Professional sea English language

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Professional sea English language













Учебное пособие подготовлено в соответствии с программой учебной дисциплины «Английский язык», предусматривающей общий объем 216 часов (4 национальных кредита) и предназначено для подготовки курсантов и студентов по направлению 1003 «Судовождение и энергетика судов» профессиональной направленности «Судовождение». Пособие может быть использовано как для самостоятельной подготовки курсантов и студентов, так и для аудиторных занятий.

Целью пособия является приобретение навыков устной и письменной речи в сфере профессионального морского английского языка. Ключевым и наиболее сложным аспектом является тематическое введение профессиональных терминов на английском языке и различные пути их запоминания, а также использование их в ситуациях профессионального общения.

Учебное пособие состоит из 13 уроков, в каждом из которых отрабатывается определенная тема, раскрывающая различные профессиональные аспекты:

1. Communication at sea. VHF communication

2. Types of ships

3. Parts of a ship and her measurement

4. Pilotage and pilots

5. Lights

6. Buoys and beacons

7. Dangers

8. Anchorages

9. Anchoring

10.  Weather

11.  Tides and tidal streams

12.  Directions

13.  Berthing. Towing

Каждый урок состоит из нескольких частей, которые с точки зрения подачи и закрепления материала, имеют конкретную методическую направленность, выраженную в постепенном введении и отработки специализированной лексики, в связи с чем в основе каждой из них лежат тематические тексты, несущие основную информационную нагрузку. Они снабжены глоссарием, комментариями и комплексами упражнений. Каждый раздел содержит серию упражнений, направленных на развитие навыков аудирования навигационных терминов и стандартных фраз общения на море. Кроме восприятия и распознавания профессиональной лексики на слух, данная серия упражнений предполагает записывание курсантами их речи на пленку, воспроизведение услышанного и сопоставление речи курсанта и оригинала.

Следующая серия упражнений данного учебного пособия (в тексте пособия обозначается значком предполагает работу в компьютерном классе с мультимедийными программами по морскому английскому языку. Эти программы помогают проиллюстрировать новый материал на этапе его презентации или закрепления.


PART I. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally, and then read part one of the textaircraft - летательный объект avoid - избегать

confusion - путаница

Effective - качественный, эффективный

An error - ошибка- необходимый- точный- недвусмысленныйEnglish for International Marine Use - Базовый курс английского языка для общения в мореat sea is the essential part for the effective and safe running of the ship. It takes place within the ship herself, between the ship and shore stations, between the ship and other ships and sometimes between the ship and aircraft. All the mariners need to be sure that their speech communications are as precise, simple and unambiguous as possible and that language confusions and errors are avoided. Thus, Essential English for International Marine Use is required according to the International Agreement.I. Read and translate the words from the left column. Find the appropriate synonyms from the right column



c) effective



g) unambiguous


to keep away

a) to avoid



f) precise



e) essential


an embarrassment

b) a confusion


a mistake

d) an error

PART 2. Vocabulary and reading

Practice these words orally, and then read part two of the textcheck the ship's chronometer - выверять показания хронометра distance - расстояние

To maintain - содержать, поддерживать в рабочем состоянии

Internal telephone system - внутренняя телефонная система связи

Maintenance - обеспечение, обслуживание

Responsibility - ответственность

To be responsible for- быть ответственным заtake up with - справиться с ...and sound signals - визуальные и звуковые сигналыare different methods and techniques to provide efficient communication at sea: radio telephony, internal telephone systems, telegraph, e-net, visual or sound signals, etc.over long distances are sent by radio. Radio communications on board some ships are responsibility of the Radio department, although, in general, the Deck Officer performs duties of the Radio Officer. He's responsible to the Master for the efficient communication and maintenance of the communication equipment on board. A large part of the Deck Officer's duty is taken up with transmitting and receiving radio telegrams, navigational and weather messages, time signals for checking the ship's chronometer, social telegrams and press reports.2. Retell the text, using the expressions listed below

a) The text is headlined... .

b)  The text deals with .... The aim of the text is to provide some information on....

c) The text describes... Further it is said that.... In conclusion ....

