.organizational moment successfully "switch" for students to learning, the teacher talks to them in a foreign language.lesson plan directs students to achieve practical and educational purposes.

. Introducing of new material. Engaging includes a new material in the form of communication. Visual aids were used in order to motivate pupils and to introduce material effectively.

. In teaching communication I have used grammar and vocabulary material. The technique of filling words were used.

. Language material (lexical) corresponded to the age of students, their interests, level of education. To activate the linguistic material in the speech of students I suggested a technique of KWL-chart, a game in order to consolidate new lexical items.

. Lesson corresponds in its structure and content. The aims and tasks of the lesson were realized.

Lesson 2

Topic: "Welcome to Australia" Date: 12.10.2011

Aim: to develop communicative competence.

to develop intercultural competence,develop the pupils speaking, listening, writing skills;revise the knowledge of the theme "Australia";develop pupils’ motivation.

Equipment of the lesson: slides, pictures, a map.


Stage (ESA)






Organization moment.

 Teacher: Dear boys and girls! I'm very glad to see you at our lesson today because we have an unusual lesson - a competition. The class is divided into two teams. They will show us their knowledge of Australia because our lesson is devoted to this country. We'll speak about its landmarks, the capital of the country and some interesting facts. We'll have several tasks at the lesson. I hope our competition will be fun.

1 min



Phonetic drill "I'm Australia" I'm a child of a dreamtime people, Part of the land, like an old gum tree. I'm the river softly singing Chanting our songs on the way to the sea. I awakened here when the earth was new, There was emu, wombat, kangaroo. No other man of a different hue. I'm the land and this land is me. I'm Australia!

3 min




Teacher: We'll also have the group of experts. They are English teachers. They will assess your knowledge. Let's start our competition and introduce our teams to each other. Students: The name of the first team is "The Koala". The name of the second team is "The Kangaroo". Teacher: The first task is the following: answer the questions ab6ut Australia. 1) What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra) 2) What isapopular Australian animal? (Koala, Kangaroo, Emu.) 3) Who discovered Australia? (Captain Cook) 4) Who are the Australian natives? (Aborigines) 5) What is the official language in Australia? (English) 6) In which season do Australians celebrate Christmas? (in summer) 3. Teacher: The second task is "Spot the mistake". You will listen to a text about Australia. You know a lot of facts about this wonderful continent. Now try to spot the mistakes made in facts about Australia and correct them. Be attentive! The capital of Australia is Sydney. Australia was discovered by Christopher Columbus. Canberra is the home of Indian's government and embassies from around the world. Australia is an Australian - speaking country. New Year is in the middle of winter. Australia's national landmarks are located in Brisbane. (The capital of Australia is Canberra. Australia was discovered by Captain Cook. Canberra is the home of Australia's government and embassies from around the world. Australia is an English - speaking country. New Year is in the middle of summer. Australia's national landmarks are located in Canberra.) rv. Jumbled letters. Write the correct sentences: 1) million, Australia, eight, has, of, kilometers, an area, it, square, about. (It has an area of about eight million square kilometers.) 2) birds, a land, Australia, animals, is, of, other, of the, found, cannot, parts, world, be, which, and, in. (Australia is a land of birds and animals which cannot be found in other parts of the world.)

25 min




V. Quiz: Have you got acquainted with Australia? Teacher: This quiz has ten questions. There are three answers to each question but only one of them is correct. I'll give you 5 minutes to do it. 1. Australia is. a) a small country b) the largest country in the world c) the sixth largest country in the world 2. Which city is Australia's capital? a) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Canberra 3. Australia's area is. a) 9.4 million sq. km. b) 8 million sq. km c) 268 700 sq. km 4. Australia's population is. a) 19 million people b) 58 million people c) 3.5 million people 5. How many states are there in Australia? a) 50 b) 6 c) 10 6. The largest Australian state is. a) Tasmania b) Western Australia c) New South Wales. 7. The longest Australia's river is. a) the Murray b) the Darling c) the Murrumbidgee 8. The name of this animal is an Aboriginal one for "no water" a) kangaroo b) koala c) kookaburra 9. A domestic animal which outnumbers people in Australia. a) rabbit b) cow c) sheep 10. When did Europeans settle in Australia? a) 1788 b) 1488 c) 1492 Key: lc), 2c), 3b), 4a), 5b), 6b), 7b), 8b), 9c), 10a). VI. And now you have the last task. You are to complete the crossword.  1) What is a popular Australian animal? 2) Which Australian city was its first capital? 3) Australia's oldest and largest city. 4) Capital of Western Australia. 5) Capital of Australia. 6) The longest Australia's river is. 7) Which is Australia's official language? 8) Australia is NOT a. 9) Capital of Australian island-state of Tasmania. Key: /. Kangaroo.2. Melbourne.3. Sydney.4. Perth.5. Canberra.6. Darling.7. English.8. city.9. Hobart.

15 min




Our lesson is over, Now the group of experts will announce the result of the competition lesson. Home task.

