Information security management system of a corporate network

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Information security management system of a corporate network

Міністерство Освіти та науки, молоді та спорту України


Кафедра Комп’ютерних систем та мереж


Завідувач кафедри

_______________ Жуков І.А.

“____”_______________ 2011




Тема: «Система управління інформаційною безпекою корпоративної мережі»

Виконавець: студент спеціальності 8.091501 Домарєв Дмитро Валерійович

Керівник: д.т.н. проф. Віноградов М.А.

Консультанти з окремих розділів:

Нормоконтролер: Клименко І.А.

Ministry of Education, science, youth and sports of Ukraine


Computer Systems and Networks Department

Permission to defend granted

Head of the Department

______________ Zhukov I.A.

“____”_______________ 2011

Master’s degree thesis

Topic: “Information security management system of a corporate network”

Completed by: student of speciality 8.091501 Domariev Dmytro: Doctor of technical sciences professor Vinogradov N.A.

Advisers on Individual Sections:

Standards Inspector: Klymenko I.A.


Факультет Комп’ютерних систем

Кафедра Комп’ютерних систем та мереж

Освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень: магістр комп’ютерної інженерії

Спеціальність: 8.091501 Комп’ютерні системи та мережі


Завідувач кафедри

_____________ Жуков І.А.

“____”_____________ 2011

Завдання на виконання дипломної роботи

П.І.Б. випускника:

Домарєва Дмитра Валерійовича

1. Тема дипломної роботи: «Система управління інформаційною безпекою корпоративної мережі»

затверджена наказом ректора від « 15 »   квітня 2011р. №    749  

. Термін виконання роботи: з 15 квітня 2011 р. по 26 червня 2011 р.

3. Вихідні дані до роботи: При розробці концепції системи управління інформаційною безпекою корпоративної мережі керуватися галузевими стандартами Національного банку України та міжнародними стандартами ISO/IEC. Застосувати системний підхід до оцінки ефективності системи управління інформаційною безпекою. Розглядати систему управління інформаційною безпекою як стохастичну систему з частковою керованістю і спостережуваністю.

. Зміст пояснювальної записки: Аналітичний огляд управління інформаційною безпекою в корпоративних мережах; Огляд стандартів з управління інформаційною безпекою; Огляд існуючих вирішень (продуктів); Математична модель системи інформаційної безпеки; Визначення ефективних характеристик системи; Покращення, забезпечені системою; Структура системи; Робота з оболонкою та використання головних функцій.

. Перелік обов'язкового графічного (ілюстративного) матеріалу: Логічне дерево виведення оцінки рівня безпеки; Розв’язання проблем аналогічних продуктів; Схема бази даних системи; Витяг з політики інформаційної безпеки, що формується системою; програмні модулі спеціальних функцій (тексти програм).


. Календарний план


Етапи виконання дипломної роботи

Термін виконання



Науково-дослідна практика



Переддипломна практика



Аналіз поточного стану проблеми



Розробка вимог до системи



Складання опису пропонованої системи



Оформлення пояснювальної записки



Нормоконтроль виконання роботи



Попередній захист дипломної роботи



Остаточне оформлення роботи



Отримання відгуку на роботу



Рецензування роботи



Подання роботи до захисту

до 16.06.11

. Дата видачі завдання «____»_____________ 2011 р.

Керівник:  (підпис керівника)

Завдання прийняв до виконання (підпис випускника)

«____»_____________ 2011 р.

NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITYSystems FacultySystems and Networks Departmentand Qualifications level: Master of Computer Engineering

: 8.091501 Computer Systems and NetworksBYof the Department

___________ Zhukov I.A.

“____”_____________ 2011Student’s Degree Thesis Assignment

: Domariev Dmytro

1. The Thesis topic: “Information security management system of a corporate network”by the Rector’s order of “ 15 ” April  2011 №     749

. The Thesis to be completed between 15 April 2011 and 26 June 2011

3. Initial data for the thesis: During the development of the corporate network information security management system concept, act in accordance with the branch standards of the National bank of Ukraine and the international standards ISO/IEC. Apply the system approach in efficiency estimation of the information security management system. Consider the information security management system as a stochastic system with partial controllability and observability.

4. The content of the explanatory note (the list of problems to be considered): Analytical overview of information security management in corporate networks; Information security management standards overview; Existent information security management solutions overview; Mathematical model of information security system; Definition of the effective system’s features; Improvements provided by the system; Structure of the system; Interfaces operation and the use of the main functions.

. The mandatory graphic materials: Deduction hierarchy of security level estimation; Solutions of the problems in analogous products; System's database scheme; Excerpt of the information security policy formed by the system; Program modules of the custom functions (listing).




Completion stages of Degree Thesis

Stage Completion Dates



Scientific-research internship



Pre-thesis internship



Analysis of the problem’s current state



Development of requirements to the system



Describing the proposed system



Drawing up of explanatory note



Standards inspection



Preliminary defence of the thesis



Final drawing up of explanatory note



Supervisor’s review



Criticising of the thesis



Submission of thesis to defence

before 16.06.11

. Assignment issue date “____”_____________ 2011.

Supervisor: (signature)accepted for completion (student’s signature)

Date: “____”_____________ 2011.


Домарєв Д.В. Система управління інформаційною безпекою корпоративної мережі: магістерська робота / Домарєв Дмитро Валерійович, Національний авіаційний університет, факультет Комп’ютерних систем, кафедра Комп’ютерних систем та мереж. - Київ 2011. - 114 с., 23 рис., 1 табл., 6 додат., 16 бібліогр.

В роботі застосовано системний підхід до інформаційної безпеки як універсальну модель процесів інформаційної безпеки. Представлено математичну модель напів-Марківського процесу для використання в моделюванні систем захисту інформації. Проведено аналітичний огляд нормативних документів та існуючих вирішень задля визначення вимог до ефективної системи управління інформаційною безпекою. Виконане експериментальне впровадження системи в процесі розробки для випробування запропонованих функцій. Зроблені кількісні оцінки покращень при застосуванні розробленої системи. Наведено перелік проблем, що розв’язуються при застосуванні розробленої системи.

В результаті проведених дослідження та розробки, в пропонованій системі управління інформаційною безпекою системний підхід до інформаційної безпеки вперше застосовано в управлінні. Інформація в базі даних системи структурована згідно з системним підходом до інформаційної безпеки. Уможливлено проведення системного аналізу стану інформаційної безпеки з багатьох точок зору. Забезпечено створення персоналізованих посадових інструкцій напряму з первинних нормативних документів.

Наведені рекомендації щодо впровадження та використання розробленої системи на підприємствах. Практична цінність розробки підтверджена апробацією.



Domariev D.V. Information security management system of a corporate network: master’s degree thesis / Domariev Dmytro, National aviation university, Computer systems faculty, Computer systems and networks department. - Kyiv 2011. - 114 pages, 23 figures, 1 table, 6 appendixes, 16 references.the presented thesis the system approach to information security is applied as a universal model of information security processes. Mathematical model of semi-Markov process is presented for the use in information security systems modelling. Analytical overview of legal documents and existent solutions is performed to define the demands to an effective information security management system. Experimental implementation of the system during the development process was performed to test the introduced functions. Numerical estimations of the improvements due to developed system application are made. The list of problems solved due to developed system application is presented.a result of the performed research and development, in the proposed information security management system the system approach to information security is applied in management for the first time. The information in the system’s database is classified according to the system approach to information security. System analysis of the information security state from multiple perspectives became possible. Production of personalised post instructions directly from initial normative documents became available.are provided for the implementation of the developed system at the enterprises. The practical value of the product is supported by approbation.SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, ISMS, MATRIX, SYSTEM APPROACH TO INFORMATION SECURITY, ISO27K, ГСТУ СУІБ


Домарев Д.В. Система управления информационной безопасностью корпоративной сети: магистерская работа / Домарев Дмитрий Валериевич, Национальный авиационный университет, факультет Компьютерных систем, кафедра Компьютерных систем и сетей. - Киев 2011. - 114 с., 23 рис., 1 табл., 6 прил., 16 библ.

В работе применен системный подход к информационной безопасности в качестве универсальной модели процессов информационной безопасности. Представлена математическая модель полумарковского процесса для использования в моделировании систем защиты информации. Проведен аналитический обзор нормативных документов и решений с целью определения требований к эффективной системе управления информационной безопасностью. Выполнено экспериментальное внедрение системы в процессе разработки для испытания предлагаемых функций. Сделаны количественные оценки улучшений при применении разработанной системы. Приведен перечень проблем, решаемых применением разработанной системы.

В результате проведенных исследования и разработки, в предлагаемой системе управления информационной безопасностью системный подход к информационной безопасности впервые применен в управлении. Информация в базе данных системы структурирована согласно системному подходу к информационной безопасности. Сделано возможным проведение системного анализа состояния информационной безопасности с различных точек зрения. Обеспеченно создание личных должностных инструкций напрямую из первичных нормативных документов.

Приведены рекомендации относительно внедрения и использования разработки на предприятиях. Практическая ценность подтверждена апробацией.





.1 IS management standards development

.1.1 The ISO/IEC 27000-series

.1.2 The ISO/IEC 27001

.1.3 The ISO/IEC 27002

.1.4 The national peculiarities of the IS management standards

.2 IS management standards according to the system approach to IS

.2.1 General position of legal documents in the system approach

.2.2 The scope of ГСТУ СУІБ 1.0/ISO/IEC 27001:2010

.2.3 The scope of ГСТУ СУІБ 2.0/ISO/IEC 27002:2010

.3 IS management solutions overview

.4 Modern IS management solutions

.4.1 Analytical overview of the existent solutions

.4.2 The most integrated existent IS management solution

.4.3 Common problems of the existent solutions

.5 Mathematical model of IS

.5.1 General description of the ISS model

.5.2 Semi-Markov process definition

.5.3 ISS state as a semi-Markov process

.5.4 Application of semi-Markov processes in ISS development

.5.5 Application of semi-Markov processes in ISS state descriptionto section2. DEFINITION OF THE EFFECTIVE ISMS FEATURES

.1 The mandatory ISMS documents

.2 Content management system for an isms

.3 The information security metrics

.4 Internal audit capabilitiesto section3. INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM “MATRIX”

.1 Purpose of the ISMS

.2 General description of the ISMS

.3 Improvements provided by the ISMS

.4 Structure of the ISMS

.4.1 Structure overview

.4.2 Classifying elements

.4.3 Main data storages

.4.4 Program modules

.5 Interfaces of the ISMS

.6 Operation of the ISMS

.6.1 Filling recommendations

.6.2 Reporting

.6.3 Risk assessment

.6.4 Information security policy formationto sectionA. Deduction hierarchy of ISS security level estimationB. The solutions of the problems in analogous products by ISMS “Matrix”C. Database schemeD. Excerpt of the IS policy formed by the productE. Program module of the shared ISMS functions (listing)F. Program module of the ISMS report (listing)




Enterprise governance, risk and compliance.

Governance, risk and compliance (GRC)

An integrated approach adopted by organisations including multiple overlapping and related activities within these three areas, e.g. internal audit, compliance programs, enterprise risk management, operational risk and incident management, etc.


Governance, risk and compliance management.

Information security (IS)

Preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. In addition, other properties, such as authenticity, accountability, non-repudiation, and reliability can also be involved [1].

Information security control

Means of managing risk, including policies, procedures, guidelines, practices or organisational structures, which can be administrative, technical, management, or legal in nature.

Information security system (ISS)

Aggregate of security mechanisms that implement the defined rules and satisfy the defined requirements [2].

Information security management system (ISMS)

Part of the overall management system, based on a business risk approach, to establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and improve information security [3].



On October 28th 2010, the National bank of Ukraine introduced the two branch standards in information security management [5]. The documents [3, 4] are in fact replications of the ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 international information security management standards that define the requirements and rules of development of information security management systems.regulation 474 of the National bank of Ukraine was passed according to the article 7 of Law of Ukraine “About the National bank of Ukraine”, article 10 of Law of Ukraine, “About information security in the information telecommunication systems” and article 10 of Law of Ukraine “About standardisation”, with the purpose to strengthen the information security in the Ukrainian banking system [5].addition to mentioned above, the trend of attraction of foreign investments forces commercial organisations to introduce international management standards, and information security management standards in particular.facts explain the rise in demand for the introduction of international information security management standards in Ukrainian banks and commercial organisations.methodical instrument described in this work facilitates the introduction of international standards by providing a methodical apparatus of optimization of network parameters and structure.

Purpose and objectives of the investigation

The aim of the presented work is to define and develop the effective information security management system (ISMS) for a corporate network.

Investigation object of the presented work is the information security management in a corporate network.

Investigation subject of the presented work is the ISMS.

Investigation methods used in the research are the following:

1.   System approach to IS by V.V. Domarev [2] for quantitative and qualitative estimation of the IS management efficiency;

2.       Semi-Markov processes as the mathematical model of IS processes;

.         Analytical overview of the legal documents to form the general demands to corporate IS management;

.         Analytical overview of the existent IS management solutions to define the effective functions of an ISMS;

.         Experimental implementation of the product during the development process.

Scientific novelty of the results

The ISMS “Matrix” has the following elements of scientific novelty.

1.   The system approach to IS is applied in management for the first time.

Before the creation of the product, the system approach to IS was applied only in theoretical spheres. The examples of such applications are ISS high-level structure planning and ISS efficiency estimation. These applications are very important, but most businesses consider them too expensive in terms of money return. The ISMS “Matrix” applies the system approach to IS in practical operational management, which is more attractive for business applications, thus providing higher rates of investments return in case of deployment at enterprises.

2.   The data elements are classified according to the system approach to IS, which allows uniting knowledge and current tasks in a single systematised framework.

The sets of values in each of the classifying elements are formed by the end users for the target organisation or the considered document, so the obtained system complies both with the system approach to IS and the business processes of the target organisation, having the structure matching the system approach and the filling matching the target organisation and considered documents.

3.   System analysis of the IS state can be performed from multiple perspectives.

The proposed product is intended to facilitate the introduction of international standards. The final stage of any standard implementation is certification process, involving wide audit of compliance. It is known that different inspections analyse the enterprise IS sate from different perspectives, so theoretically, to pass the audit for several standards simultaneously, the organisation has to perform several analyses. The ISMS “Matrix” provides the systematisation of knowledge base (including internal audit results), thus allowing to present the enterprise IS state from different perspectives, using same internal audit results for different external checks.

4.   Production of personalised post instructions directly from initial normative documents is available.

To comply with any standard, an organisation must have a coordinated documentation, that is security policies must conform to corporate regulation and post instructions must be oriented at enforcing the policies. The proposed product uses the single systematised knowledge base to generate the documents, so all the outcomes will be firstly concerted, secondly - compliant to the target standard, and thirdly - oriented at its implementation.

Practical significance of the results

The application of the proposed ISMS on state and commercial enterprises or educational institutions allows to:

1.   manage enterprise information security;

2.       teach and learn the system approach to IS;

.         develop high-level technical task for information security system creation, considering the system approach and enterprise peculiarities;

.         produce post instructions for international standards (ISO 27001(2), PCI DSS) implementation.lower price of the proposed ISMS (in comparison to analogous products present at the Ukrainian market) allows the small and medium enterprises to save up to 10 times on purchase of an ISMS. Thus, the total certification cost decreases.of the proposed ISMS provides a possibility to reduce financial expenses on bringing in external auditors and consultants.

Approbation of the results

The author presented the practical value of the proposed product at the xi international conference of young researchers and students “Polit. Challenges of science today” on April 6-7, was awarded the second place in the section “Mathematics and computer technologies”. The thesis of the report can be found in [6].


The author has made publications [7] and [8] concerning the topic of the presented work before the beginning of the presented research.scientific value of the results of the performed research and product development is presented in the publication [9].these publications will be mentioned further in the work in more detail.

Structure and volume of the thesis

The presented master’s degree thesis contains introduction, three sections, conclusions that include the main results of the work, reference list of 16 items, six appendixes. The full volume of the thesis is 114 pages, including 23 figures and one table.