Using VHF radio Exercise 3. Study the diagram

and readingthese words orally, and then read the textaccordance with - в соответствии с Acknowledgement - подтверждение Announcement- объявление  band- электрическая полоса частот Bearings - пеленги

To comply with - выполнятьdefine the position - определять местоположение (Digital Selective Calling) - цифровой избирательный вызов, использование цифровых кодов для установления связи с другой станцией для передачи сообщений

То ensure - обеспечивать

GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System)- глобальная морская система связи

ITU- Международный Союз Радиосвязи

То regulate - регулировать

A regulation - правило- УКВuse of VHF radio at sea is regulated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The person holding the authority of the ship must require each operator to comply with the ITU radio regulations and ensure that the radio station is always used in accordance with those regulations. The ITU conventions include: -proper selection of suitable radio frequency bands or channels, - standard ways of identifying oneself and addressing other ships or stations, - conventional ways of pronouncing the letters of the alphabet, numbers and other quantities, - also internationally-agreed conventions for speaking the time and for defining positions and bearings, - standard phrases and patterns.of suitable radio frequency bands or channelsVHF channels are designated for particular purposes. These are given in ITU 'List of Coast Stations'.

Distress, Safety, Urgency

first choice

Channel 16

Inter ship

Channel 6

Port operations (ship movements and pilot services. NON private or public correspondence)

Channel 10

Public Correspondence

first choice

С Channel 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

On-board (only on board the ship itself mooring/unmooring and cargo operations; between the ship and its life rafts, or between a group of vessels during towing operations)

Channel 15, 17 (on low power)

Coast Radio Stations

Channels listed in ITU List of Coast Radio Stations

Phonetic Alphabetphonetic alphabet must be used when giving call-signs when speaking a word or when speaking individual letters.14. Read the Phonetic alphabet silently while listening to the recording. Then repeat the phonetic alphabet orally. Record your voice, speaking the phonetic alphabet. Replay the original and your own version5. Say the following groups aloud, using the phonetic alphabet

l. SQV        4. JPZ              7.KFL

2. NAM       5. BWO           8. GLU

3. TTR        6. DEC            9. XH

Exercise 6. Replay the recording which consists of 15 ships' call signs. Write down the letters you hear and check the answers with the teacherof VHF message for making and maintaining contact

1.       The name of the station you are calling + its call signs

e.g. m/v 'Atlantica' HPRK

2.       Ship station identity / This is... /

e.g. This is m/v 'Batabano' COGX

3.       Date and time /GMT/UTC/.g. time 15.35.GMT

4.       Position

e.g. position: bearing two-seven- zero degrees true from West Cape, distance 6 mis

5.       Over

NB: If the name of the ship is not known it should be addressed by the phrase
'ALL SHIPS (IN.......... AREA) followed by the

· ship-type and special features

· position

· course and speed

e.g. All ships in west Cape area, calling unknown ship, position: bearing:234 degrees true, from West Cape, distance 2 mis.ensure that you actually say what you want to, and that you eliminate unnecessary repetition, PLAN WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY BEFORE STARTING.

Phonetic Alphabet


















































































Listening 2

Exercise 7. Practise the following identification and calls, using a tape recorder to check your performance.g. Rattler GXBC to Niton Radio

'Niton Radio: this is Rattler Golf Xray Bravo' Over.between:/ coast Station and ships:

a) Elm Queen to Colombo Radio

b) Almoussa 9 KJS is calling Dubai Radio

c)   Boguslav UFLR to Ostend Radio

d) Lands end Radio to Centaur DLCZ

e)   Gothenburg Traffic to Dae Jin 6MB A

f) Daila I, HZJK is calling Maas Pilot

g) Dalibon YTRI is calling Yuokohama Port Radio

Ship and ship

a) Dimitriy Zhloba UQOB to Drill Fish FUOY.

b)  Gold Bond Trail Blazer D5BW to Atlantica HPRK

c) Ambia Finjo ELBF5 is calling Genclik TCCF

d)  Batabano COGX is calling Cluj YQSQ

e) Anco Chaser GTEX to Cattleya D7 AW

f)   Dorg Bang GMGI is calling to Fenn Victory KHVU.

g) Ferg Xiang BOWK to Global Mariner

Ship and unknown ship

a) Annika N ( SYDM) is trying to call an unknown ship of Lash type with red funnels near the North Goodwin Buoy.

b)  Bellyatriks ESSW is trying to call a car ferry in the sea area Maas approach, bearing 200 distance 2 miles from Maas Centre buoy.

c) Clytoneus GUWG is trying to contact an OBO ship in sea area Practicos Recalades course 126 degrees speed 13 knots.