1 min

Analysis of the lesson 2

1. The topic of my lesson was lesson "Welcome to Australia”

I have set a goal to develop communicative competence.objectives of the lesson were:

to develop intercultural competence,develop the pupils speaking, listening, writing skills;revise the knowledge of the theme "Australia";develop pupils’ motivation.have used visual aids: slides, pictures, a map and communicative techniques of group work (competition).

2. Type of the lesson - mixed (skill and language-oriented). Methods: group work, competition, quiz, poem. Vocabulary material: about Australia.

3. Structure and procedure of lesson phases were justified, the transition from one phase to another is carried out in accordance with the logic.the lesson communicative and productive skills of speaking were formed, a new vocabulary was introduced and consolidated.

.organizational moment successfully "switch" for students to learning, the teacher talks to them in a foreign language. The lesson plan directs students to achieve practical and educational purposes.

. Introducing of new material. Engaging includes a poem, a map, a new material in the form of communication. Visual aids were used in order to motivate pupils and to introduce material effectively.

. In teaching communication I have used grammar and vocabulary material. The technique of quiz and competition were used.

. Language material (lexical) corresponded to the age of students, their interests, level of education. To activate the linguistic material in the speech of students I suggested a technique of quiz, a competition, a crossword.

. Lesson corresponds in its structure and content. The aims and tasks of the lesson were realized.

Lesson 3

Theme: Sights of London Date: 13.11.2011

Aim: to develop communicative competence.

Form of the lesson: the excursion.


         to develop intercultural competence,

-        to develop pupils listening, speaking skills,

-        to develop critical thinking.


Equipment of the lesson: cards, pictures, an album, booklet.


Stage (ESA)







Organization moment.

 - Good morning, pupils! Who is on duty? Who is absent? Now, pupils, let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Sights of London"

1 min



Warm-up. T: Close your eyes and think of your dream vacation: What kind of places will you visit? Who will you take with you? Pupils will speak about their dreams: where they want to go and what they want to see and with whom they want to go.

5 min



Teacher: There are many ways to get to London. One of them is to get to London by bus. So, we have an excursion by bus. So, our first stop is Tower of London. P1: There are many famous ancient buildings within the city. The most striking of them is St. Paul's Cathedral, sir Christopher Wren's masterpiece. It was built in 1675-1710 to replace the 13th century cathedral which had been destroyed by the Great Fire. T: The next a beautiful Gothic building is Westminster Abbey. P2: Westminster Abbey is a beautiful Gothic building. Henry III wanted brighter and bigger building. The building of Westminster Abbey went on until the 18th century. Almost all the monarchs since William the conqueror have been crowned there. There are memorials of many statesmen, scientists and writers in Westminster. Westminster is not a cathedral. It is a royal property. It is dependent directly on the monarch. T: We shall continue our excursion about London. Do you want to know who rules the country in Britain? P3: Another place which can strike you most is Buckingham Palace. It is the residence of the Queen. It is rather difficult to understand the British way of ruling the country. In Britain the Queen is the Head of the state, but in fact, she doesn't rule the country as she has no power. The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The Queen is a symbol of the country and its traditions. T: The next is Queen Elizabeth Gate - Hyde Park. P4: London is also famous for its beautiful parks. Hyde Park is the most democratic place in the world; because anyone can say anything he likes there Regent Park is the home of the London zoo. T: Our journey has come to the end.

15 min



T. Then let’s think and say. III. Ginguaine (critical thinking) l. noun 1 word 2. verb 2 words 3. adjective 3 words 4.1 sentence, 4 words 5. Synonym. For example: Keys: 1. sights 2. attracts people 3. Interesting, attractive, beautiful. 4. Beautiful building in London. 5. Places of interest.

10 min



T. Now let’s think about what is ideal country to live. Before beginning our task I'll divide you into two groups. Each group will have the motto - proverb. The first group's motto is "East or West Home is Best" The second group's motto is "There is no place like home" Two groups tell their monologues about ideal country for living. Then let’s make a test. Test for two groups. British Customs. Test your knowledge on the British way of life. Mark the following as true (T) or false (F) 1. Britain is ruled by a queen. 2. British people don't like to queue. 3. If you say "please" and "thank you", people will usually help you. 4. Britons like coffee more than tea. 5. Hours of work in offices are 08: 00 to 16: 00. 6. Most Britons speak more than one language. 7. Tennis is the national sport. 8. British people often talk about the weather. 9. House decorating and gardening are very popular things to do. 10. Few British people drink lots of alcohol at weekends. 1 l. You should offer an old person your seat on bus. 12. British pop music is well known in the world. 13. There are a great number of cars on British roads. 14. Most working people take 2 hours for lunch.

13 min




Our lesson is over. At home compose a test about customs, symbols, places of interest in Kazakhstan.

1 min

Analysis of the lesson 3

1. The topic of my lesson was lesson "Sights of London”

I have set a goal to develop communicative competence.objectives of the lesson were:

-        to develop intercultural competence,

-        to develop pupils listening, speaking skills,

         to develop critical thinking.

I have used visual aids: cards, pictures, an album, booklet

2. Type of the lesson - mixed (skill and language-oriented).

Methods: group work, excursion.material: about London.