1.1 IS management standards development


.1.1 The ISO/IEC 27000-series

As the recently accepted information security standards are strongly based on international ISO/IEC 27000 standards series, the author considers it necessary to present the information about these documents.information security standards recently accepted by the National bank of Ukraine were developed on the basis of ISO/IEC 27000-series standards family (the so-called “ISMS family”, or “ISO27k” in short).ISO/IEC 27000-series comprises information security standards published jointly by the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The standards are the product of ISO/IEC JTC1 (Joint Technical Committee 1) SC27 (Sub Committee 27), an international body that meets in person twice a year.series provides best practice recommendations on information security management, risks and controls within the context of an overall Information Security Management System (ISMS), similar in design to management systems for quality assurance (the ISO 9000 series) and environmental protection (the ISO 14000 series).series is deliberately broad in scope, covering more than just privacy, confidentiality and IT or technical security issues. It is applicable to organisations of all shapes and sizes. All organisations are encouraged to assess their information security risks, then implement appropriate information security controls according to their needs, using the guidance and suggestions where relevant. Given the dynamic nature of information security, the ISMS concept incorporates continuous feedback and improvement activities, summarized by Deming's "plan-do-check-act" approach, that seek to address changes in the threats, vulnerabilities or impacts of information security incidents.first standard of the family, named ISO/IEC 27000 [1] defines the scope and vocabulary of the whole series. International Standards for management systems provide a model to follow in setting up and operating a management system. This model incorporates the features on which experts in the field have reached a consensus as being the international state of the art. ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 27 maintains an expert committee dedicated to the development of international management systems standards for information security, otherwise known as the Information Security Management System (ISMS) family of standards.the use of the ISMS family of standards, organisations can develop and implement a framework for managing the security of their information assets and prepare for an independent assessment of their ISMS applied to the protection of information, such as financial information, intellectual property, and employee details, or information entrusted to them by customers or third parties.ISMS family of standards is intended to assist organisations of all types and sizes to implement and operate an ISMS. The ISMS family of standards consists of the following International Standards, under the general title Information technology - Security techniques.


1.1.2 The ISO/IEC 27001

ISO/IEC 27001 is the formal set of specifications against which organisations may seek independent certification of their Information Security Management System (ISMS). The standard specifies requirements for the establishment, implementation, monitoring and review, maintenance and improvement of a management system - an overall management and control framework - for managing an organisation’s information security risks. It does not mandate specific information security controls but stops at the level of the management system.standard covers all types of organisations (e.g. commercial enterprises, government agencies and non-profit organisations) and all sizes from micro-businesses to huge multinationals. This is clearly a very wide brief.information security under management control is a prerequisite for sustainable, directed and continuous improvement. An ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS therefore incorporates several Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycles: for example, information security controls are not merely specified and implemented as a one-off activity but are continually reviewed and adjusted to take account of changes in the security threats, vulnerabilities and impacts of information security failures, using review and improvement activities specified within the management JTC1/SC27, the ISO/IEC committee responsible for ISO27k and related standards, ISO/IEC 27001 is intended to be suitable for several different types of use, including the following.

1.     Use within organisations to formulate security requirements and objectives;

2.       Use within organisations as a way to ensure that security risks are cost-effectively managed;

.         Use within organisations to ensure compliance with laws and regulations;

.         Use within an organisation as a process framework for the implementation and management of controls to ensure that the specific security objectives of an organisation are met;

.         The definition of new information security management processes;

.         Identification and clarification of existing information security management processes;

.         Use by the management of organisations to determine the status of information security management activities;

.         Use by the internal and external auditors of organisations to demonstrate the information security policies, directives and standards adopted by an organisation and determine the degree of compliance with those policies, directives and standards;

.         Use by organisations to provide relevant information about information security policies, directives, standards and procedures to trading partners and other organisations that they interact with for operational or commercial reasons;

.         Implementation of a business enabling information security;

.         Use by organisations to provide relevant information about information security to customers.document [10] provides the history of the ISO/IEC 27001 development.standard works in the following way. Most organisations have a number of information security controls. Without an ISMS however, the controls tend to be somewhat disorganized and disjointed, having been implemented often as point solutions to specific situations or simply as a matter of convention. Maturity models typically refer to this stage as "ad hoc". The security controls in operation typically address certain aspects of IT or data security, specifically, leaving non-IT information assets (such as paperwork and proprietary knowledge) less well protected on the whole. Business continuity planning and physical security, for examples, may be managed quite independently of IT or information security while Human Resources practices may make little reference to the need to define and assign information security roles and responsibilities throughout the organisation./IEC 27001 imposes the following requirements on the management.

1.   Systematically examine the organisation's information security risks, taking account of the threats, vulnerabilities and impacts;

2.       Design and implement a coherent and comprehensive suite of information security controls and/or other forms of risk treatment (such as risk avoidance or risk transfer) to address those risks that are deemed unacceptable;

.         Adopt an overarching management process to ensure that the information security controls continue to meet the organisation's information security needs on an ongoing basis.


1.1.3 The ISO/IEC 27002

ISO/IEC 27002 is entitled “Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for information security management”. The standard provides best practice recommendations on information security management for use by those responsible for initiating, implementing or maintaining Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). Information security is defined within the standard in the context of the C-I-A triad: the preservation of confidentiality (ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorised to have access), integrity (safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and processing methods) and availability (ensuring that authorised users have access to information and associated assets when required)./IEC 27002:2005 has developed from BS7799, published in the mid-1990's. The British Standard was adopted by ISO/IEC as ISO/IEC 17799:2000, revised in 2005, and renumbered in 2007 to align with the other ISO/IEC 27000-series standards. The document [11] provides the history of the ISO/IEC 27002 development./IEC 27001 formally defines the mandatory requirements for an Information Security Management System (ISMS). It uses ISO/IEC 27002 to indicate suitable information security controls within the ISMS, but since ISO/IEC 27002 is merely a code of practice/guideline rather than a certification standard, organisations are free to select and implement other controls, or indeed adopt alternative complete suites of information security controls) as they see fit. ISO/IEC 27001 incorporates a summary (little more that than the section titles in fact) of controls from ISO/IEC 27002 under its Annex A. In practice, organisations that adopt ISO/IEC 27001 also substantially adopt ISO/IEC 27002./IEC 27002 is a code of practice - a generic, advisory document, not truly a standard or formal specification such as ISO/IEC 27001. It lays out a reasonably well structured set of suggested controls to address information security risks, covering confidentiality, integrity and availability aspects. Organisations that adopt ISO/IEC 27002 must assess their own information security risks and apply suitable controls, using the standard for guidance. Strictly speaking, none of the controls are mandatory but if an organisation chooses not to adopt something as common as, say, antivirus controls, they should certainly be prepared to demonstrate that this decision was reached through a rational risk management decision process, not just an oversight, if they anticipate being certified compliant to ISO/IEC 27001.governance, information security is a broad topic with ramifications in all parts of the modern organisation. Information security, and hence ISO/IEC 27002, is relevant to all types of organisation including commercial enterprises of all sizes (from one-man-bands up to multinational giants), not-for-profits, charities, government departments and quasi-autonomous bodies - in fact any organisation that handles and depends on information. The specific information security requirements may be different in each case but the whole point of ISO27k is that there is a lot of common ground.standard is explicitly concerned with information security, meaning the security of information assets, and not just IT/systems security. The IT department usually contains a good proportion of the organisation’s information assets and is commonly charged with securing them by the information asset owners - the business managers who are accountable for the assets. However a large proportion of written and intangible information (e.g. the knowledge and experience of non-IT workers) is irrelevant to IT.


1.1.4 The national peculiarities of the IS management standards

As the international standards were introduced in Ukraine by the National bank and renamed to “branch standards of Ukraine”, certain changes were made in a standard, predefined by the legal requirements and concrete necessities of banking industry. Technical divergences and additional information were attached directly to the sections which they refer to. These attachments are entitled „National divergence”, „National explanation” or „National remark”.

The “national” insertions primarily explain references to other international standards, to which the accepted documents refer, or explain certain terms in more detail than the original standard does. The standard “ГСТУ СУІБ 2.0/ISO/IEC 27002:2010” also contains national remarks with recommendations concerning security implementation procedures considering banking peculiarities.


1.2 IS management standards according to the system approach to IS


.2.1 General position of legal documents in the system approach

In 2007, the author conducted a research that formed the criteria of the classification and the existent normative-legal documents on providing of information security [7].a result of analysis of normative-legal documents in the field of providing information security, their classification was offered. A most essential section at creation of the information security system of the Ukrainian segment of external communication and data transfer network of space rocket complex «Cyclone» was remarked. A conclusion was made about the necessity of concordance of legislative base.creation of the effective information security system the legislative base, well-organized by the stages of construction is needed. At the time of the research conduction, providing of information technologies security is regulated by more than one hundred and twenty legislative, normative-legal and methodical documents, not coordinated on terminology, estimation criteria, sequence and directions of creation of the information security systems.task has been formulated: conduct the analysis of normative-legal documents in the field of information security technologies. Classify existent documents with the purpose of concordance of statements of Ukrainian legislative base.of analysis consisted in the following. The components of information security systems (ISS) can be divided into three groups, which are illustrated in fig. 1.1:

.         Bases (what does ISS consist of);

.         Directions (what is intended for);

.         Stages (how it works).

. 1.1. Groups of ISS components

are four bases:

1.   Legislative, normative-legal and scientific base;

2.       Structure and tasks of subdivisions, providing security of information technologies;

.         Organisationally-technical and regime means (policy of information security);

.         Program-technical methods and tools.are formed based on the specific features of object to be defended. Taking into account the typical structure of information systems and historically obtained types of work on providing information security, it was suggested to consider the followings directions:

1.   Providing security of objects of the information systems;

2.       Providing security of processes, procedures and programs for information processing;

.         Providing security of communication channels;

.         Suppression of side electromagnetic radiations.

.         Management of the security system.stages of creation and operation of ISS are the following:

1.   Determination of informational and technical resources, along with objects of the information systems (IS), to be defended;

2.       Definition of set of possible threats and information loss channels;

.         Estimation of vulnerability and risks of information in IS according to present set of threats and loss channels;

.         Determination of requirements for information security system;

.         Choosing of means of providing information security and their specifications;

.         Introduction and organisation of the use of the chosen, methods and means of security;

.         Control of the integrity and management of the security system.each of directions is related to the bases listed above, in this report every element of "Legislative … base" is examined with every element of directions of creation of ISS (see fig. 1.2), namely:

1.   Legislative … base of providing security of objects of the information systems;

2.       Legislative … base of providing security of processes, procedures and programs…;

.         Legislative … base of providing security of communication channels;

.         Legislative … base of suppression of side electromagnetic radiations;

.         Legislative … base on a management and control of the security system.

. 1.2. The observed segment of ISS creation

opened normative documents of the system of technical information defence of Ukraine have been reviewed. As a result, classification of legislative documents by the following directions of information security providing is offered:

.         Legislative and conceptual aspects of information security;

.         Organisation information security;

.         Protecting information from a loss in technical channels ;

.         Information security in the computer systems;

.         Information security in communication and data transfer networks;

.         Suppression of incidental electromagnetic radiations;

.         Cryptographic defence of information;

.         Special documents (methods of measuring and estimation parameters).«Information security in communication and data transfer networks» was selected as the most essential at creation of the information security system of the Ukrainian segment of external communication and data transfer network of space rocket complex «Cyclone». The list of documents in this section of the offered classification was presented.of normative-legal documents in remarked direction contained laws, normative documents and statements of Ukraine on providing of information security.conclusion was made about the necessity of concordance of terminology and statements of existent normative-legal documents in area of providing information security with the purpose of increasing of the Ukrainian legislative base efficiency.conducted analysis of normative documents allowed to improve the efficiency of providing information security in the external communication and data transfer network of space rocket complex «Cyclone».results of the research also formed the recommendations to the structure of the IS standards that will provide broader encompassing description of the legislative the method described above, the Ukrainian branch standards in information security management [3, 4] can be positioned in the framework of the system approach to IS in the following the system approach to IS by V.V. Domarev described in [2], the considered object is a document, so it falls in the base “001 Bases” As it can be observed from the titles of the considered documents, they refer to the direction “050 - Security system management”. More precise positioning is determined from the contents of the documents.


1.2.2 The scope of ГСТУ СУІБ 1.0/ISO/IEC 27001:2010

The section “0.1 General statements” of the introduction to the document says “This standard is created to supply the model of development, introduction, functioning, monitoring, revision, maintenance and perfection information security management system (ISMS)”. Thus the document [3] occupies the cells 451, 651, 751 which represent normative base of determination of requirements, introduction and use, control and management in security system management position of the standard [3] in the framework of the system approach to IS is illustrated by the fig. 1.3. The descriptions of the cells in the Domarev’s matrix can be found in [2].

. 1.3. The scope of ГСТУ СУІБ 1.0 in the system approach matrix


1.2.3 The scope of ГСТУ СУІБ 2.0/ISO/IEC 27002:2010

The section “1 Application sphere” states that the standard “establishes directives and general principles in relation to establishment, introduction, support and perfection of information security management in organisation”. Thus the document [4] primarily occupies the cells 651 and 751 which represent respectively normative base of introduction and use, control and management in security system management.section “5 Security policy” adds the cell 151 (normative base of determination of information to be protected in security system management) to the document’s position of the standard [4] in the framework of the system approach to IS is illustrated by the fig. 1.4. The descriptions of the cells in the Domarev’s matrix can be found in [2].

. 1.4. The scope of ГСТУ СУІБ 2.0 in the system approach matrix


1.3 IS management solutions overview

branch of software related to information security management named Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), appeared in response to the need of fitting the business security in certain rules. The document [12] provides the general information about GRC and software solutions in this area.governance, risk and compliance management (IT GRCM) is maturing as a technology. The market is growing steadily, but remains relatively small with a crowded field of vendors. IT GRCM products address requirements to automate risk management.IT GRCM market comprises vendors that provide software products to help organisations proactively measure and manage their IT technology and process controls.IT GRCM market benefits maturing organisations with existing processes for measuring, managing and reporting IT controls that are ready for automation.GRCM solutions have a repository; basic document management capabilities; good workflow, survey and reporting functions; and dashboarding, with policy content that's specific to IT controls, and support for the automated measurement and reporting of IT controls.between IT GRCM and enterprise GRC (EGRC) platforms depends on the focus of the effort. IT GRCM is recommended for bottom-up, IT-centric requirements, while EGRC platforms are recommended for top-down enterprise risk management requirements.GRCM technology continued to mature through 2009 and growth is steady, but the market remains relatively small ($117 million in 2009) because most organisations are not ready to implement. IT GRCM automation. The market continued to grow during the worldwide economic downturn in 2009, indicating that automating the mapping and measurement of compliance controls remains a priority for organisations.platforms serve organisations that take an enterprise approach to compliance and risk management, and that want to have all business units, including the IT organisation, on the same GRCM solution. Most vendors with EGRC platforms offer modest IT governance automation functions. At a minimum, most EGRC vendors offer the capability to document, survey, and report IT risks and controls, but lack IT-specific content. Some vendors also provide limited support for an IT asset repository and IT policy management. Organisations with a primary interest in IT-centric GRCM requirements should be aware that most EGRC platforms balance finance, operational and IT requirements at the expense of IT-centric depth.GRCM products support operation risk management through functions that measure, manage, and report on IT-centric technology and process controls. Organisations can use IT GRCM products to document and assess their IT-centric technology and process controls. The core IT GRCM functions are the following:

.         Controls and policy mapping;

.         Policy distribution and training attestation;

.         IT control self-assessment and measurement;

.         IT GRCM asset repository;

.         Automated general computer control collection;

.         Remediation and exception management;

.         Basic compliance reporting;

.         IT compliance dashboards;

.         IT risk products also help organisations to proactively measure and manage their IT technology and process controls. The typical additional functions of these products are the following:

.         Definition of IT policies, processes and controls that are based on best practices;

.         Management of policy content;

.         Mapping policies to process and technical controls, as appropriate;

.         Automating the measurement of process and technical controls;

.         Evaluating levels of compliance with various mandates;

.         Automating the auditing and regulatory reporting of these elements.should define their basic approach as top-down or bottom-up, and use this to guide their requirements approach implies that IT GRCM is only one of the control categories that will be measured and reported, along with financial governance and operational requirements such as environmental, health and safety. Top-down usually requires less-detailed requirements for gathering general computer control data, such as configuration and patch data, but places a premium on higher-level reporting to executives. A top-down approach is more appropriately addressed with EGRC platforms.bottom-up approach implies greater detail in IT controls for an IT-centric audience. Many organisations use IT GRCM to organize their vulnerability scan, patch and configuration control data. Traditional IT GRCM tools are more appropriate for IT-specific requirements.most significant limiting factor for the IT GRCM and EGRC products is the divergence of requirements between top-down and bottom-up approaches. In many cases, organisations are buying two separate tools, indicating that this difference is more substantial than just vendor marketing and different buying centres.divergence is based on the differences in management and reporting requirements for top-down vs. bottom-up. Top-down tends to be led by enterprise risk management teams addressing business executive requirements, as opposed to bottom-up requirements, which are typically led by IT or information security operations teams, The vendors continue to add functions that overlap top-down and bottom-up requirements, but convergence will only happen when organisations stop buying multiple tools to address diverging requirements and agree on one tool as addressing both approaches comprehensively.comparison of GRC products the following evaluation criteria are used.understanding - capability of the vendor to understand the buyer and the major functional requirements of an IT-focused GRC deployment, as opposed to the requirements of finance or operational-risk-focused GRC deployments. This criterion is weighed high in general estimation.experience - feedback from customers that have evaluated or deployed IT GRCM solutions is assessed with regard to the fit of function to IT GRCM use cases, the maturity and stability of IT GRCM functions, the code quality, and the quality of support. This criterion is weighed standard in general estimation.strategy - an evaluation of the vendor's overall strategy for IT GRCM, including the sales strategy, product differentiation, capability to capitalize on an existing customer base, and the use of GRC capabilities to enhance other elements of a technology portfolio. This criterion is weighed low in general estimation./service - an evaluation of IT GRCM feature sets as they map to current and future requirements, with a focus on IT-specific GRC content, IT control assessment automation, and the capability to assess at IT asset level. This criterion is weighed high.execution/pricing - an evaluation of the vendor's success in the market, based on the size and growth rates of the customer base and revenue. This criterion is weighed low in general estimation.- the capability of the organisation to meet its goals and commitments in sales, development and product support. This criterion is weighed low.