Portable Station and Portable station (no call signs used)

a) Ferras bow is calling Ferras bridge.

b)  Marinada stern to Marinada bow

c) Grand Youth gangway to Grand Youth bridge

d)  Glomfjord bridge to 2nd Officer ashore

e) Coral Sea bridge calling coral Sea lifeboat

f)   Canadia number 3 calling Canadia Number 1

Listening 38. Read after the speaker.your own voice, speaking Standard Marine Communication Phrases. Replay the original and your own version

What is your name (and call sign)? How do you read me? I read you... Bad/1 Poor/2 Fair/3 Good/4 Excellent/5 Or other variant with signal strength... 1/ barely perceptible 2/ weak 3/ fairly good 4/ good 5/ very good Stand by on channel... Change to channel... I cannot read you. Trass your message through vessel... Advise try channel... I cannot understand you. Please use the... Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary/ International Code of Signals I am passing a message for vessel... Correction... I am ready to receive your message I am not ready to receive your message I do not have channel... Please use channel...

Каково название вашего судна и его позывные? Как слышите? Я слышу Вас... Плохо/ на единицу Слабо/ на двойку Посредственно/ на тройку Хорошо/ на четверку Прекрасно/ на пятерку С силой сигнала... 1/ едва различимо 2/слабо 3/ довольно хорошо 4/ хорошо 5/ очень хорошо Слушайте на радиоканале... Передайте на радиоканал... Я вас не слышу / не разбираю Передайте Ваше сообщение через судно... Советую попытаться использовать канал... Я не могу вас понять Пожалуйста, используйте... Стандартный морской навигационный словарь-разговорник/ международный свод сигналов. Я передаю сообщение судна... Поправка... Я готов принять ваше сообщение. Я не готов принять ваше сообщение У меня нет канала... Пожалуйста, используйте канал...

of Standard Phrases defined by use and response

Making and maintaining contact

Standard phrase




All ships in ... area

I request that all ships receiving this transmission listen to what follows

Всем судам, находящимся в ... зоне

All ships listen(if what follows is an attempt to make contact with an unknown ship, then the ship so addressed should respond in the normal way)


I wish to speak to

Вызываю ...

Respondent replies using name, callsign

How do you read?

How well are you receiving me?

Как слышите меня?

I read you (1-5)


I am being interrupted. I will take action to deal with it.

Меня прервали

Respondent waits on same channel while the interruption is dealt with.


I'm terminating the conversation

Конец связи

Respondent switches back to normal watch channel.


I've completed my transmission and I'm ready to receive yours.


Respondent transmits.

Stand by VHF channel...

Remain on VHF channel...

Продолжайте слушать на УКВ канале ...

Standing by VHF channel ...

Stop transmitting.

Stop transmitting on this VHF channel

Прекратите передачу на этом УКВ канале.

Respondent ceases to transmit on that channel

This is...

My name (or call-sign) is ...

Говорит название или позывные

Unknown ship... (details)... (always preceded by 'all ships')

I wish to make contact with the ship described. I don't know its name or callsign.

Неизвестное судно (детали)...

Respondent replies using name, callsign

Wait... minutes

Wait for ... minutes and do not terminate

Ждите ... минут

Respondent waits for ... minutes

Exercise 9. Choose the right variant.Bad

а) плохо

2.       Poor

b) слабо

3.       Fair

с) посредственно

4.       Barely perceptible

а) едва различимо

5.       Weak

а) слабо

6.       Fairly good

a) довольно хорошо

Exercise 10. Choose the right variant

1.       Я вас не слышу/ не разбираю a) I cannot read you.

2. Передайте ваше сообщение через судно b) Pass your message through vessel

3.      Перейдите на радиоканал      a) Change to channel

Exercise 11. Translate into Russian

1. Call sign.

2. Signal strength.

3. I am passing a message for a vessel

4. I'm ready to receive your message

5. Excellent

6. International Code of Signals.

7. Correction

8. I read you barely perceptible.

9. Wait 10 minutes and don't terminate.

Exercise 12. Translate into English

1. Как слышите меня?

2. Слушайте на радиоканале...

3. Передайте на радиоканал...

4. Пожалуйста, используйте СМНСР

5. Я готов принять ваше сообщение

6. У меня нет канала...

7. Я передаю сообщение для судна.

8. Конец связи.

9. Прием.