3. Structure and procedure of lesson phases were justified, the transition from one phase to another is carried out in accordance with the logic.the lesson communicative and productive skills of speaking were formed, a new vocabulary was introduced and consolidated.

.organizational moment successfully "switch" for students to learning, the teacher talks to them in a foreign language.lesson plan directs students to achieve practical and educational purposes.

. Introducing of new material. Engaging includes a critical thinking, new material in the form of excursion. Visual aids were used in order to motivate pupils and to introduce material effectively.

. In teaching communication I have used grammar and vocabulary material. The technique of testing was used.

. Language material (lexical) corresponded to the age of students, their interests, level of education. To activate the linguistic material in the speech of students I suggested a technique of excursion, group work.

. Lesson corresponds in its structure and content. The aims and tasks of the lesson were realized.

Lesson 4

Theme: Land of English Date: 17.11.2011

Aim: to develop communicative competence.

Form of the lesson: games, drama, the competition.


         to develop intercultural competence,

-        to develop students' skills in dialogues, poems, acting in drama;

         to develop the students' speaking, listening and writing skills,

         to evoke interests in the English songs and fairy tales.



Equipment of the lesson: slides, cards, pictures, decorations.


Stage (ESA)






Organization moment.

 - Good morning, pupils! Who is on duty? Who is absent? Now, pupils, let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Land of English"

1 min



Warm-up. I. Warming up: Teacher: Welcome to the land of English. Today we have invited the guests. We hope you will enjoy the English songs, rhymes and dramas we are going to present in our "Land of English". P1: My name is. P2: My name is. And we shall assist you to go through the land of English. I will ask you to solve puzzles and you will be able to say what songs, rhymes or dramas are used in our Land of English. P1: I am made up of trees and many animals live in me. ' What am I? PP: Is it forest? P1: Yes, of course, you are right (children attach a picture of a forest to the board). P2: And I have the following puzzle for you: I am a small girl who lived in a mining town. I have got a splinter in my foot. Who am I? PP: Clementine.

15 min




P2: Of course you are right, let's listen to the song "Clementine" performed by one of the pupils. In a canyon in a cavern Excavating for a mine Dwelt a miner forty niner And his daughter Clementine Oh, my darling, oh my darling Clementine. Though art lost and gone forever Dreadful sorry, Clementine. Light she was and like a fairy And her shoes were number nine Herring boxes without topses Sandals were for Clementine. Drove she duckling to the water Every morning just at nine Straight her foot against splinter Fell into the foaming brine. P1: I am a large plant that has many "fingers" called leaves. Birds make their homes on me. What am I? PP: That is a tree. P1: Right you are, and here it is. (children attach the trees around the forest). P2: So the following puzzle is connected with animals. I am a large brown animal that lives in the forest and sleeps all winter long. What am I? PP: Bear. P2: Of course it is a bear. Let's listen to one of the pupils and her rhyme about little bears. Once two little brown bears Found a pea-tree full of pears But they could not climb up there For the trunk was smooth and bare. "If I only had a chair", Said the elder brown bear, "I would get the biggest pear That is hanging in the air". "If you do not soil my hair", Said the younger little bear, "I will serve you as a chair And you can get the biggest pear". P1: Thank you, I have only one more puzzle left. People eat and sleep in me. They make me warm in the winter so they can keep warm. What am I? PP: It's home. P1: All of us have homes and houses, (pupils attach a house of a grandmother). P2: Let's guess what a very famous ship sank in the 1900s. A famous movie was made about it. What is it? PP: The Titanic. P2: You are right. Two girls will sing a song from the movie "Titanic". "My heart will go on". P1: Thank you very much.1 have one more puzzle and I want you to solve it. I am a beautiful and delicate plant that comes out in the spring. What am 1? Pupils: Flower, (children throw the flowers on the floor). P2: And I have one last puzzle: It is a little girl, who has red clothes and she always helps her mother and grandmother. Who is she? PP: It's Red Riding Hood! Isn't it so? P2: Yes, you are right. Here you can see a scene from "Red Riding Hood".

28 min




Our lesson is over. We assisted you during our travel to the "Land of English". Thank you and good bye! Conclusion. Giving awards. Home task.

1 min

Analysis of the lesson 4

1. The topic of my lesson was lesson "Land of English”

I have set a goal to develop communicative competence.objectives of the lesson were:

-        to develop intercultural competence,

-        to develop students' skills in dialogues, poems, acting in drama;

         to develop the students' speaking, listening and writing skills,

         to evoke interests in the English songs and fairy tales.

I have used visual aids: cards, pictures, decorations.

2. Type of the lesson - mixed (skill and language-oriented).

Methods: games, drama, the competition.material: about London.

3. Structure and procedure of lesson phases were justified, the transition from one phase to another is carried out in accordance with the logic.the lesson communicative and productive skills of speaking were formed, a new vocabulary was introduced and consolidated.

.organizational moment successfully "switch" for students to learning, the teacher talks to them in a foreign language.lesson plan directs students to achieve practical and educational purposes.