1.4 Modern IS management solutions


.4.1 Analytical overview of the existent solutions

The document [12] provides the information for the analysis of GRC solutions present on the worldwide market as of April 2010. The research considers products of dominating vendors (Agiliance, BWise, ControlCase, EMC (RSA), MetricStream, Modulo, OpenPages, Rsam, Symantec, Telos, Trustwave, Lumension).remains a leader in the IT GRCM market. Although one of the original vendors to provide an out-of-the-box architecture, Agiliance moved to a modular offering in late 2009. The highlight of the RiskVision offering remains its intuitive interface and its top-down approach to managing IT-related controls. Agiliance continues with a Strong Positive rating in 2010, and should be considered by organisations that require balanced IT GRCM functionality across all categories.product’s main strengths are the following.

1.   Good out-of-the-box policy and assessment data;

2.       The risk assessment functions are comprehensive;

.         Good detail and flexibility for confidentiality, integrity and availability assessments., the product has a problem. It is concentrated more on assessment, than on managerial an EGRC platform. Specific IT GRCM support includes an asset repository, IT-specific policy and control content, and policy mapping. Although BWise provides a general computer control integration interface, there's no integration with specific applications or platforms, BWise has particular strengths for buyers that are looking for a company-wide approach to GRC rather than an IT-specific solution, but it will be less appealing to buyers that are specifically focused on IT security and configuration management controls.product’s main strengths are the following.

1.   Filtering reports to provide targeted views of risks and controls;

2.       Productized rules and connectors;

.         Product provides assertion, review and override workflows that are needed for audit and self-assessment activities., the product has the following problems.

1.   No IT-configuration-level content;

2.       No out-of-the-box support for common third-party general computer control data sources;

.         No conditional branching in workflow;

.         Limited flexibility in self-assessment compared with other products in the market.offers IT GRCM as software and as a service, ControlCase's primary business is Payment Card Industry (PCI) assessment services, and many of its IT GRCM customers are also using ControlCase services. The ControlCase GRC framework is composed of nine modules: Compliance Manager; Vendor Manager; Merchant Manager; Policy Manager; Audit Manager; Asset and Vulnerability Manager; Incident Manager; Compliance Manager; and Data Discovery, The product natively collects firewall configuration data and evaluates it against PCI requirements, which is unique among IT GRCM vendors. There are also automated sensitive data discovery functions, Self-assessment capabilities are present, but results analysis is basic. ControlCase is most appropriate for organisations with PCI-centric IT GRCM requirements and a need for bundled services.product’s main strengths are the following.

1.   Good overall IT GRCM functions;

2.       Automated general computer control capabilities are provided natively through a bundled solution and through integrations with a few other vulnerability assessment tools., the product has the following problems.

1.   Exception management functions are limited;

2.       As a PCI-centric vendor, ControlCase's offerings may not be appropriate for organisations seeking broader IT GRCM use cases.(RSA)Technologies (EMC/RSA) offers very good IT GRCM capability, which also supports a promising EGRC function. Archer was acquired by RSA, the Security Division of EMC, in 2009. Archer's SrnartSuite Framework provides a suite that's composed of eight management modules (policy, incident, asset, threat, risk, vendor, business continuity and compliance) that can be integrated. It is oriented toward large companies that value the ability to customize the product to match existing processes. The customizable framework supports the enablement of additional use cases, which is required for Archer's expansion into the EGRC market Archer's SmartSuite Framework is sold primarily as software, but is also provided as a software-as-a-service offering that's sometimes used as a quick start for new customers.product’s main strengths are the following.

1.   The software offering provides a flexible framework that can be adapted to resolve a variety of GRC use cases;

2.       The ability to customize to fit needs and existing processes;

.         Pending integration with other products in the EMC/RSA portfolio., the product has the following problems.

1.   Cost is frequently raised as an issue by customers and other evaluators;

2.       The Archer Technologies road map may be at risk after the acquisition - especially the support for providing EGRC platform functions, due to the IT-centric nature of EMC's core businesses.offers the EGRC Platform. The company recently introduced the MetricStream IT GRC Solution to address IT GRCM use cases. Control self-assessment survey, policy distribution and attestation support is provided. The product provides basic support for the general computer control use case through out-of-the-box integrations with BigFix for security configuration assessment, Nessus (through a third party) for vulnerability assessment, and others through a user-configurable adapter. Native automated IT assessment capabilities are not provided. Control management mappings are all based on unified compliance framework, thereby making MetricStream most appropriate for organisations seeking a top-down approach to IT GRCM,product’s main strengths are the following.

1.   Good survey functions, including automatically generated surveys from controls and some out-of-the-box survey content;

2.       Native connectors to selected third-party vulnerability management products;

.         Good customer support., the product has a problem. Content is all based on unified compliance framework that supports the approach of using single assessment result as a part of different reports, thereby limiting applicability for bottom-up, IT-centric control management an established IT GRCM vendor with executive management in Brazil and the U.S., with European operations, and with a growing North American presence. It has the ability to address EGRC use cases. The company is large and the products have a good track record, which positions them to do well in North America. Modulo continued to improve its sales and marketing presence in North America through 2009. Modulo has a sales office in the U.S., but its visibility in competitive evaluations remains limited. IBM Global Services uses Modulo in its risk assessment consulting engagements. Modulo's Risk Manager supports the self-assessment, audit support and automated general computer control use cases. In addition, Risk Manager delivers a large amount of content for IT technical controls, as well as predefined policy content for most major security configuration standards. Version 7, which is scheduled to be released in May 2010, provides a new user interface.product’s main strengths are the following.

1.   Mature products and a strong company;

2.       Good auditor workflow support;

.         Large amount of vendor-developed content for IT technical controls, and predefined policy content for most major security configuration standards;

.         Native support for general computer control and formal support for multiple vulnerability assessment products., the product has the following problems.

.         The maturity of the product has made its interface complex for users;

.         End users have reported configuration an EGRC product, but it has recently introduced the component named ITG that provides support for some IT GRCM use cases that are dependent on unified compliance framework. The majority of OpenPages customers use ITG for policy management, risk management and compliance reporting. Policy distribution and attestation functions are flexible and customizable, but the product currently lacks IT-specific content in this area. The major weakness of the product is in the area of automated general computer control measurement. There are no predefined security configuration policies and no native capability of supported integrations for security configuration assessment or vulnerability assessment. OpenPages is most appropriate for organisations taking a top-down approach to GRCM requirements.product’s main strengths are the following.

1.   Use cases that focus primarily on EGRC and secondarily on IT GRCM;

2.       Policy management and self-assessment., the product has the following problems.

1.   Automated collection for general computer control support is limited to a generic integration interface, and integration with only one product from third-party vendor is available;

2.       Vulnerability assessment support is in development;

.         IT-specific content is dependent on unified compliance framework mappings.Security has rebranded to Rsam to reflect the evolving usage of its product beyond traditional IT security use cases. The Rsam product is a strong IT GRCM offering with the ability to support non-IT requirements. Although Rsam doesn't have its own data collection service, it supports a third-party application programming interfaces for customers to execute their own scripts, and supports multiple formats for import from third-party data collection products. Rsam also supports remediation and exception management with good workflow, and the risk management function has the capability to create scoring and correlation among objects, survey responses and control states. Organisations seeking to automate operational risk assessment, audit automation and IT control management should consider Rsam.product’s main strengths are the following.

1.   Strong, flexible survey functions with a large amount of predefined content, and 30 or more predefined surveys;

2.       Good workflow to manage the identification and remediation of threats;

.         An application programming interface that customers have used to integrate with other third-party data collection products;

.         Formal integration with 17 commercial scanners;

.         Flexible drag-and-drop customization for interface and reporting., the product has the following problems.

.         Rsam lacks a native general computer control collection capability;

.         No predefined security configuration policies.'s Control Compliance Suite (CCS) is specifically focused on IT GRCM and comprises three modules: Policy Manager, Standards Manager and Response Assessment Manager. Automated general computer control is provided by the CCS Standard Manager, which is widely deployed by customers for configuration policy compliance in the security operations role. Symantec has the largest installed base of security configuration policy compliance customers, which is spread across its CCS Standards Manager and Enterprise Security Manager products. Symantec is selling Control Compliance Suite into this installed base, and is beginning to sell it to buying centres that are oriented toward risk and policy management; however, automated computer control measurement often isn't the initial focus of these other buying centres. The solution is not optimal for organisations that want integration with third-party assessment technologies, because Control Compliance Suite does not provide out-of-the-box integration with non-Symantec sources. Control Compliance Suite is most appropriate for Symantec-centric organisations, but not recommended for organisations with top-down EGRC requirements.product’s main strengths are the following.

2.       Largest installed base of general computer control and measurement users;

.         Potential to capitalize on a large service organisation;

.         Symantec has strong native security configuration assessment capabilities, and also has native network vulnerability assessment functions., the product has the following problems.

1.   Use cases that aren't focused on Symantec technologies for configuration assessment;

2.       Third-party general computer control support is limited to generic interface - no formal support of specific third-party sources;

.         Symantec integrates with third-party ticketing systems, but has only basic support for remediation workflow within CCS;

.         Mostly compliance reporting with only a light treatment of risk.provides services and software products primarily to the U.S. federal government, and is still in the early stages of its expansion into commercial segments. Telos Xacta IA Manager is primarily oriented to compliance with government regulations, such as the U.S. Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), automated general computer control measurement, risk assessment (of technical controls) and tracking mitigation activities. Telos has expanded Xacta content for common commercial regulations and control frameworks, but the company still lacks significant experience in servicing commercial organisations. U.S. federal agencies with FISMA requirements should put Telos on their shortlists for IT GRCM products.product’s main strengths are the following.

1.   Appropriate for organisations that need to comply with government regulations;

2.       Strong support for automated general computer control measurement and mitigation workflow;

.         Comprehensive asset-oriented technical assessment, survey evaluation, and reporting. general computer control - strong native capability in combination with formal integration, with a few major scanners., the product has the following problems.

1.   Development of policy and control framework content for commercial regulations;

2.       Little support for some aspects of commercial use cases, such as audit support;

.         No policy distribution and attestation function.IT GRCM capability complements Trustwave's other business units, which specialize in consulting and PCI compliance. Trustwave GRC has great flexibility through customization, but little out-of-the-box content. While the product does provide some out-of-the-box mappings into common regulations and frameworks, there are gaps for major regulations and control standards. The product lacks a native automated general computer control collection capability, and it does not support out-of-the-box integrations with common third-party products to import configuration and vulnerability data - although there is a general data integration interface. Trustwave is developing a new technology base for its IT GRCM offering that will support unified compliance framework. Trustwave will need to carry both products and define a migration path to the new technology.product’s main strengths are the following.

1.   Product is a good fit for organisations that are looking for a flexibility, and that wish to have consultants customize and configure their IT GRCM functions;

2.       Surveys, workflow and policy attestation support control self-assessment., the product has the following problems.

1.   Although Trustwave GRC supports drag-and-drop associations between controls and control objectives, it doesn't provide out-of-the-box mappings into common regulations and frameworks;

2.       The product doesn't provide native general computer control collection, nor does it support out-of-the-box integrations with common third-party products to import configuration and vulnerability data (although it can be customized to do so);

.         Trustwave will be moving to a new technology base - and it will need to carry both products and define a migration path to the new technology.


1.4.2 The most integrated existent IS management solution

Information security management products presently offered on the Ukrainian market include mostly the narrow solutions: risk managers, compliance scanners and penetration tests (network perimeter tests).most integrated IS management solution present in the Ukrainian market today is “Lumension Endpoint Management and Security Suite” (L.E.M.S.S.) produced by Lumension Security, Inc., a worldwide leader in operational security. The company became famous due to its developments, integrations and marketing of endpoint security software solutions that help businesses protect their critical information and manage the most important risks in the computer network assets.product itself is a composition of five special-purpose sections: vulnerability management, endpoint protection, data protection, compliance and it risk management, endpoint operations. The fig. 1.5 below is a generalised scheme of the product’s structure from the official datasheet [13].

. 1.5. The official illustration of the Lumension Endpoint Management and Security Suite structure

of the sections are subdivided into product modules. Endpoint Operations Product Modules are Patch and Remediation, Security Configuration Management, Enterprise Reporting. Endpoint Security and IT Risk Management Product Modules are Application Control, AntiVirus, Device Control, Risk Manager. The structure is described more in detail below.

1.   Endpoint operations product modules

1.1.    Patch and Remediation: Reduces corporate risk and optimizes IT operations through the timely, proactive elimination of operating system and application vulnerabilities across all endpoints and servers.

1.2.    Security Configuration Management: Ensures that endpoints are securely configured and in compliance with industry best practices and regulatory mandates.

.3.      Enterprise Reporting: Provides centralized visibility of IT assets and consolidates vulnerability and configuration data across the enterprise.

2.   Endpoint security and it risk management product modules

2.1.    Application Control: Enables the enforcement of application usage policies to ensure that only software that is explicitly authorized or trusted is allowed to execute.

2.2.    AntiVirus: Provides comprehensive protection against all malware including viruses, spyware, Trojans and adware.

.3.      Device Control: Identifies all removable devices that are now or have ever been connected to your endpoints and enforces device / port access and data encryption policies to prevent data loss and/or theft.

.4.      Risk Manager: Automates compliance and IT risk management workflows and provides necessary visibility of people, processes and technology across the entire organisation. Imports scan data from multiple Lumension products and 3rd party scanning devices to its standalone interface..E.M.S.S. is positioned as a solution that will provide an extended control over the corporate workstations, at the same time reducing the control complexity by centralising the management functions and automating the network data mining.’s rapidly changing IT network is more distributed and virtual than ever sensitive data is often stored on remote endpoints, such as laptops and mobile PDAs, and accessed through public Wi-Fi networks connected to an organisation’s IT network via the Internet. Mounting budget pressures are forcing companies to look increasingly at virtual and cloud-based computing alternatives. In addition, traditional point-based technologies and solutions have added more complexity and cost to organisations, because IT teams are focusing on the integration of disparate technologies and have to use many different consoles across multiple products.IT environments have become increasingly dynamic and distributed with data flowing across a myriad of devices and platforms, companies have effectively lost control of their information.approaches and solutions are required to ensure enhanced security and compliance with the lowest total cost of ownership possible. The once-separate IT functions of operations and security must collaborate and share information seamlessly to proactively address IT risk in a more effective and efficient manner. Lumension Endpoint Management and Security Suite is an extensible solution suite developed on the Lumension Endpoint Management Platform that reduces management complexity, minimizes TCO, improves visibility and delivers information control back to IT..E.M.S.S. is intended to provide the following:

1.   Reduced complexity and TCO via an agile infrastructure, which delivers modularly licensed product capabilities through an integrated console and single-agent architecture;

2.       Greater visibility and control with an end-to-end approach that includes capabilities to meet endpoint operations, security, compliance and IT risk management needs;

.         Enhanced security, reduced operational friction and greater control of endpoints via Lumension Intelligent Whitelisting, which combines Lumension AntiVirus, Lumension Application Control, and Lumension Patch and Remediation with a trusted change management engine into a unified workflow;

.         Endpoint power management which reduces power consumption costs and enables the management and security of both online and offline endpoints.key benefits of the product are stated to be the following:

1.   Reduce it environment complexity;

2.       Decrease endpoint total cost of ownership;

.         Provide greater visibility into and control over customer’s network’s endpoints;

.         Raise security and compliance posture;

.         Support customer’s it operational and security mandates within a dynamic business environment;

.         Rationalize endpoint management and security workflows;

.         Ensure continuous endpoint protection.features of the product are stated as the following

1.   Integrated endpoint management console: Web-based console and workflow-based navigation simplify and optimize IT operations.