10.Прекратите передачу на этом радиоканале.

Exercise 13, Choose the synonym (a word, word combination or sentence with the same meaning) from the right column for the following sentences from the left one

1.1 read you bad. a) I read you with signal strength barely perceptible.

.1 read you poor. b) I read you with signal strength very good.

.1 read you fair. c) I read you with signal strength good.

. I read you good. d) I read you with signal strength fairly good.

.1 read you excellent.     e) I read you with signal strength weak.

Exercise 14. Choose the antonym (a word, word combination or sentence with the same meaning) from the right column for the following sentences from the left one

1.1 read you bad.                  a) I cannot read you.

.1 read you poor.                  b) I am not ready to receive your message.

.1 am ready to receive you message. c) I cannot understand you.

.1 can read you.                     d) I read you good.

Л can understand you.          e) I read you excellent.

Exercise 15. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding questions in writing 1. (...)?- My ship's name is 'Utopia'

2.  (...)?- My call sign is UNGR.

3. (...)?-! read you with signal strength poor.

4. (...)?-1 cannot read you.

5. (...)?- Standing by VHF channel one-two.

6. (...)?-1 read you poor.

7. (...)?-1 cannot understand you.

Exercise 16. Put in the missing element of the sentence where it's necessary

1. Stand (...) on VHF channel 12

2. Pass your message (...) 'Utopia'

3. Please use (...)

4. I do not (...) channel 12

5. All ships (...)

6. Change (...) channel 16

7. Advise (...) try channel

8. Wait (...) 5 minutes.

9. I'm not (...) to receive your message

10.     1 read you (...)

Exercise 17. Which of the standard phrases will you choose if..?

1. You are being interrupted.

2. You're terminating the conversation.

3. You wish to make contact with the ship described. You do not know its name or callsign.

4. You advise to change to another VHF channel.

5. You've made a mistake.

6. You remain on VHF channel 12

7. You've completed your transmission and ready to receive respondent's one.

Transmission of numbers, measurements and quantitiesand reading Practise these words orally-четкоdigit - цифраdraught - осадкаknot - узел- длина- измерениеpronounce -произносить- количество- отдельно

1. Numbers are pronounced as in normal English except for a few numbers listed below.

2. Trie decimal point is expressed by the word decimal (pronounced as de-see-mal)

3. Each digit must be given separately

e.g. 23000 - two-three thousandit is not a whole thousand, e.g., it is given by separate digits without using the word thousand..g. 25256 - two-five-two-five-six418. The recording gives the required pronunciation of numbers. Listen and repeat. Record your own voice, speaking numbers. Replay the original and your own version


Spelling of numbers

Pronunciation guide

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000

zero one two three four five six seven eight nine Thousand


19. Read the following numbers


Spelling of numbers as spoken

Pronunciation guide

















Two-five-two five-six






Three-six decimal zero-four


20. Say the following numbers and record your voice. Then check with the recording

13    30     300  103

        19     191  909

        170   117  777

        120   111  435

Exercise 21. Work with the partner, read the following grid to each other. Repeat until there are no errors






A reads to В






В reads to A






A reads to В






В reads to A






A reads to В






В reads to A

of measurements and quantities

1.       Measurements must always he given in the following order:

·   what is being measured (length, draught, speed, etc)

·   the numbers e.g. two-five-zero, etc)

·   the units of measurements (metres, knots, tones, etc) e.g. length: two-flve-zero metres

NB: bearings and courses are measured in 360-degrees/ three figure notation.use 9° =nine degrees! Always use 009° zero-zero nine degrees!

2.       Quantities of items (e.g. cylinders, brushes) must be expressed by the word quantity follow ed by the number and the name of the item.

e.g. 24 cylinder would be spoken as: quantity: two-four cylinders

3.       Different ways of expressing the thing measured: If the measurement or quantity e.g. for draught: salt water draught, draught forward, draught aft, maxi mum draught, loaded draught; then the category used must be stated.

e.g. My salt water draught is: two-five metres22, The following pieces of information are not expressed in a form suitable for transmission. Convert each one to the form suitable for VHF procedures. Write them down and then practise transmitting the items orally Example: 9 - zero-zero-nine degreesfive metres deep= depth: two-five metresspeed to 5 knots ~ reduce speed: new speed five knots

1.  90

2.  one-hundred and twenty nautical miles

3.  250 meters (length)

4. twenty four coils of rope

5. 10 knots (wind speed)