. Introducing of new material. Engaging includes a poem. Visual aids were used in order to motivate pupils and to introduce material effectively.

. In teaching communication I have used grammar and vocabulary material. The technique of dialogue was used.

. Language material (lexical) corresponded to the age of students, their interests, level of education. To activate the linguistic material in the speech of students I suggested a technique of dramatization.

. Lesson corresponds in its structure and content. The aims and tasks of the lesson were realized.

Lesson 5

Theme: It’s a wonderful world of English

Aim: to develop communicative competence.

Form of the lesson: brainstorm, competition, contest.


         to develop intercultural competence,

-        to enrich students' knowledge about British and American history;

         to develop communicative skills;



Equipment of the lesson: slides, cards, pictures, decorations.


Stage (ESA)






Organization moment.

 - Good morning, students. I am glad to see you! Today we have an unusual lesson. We shall have a competition. Two teams will take part in our competition. At the lesson you will answer the questions, make up sentences of the given words and find the rhyming twins. I hope the lesson will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it. Let me introduce our teams and our jury. There are two teams here today. Well, teams, you have some time to choose the captain and decide how to present your team. The first team is called. and its captain is. The second one is called., and its captain is. The members of our jury are:. Now listen to the rules of our competition. Our competition consists of six rounds.

2 min



Competition The first round is "Brainstorming". We have questions to our captains. Each captain is given six questions. Конкурс капитанов. The task is to answer the questions. Listen carefully. Вопросы первому капитану: 1. Who discovered America? (Columbus) 2. What is the national symbol of America? (The bald eagle) 3. Who was the first man on the moon? (N. Armstrong) 4. Who lives in Buckingham Palace? (The Queen) 5. Who can you see on the top of the column on Trafalgar Square in London? (Admiral Nelson) 6. What country gave the Statue of Liberty to the USA? (France) Вопросы второму капитану: 1. What is the capital of the U. S. A? (Washington D. C.) 2. What money is used in the USA? (Dollar) 3. What's the color of double-deckers in London? (Red) 4. What is the name of the Queen of England? (Elizabeth II) 5. How do people call the flag of Great Britain? (Union Jack) 6. What was the famous tradition of Native Americans? (Smoking of a peace pipe)

 10 min



The second round Contest of proverbs The next round is to find the same Russian and Kazakh proverbs. The teacher gives cards with English proverbs and idioms; you try to find the equivalent in Russian in Kazakh. Better late than never, My home is my castle, Live and learn, All's well that ends well, As hungry as a hunter, A friend in need is a friend indeed, Business before pleasure делу, Tastes differ, There is no place like home. The 3rd round is "The best erudite". Answer the questions using your knowledge. Quiz: "Do you know Britain?" 1. What are the colours of the British flag? a) Blue, red and white b) blue and red c) blue and white 2. How many pence are there in one pound? a) 100 b) 90 c) 10 3. What do the English often put in their tea? a) jam b) milk c) lemon 4. Which holiday is on December 25? a) St. Valentine's Day b) Easter c) Christmas 5. Where can you always see ravens in London? a) Near the Thames b) near the Houses of Parliament с) near the Tower of London 6. In what city were the famous "Beatles" born? a) London b) Glasgow c) Liverpool Quiz "Do you know the USA?" 1. How many states are there in the USA? a) 50 b) 52 c) 49 2. Who was the first President of the USA? a) George Washington b) Abraham Lincoln c) John Kennedy 3. What is the biggest state in the USA? a) Texas b) Alaska c) California 4. What city is the Statue of Liberty in? a) Miami b) Washington D. C. c) New York 5. What American holiday is on the fourth of July? a) Halloween b) Independence Day c) Thanksgiving Day 6. What is a very famous amusement park near Los Angeles? a) Marine World b) Malibu c) Disneyland

15 min

 The 4th round is to make compound words. The task is to make up one word out of two. You have 30 seconds for thinking. Grand work Milk port Foot noon Down side Sports son Sea stairs After ball Time table Home ground Air man

3 min

The 5th round is to find the rhyming twins. You have limited time for this task. Fast tree Peg bought Silk egg Parrot foot Could fish Eat milk Thought meat Dish carrot Street last See sweet

3 min

3 min



 Conclusion. That's all for today. You were active. Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. I hope you liked our lesson. Both teams were good. But the team. is the winner. Let's congratulate them. Home task. Good-bye, everybody!

1 min

Lesson 6

Theme: "Describing places and directions" Date: 25.11.2011

Aim: to develop communicative competence.

Form of the lesson: game, interactive.


         to form intercultural competence, to revise knowledge of the theme,

-        to enrich the pupils' knowledge of new words,

         to improve pronunciation,

         to teach the pupils to share their opinions.



Equipment of the lesson: pictures, cards, computers.


Stage (ESA)






Organization moment.

 - Good morning, pupils! Who is on duty? Who is absent? Now, pupils, let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Describing places and directions"

1 min



Phonetic drill. "Pussy-cat" Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been? I've been to London to look at the Queen. Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you do there? I frightened a little mouse under a chair.