2.       Modularly licensed capabilities: An extensible platform that enables both Lumension capabilities as well as 3rd party developed capabilities to be easily integrated.

.         Comprehensive and automated reporting: Delivers a holistic view of your environmental risk with a full range of operational and management reports that consolidate information within a single management console.

.         Continuous and full discovery of the it Environment: Integrates award-winning solution capabilities to provide complete discovery of what’s in your IT environment, including capabilities such as application whitelisting, device control, patch management, anti-virus and configuration management.

.         Scalable and agile architecture: Delivers both pull and push approaches to endpoint communication and policy distribution.

.         Optimized compliance and it risk management: Streamlines compliance and IT risk management workflows and ensures continuous monitoring of compliance and IT risk postures.

.         Power management policy enforcement: Centralizes power management policies to achieve maximum energy efficiency for both online and offline machines. Wake- On-LAN capability ensures that offline machines receive critical patches and software updates.

.         Single promotable agent: Flexible agent architecture delivers services on the fly without requiring burdensome upgrades or agent bloat, provides easy agent install / uninstall capabilities, and offers self-monitoring and recovery capabilities., L.E.M.S.S. lacks top-level management instruments that would provide understandable control interface for anyone from the board of directors, independently on profession.


1.4.3 Common problems of the existent solutions

Of existent solutions on the Ukrainian market, none covers all the aspects (requirements) of the standards.the most integrated IS management solution present on the Ukrainian market today, uniting the narrow functional modules into a broader security coverage, lacks certain features that would make it an effective management tool.


.5 Mathematical model of IS


.5.1 General description of the ISS model

The author conducted the research [8] on the mathematical models of IS. The state of the information systems and information security systems was modelled as a semi-Markov process. Application of semi-Markov processes in development of the ISS was classified through the matrix of connections of elements. A conclusion was made about applicability of models, based on semi-Markov processes, in development and state description of the ISS for the increase of exactness of their efficiency estimation.of intense development and wide distribution of IT, the development of the ISS became important part of the information systems creation process. At the time of the research a problem of combating the newest threats (the so-called "zero-day attacks"). For the increase of the modelling efficiency in design of functioning and attack reactions of the information systems, the Semi-Markov processes can be applied.information security system (ISS) is a complex of legislative, organisational, technical and other measures and tools, providing the protection of important information from threats and loss channels in accordance with the stated requirements.has a special purpose which at formalised level acquires multidimensional character. The multidimensional (integral) task of information security requires the implementation of the system approach including the modelling of defence processes based on scientific methods.specific features of the solution for such a task are the following.

1.   Presence of multiple criterions, related to the necessity of account of large number of individual indexes (requirements);

2.       Incompleteness and vagueness of initial information;

.         Impossibility to apply the classic optimization methods;

.         Necessity of obtaining both qualitative and quantitative indexes of the information security system efficiency.system approach to information security is a way of thinking and analysis, in obedience to which the security system is examined as an aggregate of associate elements, having a common goal - to provide the information security. In case of purposeful interconnection of elements, ISS acquires specific properties, initially inherent to none of its components. Thus those properties of elements, which determine the degree of their co-operation and influence the system as a whole, have a primary value.a methodical point of view, determination of ISS efficiency consists in measuring the proper indexes and producing judgement about the accordance of certain methods and tools of defence to the set requirements and the purpose of ISS., the process of ISS creation is implied by establishing hard logical and functional connections between the heterogeneous security elements. Thus, the importance of properties of separate ISS elements decreases, and general system tasks are pulled out on the first plan. As practice shows, it is the quality of stated connections determines the efficiency of the security system as a whole.increase the ISS efficiency, it is possible to use the system approach to IS offered by V.V. Domariev in [2]. The approach determines the interconnections between concepts, definitions, principles, methods and mechanisms of security. The system approach is applicable not only in ISS development, but also on all the stages of the information systems life cycle. Thus all the tools, methods and measures, being in use for maintaining security are united into a single mechanism.of IS, used in the system approach is separated on three groups of elements: bases (what consists of), directions (what is intended for), stages (how works). The relations between the components are presented as a matrix of knowledge (presented in fig. 1.6), where the contents of every element describes the interconnection of constituents.

Fig. 1.6. The numeration of elements in the Matrix of knowledge


1.5.2 Semi-Markov process definition

The work [14] is devoted to the mathematical description of semi-Markov process. A semi-Markov process is a Markovian process with random transition intervals, thus being Markovian only at the transition instants. Describing a semi-Markov process with N states, it is needed to specify N2 transition probabilities pij determining the transition to state j, if the present state is i, satisfying the conditions (1.1).

 i = 1,2,...,N; pij ≥ 0, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N.(1.1)

time interval between the transitions is determined by random variable τij, governed by a corresponding set of N2 holding-time density functions (1.2).

(·), 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N.(1.2)

Thus, it is convenient to define a semi-Markov process by transition probability and holding-time density functions matrices of size N´N, respectively P={pij} and H(·)={hij(·)}.a process enters a state, the next state and holding time are determined by transition probabilities and holding-time density functions. After holding in state i for the time τij, the process makes the transition to state j and repeats the whole procedure.

Let the current state be ξ(t). Taking into account that the modelling is applied to ISS, transitions of the system to the same state would not be considered (pii=0). The chart of a semi-Markov process is presented in fig. 1.7, a.ccW(t)={ccwi(t)} be the diagonal matrix of probabilities that the system will not leave the state i until after time t.matrix flow graph representing semi-Markovian transitions is presented on fig. 1.7, b.

                                                                        b. 1.7. Semi-Markov process chart and its matrix flow graph

, semi-Markov process is described by the interval-transition probability matrix (1.3).

Φe(s)=[I-P□He(s)]-1 ccWe(s),(1.3)

where I - unit matrix, □ - element by element matrix multiplication, e(s) - the exponential (Laplace) transform matrix (1.4).



1.5.3 ISS state as a semi-Markov process

The state of an information system as well as an ISS can be described as a continuous-time semi-Markov process that has an arbitrary transition probability matrix and all holding times given by an exponential distribution (1.5).

(t) = λe-λt, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N.(1.5)

Then the interval-transition probability matrix will be described by the formula (1.6).


the state graph will have either of the two forms shown in fig. 1.8.

                                   b. 1.8. Matrix flow graphs of the continuous time semi-Markov process

The foregoing description of the information system state can be accepted as a basis of its generalised functioning model. The basic purpose of generalised models consists in creating the pre-conditions for the objective estimation of the general information system state from the view of either vulnerability measure or information protection level. A necessity for such estimations usually arises at the analysis of general situation with the purpose of making strategic decisions during organisation of information security. The general models of the systems and information security processes are ones that allow to determine (to estimate) the general characteristics of the considered systems and processes, unlike local and private models, which provide determination (estimation) of some local or private descriptions of systems or processes.short list and descriptions of models, in which the Semi-Markov processes can be applied, is presented below.model of information security process. This model, in the most general view and for the most general object being protected, must display the information security process as a process of co-operation of random destabilising factors, affecting information, and information security tools that hinder the action of these factors. The result of co-operation will be a certain level of information security;model of the ISS. Being further development of general information security process model, the generalised model of the ISS must display the basic procedures, carried out inside this system with the purpose of rationalisation of information security processes. These processes in the most general view can be presented as distribution and use of information security resources as reactions on random changes in influence of destabilising factors;of general estimation of information threats. The basic purpose of this model is estimating not simply the information threats, but also those losses which can take place as results of different threats. The models of this direction are also important because exactly in them those conditions, at which estimations can be adequate to the real information security processes, are exposed in the most degree;of analysis of the systems that differentiate access to the information system resources. The models of this class are intended to support the decision of tasks of analysis and synthesis of the systems (mechanisms) that differentiate access to the different types of information system resources and foremost to the data arrays. The separation of these models into an independent class of general models is supported by the fact that that the mechanisms of access differentiation belong to the most substantial components of the ISS, and the general efficiency of information security in information system depends no the efficiency of access differentiation to a great extent. In these models the Semi-Markov process can illustrate the access to the information with the different degree of secrecy, where the states will be authentications on the different security levels.


1.5.4 Application of semi-Markov processes in ISS development

Planning, organisation and application of ISS are actually related to the unknown events in the future and always contain the elements of vagueness. In addition, other sources of ambiguousness are present, such as incomplete information for making administrative decisions or social-psychological factors. Therefore, it is natural that considerable vagueness accompanies the stage of ISS planning. The ambiguousness level can be lowered by application of the most adequate models.Semi-Markov processes can be applied in ISS development as a universal tool of information systems functioning modelling on the stages of possible threats and information loss channels, and estimation of vulnerability and risks. The Semi-Markov processes application domain corresponds to elements 204 and 304 (fig. 1.9). A zero in the second digit means coverage of all the directions. Thus, the Semi-Markov processes are included in means that perform the following tasks.

1. Provide efficiency and quality in definition of set of possible threats and information loss channels on objects in information system, in processes and applications of information system, at an information transfer along communication channels, due to side electromagnetic radiations, and also in the process of security system management;

2.       Determine the conduction of estimation of vulnerability and risks of information on objects in information system, in processes and applications of information system, at an information transfer along communication channels, due to side electromagnetic radiations, and also in the process of security system management.

. 1.9. The scope of semi-Markov processes application in the Matrix of knowledge


1.5.5 Application of semi-Markov processes in ISS state description

According to the modern theory of systems efficiency estimation, ISS quality shows up only in the process of its use on purpose (special purpose functioning), therefore an evaluation on the efficiency of application is the most objective.a basis of complex of indexes and criteria of ISS efficiency estimation, probability of the objective fulfilment by the system (providing the required security level) must be used. Thus the concepts of suitability and optimality serve as criteria of estimation. Suitability means implementation of all the requirements set to ISS, and optimality is achievement by one of characteristics its extreme value at the observance of limitations and conditions applied to other properties of the system.describe the ISS state, it is enough to make the Matrix of estimations (an example is presented in fig. 1.10), containing in its cells the estimations of efficiency of the proper system elements. In case of change in any information system parameter one or more Matrix of estimations elements may change due to logical connections. That influences the generalised indexes. Consequently, the general ISS state changes. The logical deduction hierarchy of ISS security level estimation is presented in Appendix A.

. 1.10. Matrix of estimations

into account the character of these changes, it is possible to suppose that the functioning of ISS is also a Semi-Markov process. This conclusion allows describing the changes of the ISS state through relatively simple mathematical model. Mathematical models of information system functioning based on the Semi-Markov processes can be used in simulation of attacks on information system, which will promote the efficiency of threats counteraction measures development.conclusion can be made that the semi-Markov processes can be applied in design and state description of the ISS. The models of the information systems activity based on semi-Markov processes can be used to increase the accuracy of the ISS efficiency estimation, as well as in ISS development.


Conclusions to section

development of the IS management standards was presented.main modern international IS management standards were described.national peculiarities of the IS management standards were highlighted.IS management standards were positioned according to the system approach to information security. The places of the national IS management standards in the system approach framework were illustrated.existent IS management solutions were overviewed and the most integrated existent IS management solution was highlighted. The major strengths and problems of the existent IS management solutions were stated.Markov processes were suggested as a mathematical model of IS.the current state, problems and demands of the information security management branch, the author concludes that an ISMS with analytical potential is needed to satisfy the requirements of the branch, as well as to rise the sufficiency of the IS management in organisations. The analytical functions of the product should facilitate the IS audit and management in the target organisation.maintenance can be considered as a stochastic system with partial observability and controllability. These properties must be accounted in the development of an ISMS.features needed in an effective ISMS are defined in the section 2.



2.1 The mandatory ISMS documents

branch standards of Ukraine “ГСТУ СУІБ 1.0/ISO/IEC 27001:2010” [3] and “ГСТУ СУІБ 2.0/ISO/IEC 27002:2010” [4], imply certain requirements to an ISMS. The document [15] describes the main of these requirements.begin with, the ISMS must operate based on certain policies. Otherwise, such policies may be produced in the process of its development or functioning. The work [16] proposes the following mandatory ISMS documents.of key management decisions regarding the ISMS, for example, minutes of management meetings, investment decisions, mandating of policies, reports etc., not individually specified in the standard apart from the following specific policy set matches the characteristics of the business, the organisation, its location, information assets and technology, including an ISMS policy and information security policy.ISMS policy defines the objective-setting management framework for the ISMS, giving it an overall sense of direction/purpose and defining key principles. The ISMS policy must possess the following properties:

1.   Take account of information security compliance obligations defined in laws, regulations and contracts;

2.       Align with the organisation’s strategic approach to risk management in general;

.         Establish information security risk evaluation criteria;

.         Be approved by management;security policy or policies specifies particular information security control objectives or requirements in one or more documents. This document should also be approved by management to have full effect.scope defines the boundaries of the ISMS in relation to the characteristics of the business, the organisation, its location, information assets and technology. Any exclusions from the ISMS scope must be explicitly procedures, that are written descriptions of information security processes and activities, for example, procedures for user ID provisioning and password changes, security testing of application systems, information security incident management response etc.documentation, for example, technical security standards, security architectures/designs etc. and referencing ISO/IEC 27002 (details vary between ISMSs).assessment methods, which are policies, procedures and/or standards describing how information security risks are assessed.assessment reports document the results, outcomes, recommendations of information security risk assessments using the methods noted above. For identified risks to information assets, possible treatments are applying appropriate controls, knowing and objectively accepting the risks (if they fall within the information security risk evaluation criteria), avoiding them; or transferring them to third parties. The information security control objectives and controls should be identified in these reports.treatment plan, which is a project plan describing how the identified information security control objectives are to be satisfied, with notes on funding, roles and responsibilities.operating procedures, that are written descriptions of the management processes and activities necessary to plan, operate and control the ISMS, for example, policy review and approvals process, continuous ISMS improvement metrics describes how the effectiveness of the ISMS as a whole, plus key information security controls where relevant, are measured, analyzed, presented to management and ultimately used to drive ISMS improvements.of Applicability states the information security control objectives and controls that are relevant and applicable to the ISMS, generally a consolidated summary of the results of the risk assessments, cross-referenced to the control objectives from ISO/IEC 27002 that are in scope.control procedure explains how ISMS documents are approved for use, reviewed, updated, re-approved as necessary, version managed, disseminated as necessary, marked etc.control procedure explains how records proving conformity to ISMS requirements and the effective operation of the ISMS (as described elsewhere in the standard) are protected against unauthorized changes or destruction. Again, this procedure may be copied from the QMS or other management systems.awareness, training and education records document the involvement of all personnel having ISMS responsibilities in appropriate activities (for example, security awareness programs and security training courses such as new employee security induction/orientation classes). While not directly stated, the requirement for information security awareness materials, training evaluation/feedback reports etc. may be inferred.ISMS audit plans and procedures state the auditors’ responsibilities in relation to auditing the ISMS, the audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods. While not stated directly, ISMS audit reports, agreed action plans and follow-up/verification/closure reports should be retained and made available to the certification auditors on request.action procedure documents the way in which nonconformities which exist are identified, root-causes are analyzed and evaluated, suitable corrective actions are carried out and the results thereof are reviewed.action procedure, which is similar to the corrective action procedure but focuses more on preventing the occurrence of nonconformities in the first place, with such activities being prioritized on the basis of the assessed risk of such nonconformities.

2.2 Content management system for an isms

ISMS may rely on a content management system to support the exchange of information, for example, audit reports, policies, etc. The content management system must be selected knowing specific requirements of the enterprise. It is recommended to consider a structured specification and evaluation process such as that for choosing risk analysis/management methods.exist free or open source and commercial products designed to support ISMSs and ISO27k. Their types are Content Management Systems (CMS), Document Management Systems (DMS), Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Policy Management System (PMS).a system is nevertheless optional, and information exchange can be directly supported by an ISMS or be performed manually for relatively small businesses or at higher managerial levels.


2.3 The information security metrics

quality of the IS can be measured through various parameters, ranging from number of blocked spam messages to the degree of attaining a strategic goals. As for an ISMS, the author strongly insists on measuring the effectiveness by managerial indexes, such as number of completed low-level tasks, the conventional risk value, eliminated by a security measure, etc. Such evaluation yields better understanding at high executive levels.


2.4 Internal audit capabilities

second ultimate goal of implementing an ISMS, except providing a comprehensive IS management for the enterprise, is the certification of accordance to one or several of the ISO27k standards.certification process assumes the external audit of the corporate ISS to define the compliance with the standard. To guarantee the successful external audit, a company may induce internal security audits preliminary to certification.the ISMS contains and manipulates the most important security assessment data, the introduction of audit functions may seriously facilitate the internal audit procedures.