6. increase speed to 10 knots

7. 10 meters (salt water draught)

8. 18 meters (draught)

9. My tonnage is 30000 GROSS

10.     My ETA at buoy 25 is 17.00 GMT

Exercise 23. Convert the following items of information into the form suitable for VHF in writing

1. We proceed at a speed of 14 knots.

2. We'll get the anchorage in half an hour.

3. The depth at the anchorage is 18 fathoms.

4. My draught now is 8.2m. fore, 8.8m aft, length is 140m.

5. The total amount of bags is 3717.

524. Listen to the recording and repeat after the speaker. Learn them by heart


From the spelling of:




Alternating current

Перпемеиный ток



Amplitude modulation

Амплитудная модуляция



Brake horsepower

Тормозная мощность



Centre of gravity; or Coast Guard of US), or coastguard (UK)

Центр тяжести; береговая охрана (США), береговая охрана (Великобритания)



Closest point of approach

Точка кратчайшего сближения



Carbon dioxide




Cathode ray tube

Катодно-лучевая трубка



Direct current

Постоянный ток



Direction finding




Estimated position

Расчётное местоположение



Estimated Time of Arrival

Расчётное время прибытия



Estimated Time of Departure

Расчётное время отправления (отхода)



Frequency modulation

Частотная модуляция



Metacentric height

Метацентрическая высота



Greenwich Mean Time

Время, скоординированное по Гринвичу



High frequency

Высокая частота



Indicated horsepower

Индикаторная мощность



International Maritime Organization

Международная Морская Организация



Low frequency

Низкая частота


Liquefied natural gas

Судно-газовоз для сжиженных природных газов


Line of position


Liquefied petroleum gas

Судно-газовоз для сжиэюенных нефтяных газов


Moment to change trim

Момент, изменяющий дифферент


Medium frequency

Средняя частота


Plan position indicator (radar screen)

Экран радара


Radio telephony



Search and rescue

Поиск и спасение


Shaft horsepower

Валовая мощность


Single side band


Tones per centimeter

Тонны на сантиметр


Tones per inch

Тонны на дюйм


Tropical revolving storm

Тропический шторм


Ultra high frequency

Ультравысокая частота


Ultra-large crude(oil) carrier


United Nations



Co-ordinated universal time

Всемирно координированное время


Very high frequency



Very large crude (oil) carrier


Very low frequency

Очень низкая частота


Wireless telegraphy

Беспроводная телеграфия


Automated Mutual Vessel Rescue system

Автоматизированная спасательная система судов


International Association of Lighthouse Authorities


Lighter Aboard Ship system



Oil/Bulk Ore ship



Replenishment At Sea


Roll On-Roll Off


SATellite COMmunication

Спутниковая коммуникация


SATellite NA Vigation

Спутниковая навигация

25. Listen to the recording, which lists 6 abbreviations. They are spoken in three different sequences. Write them down in each case26. Say the abbreviations for the following terms

·Search and Rescue

·International Maritime Organization

·Co-ordinated Universal Time

·Satellite communication

·Estimated Time of Departure -Roll On-Roll Off

·Greenwich Mean Time


- Very High Frequency -Estimated Time of Arrival27. Give the full form for the following abbreviations









VHF, Periods of time and dates General rules

1. Time is given in the same way as other measurements. The word time or a phrase containing the word time (e.g. ETA, ETD) will precede the numbers used.

2. The unit of time may be GMT, UTC or local

e.g. time: One-five-zero-zero "1

Qyij                                      I at sea, prior to entry to a port, harbour

time: One-five-zero-zero UTC J.g. time: One-five-zero-zero local} inside a port, harbour

3. Periods of time are to be given in the same way as other measurements. The word period will precede the numbers used.

4. The units are hours and minutes.

e.g. a delay of thirty minutes is to be spoken as: delay is period: three-zero minutes.

5.       Dates are used with prefixes year, month, day, in that order

e.g. Sunday 13 May 2004: two-zero-zero-four, month: zero-five, day: one- three: the day of the week (Sunday) is not used628. Convert the following items of information into the form suitable for VHF. Check your answer with the speaker. Practise transmitting them

1. local time 02:30.

2. local time 15:45.

3. one o'clock in the morning local time.

4. ETA (in UTC) 13:30.

5. ETA (local time) 11:00.

6. a delay of 45 minutes.