5 min



Checking - up the homework. To write the topic about "Places of interest". Pre-reading task. Have you been to Astana? Have you been to Almaty? Have you been to Korkyt-Ata monument? Have you seen Korkyt Ata monument's museum? And what do you like?

7 min



 New theme: Work with electronic books. 1. Text (a) Astana The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana City with the population of 290.000 persons. The area of Astana is 710.2 square kilometers. Places of interest: The monument "Astana - Baiterek", "Duman" centre, circus, central mosque "Nur - Astana", "Cinema city", "Arsenal" cinema, Palace of Peace and Harmony. Astana is a young, modern, and beautiful city. Text (b) London London is one of the largest cities in the world. About seven million people live there. London is more than two thousand years old. London's most famous sights are Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square and St. Paul's Cathedral. You can see all these places and much more of London from a red double-decker.

12 min



 Game: "Goldfish". (There are 5 cards, 4 cards with questions and one of them is a gold fish). a) 1. What can you say about the population of London? 2. Find the places to relax. b) 1. What can you say about the population of Astana? 2. Find the places to relax. 4.complete the sentences: London's most famous sights are. (Towerbridge, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar square, St. Paul's Cathedral). Places of interest of Astana: (The monument "Astana-Baiterek", "Duman" centre, circus central mosque "Nur-Astana", "Cinema city", "Arsenal" cinema, Palace of Peace and Harmony). 5. Vocabulary work Find the odd word in the group a) book, crowded, beautiful b) ancient, castle, a carpet c) country, museum, sofa. d) Fridge, city, region

10 min



 Consolidation of the lesson. a) What kind of adjectives do you know about describing places? Write 5 adjectives in your note-book. b) Talk to your partner about a good place for a holiday. Example: I think a historic city is a good place for a holiday. с) Compare Astana and London.complete the Venn diagram

9 min



 Conclusion. That's all for today. You were active. Thank you for your work. I hope you liked our lesson. The lesson is over. Home task. Good-bye, everybody!

1 min


Theme: "Almaty and its nature reserves" Date: 9.12.2011

Aim: to develop communicative competence.

Form of the lesson: interactive, test


         to form intercultural competence,

-        tо make the students be able to guess the riddle, to understand the text for listening,

         to develop communicative skills,

         to encourage students' interest to the history and geography of Kazakhstan.



Equipment of the lesson: Interactive board, slides' presentation of Almaty sightseeing and nature reserves.


Stage (ESA)






Organization moment.

 - Good morning, pupils! Who is on duty? Who is absent? Now, pupils, let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Almaty and its nature reserves"

1 min



Warm up (is held by PCV) A L M A T Y M is at the middle A is used twice L is between A and M T is between the second A and Y Y is at the end. Brainstorming activity. 1. Why is Almaty an unusual city? 2. What sights of Almaty do you know? 3. What museums are located in Almaty? 4. The nature of Almaty is very picturesque, isn't it? 5. What nature reserves do you know?

7 min



Teacher's introductory words: The city Almaty has got a unique history. And I hope that some facts about the history of the city enlarge your general scope and encourage your interest's development to the history of your Motherland as well. That's why I want you to listen to a brief story about it. But before listening to a story pay attention to the helpful words. Presentation 1. Pre-Listening activity (Vocabulary for help is given on the interactive board, PCV introduces them) 1. Turkic and Mongolian nomads-тюркские и монгольские кочевники 2. fortify - военное укрепление 3. announce - объявлять 4. admit - принимать, допускать 5. wind round - обвивать 6. fortress - крепость

11 min



 Listening activity. (PCVreads the text)"A brief story about the history of Almaty" The first settlement of Turkic and Mongolian nomads was found in 1854 and called Almaty. A little later the fortify Zailiyskoye was founded in that place. Then the fortress was renamed into Vernoye and existed from 1867 till 1921. In the middle of the 19! h century many Russian settlers arrived to Verny. The fortress grew in its size and developed quickly thanks to migration. The town Verny was announced to be the centre of Seven Rivers region and the emblem was admitted on the 11th of April in 1867. The town emblem represents a sword winded round with apple branches. It is divided into 3 parts. The fortress is shown at the top, the cross is on the left and the half-moon is on the right. In 1921 the town Verny was renamed into Almaty.

15 min



 Post - Listening activity.comprehension Check. (The teacher asks questions) 1. How was the first settlement called? 2. When did the fortress develop quickly? 3. When did Verny become the centre of Seven Rivers region? 4. When was Verny renamed in Almaty?

5 min



Slides' Demonstration (The teacher invites the students to make an excursion over Almaty and see its sightseeing and nature surrounding) Slides about Almaty



IV. Independent Practice (PCV gives the students tests to summarize the students' knowledge of the theme) Test about Almaty (The teacher shows the correct answers on the interactive board, students exchange their papers, compare the results with key and put the marks)

5 min



T: Today we reviewed everything what you had learned before. So your home task is to prepare a project or a poster of any Almaty sight and to prove that it is the best place to visit. The lesson is over. Good-bye, everybody!