Conclusions to section

management standard development national

Taking into consideration the stated problems and requirements to an ISMS, the following features and functional capabilities are needed in an information security management product.

1.     High-level managerial presentation by the introduction of simple interfaces and reports oriented specifically at the high-level management;

2.       Monitoring and management of the IS risks at the enterprise with immediate reassessment in case of any changes in the sets of assets and threats;

.         Planning of external or internal IS audit, control of the audit procedures progress by pivot reports;

.         Registration of violations, deviations and remarks in the process of audit procedures fulfilment by supplying the needed information in a specialised report;

.         Use of templates for policies, descriptions and other working documents. These templates must comply with the national standards;

.         Creation and keeping all the necessary dispositive and regulation documents on IS (functional duties, instructions, security policies, etc.) by storing, updating and supplying the corporate IS information to the documents directly;

.         Maintaining the common databases of knowledge and methodical materials, archiving to supply management decisions with actual data;

.         The conduction of analysis of the IS state (matrix of the state) and forming of management-level reports as comprehensible tables and charts, as it is usually hard to deliver the IS issues to unfamiliar people;

.         Rational distribution of the roles and plenary powers, allocation of resources to officials and tasks;

.         Informative-analytical support of decisions by organisation’s management as to the process of IS management, because having clear and actual information, it is easier to take rational decisions;

.         Providing the forming of requirements (matrix of requirements) and ISMS efficiency estimation indexes (matrix of estimations), which is important in controlling the achievement of the set objectives;

.         Estimation and management of the budget of the ISMS creation and exploitation, to control the expenditures on the ISMS in particular, or the overall organisation’s IS;

.         Monitoring of tasks execution and rendering of recommendations to boost the overall performance for the projects.



3.1 Purpose of the ISMS

basic task of the ISMS is the informative-analytical support of the process of the ISS creation attributable to the precise estimation of the accepted decisions efficiency, and choice of the rational hardware, software and organisational solutions.“Matrix” is based on system approach to information security by Domarev V.V. as well as on universal experience of different companies.proposed ISMS provides the following functional capabilities:

1.     Development of documentation;

2.       Personnel management;

.         Rational choice of software and hardware IS means and solutions;

.         Forming the terms of reference and projects management;

.         Management of information assets and resources;

.         Analysis of threats;

.         Estimation of risks;

.         Planning, development and implementation of organisational and technical measures of IS;

.         Estimation of the IS efficiency;

.         Accumulation of informative-analytical knowledge and experience;

11.     Training and education of organisation’s specialists in information security.


3.2 General description of the ISMS

The “Matrix” is positioned as an information security management, international IT standard implementation and decision support system. The ISMS is an information-methodological instrument of IS management, which is the simple, versatile and effective mean of creation, management, control and estimation of the efficiency of the IS providing processes in organisations.“Matrix” is a systematic decision that is intended to organize the cooperation of the organisation’s management, IT department, IS service, specialists of internal audit and other departments in the process of IS management in the organisation.ISMS “Matrix” is projected for organisation of information security management processes in accordance with the requirements of standards of the National bank of Ukraine or other normative documents. The system also allows to independently organize the work for the creation of the ISS and easily adapts itself for the solution of concrete IS providing tasks with taking the business processes peculiarities into consideration.of the ISMS “Matrix” provides a possibility to reduce financial expenses on bringing in external auditors and consultants.ISMS “Matrix” is based on the principles of the system approach to IS management, absorbing the knowledge and the best practices of the leading companies that provide IS. The system consists of database, containing the sets of operational tasks and knowledge. Each element of these sets is classified by Domarev’s Matrix (element is assigned to a stage, a direction and a base). This allows systematising and uniting IS management and knowledge.


3.3 Improvements provided by the ISMS

application allows to:

1.    increase the efficiency of management decisions;

2.         systematise and unite the forces of different specialists for the achievement of common goal (implementation of one or several international IS standards simultaneously);

3.         estimate the current state of ISS and its compliance to a certain IS standard;

4.         obtain pivot reports on ISS state, current and finished jobs (in extension, updating, etc.)to the research of the analogous products presented in [12], there exist certain problems in IT GRCM software. The explanations of the solutions and their effects are presented below.following improvements became possible due to the application of the developed ISMS “Matrix”.situation when the product is concentrated more on assessment, than on managerial functions is resolved because the main function of the developed ISMS is high-level management. Thus the managerial efficiency of the product increased.problem of absence of the conditional branching in workflow algorithms is eliminated because the developed ISMS supports workflow that is not limited to business processes with strict algorithms. Thus the developed ISMS can be applied to the non-trivial business situations.flexibility in self-assessment is resolved because the operation of the developed ISMS is based on self-assessment data and is dynamically rebuilt in reply to any changes in the structure, operation or normative provision of the target organisation. Thus the developed ISMS extends the self-assessment abilities of the target organisation.when products may be concentrated on a single standard and not appropriate for broader use is resolved because the system approach to IS enables handling of any normative documents - from internal regulations to international standards. Thus the developed ISMS can be used to implement wider scope of standards.price of the developed ISMS for the customers is considerably lower than for analogous products because the system core is distributed freely and support pricing is low due to immaturity of the product. Thus the developed ISMS is more affordable than analogous products.situation when content is all based on bottom-up, IT-centric control management requirements is resolved because the developed ISMS is designed to operate only on high managerial levels, preventing from drowning in the vast amount of technical details. Thus overall clearance of the IS state at the target organisation is maintained.situation when maturity of the products makes their interfaces complex for users is resolved because the interfaces if the developed ISMS can be adapted on demand for each customer. Thus the developed ISMS is more convenient for the end users.configuration difficulties for the end users are eliminated because no end-user configuration is needed, except allowing MS VBA macros. Thus the developed ISMS has faster deployment.absence of predefined security policies is compensated by the availability of filling the developed ISMS according to any normative document or policy from product support unit. Thus the developed ISMS has the improved adaptability to the defined IS policy or other normative documents.presence of mostly compliance reporting with only a light treatment of risk is resolved in the developed ISMS because risk assessment is a dedicated function, providing both detailed risk estimations and pivot charts. Thus the balance between the treatments of compliance and risks is established in the developed ISMS.hardships in development of policy and control framework content for commercial regulations were eliminated because the system approach to IS used in the developed ISMS is equally effective in both state and commercial organisations. Thus the developed ISMS obtained wider application scope in terms of target organisation audit support is resolved in the developed ISMS by the presence of the variety of reports and pivot charts that allow to pass various audits without reassessment. Thus the developed ISMS shortens the preparation time before multiple audits conduction.appendix B generalises the problems solved in the developed ISMS “Matrix”.of the developed ISMS also has financial advantages. The following numerical estimations were made.

1.   The price of the product and technical support is 10 times lower in average.

2.       The cost of training internal auditors (ranging from about 5000 to 8000 UAH) is compensated by the inherent audit capabilities of the ISMS “Matrix”.


3.4 Structure of the ISMS


.4.1 Structure overview

The ISMS “Matrix” is implemented as a relational database with menus, screen forms and printable reports in Microsoft Office Access 2000 Database format (*.mdb).database itself consists of two main tables, risk list and common classifying elements lists (see appendix C). The tables are linked on the scheme not by ID fields (as it is classically made in database construction), but by the names of elements. This is arranged for better flexibility in case of changes in data structures during the ISMS development or customisation.first main table “Knowledge” (Тд_ЗНАНИЯ) contains the information about the input normative documents and regulations. The second main table “Tasks” (Ту_ЗАДАЧИ) contains the information about all the dispatched tasks: current, planned and archived.assessment is performed by forming asset-threat relations in the table “Risk list” (спис_риски). For quantitative estimations value fields are provided in tables of assets (спис_активы) and threats (спис_угрозы). For details see appendix C.


3.4.2 Classifying elements

The classification of sections from multiple documents as well as the classification of tasks is implemented by the introduction of the common classifying elements according to Domarev’s Matrix of system approach to IS [2]. The classifying elements are listed below according to appendix C.

.         Directions (напрямки);

.         Objects (об’єкти);

.         Group of bases (основи);

.1.      Officials (співробітники);

.2.      Documents (документи);

.3.      Measures (заходи);

.4.      Means (засоби);

.         Stages (етапи);

.         Group of stage contents (зміст етапів);

.1.      Assets (активи);

.2.      Threats (загрози);

.3.      Requirements (вимоги);

.4.      Solutions (вирішення);

.5.      Implementations (впровадження);

.6.      Control (контроль).detailed descriptions of each of the classifying elements are presented further in this subsection.set of classifying elements contains optional fields named “Level code 1” to “Level code 3” (Код рівня 1 - Код рівня 3). These fields are added for custom sorting of the set in case there are many entries and they are needed to be grouped. The filling of these fields is completely optional and does not affect the performance of the ISMS.

.         Directions (напрямки)element was initially intended to divide the IS by the types of ISS operation. The division was made considering the specificity of IS components and processes being protected. Presently, the best practice is to match the IS directions with business directions, or business processes. For example, if the bank provides card services, deposits and e-banking, it is recommended to list these as “directions”.define directions it is needed to consider what business directions does the target enterprise have and what major business processes run at the target enterprise.set of directions depends completely on the target enterprise or considered document. There are no standard directions, so the user has to fill the list on his own. Nevertheless, it is recommended to add “Whole enterprise” (Банк в цілому) or “All directions” (Всі напрямки) entries to the directions list. These entries might be needed when there are enterprise-wide or even enterprise-independent regulations.

.         Objects (об’єкти)element was not initially present in classic system approach to IS, but practical implementation experience has shown the necessity of its introduction. The objects are the major complex entities of the target organisation. The list of these elements might include the core objects of the organisation’s business processes.

To define the objects, it is needed to list the core elements of the organisation’s business processes, not getting in detail.

The set of objects may include physical or information systems, like “Computer network” (Комп’ютерна мережа), or “E-mail system” (Електронна пошта). It is also recommended to add “Object-independent” (Окрема задача) entry to the objects list. This entry might be needed when there are object-independent or enterprise-wide regulations.

3.       Group of bases (основи)group of classifying elements corresponds to “Bases” group from classical system approach matrix (including normative base, structure, measures and means). In classification of documents and tasks within the ISMS, the table storing the list of structure officials (спис_сотр) is used twice: once to define the supervisor, and the second time to select the responsible employee.

3.1.    Officials (співробітники)element initially described the structure of organisation’s officials and departments that were responsible for the provision of information security. Presently, the list of officials contains all the officers and departments involved in solution of the IS tasks, because it is used to define both supervisors and the responsible. Practice shows that it is frequent that non-security officials are drawn in the IS processes. For example, according to the standard [3], the top management of the organisation must perform several security tasks, among which are the roles distribution among the employees and driving the importance of the IS management to non-security divisions so that the productive cooperation between IS service and other departments is no criteria to define the officials that will be involved in IS processes.fill the officials list, it is first needed to list the IS department in person and in general. For the latter it is recommended to use a record like “IS department” (Підрозділ інформ. безпеки). It is also recommended to add the record for management in general like “Management” (Керівництво). Further, it will be needed to add each employee or department that would be mentioned in the IS tasks or documents. The cooperation with human resource department will be helpful to have the list of employees and departments.

3.2.    Documents (документи)this element represented the legislative, normative-methodical and scientific base of documents that were involved in the legislative aspects of information security. In the current ISMS implementation this element defines the document, part of which is being stored in the documentation module, or within the scope of which the task is dispatched.compose the set of documents, it is needed to enter the names of all the documents that regulate the information security at the target organisation, plus the standards that are about to be implemented.short names of the documents must be entered in the set. The names of the document groups may optionally be added in case there are multi-document tasks or regulations, for example “Regulations of the Cabinet of ministers” (Постанови Кабміну) or “International documents” (Міжнародні документи).

.3.      Measures (заходи)in the classic system approach to IS, the set of measures is the set of actions aimed at providing the information security at the target organisation. These usually include measures executed at the creation of ISS, measures executed in the process of exploitation of the ISS and the measures of general profile.define the measures it is needed to check, what concrete processes and procedures aimed at IS support occur in the target no standard set of measures, although the actions executed at organisations in order to provide and support information security are similar. The set can be large, including high- and low-level measures. One example of a high-level measure is “Access control” (Контроль доступу) and of a low-level measure - “Connection time limit” (Обмеження часу підключення).

.4.      Means (засоби)in the classic system approach to IS, this set includes program-technical means and methods of IS. They are the concrete tools used in IS or audit processes of the target organisation or considered considers it worth noting that the set of means includes not only physical security items, but also the security methods like “Testing methods” (Методи тестування). To determine the IS means of the target organisation or considered document, it is needed to list all the concrete tools and names of the methods that are used in IS processes.set of means depends mostly on the target enterprise or considered document. Although there is a great variety of standard IS means and methods, this set will be varying largely depending on the size and business processes of the target organisation. As for the documents, the high-level standards (including ISO27k family, [3] and [4]) usually do not specify the concrete IS means. Common practice for documents is general naming like “Cryptographic means” (Криптографічні засоби).

4.       Stages (етапи)element is intended to divide the IS processes into major steps. Initially, in the classic system approach to IS, the seven steps were formed based on the methodologies of ISS creation existent at the time of the research [2]. During the development of the ISMS “Matrix”, the need arose to adapt to various standards. This pushed the author (and developer) to separate the seven classical stages into a group of stage contents (зміст етапів) described below, and make the set of stages variable.define the IS stages of the target organisation or the considered document, it is needed to detect the major steps of ISS creation, maintenance and development.ISMS users can employ the seven classical stages (that coincide with the names of the elements listed below) or the stages explicitly stated in the considered document. For example, the standard [3] defines the model “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (Плануй-Виконуй-Перевіряй-Дій), so the stages set might consist of four entries with optional sub-stages.

.         Group of stage contents (зміст етапів)group of classifying elements corresponds to “Stages” group from classical system approach matrix, including definition of assets to be protected, definition of threats and information loss channels, risk estimation, definition of requirements to the ISS, selection of IS means, implementation of the selected means and methods of IS, control of the ISS integrity and IS management.practical implementation experience has shown that each stage of ISS creation and management has a broad varying set of sub-stages that depends completely on the target organisation or considered document. Nevertheless, risk assessment was separated into a distinct module, which does not classify, but simply provide the approximate numerical estimations or risks.

5.1.    Assets (активи), in the classic system approach to IS, this element represented the classified or sensitive information to be protected by an ISS. The information is considered sensitive if its disclosure may cause damage to the vital interests of the target organisation or to the personal safety of people. The practical ISMS implementation experience has shown that it is needed to amend the list of assets with everything that can be affected by IS threats. For example, the Ukrainian branch standard [3] defines the assets as “everything that has a value to the organisation”. This caused the appearance of such entries as “Operating systems” (Операційні системи) or “Internetwork screen” (Міжмережевий екран).determine the list of assets for the target enterprise or the considered document, it is needed to name all the low-level entities, present in the target organisation or mentioned in considered document, that may be affected by IS threats and thus cause IS risks. It is worth noting that the set of assets differs from the set of objects described above in the sense that objects are complex entities of the business processes, and the assets are more concrete and low-level entities that are affected by IS threats. For example, when “Computer network” (Комп'ютерна мережа) is an object with possibility to become an asset, “Cryptographic keys” (Криптографічні ключі) can only be an asset.list of assets depends completely on the structure and peculiarities of the target enterprise or the considered document, so there is no standard set of assets. The user has to fill it on his own. Some examples of the assets are “System files” (Системні файли), “Control logs” (Журнали контролю) and “Personal data” (Персональні дані). It is recommended to add “All assets” (Всі активи) entry for the case of enterprise-wide tasks or regulations. The entries in the set of assets contain the numerical field damage (збиток). Upon the entry of an asset, a value of damage in case of asset collapse has to be defined in order to get the numerical risk estimations later. It is proposed to scale the damage values from “high” to “low” with corresponding conventional marks 5 to 1 respectively. Nevertheless, the user may estimate the damage in case of asset collapse by concrete monetary amounts of loss.

5.2.    Threats (загрози), in the classic system approach to IS, this element represented the process of detection of threats and sensitive information loss channels. However at practical implementation of the ISMS “Matrix”, it was decided to move the threat detection process itself to the set of stages (етапи), and let the element “threats” (загрози) contain the list of threats detected at the target organisation or mentioned in the considered document.detect the IS threats of the target organisation, any method is applicable, from theoretical estimation to professional penetration test or expert commission. Such detection process can be performed either at the stage of information system planning, or at the stage of its functioning.exist some lists of threats issued by information security companies, but they include universal sets of threats, most of which is impossible or unimportant to the target organisation, or not mentioned in considered document. It is recommended to fill the set of threats gradually, adding entries at first mentioning of a concrete threat.entries in the set of threats contain the numerical field frequency (частота). Upon the entry of a threat, a value of its appearance frequency has to be defined in order to get the numerical risk estimations later. It is proposed to scale the frequency values from “frequent” to “very rare” with corresponding conventional marks 5 to 1 respectively. Nevertheless, the user may estimate the frequency of threat appearance in by concrete probability value, which is usually inaccurate and hard to determine due to peculiarities of concrete organisation and its business processes.