7. a delay of one and a half hours.

8. Estimated Time of Departure, two thirty in the afternoon.

9.       Wednesday, 3rd October, 1984.

10.     Thursday, April 19th, 1984.

of Standard Phrases defined by use and response

Channel switching

Standard phrase



Response (phrase/action)

On VHF channel...

I am calling on channel

Работаю на УКВ канале ...

Respondent answers on the same channel.

Switch to VHF channel ...

I suggest that we switch to channel...

Переходите на канал

Agree VHF channel

VHF channel unable

I cannot switch to channel

Не могу работать на ... УКВ канале

VHF channels ..., ..., ..., available.

lean transmit on these VHF channels ..., ..., ...

Могу работать на УКВ ...каналах

Which VHF channel?

Which channel do you suggest that we use?

На каком канале будем работать

Switch to VHF channel...

Agree VHF channel

I agree to transmit on channel...


Outline diagram of a two-ship exchange /Stage 1,2/

29. Recall 2 stages of each conversation. Write them down. Then work with the partner as A and В respectively. (See the diagram of a two ship exchange)

1. Veniamis SXTE - Vincent Gann WZR8 (ch. 16)

2. Kyriakov P3UT - Rattler GXXX (ch. 8)

3. Spyros C4B1 - Vincent Gann WZR8 (ch. 16)

4. Harriet GBOI - Olivia PBXQ (Olivia does not have ch. 04 but does have 08 to 12)

5. Star Vega AYLD - Northport Voyager M2ZO (Northport Voyager does not hear Star Vega indicate a working channel)

Now exchange roles (A becomes В, В becomes A) and repeat the exercise.of giving a position Clear and accurate transmission of positional information in an internationally-agreed standard form is essential

1.       Latitude and longitude method (when clear of land, or near a featureless coast, when confusion with geographic names might arise)

e.g. 30° 50' N018° 25', 02 E: LATITUDE: three-zero degrees five-zero minutes North LONGITUDE: zero-one eight degrees two-five decimal zero-two minute-East.

2.       Bearing and Distance method (near land or a conspicuous sea mark)
e.g. 194° (T) from Cape Otway: distance; 12.4 miles

POSITION: BEARING: one-nine-four degrees TRUE -.from Cape Otway DISTANCE: one-two decimal four miles.

3.       Reference to Navigational Mark (in those areas where designated Report ing Points have been marked on the charts)

POSITION: Northeast from Rangitoto Beacon POSITION: approaching Goeree Light Tower. POSITION: between buoy number: one-three and buoy number: one-five

4.       By Reporting Points

e.g. Gammon, POSITION: point Alfa; TIME: one-zero-zero-one local7the following into a form suitable for transmission over VHF. Listen to the recording and check your answer: 30° 50' N 018°25\ 02 E; 23:30 UTC: position: at time: two-three-three zero UTC: latitude three-zero, degrees, five-zero minutes North, longitude: zero-one-eight degrees, two-five decimal zero-two minutes East.

1.    Latitude and Longitude -03°46'N,08°48'E


·12°06'N, 68°56.2'W, 15:00 GMT

·12°09'N, 69°01W, 01:00 GMT -63°54'N, 38°06'E, 10:00 GMT

2.    Bearing and Distance

·200° 3.1 miles from Cape Couronne.

·340° 4.6 miles from Uinga Island West Point

·220° 1.3 miles from Hoek Van Baarland

·- 180° 2.1 miles from Fjard Hallan.

·090° 0.1 miles from Red Fish Island South Point, 00:10 GMT.

3.    Navigational Marks

·Approaching Maas centre buoy

·NE from Goeree light beacon

·Between Eurogeul buoys E. 11 and E. 13.

·Passing South from Deutsche Bucht light vessel

·Leaving Barrow Deep

4.    Reporting Points

·Approaching waypoint T.5, Texas City. 11:11 local

·Waypoint 10 Gryten. 12:00 local

·Waypoint 30 Klubbensborg 06:30 local -Waypoint, buoy number 135: Finkenwerder,! 1:30 local

·Crayfordness Point, 20:00 local

Exercise 30. Form the sentences rising the data of the position of a vessel with regard to Barr Head lighthouse

1. 248°, 3.0 miles;       5. 140°, 5.2 miles;

2. 359°, 4.1 miles;       6. 37°, 4.0 miles;

4. 86°, 0.9 miles;         8. 165°, 10 miles.