1 min

Lesson 8

Theme: "Great Britain and Kazakhstan" 13.12.2011

Aim: to develop communicative competence.

Form of the lesson: interactive, consolidation


         to form intercultural competence,

-        to master new lexics and its use in speech,

         to revise already studied material on the theme "Geography",

         to develop students skills in monologue (dialogue) speech through asking (answering) questions, making up of different conversations.



Equipment of the lesson: cards, posters, pictures on the theme "Kazakhstan", "Great Britain", interactive board.


Stage (ESA)






Organization moment.

 - Good morning, pupils! Who is on duty? Who is absent? Now, pupils, let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Great Britain and Kazakhstan"

1 min



Phonetic and speech drill. New words and transcription Central Asia, Caspian Sea, Siberia, Altai Mountains, situated, etc.

5 min



Reading. Today we'll work in groups. The first team is "Kazakhstan". The second team is "the UK". Each group must read the text and give the translation, do the tasks. 1st group: Kazakhstan 2nd group: Great Britain

8 min



 Post-reading - true and false questions. (see Appendix 1 to the lesson)

5 min



 Finish sentences (see Appendix 2 to the lesson)

5 min



 Complete the sentence. 1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is____in the Central Asia. 2. Its population is_______. 3. Kazakh is the_______of the country. 4. The flora and fauna_____on the climate of the area. 5. Rain usually______in spring and autumn. 6. The area of the UK is some_______square kilometers. 7. The population of Great Britain is over_______. 8. Coal and oil are the most natural____of Great Britain. 9. The Gulf Stream____the English climate greatly. 10. _____takes an important sector in the economy of the country. We'll consolidate our lesson with a competitions between two teams. Questions for team "The UK". 1. What's the foil name of the country of your opponents? (The Republic of Kazakhstan). 2. What's the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana) 3. How many regions in are there in Kazakhstan? (14regions) 4. What are countries are border Kazakhstan? (China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kirgizia) 5. Who is the head of Kazakhstan? (Nazarbaev N. A) Questions for team "Kazakhstan". 1. What's the foil name of the country of your opponents? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 2. What's the capital of the UK? (London) 3. Where is the UK situated? (in Europe) 4. How many countries are there in in the UK? (4countries) 5. Who is the formal head of the UK9 (Queen Elizabeth If)

20 min




 Conclusion. That's all for today. You were active. Thank you for your work. I hope you liked our lesson.

1 min

Appendix 1 to the lesson. Post-reading - true and false questions.




1. The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. 2. Edinburgh - is the capital of Wales. 3. The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland. 4. The UK consists of four parts. 5. There are some 5500 islands. 6. Great Britain is rich in natural resources. 7. Kazakhstan is situated in the Central Asia. 8. Its population is about 18 million. 9. The largest cities are Almaty, Karaganda, Pavlodar and Astana.10. The climate of the country is mild. 11. Astana is the capital of the Republic. 12. Kazakhstan borders China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia.

2 to the lessonfinish the sentence.

Group 1

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

. it is composed of some 5500 islands, large and small.

The UK is one of the world's smaller countries.

. is the official name of the state.

The UK is an island state.

. the English Channel and Strait of Dover.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

. it is twice smaller than France and Spain.

The UK is separated from the European continent by.

. is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

Group 2

The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated.

. national flag and anthem.

There is a long border coast line.

. in the Central Asia.

Kazakhstan has its own.

. of water in the country.

The four rivers are the main resources.

. the Caspian sea in the Southwest.

Kazakhstan borders.

China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia.

Lesson 9

Theme: "Life in Great Britain and Kazakhstan" 17.12.2011

Aim: to develop communicative competence.

Form of the lesson: role play, consolidation


         to develop intercultural competence,

-        to enrich pupils' knowledge about life in Britain and in Kazakhstan,

         to review the new words

         to develop pupils' speaking, reading and writing skills,

         to develop pupils' abilities in reading for understanding,

         to enlarge pupils' interest in learning the foreign language.


Equipment of the lesson: interactive board, a tape-recorder, a table.


Stage (ESA)






Organization moment.

 - Good morning, pupils! Who is on duty? Who is absent? Now, pupils, let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Life in Great Britain and Kazakhstan"

1 min



Warm-up: T: What season is it now? P: It is winter now. T: Do you like winter? P: Yes, I like winter. T: Please pay attention to the activeboard. It is winter. It is so beautiful. It is white. The weather is so cold, but the air is clear and fresh. Do you like it? Please describe this picture, (one of the students) T: Look at the activeboard again. You see a poem. I will read it and you must listen attentively. After me you will read as you can. Get to know the laws of life, Let your soul be full of Ugh t. One of you could be a poet, One will take a science road, You will serve for motherland Spreading love for all. Айналайын дарын бол, Сонбейтурын жалын бол. К, атардан ащан ак,ын бол,. Не болмаса ралым бол, Халцыц уш'ш к^ызмет к,ыл, Тэмэм журтца мэл'ш бол.