5.3.    Requirements (вимоги)in the classic system approach to IS, this element represents the set of requirements to the information security system. These requirements may refer to the scope of certain ISS functions, levels of certain characteristics. In the proposed ISMS implementation, the set of requirements contains the titles or types of the regulations that define the requirements to the ISS in question.define the requirements to the ISS of the target organisation without assistance, it is needed to decide which security measures are planned to be used, what is the cost of the available hardware and software security means, how effective are the available security measures and means, how vulnerable are the ISS subsystems, is there a possibility to carry out a risk analysis. In case of implementing a certain standard using ISMS “Matrix”, the requirements can be taken directly from the considered document.set of requirements can be taken from the considered document, because they are usually explicitly stated there. The documents can be the technical tasks for the ISS creation, target organisation’s security policy or a standard. For example the Ukrainian branch standard [3] is itself the set of demands to an ISMS. In such case the entries of the set of requirements will be the titles of corresponding document sections.

5.4.    Solutions (вирішення)element initially represented the process of selection of the means and methods that will provide the achievement of the compliance with the set requirements. In the proposed ISMS implementation, the set of solutions represents the complex means and methods of information security (usually, mature commercial products) used to achieve the compliance with the requirements described above.define the set of solutions, firstly it is needed to decide what means and methods should be used to attain the established requirements in the target organisation or the considered document. Secondly, it is needed to explore the IS solutions market and find those that provide the most of demanded functions or best comply with the set requirements.exist a very large number of IS solutions. Each target organisation should select the solutions according to its needs, implementation potential and budget. The IS standards usually do not specify the concrete solutions in order to give some freedom (and thus ease) in implementation. It is the best practice if the set of solutions (вирішення) contains concrete names of the IS products used at the target enterprise, but general names like “Application of controls” (Застосування контролів) or “Access limitation” (Обмеження доступу) are also available.

5.5.    Implementations (впровадження)element initially designated the actions taken in order to implement the selected IS solutions (that in turn satisfy the set requirements). The implementation may occur at different IS levels (administrative, organisational, technical) and at all stages (design, construction, testing or upgrade of an ISS).define the set of implementation entries, it is needed to decide what methods and organisational arrangements will be used to implement the selected IS solutions at the target organisation.set of implementations depends on the structure and other peculiarities of the target organisation and its personnel in particular. It is recommended to state the decree and control of the target organisation’s management concerning the IS implementation, because practical implementation experience shows that personnel’s unwillingness is one of the strongest obstructive factors on the way to establishment of the corporate information security. It is recommended to list the general names of the implementation procedures, like “Personnel training” (Навчання персоналу) or “Equipment tuning” (Налаштування обладнання).

.6.      Control (контроль)

As in the classic system approach to information security, this element represents the processes of the ISS integrity control and IS management. These processes encompass a wide scope of functions ranging from strictly-technical, like “Control of copying” (Контроль копіювання) to high-level managerial, like “Control of IS responsibilities” (Контроль відповідальностей за ІБ). The Ukrainian branch standard [4] defines controls as “means of risk management that include policy, procedures, directives, practice or organisational structures, which can have administrative, technical, managerial or legal character”. But in the proposed ISMS implementation control has the broader aspect, aimed not at risk management, but at the maintenance of IS and implementation of certain regulations. Thus risk control becomes a part of more complex IS mechanism.

To define the set of control it is necessary to compose the list of procedures that ensure the integrity of the target organisation’s ISS, or check and manage the implementation of the considered standards like [4] sometimes list the control entries explicitly, but the users can also fill the control set by all management and testing IS processes that take place at the target organisation. The list may include names of control groups with sub-controls, like “Control of personnel” (Контроль персоналу) and “Control of employment” (Контроль прийому на роботу) respectively.the sets of values in each of the classifying elements are formed by the end users for the target organisation or the considered document, so the obtained system complies both with the system approach to IS and the business processes of the target organisation, having the structure matching the system approach and the filling matching the target organisation and considered documents.the example if the end users have all the sets filled with minimal necessary amounts of items, i.e. that each task or document record can be classified at least in general. In this case the system will have the following elements of the system approach to IS:

1.   Bases, consisting of the documents, employees, measures and means that exist in the target organisation;

2.       Directions, corresponding to target organisation’s major business processes;

.         Seven classical stages of the system approach to IS that have their results listed (for example, the asset definition as the first stage results in the list of assets);

.         The custom list of stages that represents the target organisation’s IS process.


3.4.3 Main data storages

The main storages of the database in ISMS “Matrix” are the tables “Tasks” (Ту_ЗАДАЧИ) and “Knowledge” (Тд_ЗНАНИЯ).table “Tasks” (Ту_ЗАДАЧИ) contains two sets of fields: the group of classifying fields and the ones that constitute the operational task itself. The classifying fields group places each task in the systematised framework of the system approach to IS. The fields that constitute the task are listed below:

1.     “Date set” (Коли поставлена) - the date of task setting;

2.       “Execution term” (Строк виконання) - the final date of the task execution;

.         “Status” (Статус) - the general state of the task (current, urgent, cancelled, archived, etc.);

.         Date “Updated” (Оновлена) - the date of the last changes made to the task;

.         “Task description” (Опис задачі) - the list of necessary actions;

.         “Executors” (Виконавці) - regular and involved executors of the task and their contact information (if more than one employee is involved in execution);

.         “State” (Стан) - the degree of execution of the task and the list of performed actions and involved measures;

.         “Problems” (Проблеми) - questions and obstacles appeared during the execution of the task;

.         “Remarks” (Зауваження) - short remarks of the supervisor or management;

.         “Supplementary” (Додатково) - hyperlink to supplementary information;

.         “Man-hours” (Люд-год) - number of man-hours given to execute the task.

The second main data storage in the database structure of the ISMS “Matrix” is the table “Knowledge” (Тд_ЗНАНИЯ). Its strings are intended to store the sections of documents that can be referred entirely to a certain place of the system approach to IS, i.e. have assigned one of each classifying elements. In case when the document is small and has a narrow coverage (like a decree or a standard order), it can be stored in one record of the table entirely. The table “Knowledge” (Тд_ЗНАНИЯ) contains two sets of fields: the group of classifying fields and the ones that constitute the document section itself. The classifying fields group places each document section in the systematised framework of the system approach to IS. The fields constituting the document section are listed below:

1.   Shortly (Коротко) - the short heading of the document section;

2.       Completely (Повно) - the full heading of the document section;

.         Description (Опис) - description of the document section, including annotation or notes concerning the section content;

.         Contents (Зміст) - the full content of the document section. The field can contain only a small note if the link to the document file is used (see next item);

.         Reference (Посилання) - hyperlink to supplementary information or the file with the document itself (in this case the document content can be updated independently of the ISMS).


3.4.4 Program modules

The implementation of the ISMS “Matrix” required the development of program modules in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications language (MS VBA). Such modules were used for forms and reports. One module was independent and contained the shared custom functions. This module is presented in appendix E as an example.


3.5 Interfaces of the ISMS


.5.1 Main menu

The interaction of the end users with the ISMS “Matrix” starts from the main menu (see fig. 3.1), which is automatically opened at the start-up. The following functions are accessible from the main menu.

1.   Management - operational tasks (Керування - оперативні задачі) - open the form “Detailed tasks information” (Детальна інформація щодо задач) to enter or edit the operational tasks;

2.       Knowledge - documents (Знання - документи) - open the form “Knowledge - documents input” (Знання - Введення документів) to enter or edit the documents or their sections;

. 3.1. The main menu of the ISMS “Matrix”

3.   Risks estimation (Оцінка ризиків) - open the pivot table with the same name that presents the risks considered at the target enterprise;

4.       Statistics of tasks and knowledge (Статистика задач та знань) - open the form “Statistics” (Статистика) to call pivot tables on various aspects of operational tasks and knowledge;

.         Conditions of records selection for reports or filters (Умови відбору записів для звітів/фільтрів) - open the form “Selection conditions” (Умови відбору) to select the filtering criteria used in input forms, compiled documents and task reports;

.         Formation of documents or reports (Формування документів / звітів) - open the form with the same name to produce the reports on operational tasks or compile the documents by various selections;

.         Edit the elements lists (Редагувати списки елементів) - open the form “Elements lists” (Списки елементів) to add or edit the entries of the classifying elements and statuses of the operational tasks;

.         Exit (Вихід) - close the ISMS.detailed description of the listed functions is presented below.


3.5.2 Form “Detailed tasks information”

The form “Detailed tasks information” (Детальна інформація щодо задач) is opened from the main menu of the ISMS “Matrix”. The fig. 3.2 presents the overview of the form. The fields on the form are arranged into two groups - the ones that constitute the operational task itself on the left hand side and the group of classifying fields on the right hand side.

. 3.2. The form “Detailed tasks information” of the ISMS “Matrix”

field “Task code” (Код задачі) contains the task ID and is assigned automatically. The task ID may be used for fast task search, because the pivot tables on the tasks state the task field “Set” (Коли поставлена) contains the date of task setting and is assigned automatically on task record creation. Nevertheless, the users can change the date in case the task was set earlier than entered into the field “Execution term” (Строк виконання) contains the final date of the task execution. By this field the expiration of the task is detected. If the task is unlimited in time, the field may be left blank.

The numeric field “Man-hours” (Людино-годин) contains the estimated number of man-hours given to execute the task.

The date field “Information updated” (Інформація оновлена) contains the date of the last changes made to the task. The field is updated automatically upon any changes made to the record, but it can be also modified by the users.text field “Executors, contacts” (Виконавці, контакти) contains the names of the regular and involved executors of the task and their contact information, if more than one employee is involved in the execution of the task.combo list field “Status” (Статус) classifies the general state of the task (current, urgent, cancelled, archived, etc.). The field values can be added and edited using the form “Elements lists”, opened from the main menu of the ISMS.hyperlink field “Supplementary” (Додатково) contains the hyperlink to supplementary information on the task. The hyperlink is edited using the “Hyperlink” section of the field’s context menu.

The text field “Task description and measures” (Опис задачі та заходи) contains the list of actions, necessary to accomplish. If the task is aimed at compliance with a certain document, the field can duplicate the title of the corresponding document or its relevant section.text field “Directives and execution state” (Настанови та стан виконання) describes the degree of execution of the task, the list of performed actions and involved measures. It is recommended to append the short notes during the task execution, starting each note with the appending date. The field may also contain the detailed instructions concerning the task execution.text field “Problems” (Проблеми) lists the questions and obstacles appeared during the execution of the task that should be addressed to the supervisor of the task or higher managers by the special report.text field “Remarks” (Зауваження) contains the short remarks of the supervisor or management concerning the solution of the appeared problems. This field can also be used by management of the task the supervisor to express the commentaries of high a group of three optional fields named “Levels” (Рівні), situated in the top central part of the form. These fields are added for custom sorting of the task records within objects in case there are many entries and they are needed to be grouped.print buttons “and are situated above the group of classifying fields on the right hand side of the form. The button “Print current task” (Друк поточної задачі) prints the task record that is currently displayed in the form. The button “Print task template” (Друк шаблона задачі) prints the template of an operational task record for handwritten filling (this is intended to be used if managers do not have direct access to the ISMS interfaces).classifying fields’ meanings and descriptions are presented above in the subsection 3.4.2 “Classifying elements”.form contains a record filter which is opened by a button “Conditions of records selection” (Умови відбору записів) on the right side of the form. The operation of the filter is described in the subsection 3.5.4 “Input forms filter”.


3.5.3 Form “Knowledge - documents input”

The form “Knowledge - documents input” (Знання - Введення документів) is opened from the main menu of the ISMS “Matrix”. The fig. 3.3 presents the overview of the form. The fields on the form are arranged into two groups - the ones that constitute the document section itself on the left side and the group of classifying fields on the right side.text field “Short heading” (Короткий заголовок) contains the short heading of the document section or knowledge element. It may be descriptive or contain the common name of the document.text field “Full heading” (Повний заголовок) contains the full official heading of the document section or knowledge element. For example, for the standard [3] the full heading is “Інформаційні технології. Методи захисту. Система управління інформаційною безпекою. Вимоги (ISO/IEC 27001:2005, MOD)”, and the short heading is “ГСТУ СУІБ 1.0/ISO/IEC 27001:2010”. The field is also used for grouping the document sections or knowledge elements in the document compilations.

. 3.3. The form “Knowledge - documents input” of the ISMS “Matrix”

text field “Description” (Опис) contains the description of the document section or knowledge element, including annotation or notes concerning the content. It is important to fill this field because the higher level IS policy formed by the ISMS is compiled of descriptions of the document sections and knowledge elements.text field “Contents” (Зміст) contains the full content of the document section or knowledge element. The field can contain only a small note if the link to the document file is used in the field “Reference (Посилання)”. Please refer to the next paragraph for details.hyperlink field “Reference” (Посилання) contains the hyperlink to supplementary information source or the file with the document or knowledge element itself. The field is situated under the group of the classifying element fields at the bottom-right side of the form. It is possible to link the knowledge database record to an external document file. In this case the content of the document can be altered independently of the ISMS.

The field “Code” (Код) contains the ID of the document section or knowledge element and is assigned automatically. The ID field may be used for fast knowledge search, because the pivot tables on knowledge state the a group of three optional fields named “Levels” (Рівні), situated in the top-right part of the form. These fields are added for custom sorting of the task records within a document in case there are many entries and they are needed to be grouped. If the document subsections have numeration, it is recommended to duplicate the numeration in the field group “Levels”.classifying fields’ meanings and descriptions are presented above in the subsection 3.4.2 “Classifying elements”.form contains a record filter which is opened by a button “Conditions of records selection” (Умови відбору записів) on the right side of the form. The operation of the filter is described in the subsection 3.5.4 “Input forms filter”.


3.5.4 Input forms filter

The two input forms of the ISMS “Matrix”, “Detailed tasks information” (Детальна інформація щодо задач) and “Knowledge - documents input” (Знання - Введення документів) contain a record filter which is opened by a button “Conditions of records selection” (Умови відбору записів) on the upper-right side of each form. The fig. 3.4 presents the overview of the filter.the press of a button “Conditions of records selection”, the filter switch appears on the input form, and the form “Selection conditions” (Умови відбору) is opened automatically to select the filtering criteria. After the selection conditions are set in the corresponding fields, it is possible to switch back to the initial input form by pressing one of the buttons in the upper-right side of the “Selection conditions” form. It is possible to return to the “Selection conditions” form to change the filtering criteria by pressing the button “Conditions of records selection” on the input form.

. 3.4. The input forms filter of the ISMS “Matrix”

filter is capable to select the records by only one criterion at a time, which is selected by a radio buttons group named “Mode” (Режим). The following filtering modes are present, each selecting the records where the value in the corresponding field matches the one specified on the form “Selection conditions”.

.         “Show all” (Показати всі) - lists all records without disabling the filter;

.         “Responsible” (Відповідальний);

.         “Document” (Документ);

.         “Measures” (Заходи);

.         “Means” (Засоби);

.         “Assets” (Активи);

.         “Threats” (Загрози);

.         “Requirements” (Вимоги);

.         “Solutions” (Вирішення).button “Refresh selection” (Оновити вибірку) is used to re-filter in the selected mode. This action is usually needed in the two following situations. First, when some of the filtered records have been changed and do not fit the selection criterion anymore. Second, when the selection criterion has been changed and it is needed to filter the records in the same mode again.button “Conditions of records selection” (Умови відбору записів) is used to enable the filter and to switch to “Selection conditions” form. It is also possible to switch to the form and back by the standard means of MS Access.button “Disable filter” (Вимкнути фільтр) cancels the filtering selection, hides the filter controls and closes the form “Selection conditions”, unless that form is used by another filter or report formation.


3.5.5 Pivot table “Risks estimation”

The form “Risks estimation” (Оцінка ризиків) is opened from the main menu of the ISMS “Matrix”. The fig. 3.5 presents the overview of the pivot table. The form visualises the distribution of risks among the assets of the target organisation.