Exercise 31. Translate from Russian into English

1.  В точке 15° 34' северной широты и 61° 29' западной долготы производятся спасательные работы.

2.  Ваше место от маяка Бар-Хед по пеленгу 137° на расстоянии 2.4 мили.

3.  Неизвестное судно находится к северо-востоку от мыса К. По пеленгу 125° на расстоянии 2 миль.

4.  Мое местоположение 35° 23' северной широты и 47° восточной долготы.

5.  Между СВ буями Е. 11 и Е. 15 плавают обломки судна.

Exercise 32. Define the position of your vessel and convey it in two ways. Begin with the words 'Myposition is... '

of Standard Phrases defined by use and response

Conversation controls

Standard phrase



Response (phrase/action)


I must break into this conversation for urgent reasons


Respondent allows user of the word break to change the subject or to terminate prematurely.

Nothing more

I have finished my message. You are free to change subject or terminate.

У меня все.

Respondent changes subject or terminates the conversation.

Please acknowledge

Indicate that you have received what I have just said.

Подтвердите прием.

Respondent gives the appropriate reply marker 'I received following information' or says 'understood'

Please read back

Read back to me the information I have just given.

Повторите переданное мною.

Read back

Stay on

Do not terminate this conversation or change the subject because I have more to say

Не прекращайте связь.

Respondent replies to the message 'you may continue the conversation' then says 'over'.


I received the following information which I shall now read back to you.

Я принял следующую информацию, которую повторю.

Readback is correct, (optional)


I have just made a mistake in this transmission. The information should be...


Readbackis correct

You have received my information correctly.

Принято правильно.


Maritime messages should be short accurate and relevant and message markers are used to indicate the message type, to avoid confusions. So, after the ship's identity exchanges (2 stages) the operator can continue his transmission using message initiated by the message marker. Here're 7 types of message and reply markers:



QUESTION e.g. Question: what is your ETA ?

ANSWER e.g. Answer: My ETA is time: one-six-two-five GMT

INSTRUCTION e.g. Instruction: go to berth number: two five.

INSTRUCTION-RECEIVED e.g. Instruction-received, go to berth number: two five, positive.

ADVICE e.g. Advice: please anchor, position: bearing: one-jive-four degrees true, from Keel Point: distance one mile.

ADVICE-RECEIVED e.g Advice-received: anchor, position: bearing: one-five-four degrees true, from Keel Point. Distance one mile.

REQUEST e.g. Request: please send, quantity: Jive cylinders.

REQUEST-RECEIVED e.g. Request-received: Send, quantity: five cylinders.

INFORMATION e.g. Information: the pilot is waiting now at position: near buoy number: two-six.

INFORMATION-RECEIVED e.g. Information-received: the pilot is waiting now at position: near buoy number: two-six.

WARNING e.g. Warning: buoy number: two bravo is not Hi

WARNING-RECEIVED e.g. Warning-received: buoy number: two bravo is not lit.

INTENTION e.g. Intention: I intend to reduce speed, new speed: six knots.

INTENTION-RECEIVED e.g. Intention-received: you intend to reduce speed, new speed' six knots.

833. Listen and read after the speaker. Choose the right variant

1. Question

Совет просьба вопрос


намерение просьба b) ответ


a) намерение b) просьба c) ответ


a) предупреждение b) инструкция c) совет

3. Request

a) просьба b) совет c) предупреждение

7. Advice

a) просьба b) совет c) ответ


a) инструкция b) вопрос c) информация

8. Instruction

a) информация b) инструкция c) просьба

Exercise 34. Listen to the messages and define the type of a message marker in English

1. What is your position?

2. Do not overtake.

3. Advise you to pass astern of me.

4. Please send medical assistance.

5. My ETA at East Pier is 16:30 local time.

6. You are running into danger.

7. I intend to reduce speed, new speed: 5 knots.

Exercise 35. Put a suitable message marker in the blank spaces in the message below

1.................. Stop immediately

2.................. Steer course: one-seven-zero degrees true.

.................... The ship ahead of you is not under command.

.................... The leading lights are not lit.

.................... Please send a doctor immediately

.................... The wind direction is: NE, force: 6

.................... The visibility is poor

.................... What is the depth in the outer fairway?

....................  I intend to change course. New course: two-two-zero de grees true.

10................. Please give me a weather report.

