Creating a Data Mart for an Online E-Book Store

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Creating a Data Mart for an Online E-Book Store

National Research UniversitySchool of EconomicsBranchBusiness InformaticsInformation Technologies in Business

Research Proposala Data Mart for an Online E-Book Store

Student Linar_R._IbragimovBi-10-2

Perm 2013

1. Introduction

Forum - class of applications for communication site visitors. Forum offers a set of topics for discussion. his job is to create users in those sections and the subsequent discussion within these themes. Individual subject, in fact, is a thematic guestbook. A common hierarchy Forum is Sections → topics → posts. Typically, messages carry information "author - Topic - the content - the date / time." Message and all replies to it forms a "branch" or "topic"aim of this work was to design an example of such a database. All information about user, such as name, surname, address, post address, number of messages and their content, as well as information about the user and his friends.

      2. Description of the subject area


      2.1 A summary of the forum

database web forum

This database stores information about users of the forum. It will be used for viewing all user actions from the time of its registration. Also, you can add a user.database contains the basic elements of the Forum such as users, themes, messages, and other. A full list is shown in Table of objects

of objects





Because forums are designed for communication between people, "user" is the key object database. He has a connection with almost all the other objects. Table "user" contains profile information about the users of the Forum, from the name, ending with the current status.


User’s friends

Object "Friend" is closely connected to the "user"..


Violations of user

Sometimes users may not comply with the rules of the forum so there is a system of penalties. This object is created so that the administrator could know the "history of violations of the user"


User’s online history

Allows you to view user’s online history



Users create "Theme" for what to discuss any particular topic or news, in a specially prepared virtual space.



Message this text that contains certain meaning that the user would like to pass other forum users.


      2.2 Description directories

necessary directories:

1)   Countries: Information about the countries where users live..

2)      Status: Information of the current status of the user.

3. Planning of database

database should include the following sections:

·    Information about user

·        Information about topics

·        Information about messages

·        Information about violations

·        Information about user’s online history

·        Information about User’s friends

The database will have the following attributes:

·    Information about user

-    «ID» - a unique key that identifies the corresponding object.

-       «Name», «Nickname» - attributes determine personality of the user in real life and in the forum.

-       «Adress», «e-mail» - contact Information.

-       «Pass» - personal data with which the user logs in to the forum.

-       «Country», «Status», «Regestration date» - characteristics of the user.

·    Information about topics

-    «ID» - a unique key that identifies the corresponding object.

-       «Topic name» - topic name

-       « The author » - the author who created the topic.

-       «Number of replies», « Time», «Open/Closed» - characteristics of Topics.

·    Information about messages

-    «ID» - a unique key that identifies the corresponding object.

-       « The author » - the author who created the message.

-       «Тема» - topic, where this message is.

-       «Content" - the text field that contains the message text.

-       «Time» - time when the message was written.

·    Information about violations

-    «User" - the user who made the violations.

-       «Topic" - Topic where a punishment has occurred.

-       «Description violations " - an explanation of issue of violations.

-       «Content" - the text field that contains the message text.

·    Information about user’s online history

-    «User code» - a unique key that identifies the corresponding object.

-       «Start Time", "End Time" - characterize the the length of the sessions.

·   Information about User’s friends

-    «Man" - a unique key that identifies the corresponding object.

-    «Friend» - nickname by another user

Pic 1

the transition to the first normal form we should ensure that on the intersection of rows and columns have only one meaning. We use the method of exclusion repeating groups: fill the empty cells of the table duplicates the relevant information about the recurring groups and define the primary key of the result.


      3.2 The transition to the second normal form

the following links::and topics on the forum a lot, but each message or theme have their only carrier, so communication will be 1: N. One at the the user code, N at a field and the author's name in other tables.message belongs to a certain topic. The punishment occurs in one of the forum. Link will be 1: N. One at the Topics, N at the fields with the code Topics in other tables..


.3 The transition to the second normal form

connection, the following functional dependencies: Violations → Theme, Theme → Message → Message violation.Violation → Message is transitive, therefore, the link is not in 3NF., the table is divided into two tables. violations: Theme and Subject: Message.

Pic 2

Thus we have the final form of the scheme:

Pic 3


      4. Application development


4.1 Description of tables, fields, input conditions

·    Table users:

-    ID-key field, the counter

-       name - type string

-       country - the type of country that refers to the reference countries. Not a required field.

-       Nickname - type string.

-       Password - type string.

-       E-mail - type string.

-       date - the type of date.

-       Address - type string, not required.

-    Status - refers to the directory. Not a required field.

·    Table of Topics:

-    ID - key field meter.

-       name - type string.

-       Author - field to link the user to the table, the type of user.

-       The number of responses - the type integer.

-       open / closed - type string.

-    Time - the type of date..

·    Table of Messages

-    ID - key field meter.

-       topic - Type topic.

-       Author - field for communication with the user, type user.

-       Time - the date / time.

-    content - the text message, as a string field.

·    Table of Punishment

-    topic - Type topic.

-       Author - field for communication with the user, type user.

-       time violation - Type date.

-       Closing punishment - Type date.

-    Descriptions violations - text.

·    Table of user’s online history

-    ID - integer. Indexed.

-       Start time - date / time.

-       End time - date / time.

-    User - type user.

·    Table of Friends

-    The man - the type of user

-    A friend - the type of string. Contains friend’s nickname.

·    Table of Country

-    ID - Key field. Counter.

-    country - text box..

·    Table of Status

-    ID - Key field. Counter.

-    List status - the text box..


      4.2 Development of screens

The base consists of 8 simple screens and 6 additional screens. Simple screens serve as the table for change the information, but you can create reports and sort through the fields, here is an example of this screen:

Pic 4

the database there are 2 more difficult screen: "Topics List Detail» and «Members List Detail». Pic 5 and Pic 6.

Pic 5

Pic 6

form "Topics List Detail» shows information about a topic, the list of violations in this topic.form the "Members List Detail» shows information about the user and his list of friends.database has a special table to add a new user. Pic.7

Pic 7

      4.3 Develop queries.

The database contains three query with different functions. Two of them with a parameter and with a sorting.

«Search Online history» - A parameter query, the search for nickname.

Pic 8

«Search Users» - This request performs sorting by fields «Name», «nickname», «mail», «Regestration date».

Pic 9

Pic 10


      4.4 Reports

Reports generate in Microsoft excel, using a special button.

Pic 11


database is a trial version of the Forum database..database allows you to:

.     1. View and sort all the necessary information about the forum.

.     2. Use query to view the details of all of the information about a particular object.

3.   3. Create new users.

4.      4. Generate reports.

5.   5. This database contains several forms and grouped tabs..

Database includes:

·    • 6 main tables

·        • 2 directory

·        • 8 screens to fill or modifying tables

·        • 2 main screen

·        • 3 simple queries

·        • 3 of the screen for queries

·        • Reports

·        • You can add users


1) Lyadova LN Basics of Database Access: Textbook. - A method of manual / Perm branch of the HSE. - Perm, 2009.

) Electronic resource http / / /

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