. 3.5. The pivot table “Risks estimation” of the ISMS “Matrix”

pivot table presents the distribution of risks as the correlation between threats and assets of the target organisation. The total risk estimations are provided for each threat, each asset and the whole organisation.values of the risk estimations can be conventional or be measured in terms of financial losses. The detailed description of the risk estimation mechanism is presented below in subsection 3.6.3 “Risk assessment”.can be applied to the pivot chart by assets and threats. The display of certain elements of assets or threats is controlled by the standard means of MS Access for pivot charts. To enter the list of displayed elements, it is necessary to click the triangle next to the name of the element header. On the fig. 3.5 such filter-enabling triangles can be seen near the row heading “Asset” (Актив) and the column heading “Threat” (Загроза). The filters of the pivot table can be applied simultaneously.


3.5.6 Form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge”

The form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge” (Статистика задач та знань) is opened from the main menu of the ISMS “Matrix”. The fig. 3.6 presents the overview of the form. The form calls the pivot charts that display the general overviews of the IS state at the target enterprise from the different perspectives.

. 3.6. The form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge” of the ISMS “Matrix”

information from the pivot tables can be used to facilitate the ISS audit process. The statistics are provided for both tasks and documents sections of the ISMS.list of pivot tables opened from the form is the following.

1.   Group “Statistics of tasks” (Статистика задач):

.1.  Tasks by the Matrix (Задачі по Матриці);

1.2.    Tasks by employees (statuses) (Задачі по співробітникам (статусам));

1.3.    Tasks by objects (Задачі по об'єктам);

1.4.    Tasks by supervisors (Задачі по керівникам);

1.5.    Expired tasks (Прострочені задачі);

2.   Group “Statistics of knowledge” (Статистика знань):

2.1.    Assets by responsible (Активи за відповідальними);

2.2.    Assets by documents and responsible (Активи за документами та відповідальними);

2.3.    Distribution of requirements by responsible (Розподіл вимог за відповідальними).detailed descriptions of the listed pivot tables are presented below in the subsection 3.5.10 “Pivot tables of statistics”.


3.5.7 Form “Selection conditions”

The form “Selection conditions” (Умови відбору) can be opened either from the main menu of the ISMS “Matrix”, tasks and knowledge input forms, or “Formation of documents or reports” (Формування документів / звітів) form. The fig. 3.7 presents the overview of the form. The fields on the form duplicate the group of the classifying fields in the input forms.combo list boxes of the classifying elements are intended to store the selection conditions for the tasks and knowledge input forms or formation of documents and reports. For example, if the field “Document” (Документ) is set to “НБУ СУІБ-1 27001” (the short name of [3]), then when the input form filters will be switched into the “Document” mode, all the records having “НБУ СУІБ-1 27001” in the “Document” field will be selected. This also applies to reports involving selection by document.

. 3.7. The form “Selection conditions” of the ISMS “Matrix”

form contains the group of fields “For tasks only” (Тільки для задач), including updating range limiters and “Show archived” (Відображати архівні) checkbox. The group is situated in the lower-right part of the fields “From” (З) and “Till” (По) specify the range of task updating date. Both fields must be specified to use the task reports involving a time period. If the starting range is unknown, the users can enter any early date (like 01.01.1900).button “Close the form” (Зачинити форму) closes the form in no forms depend on it. For example, if a filter is on in the tasks input form, the “Selection conditions” form would not close upon the button press.button “Tasks input” (Введення задач) opens the form “Detailed tasks information” (Детальна інформація щодо задач) and enables its filter automatically.button “Documents input” (Введення документів) opens the form “Knowledge - documents input” (Знання - Введення документів) and enables its filter automatically.button “Formation of documents or reports” (Формування документів / звітів) opens the form with the same name to select a report or document compilation based on selected criteria.


3.5.8 Form “Formation of documents or reports”

The form “Formation of documents or reports” (Формування документів / звітів) is opened either from the main menu of the ISMS “Matrix” or from the form “Selection conditions” (Умови відбору). The fig. 3.8 presents the overview of the form. There are three groups of elements on the form situated vertically. The topmost group has the elements serving for common purposes. The next group forms the task reports. The group at the lower side of the form sets the document compilations.

. 3.8. The form “Formation of documents or reports” of the ISMS “Matrix”

The button “Conditions of records selection” (Умови відбору записів) opens the corresponding form.checkbox “Create *.rtf file” (“Створити файл *.rtf”) triggers the export of selected report to an external file.list “Form the report on operational tasks” (Сформувати звіт з оперативних задач) is intended to select the report to be produced. The report is made immediately after the selection of the corresponding item in the list. The following reports are available for the operational tasks section of the ISMS “Matrix”.

1.     All tasks (Всі задачі);

2.       Archived tasks over a period (Архівні задачі за період);

3.       Expired tasks for today (Прострочені задачі на сьогодні);

4.       Tasks by direction (Задачі по напрямку);

5.       Tasks by direction and responsible (Задачі по напрямку та відповідальному);

6.       Tasks by direction and object (Задачі по напрямку та об'єкту);

7.       Tasks by direction over a period (Задачі по напрямку за період);

8.       Tasks over a period by responsible (Задачі за період по відповідальному);

9.       Tasks over a period by supervisor (Задачі за період по керівнику);

10.     Tasks over a period by object (Задачі за період по об'єкту);

11.     Tasks over a period by object and responsible (Задачі за період по об'єкту та відповідальному);

12.     All problems (Всі проблеми);

13.     Problems by responsible (Проблеми по відповідальному);

14.     Problems by object (Проблеми по об'єкту);

15.     Problems over a period (Проблеми, що виникли за період);

16.     Tasks by stage (Задачі по етапу);

17.     Tasks by stage and direction (Задачі по етапу та напрямку).

The reports involving selection for the time period assume the range of updating dates and do not take into account the records with empty “Updated” “Compile the document” (Скомпонувати документ) contains the set of knowledge selection criteria checkboxes and two document compilation buttons. The knowledge can be selected from the database by any combination of the criteria. If none of the criteria is selected, the full list of documents and knowledge will be compiled.button “Compile” (Скомпонувати) launches the compilation of the document according to the ticked checkboxes of selection criteria. If none of the criteria are selected, the full list of documents and knowledge will be compiled.

The button “Form the information security policy” (Сформувати політику інформаційної безпеки) launches the formation of the high-level IS policy based on all the stored knowledge. The description of the formed policy is presented in the subsection 3.6.4 “Information security policy formation” below. The sample page of the formed IS policy is presented in appendix D.


3.5.9 Form “Elements lists”

The form “Elements lists” (Списки елементів) is opened from the main menu of the ISMS “Matrix”. The fig. 3.9 presents the overview of the form. The form is intended to edit the entries of classifying elements and statuses of operational tasks.

. 3.9. The form “Elements lists” of the ISMS “Matrix”

left side of the form is the group of radio buttons that select the list to edit. The selectors are grouped in the same way as are the classifying fields in the input forms. To the right side of the form the table of the selected list is loaded. The following list selectors are present on the form:

.         Directions (Напрямки);

.         Objects (Об’єкти);

.         Officials (Співробітники);

.         Documents (Документи);

.         Measures (Заходи);

.         Means (Засоби);

.         Stages (Етапи);

.         Assets (Активи);

.         Threats (Загрози);

10.     Risks (Ризики);

11.     Requirements (Вимоги);

.         Solutions (Вирішення);

.         Implementations (Впровадження);

.         Control (Контроль);

.         Task statuses (Статуси задач).descriptions of the classifying elements are presented in the subsection 3.4.2 “Classifying elements”. The description of risk list is presented in the subsection 3.6.3 “Risk assessment”.


3.5.10 Pivot tables of statistics


.5.10.1 Pivot table “Statistics of tasks by the Matrix”

The pivot table “Statistics of tasks by the Matrix” (Статистика задач по Матриці) is opened from the form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge” (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS “Matrix”. The fig. 3.10 presents the overview of the pivot table. The table displays the distribution of operational tasks by the Matrix of the system approach to IS. The two differences between this presentation and the classic Matrix are the absence of “Bases” group (because the bases are represented by several database fields) and the use of custom names for the directions and stages.

. 3.10. The pivot table “Statistics of tasks by the Matrix” of the ISMS “Matrix”

pivot table presents the total quantities of tasks and approximate amount of man-hours needed for their completion. The details are task IDs and their updating dates. To open the details for a certain direction or stage, it is needed to press the “plus” sign near the name of corresponding row or column. On the fig 3.10 the details are opened for the direction “Computer network” (Комп’ютерна мережа).the filters by the names of directions and stages (opened by pressing triangle near the element’s mane), the pivot table can also be filtered by the date of task setting and the date of updating. All the filters can be applied simultaneously.


.5.10.2 Pivot table “Task statuses over a period”

The pivot table “Task statuses over a period” (Статуси задач за період) is opened from the form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge” (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS “Matrix”. The table is intended to present the distribution of tasks by the responsible employees.pivot table presents the total quantities of tasks and approximate amount of man-hours needed for their completion. The details are the objects referred by the tasks and the task IDs. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the “plus” sign near its name.

Except the filters by the names of statuses and responsible (opened by pressing triangle near the element’s mane), the pivot table can also be filtered by the date of task updating. All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table “Tasks by objects”

The pivot table “Tasks by objects” (Задачі по об'єктам) is opened from the form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge” (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS “Matrix”. The table presents the complex distribution of tasks given to different employees by objects. The objects are grouped by the directions. To view the total results for a certain direction, it is needed to press the “plus” sign to the left of its name.pivot table presents the total quantities of tasks and approximate amount of man-hours needed for their completion. The details are the task statuses and the task IDs. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the “plus” sign near its name.

Except the filters by the names of responsible, directions and objects (opened by pressing triangle near the element’s mane), the pivot table can also be filtered by the date of task updating and task status. All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table “Tasks by supervisors”

The pivot table “Tasks by supervisors” (Задачі по керівникам) is opened from the form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge” (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS “Matrix”. The table presents the complex distribution of tasks given by the different supervisors. The tasks are grouped by objects, which in turn are grouped by responsible officials. To view the total results for a certain responsible, it is needed to press the “plus” sign to the left of the corresponding name.pivot table presents the total quantities of tasks and number of expired tasks. The details are the task IDs, “Expired” labels, dates of the task setting and execution terms. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the “plus” sign near its name.

Except the filters by the names of supervisors, responsible and directions (opened by pressing triangle near the element’s mane), the pivot table can also be filtered by the date of task setting and task status. All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table “Expired tasks”

The pivot table “Expired tasks” (Прострочені задачі) is opened from the form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge” (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS “Matrix”. The table presents the number of expired tasks on the objects which in turn are grouped by the responsible officials.details of the pivot table are task IDs, dates of the task setting and execution terms. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the “plus” sign near its name. To view the total results for a certain responsible, it is needed to press the “plus” sign to the left of the corresponding name.

Except the filters by the names of responsible and objects (opened by pressing triangle near the element’s mane), the pivot table can also be filtered by the date of task setting and task status. All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table “Assets by responsible”

The pivot table “Assets by responsible” (Активи за відповідальними) is opened from the form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge” (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS “Matrix”. The fig. 3.11 presents the overview of the pivot table. The table presents the distribution of IS measures by directions, then objects, then assets.

. 3.11. The pivot table “Statistics of tasks by the Matrix” of the ISMS “Matrix”

pivot table presents the total quantities of IS measures. The details are the names of the measures and the corresponding knowledge IDs. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the “plus” sign near its name. To view the total results for a certain object or direction, it is needed to press the “plus” sign to the left of the corresponding name.pivot table can be filtered by the names of the responsible, assets, objects and directions (opened by pressing triangle near the element’s mane). All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table “Assets by documents and responsible”

The pivot table “Assets by documents and responsible” (Активи за документами та відповідальними) is opened from the form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge” (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS “Matrix”. The table represents the distribution of assets mentioned in all the documents of the knowledge base between the responsible officials grouped by the directions.pivot table presents the total quantities of assets. The details are the names of the assets and the corresponding knowledge IDs. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the “plus” sign near its name. To view the total results for a certain direction, it is needed to press the “plus” sign to the left of its name.pivot table can be filtered by the documents, responsible officials and directions (opened by pressing triangle near the element’s mane). All the filters can be applied simultaneously. Pivot table “Requirements by responsible”

The pivot table “Requirements by responsible” (Вимоги за відповідальними) is opened from the form “Statistics of tasks and knowledge” (Статистика задач та знань) of the ISMS “Matrix”. The table presents the distribution of the requirements of the implemented documents or knowledge elements by responsible officials.pivot table presents the total quantities of requirements. The details are the names of the requirements and the corresponding knowledge IDs. To open the details for a certain row or column, it is needed to press the “plus” sign near its name.pivot table can be filtered by the documents and responsible officials (opened by pressing triangle near the element’s mane). All the filters can be applied simultaneously.


3.6 Operation of the ISMS


.6.1 Filling recommendations

To ensure the most effective operation of the ISMS “Matrix” in partial uncertainty, the author recommends starting the exploitation of the system by filling the lists of classifying elements with all known items independently of tasks or documents, i.e. enter the initially known description of the target organisation.lists of classifying elements can be edited in “Elements lists” (Списки елементів) form called form the main menu of the ISMS by the item “Edit the elements lists” (Редагувати списки елементів). It is possible to start with any classifying element except “Risks” (Ризики), because that list is built of elements from “Assets” (Активи) and “Threats” (Загрози). The logic of this dependence is described below in the subsection 3.6.3 “Risk assessment”.recommendations concerning definition of entries and presence of recommended values for each of the classifying elements are presented above in the subsection 3.4.2 “Classifying elements”.

In the process of further exploitation the lists of classifying elements are subject to changes, which is a normal part of the ISMS integration process. The mentioned changes may be caused primarily by the extension of knowledge about the target organisation, or by the changes in business processes or in the structure of the target organisation.task statuses list has to be filled just before the beginning of the tasks input. The list initially has some values that are system-critical, but the practical implementation experience suggests that it will be needed to add statuses for current, important and planned tasks.the lists of elements are ready, it is possible to start the input of tasks and knowledge. These two main branches can usually be filled independently and in parallel, but when the ISMS is used to implement a certain standard, it is better to start with filling the “Knowledge - documents” (Знання - документи) section.entering the documents with the “Knowledge - documents input” (Знання - Введення документів) form it is better to split the big document into small sections, which can be entirely classified by a certain item in each classifying element. If the document is initially divided into sections and subsections, it is recommended to enter each smallest subsection as a separate knowledge record. This will increase the efficiency of formation of security policy, post instructions or other documents. The section “Knowledge - documents” is also intended to store any kind of reference information on information security (classified as “knowledge”).operational tasks are entered and edited through the form “Detailed tasks information” (Детальна інформація щодо задач). It is a usual case, when third party is involved in the operational task execution process, or when there are more than one executor. For such case, the involved officials can be listed in “Executors, contacts” (Виконавці, контакти) field. If the task is aimed at compliance with a certain document, the field “Task description and measures” (Опис задачі та заходи) can duplicate the title of the corresponding document or its relevant section. The short reports on the task execution progress should be appended in the field “Directives and execution state” (Настанови та стан виконання). The problems that have to be addressed to the management should be listed in the field “Problems” (Проблеми).it is hard to classify the knowledge or task record with present classifying elements, it is possible to add new values to the lists. Nevertheless, it is wise to analyse the absolute necessity of such addition and forecast whether the new value of a classifying element can be used by other records. Flooding the classifying elements lists will strongly decrease the system approach classification efficiency and may cause incomplete selections.


3.6.2 Reporting

The “Matrix” can produce analytical reports as documents (both for printing and export to MS Word). The report formation is performed the following way:

1.   The selection parameters are chosen on the form “Selection criteria” (“Умови відбору”) from combo list boxes.

2.       The type of report is specified. On the form “Formation of documents and reports” (“Формування документів / звітів”) a report is selected from drop-down list in case it is needed to form the list of tasks, or corresponding flags are ticked and “Form the documents list” (“Скомпонувати список документів”) button is pressed in case is needed to form a document.

.         Report is formed for viewing and printing or exported into an *.rtf file, depending on the state of “Create *.rtf file” (“Створити файл *.rtf”) flag on the form “Formation of documents and reports” (“Формування документів / звітів”).documented reports can be used as post instructions. And in such case these instructions will cooperate different departments in achieving the global goal, such as international standard implementation.reports of the ISMS “Matrix” demanded the development of several custom functions. The listing of the program module for the report “All tasks” (Всі задачі) is presented in appendix F as an example.


3.6.3 Risk assessment

The risk assessment function is realised by approximate estimation mechanism.

1.   First, the assets to be protected are defined and entered into the ISMS in the form of assets list. Each asset is assigned a loss value (збиток) i.e. approximate loss estimation in case of asset failure.