7 min



 Introduction of the new material. T: I will divide you into 2 groups: group A and group B. You will compete today in showing how well you know English. Good luck to you! The theme of the lesson: "Life in Britain and in Kazakhstan". T: At first let's review the new words. Pay attention to the active board. One hour a day, three times a week, weekend, bowling, burger, restaurant, cereal, every day, go cycling, go to the cinema, meal, orange juice, pasta, quiz show, toast, vegetables, walk. T: Now let's review Present Simple grammar material. Look at the activeboard. Here you see the verbs: Make - makes Write - writes Take - takes Read - reads, etc

6 min



 Listen and answer the questions. My name is John and I'm from Britain. I watch TV for an hour and a half every day. My favourite program is "Dancing with the stars". I also like cartoons. I don't like sports programs. I don't have a big breakfast. I just have orange juice and cereal. My favorite food is spaghetti and vegetable soup. I don't like fish or hot dogs. My favourite sport is volleyball and I also like running and swimming. I don't like football, at the weekend I meet my friends and we go cycling or swimming. 1) How long does John watch TV? (About an hour and a half.) 2) What is his favourite program? ("Dancing with the stars".) 3) Does he like sports programs? (No, he doesn't.) 4) What is his favourite food? (Spaghetti and vegetable soup.) 5) What is his favourite sport? (Volleyball.) 6) What does John do at the weekend? (He goes cycling or swimming with her friends.)

15 min



 Speaking. Ask and answer these questions. Write notes. Don't show them to your classmate. 1) One hour a day. 2) My favorite TV program is music (cartoons, etc.). 3) I have bread, tea and a cup of milk. 4) My favorite food is pizza, hamburgers. 5) My favorite sport is football. 6) I play volleyball (I go swimming, etc.). 7) I play computer games (I go to the cinema, etc.). 4. Writing. a) Think about someone you know - your brother, sister, best friend, etc. Make notes under these headings: (see Appendix to the lesson)

7 min



 5. Look at the activeboard. Here you see a text about Peter. What must you do? At first you will read, then write your own sentences like this. But be careful! Here you must write about your family, for example, your brother or sister, your friend. Peter watches TV for 2 hours a day. His favorite TV program is Teen Titans. His favorite food is pizza and his favorite sport is basketball. He goes swimming. At the weekend he plays with his friends in the park and goes to the cinema. He likes bowling but he doesn't like walking in the country. "Fun sport. " T: Guess the sport. Match the sports to the pictures. 1 - Skateboarding; 2 - Bowling; 3 - Volleyball; 4 - Swimming; 5 - Tennis; 6 - Cycling; 7 - Football; 8 - Basketball; 9 - Running. 10 Homework.

8 min



 Conclusion. That's all for today. You were active. Thank you for your work. I hope you liked our lesson. The lesson is over. Home task…

1 min

Appendix to the lesson




At the weekend

2 hours



Play with the friend



Go to the cinema

Lesson 10

Theme: "Christmas" and "New Year” 24.12.2011

Aim: to develop communicative competence.

Form of the lesson: game, holiday


         to form intercultural competence,

-        to master new lexics and its use in speech



Equipment of the lesson: cards with songs, tape-recorder, pictures


Stage (ESA)






Organization moment.

 - Good morning, pupils! Who is on duty? Who is absent? Now, pupils, let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Christmas" and "New Year”

1 min



 - Hello, my dear friends! There are many holidays in our country and English-speaking countries. But the holidays we like most of all are New year's Day and Christmas Day. People prepare for these holidays beforehand: they send greeting cards, buy presents, make fancy dresses and decorate their houses. And when the holiday comes they congratulate each other singing songs and reciting the poems. Now we can see what holidays about Christmas and New Year you have learned.

3 min



 Football is a national British game. In Great Britain people who are fond of sport like to play football on New Year's Day and Christmas Day. Now we shall play football at our gymnasia. We have two teams today. I hope you are ready to start. At first we shall sing a song "Jingle, Bells" and then we shall start to play football.

8 min



There are 11 players in a football team. So each team has 1 goal-keeper, 4 backs, 4 half-backs, and 2 forwards. Now the pupils will have their tasks and in 5 minutes we shall start the game. Put the missed words in the text: Another, presents, coloured, important, consists, called, breakfast, cheaply, snowy, eat, a lot of, holiday. Text - see the Appendix to the lesson

10 min



Write the end of the story. It was the 31st of December. The weather was fine. Everybody was preparing for the New year's Day.

11 min



Write as many words as you can on the topics "New Year's Day" and "Christmas Day". Tree, Santa Claus, December, winter, presents, poems, socks, fireplace, cards, games, snow, sweets, decorate, songs, church, Father Frost, Music, holly, snowman, deer, turkey, bells, pudding. Draw a funny snowman

11 min



Conclusion. The lesson is over. Home task… I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Let us sing a song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".