2.       Next, the whole scope of threats typical to organisation in question is entered into the ISMS in the form of threats list. Each threat is assigned a frequency value (частота) i.e. approximate scaled estimation of appearance frequency.

.         Finally, the risk list is formed by assigning threats to assets. This step is put instead of cross-joining assets with threats because many minor or even impossible risks may be formed (like physical damage to intellectual capital). The risk values are obtained automatically from multiplication of asset loss value by threat frequency value.are assigned automatically to tasks and document records when corresponding pair of asset and threat are stated in classification fields.pivot risk chart “Оцінка ризиків” (“Risk assessment”) provides the overview of the risks faced by organisation and asset-threat distributions with overall estimations by each asset and each threat.


3.6.4 Information security policy formation

The work [2] presents the definition of the IS policy as: “the set of laws, rules, recommendations and practical experience that determine the administrative and project decisions in the information security sphere. The IS policy determines the organisation of management, protection and distribution of critical information in the system. It must encompass all the features of information processing procedures, determining the behaviour of the protected information system in different situations”.work [2] also states that the information security policy can cover one of the three following levels:

1. Higher level - statements affecting organisation on the whole, having general character and, as a rule, coming from the management of the organisation;

2.       Middle level - issues that cover the separate aspects of information security, but are important for the different systems applied in the organisation;

.         Lower level - covers concrete services, including the two aspects - purposes and ways of their achievement, thus being the most detailed.common practice of creating the IS policies in commercial organisations limits to having two policies: a high-level and a low-level ones. The former describes the general goals of the IS in the target organisation, and the latter contains the detailed descriptions of the concrete technical means and measures.ISMS “Matrix”, as one of its main functions, can produce the high-level IS policy, classifying all the present knowledge. The knowledge elements in the document are grouped in the following order:

1. By directions of the target organisation’s IS;

2.       By threats corresponding to each of the directions;

.         By measures aimed at counteraction to these threats., classical threat-counteraction model is preserved while complying with the system approach to IS. Plus, the formed IS policy complies with all the IS documents considered in the target organisation (i.e. registered in the ISMS).

The contents of the policy document is composed of the information contained in the fields “Description” (Опис) of the knowledge section of the ISMS, so it is important to fill these fields when entering the document sections or knowledge elements. The recommendations concerning the contents of the field are presented in subsection 3.4.3 “Main data storages”.information security policy in the ISMS “Matrix” is formed by pressing the button “Form the information security policy” (Сформувати політику інформаційної безпеки) on the form “Formation of documents or reports” (Формування документів / звітів). The sample page of the formed IS policy is presented in appendix D. The sample IS policy is formed of several bank IS documents, including [3] and [4]. It is possible to add official introduction to the IS policy template.


Conclusions to section

developed product is an information security management system (ISMS) capable of producing documents like information security policy or operational reports and performing statistical analyses from various perspectives. The ISMS operation is based on input knowledge about the target organisation and other documented knowledge on IS, ISS and IS management.input elements of the product are the following:

.         Information about the target organisation;

.         IS standards;

.         Normative documents;

.         Knowledge;

.         Standard post descriptions;

.         Operational tasks statements.information about the target organisation is presented by the sets of elements arranged in accordance to the system approach to IS. The content of the element sets represents the known structure and peculiarities of business processes in the organisation.IS standards that are implemented (or intended to be) in the target organisation are stored in the knowledge section of the ISMS.normative documents are the legal papers concerning IS in the target organisation, like national law about confidentiality or enterprise regulation.other available knowledge about IS may include the results of the latest research in the field, or the best practices.standard post descriptions are general rules for a position in a generic company accepted broadly. It sometimes happens that such descriptions do not completely fit into a certain organisation. Nevertheless, they are perfect reference for the production of the customised post descriptions.operational tasks statements are the current tasks set by the management. They can be concrete or describe the main functions of the officials.on the input information classified according to the system approach to IS, the outputs of the developed ISMS include the following:

.         Information security policy;

.         Statistical analyses;

.         Operational reports.high-level IS policy is formed by the developed ISMS of all the available knowledge. It is the set of general laws, rules, recommendations and practical experience that determine the administrative and project decisions, affecting the organisation at the top-management level. The formed IS policy describes the general goals of the IS in the target organisation.statistical analyses present the various distributions of tasks and knowledge that could be used in the internal audit procedures. The pivot charts display the general overviews of the IS state at the target enterprise from the different perspectives.operational reports on tasks can be used as analytical documents or post instructions cooperating different departments in achieving the common goal.add certain functions, the program modules were written (see appendixes E, F).



In the section 1 of the work the issues of information security management in corporate networks were explored. The results of the latest investigations in the branch, including the ones performed by the author, were overviewed. The general task of information security management system development was formulated.information about the normative documents guiding the information security management in the world and in Ukraine was presented.results of analysis of the present information security management solutions were provided. The most integrated solution in the Ukrainian market was considered.mathematical model of information security system state was described as a continuous process with random parameters.the section 2 of the work the demands to the information security management system (ISMS) were reviewed and the features needed in an effective information security management product were formulated.information security management system was developed according to the formulated task and defined effective ISMS features.database structure was developed to contain the knowledge on information security and operational tasks. Each of these records is placed in the framework of the system approach to information security by the classifying elements.program modules were developed in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications language (MS VBA) to support the custom functions of the forms and reports in the ISMS.the section 3 of the work the detailed description of the product structure, interfaces and operation was presented. The fragment of generated high-level information security policy was presented as the ISMS outcome of the twelve major problems in analogous information security management products and the improvements made by the developed ISMS application were presented.

The financial advantages of the developed ISMS application were estimated.

Due to scarcity of resources devoted to the development of the ISMS “Matrix”, wide encompassing of IS management processes is compensated by inability to operate at lower technical levels (for example, collecting or analyzing log files). To compensate these challenges and accelerate the development of the product, it is needed to invest money to support the developers or devote a professional development team.

The ISMS “Matrix” is capable of gaining economical profit to its developers. The product is developed as a freeware, but the income is obtained from providing the consulting, support and customisation of the product.

The author (and developer) of the ISMS “Matrix” continuously collects the feedback from its users to ensure the performance stability and to determine the necessary development trends. According to the latest demands, the following development perspectives are defined as necessary.

1.   Development of the out-of-the-box content for most demanded Ukrainian and international standards, as well as for widespread types of enterprises;

2.       Improvement of the method of internal IS audit execution to develop more clarity in IS state vision by the organisation’s IS managers;

.         Creation of an expert system to provide more decision making support;

.         Creation of the informative help and reference system;

5.       Improvement of the educational functions to increase the level of trained IS specialists;

.         Improvement of the personnel management functions, like tracking of tasks with several consecutive responsible persons;

7.       Easy and comfortable adjustment of any reports, charts and diagrams;

8.       Creation of wizards that will guide the users through the initial stages of exploitation.



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8.       Домарев, Д.В. Применение полумарковских процессов в разработке и описании состояния систем защиты информации [Текст] / Д.В. Домарев // Системи обробки інформації. Безпека та захист інформації в інформаційних системах.: Зб. наук. пр. - Х.: ФОП «АЗАМАЄВА В.П.», 2009. - № 7(79). - С. 19 - 24.

9.       Domarev, D.V. Information security management system “Matrix” based on system approach [Text] / D.V. Domarev // Проблеми інформатизації та управління: Зб. наук. пр. - К.: НАУ, 2011. - № 2(34).

.         ISO/IEC 27001 certification standard - ISO27k Forum [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http: // html/ 27001.html.

.         ISO/IEC 27002 code of practice - ISO27k Forum [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http: // html/ 27002.html.

12.     Proctor, P. MarketScope for IT Governance, Risk and Compliance Management [Electronic resource]: Gartner RAS Core Research Note G0017S755 / P. Proctor, M. Nicolett. - Access mode: http: // DisplayDocument?id=1361628

.         Lumension® Endpoint Management and Security Suite Datasheet [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http: // Media_Files/ Documents/ Marketing---Sales/Datasheets/Lumension-Endpoint-Management-Security-Suite.aspx.

14.     Howard, R.A. System analysis of semi-Markov processes [Text] / R.A. Howard // IEEE Transactions on Military Electronics - New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1964. - Issue 2, vol. 8. - P. 114-124.

.         ISO/IEC 27000 series FAQ - ISO27k Forum [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http: // html/ faq.html.

16.     Salah, O. Mandatory Information Security Management System Documents Required for ISO/IEC 27001 Certification [Electronic resource] / O. Salah, G. Hinson. - Access mode: http: // ISO27k_mandatory_ISMS_documents.rtf.

Appendix A

Fig. A.1. The logical deduction hierarchy of ISS security level estimation

Appendix B


The solutions of the problems in analogous products by ISMS “Matrix”



The product is concentrated more on assessment, than on managerial functions

The main function of the “Matrix” is high-level management

No conditional branching in workflow algorithms

Workflow is not limited to business processes with strict algorithms

Limited flexibility in self-assessment

The operation of the “Matrix” is based on self-assessment data and is dynamically rebuilt according to any changes

Products may be concentrated on a single standard and not appropriate for broader use

System approach to IS enables handling of any normative documents - from internal regulations to international standards

Cost is considered high by customers and evaluators

The price is in average 10 times lower than in analogous products because: 1. The system core is distributed freely; 2. Support pricing is low due to immaturity of the product.

Content is all based on bottom-up, IT-centric control management requirements

The “Matrix” is designed to operate only on high managerial levels, preventing from drowning in the vast amount of technical details. Thus overall clearance is maintained

The maturity of the products makes their interfaces complex for users

Interfaces can be customised on demand for each customer

End users have reported configuration difficulties

No configuration needed, except allowing MS VBA macros

No predefined security policies

System filling with any normative document or policy is available from product support unit on demand

Mostly compliance reporting with only a light treatment of risk

Risk assessment is a dedicated function, providing both detailed risk estimations and pivot table

Development of policy and control framework content for commercial regulations

The system approach to IS is equally effective in both state and commercial organisations

Limited audit support

The variety of reports and pivot charts allows passing most audits without reassessment

Appendix C


Database scheme

Fig. C.1. Database scheme of the ISMS “Matrix”

Appendix D


Excerpt of the IS policy formed by the product

Політика інформаційної безпеки верхнього рівня - генератор документів бази знань СУІБ "Матриця"

Напрямок:  Банк в цілому

Загроза:      Загрози Комп'ютерній мережі

Заходи:       06.2.1 Ідентифікація ризиків

4.1 Оцінка ризиків безпеки

Оцінка ризиків повинна ідентифікувати і визначити величини і пріоритети ризиків в залежності від критеріїв прийняття ризику і суттєвих цілей організації.

Національна примітка.

Банки України використовують декілька програмно-технічних комплексів автоматизації банківської іяльності, які постійно обмінюються інформацією, тому галуззю застосування оцінки ризиків повинен бути весь банк в цілому.

Напрямок:  Банк в цілому

Загроза:      Втрата цілісності


.1 Внутрішня організація

Ціль: Управляти інформаційною безпекою в організації.

Напрямок:  Всі напрямки ІБ


Заходи:       06.2 Зовнішні сторони

6.2 Зовнішні сторони

Ціль: Підтримування безпеки інформації організації та її засобів оброблення інформації, до яких мають доступ, обробляють, якими управляють або з якими підтримують зв'язок зовнішні сторони.

Безпека інформації і засобів оброблення інформації, які належать організації, не повинна знижуватись через введення в експлуатацію продуктів або послуг зовнішньої сторони.

Будь-який доступ до засобів оброблення інформації організації, а також оброблення та передавання інформації зовнішнім сторонам повинні бути контрольованими.

Якщо є бізнес-потреба в роботі з зовнішніми сторонами, яка може вимагати доступу до інформації або засобів оброблення інформації організації, або в отриманні від зовнішньої сторони чи наданні їй продукту та послуги, повинна виконуватись оцінка ризику для визначення вимог контролю та наслідків щодо безпеки. Контролі повинні бути погоджені та визначені в угоді з зовнішньою стороною.

Напрямок:  Всі напрямки ІБ


Заходи:       06.2.1 Ідентифікація ризиків

4.2 Оброблення ризиків безпеки

До початку оброблення ризику, організація повинна встановити критерії прийняття ризиків.

Для кожного з ризиків, ідентифікованих після оцінки ризику, треба прийняти рішення щодо

оброблення ризику.

Визначити підхід організації до оцінки ризику (4.2.1.c Розроблення СУІБ)

Appendix E


Program module of the shared ISMS functions (listing)

Option Compare Database

Function IsFormOpen(fname As String) As Boolean

'check if a form is openedError GoTo ErrFormOpenfrm As Formfrm = Forms(fname)= TrueFunction:

IsFormOpen = FalseFunction

Sub openRiskPivot()

'open pivot chart of risk estimations from main menu.OpenForm "Ф_своднОценРиск", acFormPivotTableSub

Sub showArchived(rname As String)

'get current report's name

Dim rep As Report

Set rep = Reports(rname)

'check if need to show arcived(Forms![Ф_фильтры].[Флажок_показАрх] = 0) Then

rep.Filter = "NOT([Статус] = 'Архівна')"

rep.FilterOn = True: rep.FilterOn = FalseIfSub

Sub hideParam(rname As String) 'hide text fields in head

'get current report's name

Dim rep As Report

Set rep = Reports(rname).Титул_изм.Visible = False.Надп_титул_изм.Visible = False.загол_изм.Visible = False.Надп_загол_изм.Visible = FalseSub

Continuation of appendix E

Public Sub hideDates(rname As String) 'hide date fields in head

'get current report's name

Dim rep As Report

Set rep = Reports(rname).Титул_ПолеС.Visible = False.Титул_ПолеПо.Visible = False.надп_Титул_2.Visible = False

.загол_ПолеС.Visible = False.загол_ПолеПо.Visible = False.надп_загол_2.Visible = FalseSub

Sub filters_initiate(fname As String)

'get current form's name

Dim frm As Form

Set frm = Forms(fname).FilterOn = False

'hide filters

frm.Кн_закрФильтр.Visible = False

frm.Групп_фильтр.Visible = False

frm.Кн_обнов.Visible = FalseSub

Sub filters_show(fname As String)

'get current form's name

Dim frm As Form

Set frm = Forms(fname)

'show filters

frm.Кн_закрФильтр.Visible = True

frm.Групп_фильтр.Visible = True

frm.Кн_обнов.Visible = True

DoCmd.OpenForm "ф_фильтры"Sub

Sub filter_apply(fname As String)

'get current form's name

Dim frm As Form

Set frm = Forms(fname)

'apply selected filterCase frm.Групп_фильтр

Ending of appendix E

 Case 1 'Ответственный

frm.Filter = "[Відповідальний]=[Forms]![ф_фильтры]![сотрудник]"

Case 2 'документ

frm.Filter = "[Документ]=[Forms]![ф_фильтры]![Документ]"

Case 3 'меры

frm.Filter = "[заходи]=[Forms]![ф_фильтры]![меры]"

Case 4 'средства

frm.Filter = "[засоби]=[Forms]![ф_фильтры]![средства]"

Case 100 'Активы

frm.Filter = "[Активи]=[Forms]![ф_фильтры]![Активы]"

Case 200 'угрозы

frm.Filter = "[загрози]=[Forms]![ф_фильтры]![угрозы]"

Case 400 'требования

frm.Filter = "[Вимоги]=[Forms]![ф_фильтры]![требования]"

Case 500 'решения

frm.Filter = "[Вирішення]=[Forms]![ф_фильтры]![решения]"

Case Else 'disable

frm.FilterOn = False

Exit SubSelect.FilterOn = TrueSub

Sub filters_close(fname As String)

'get current form's name

Dim frm As Form

Set frm = Forms(fname)

'close filters.FilterOn = False.Кн_закрФильтр.Visible = False.Групп_фильтр.Visible = False.Кн_обнов.Visible = FalseIsFormOpen("ф_отчеты") Then

MsgBox "Фільтр вимкнено, але вікно усмов відбору не буде зачинено, доки відчинене вікно компонування документів.", , "Попередження"

DoCmd.Close acForm, "ф_фильтры", acSaveNoIfSub

Appendix F


Program module of the ISMS report (listing)

Option Compare Database

Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)"Інформація про задачі відсутня.", vbOKOnly, "Звіт порожній"= TrueSub

Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)Case Me.OpenArgs

Case "expired" 'expired tasks only

Me.загол_Надп.Caption = "Прострочені задачі на " & Date

Me.RecordSource = "Зу_Срок"

Case Else 'no conditions. List all tasks

Me.загол_Надп.Caption = "Повний перелік задач"

Me.RecordSource = "Зу_всеЗадачи"

showArchived (Me.Name) 'call public sub on this reportSelectSub

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