1 min

Appendix to the lesson

Songs and poems about Christmas:

Father Frost or Santa Claus, please, this way!Hare, with your paws come to play!are pretty decorations in the hall.have sent the invitations to you all., please, your mask or cloak with joy.'ll dance and sing, and joke to enjoy.Claus likes to be present at the his gifts and presents to us all.the time we are having fun - there is no everyone and Santa Claus!, Merry Christmas Is likely to come., Merry Christmas, You are welcome!in the window, Much, red and yellow Lights on the tree.eyes and faces, Sweet music in the hall.think someone places Happiness here for all., Merry Christmas Is likely to come., Merry Christmas You are welcome!

Christmas DayDay is a public (1). Families usually spend the day opening their (2). which are often under the Christmas tree decorated with (3). toys. The most (4). meal is Christmas dinner. The typical meal (5). of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. (6). traditional food in Britain is Christmas cake.make special biscuits called Christmas cookies which they (7). over the Christmas season.Britain, the day after Christmas is (8). Boxing Day and is also a public holiday. (9). sports take place on Boxing Day. In the US there are many special sales, where things can be bought (10)., on the day after Christmas.:

1 - holiday; 2 - presents; 3 - coloured: 4 - important; 5 - consists; 6 - another; 7 - eat; 8 - called; 9 - a lot of; 10 - cheaply.



The goal of the diploma work is reached, the hypothesis is proved.

Communicative Language Teaching is best considered an approach rather than a method. It has been developed in the 1960s as a replacement to the earlier structural method, called "Situational Language Teaching”.Language Teaching was no longer felt to reflect a methodology appropriate for the seventies and beyond. CLT appealed to those who sought a more humanistic approach to teaching, one in which the interactive processes of communication received priority. The rapid adoption and implementation of the communicative approach also resulted from the fact that it received the sanction and support of leading British applied linguists, language specialists, publishers, as well as institutions, such as the British Council.features of CLT is the emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language, the introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation, etc.main aim of CLT is developing communicative competence, which includes

linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse and strategic competence.research has shown that CLT methods techniques are as follows: pair and group work, project work, debates, brainstorming, jigsaw, games, role play, etc.has shown that all these methods and techniques promote students’ learning and academic achievement, increase students’ retention, enhance students’ satisfaction with their learning experience, help students develop skills in oral communication, develop students' social skills, promote student self-esteem, help to promote positive intercultural relations.these techniques involve students in the learning process and are based on the intercourse between objects of interaction.plays are modeling various situations for the educational aims of developing speaking abilities. They reflect a principle of problematical character at its certain organization and allow solving problem situations of a various degree of complexity. Debates allow forming the conscious attitude to consideration of problems, activity in its discussion, speech culture, an orientation on revealing of the reasons of arising problems and installation on their decision further. Here the principle of formation of critical thinking is realized.educational games are highly motivating and entertaining, they can give shy students more opportunity to express their opinions and feelings. They also enable learners to acquire new experiences within a foreign language which are not always possible during a typical lesson. Project is a set of educational and cognitive modes which allow solve the problem as a result of independent actions of pupils with obligatory presentation of results. In a project work students are put in the centre of the interaction, where they use the language and practice communicative speech. Jigsaw is a cooperative technique that promotes better learning, improves student motivation and interaction. Multimedia teaching is a modern teaching method which is based on the interaction between pupils or pupils and a computer. All these techniques may be combined.


1.       Государственная Программа развития образования Республики Казахстан на 2011-2020 годы. Принята 07.12.2010.

2.      Стратегия развития образования в Республике Казахстан (2010-2030). - Алматы, 2010.

.        Концепция иноязычного образования в РК до 2015 года.

.        Кунанбаева С.С. Современное иноязычное образование: методология и теория. - Алматы, 2005.

5.      Littlewood W. T.communicative approach to language teaching methodology. - Dublin: Dublin University, Trinity College, Centre for Language and Communication Studies, 2005. - 265 p.

.        Chomsky N. The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory. - New York: Prentice Hall, 1975. - 285 p.

7.      Hymes, D. H. (1971). On communicative competence. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

8.      Ecroyd D. H. Speech in the Classroom. - New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003. - 180 p.

.        Krashen, S. & Terrell, T. D. (1983), The Natural Approach, Pergamon

.        Brown H. D. Principles of Language learning and teaching. - New York: Prentice Hall, 2009. - 285 p.

.        Malamah-Thomas A. Classroom Interaction. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. - 310 p.

.        Nunan D.communicative Language Teaching. - New York: Longman, 2006. - 384 p.

.        Dolle, D., & Willems, G. M. (1984). The communicative approach to foreign language teaching: The teacher's case. "European Journal of Teacher Education," 7 (2), 145-54.

.        Gower R., Philips D., Walters S. Teaching Practice: A handbook for teachers in training. - Oxford: Macmillan, 2010. - 215 p.

.        Ur P. A Course in Language Teaching. Practice and theory. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. - 375 p.

16.    Hymes, D. H. (1966)"Two types of linguistic relativity." In W. Bright (ed) Sociolinguistics pp.114-158. The Hague: Mouton.

17.    Lado R. Language teaching. A scientific approach. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. - 239 p.

.        Doff A. Teach English. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. - 286 p.

.        #"807694.files/image005.gif">

Appendix B


Seating possibilities in a standard classroom

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