11................. Do not anchor near South point: reason: diving operations will begin at time: 09:30

Exercise 36. Construct messages using message markers in writing. Practise them orally (AJQuestions: Ask a ship to give you her position. Question: what is your position?

1. Ask if buoy maintenance operations are completed in a fairway A.

2. Ask ship for her ETA at the harbour entrance.

3. Ask a shore station for your berth number*

4. Ask if the pilot service is operating normally.

5. Ask how many cranes are operational at berth thirty. (B)Instractions and Advice

Example: Instruct or advise a vessel to reduce speed before waypoint number three.: reduce speed before waypoint number: three. Advice: reduce speed before waypoint number three.

1. Instruct or advise a vessel to stop her engines immediately.

2. Instruct or advise a vessel to change course to a new course of one-three-three degrees true.

3. Instruct or advise a vessel to make fast to the lock tail.

(C) Requests: Ask the chandler to deliver the stores before two-thirty this afternoon.: please deliver the stores before time: one-four- three-zero local.

1. Ask for permission to enter sector two.

2. Ask for a doctor

3. Make a request for fresh water (2,000 tones) (D)Piece of information and Warnings.

Example: Inform or Warn a ship that buoy number 33 is off position. Warning: buoy number: three - three is off position.

1. Inform or warn ships that the ice-breaker is aground.

2. Tell a shore station that your ETA at the pilot station is eleven o'clock in the morning (local time)

3. Inform ships that the pilot service is suspended.

4.       Warn the coastguard that you are not under command.
(E) Intentions

Example: tell the ship behind you that you intend to reduce speed to five knots. Intention: I intend to reduce speed. Mew speed: five knots.

1. Tell the shore station that you will proceed to the anchorage.

2. Tell the harbour station that you intend to close down (radio) now.

3. Announce that you intend to change course to a new course of 210 degrees true.

Exercise 37. Using the information given below respond to the messages given in exercise 38. (A) Practise them orally38

(a)Example: give your position as bearing 2 70° true, from West Cape, distance 6 miles.: My position is bearing: two-seven-zero degrees true, from West Cape distance six miles.

1.  Buoy maintenance operations are completed.(begin the message pattern with the word 'positive')

2.  ETA is 12:00 GMT

3.  Berth number is 14A

4.  The service is operating normally

5.       Three cranes are operational

(b)Responses to instruction or adviceto the message as below:: agree to comply with the instruction.

'Instruction:Received reduce speed before waypoint number: three, positive.

1.  agree

2.  disagree

3. agree

(c)      Respond to the message as below:

Example: State that you are unable to deliver the supplies at that time. 'Request -received: deliver the supplies before time: one-four-three-zero local, negative'

1. agree to request (begin 'you are permitted to')

2. agree to send a doctor

3. agree to supply

(d)     Respond to the message as below:: acknowledge the warning.

Warning -received: buoy number three-three is off position

1. Acknowledge this warning

2. Acknowledge this information

3. Acknowledge this information

4. Acknowledge this warning

(e)      Respond to the message as below:: acknowledge the message

Intention -received: you intend to reduce speed, new speed: five knots.

1. Acknowledge this message

2. Acknowledge this message

3. Acknowledge this message

Exercise 39. Construct messages, giving reasons for the information provided Practise them orally: Tell ships that the pilot service is suspended due to bad weather. 'Information: the pilot service is suspended, reason: bad weather'

1.       Reply to the following instruction stating that you cannot leave because you have an engine breakdown.

'Instruction: leave berth number one-six immediately'

2. Ask for a doctor because a crewman has severe stomach pains.

3. Inform the harbour master that you are not able to leave at 07:30 local because bunkering is delayed.

4. Warn another ship (Eros) that you are unable to stop because of engine breakdown. Own ship name Spartan.

5. Warn ships to proceed with extreme caution because a dredger is operating in fairway.

of Standard Phrases defined by use and response


Standard phrase



Response (phrase/action)


I've just made a mistake in this transmission. The information should be ...



There is a mistake in your last transmission. The information should be...

В вашем последнем сообщении ошибка


Please speak in full

Do not abbreviate your messages.

Не пользуйтесь сокращениями

Respondent ceases to abbreviate.

Please speak slowly

Speak slowly. I'm having difficulty in following or understanding

Говорите медленнее.

Respondent speaks more slowly.

Please spell...

Spell... using the phonetic alphabet.

Прошу произнести по буквам

I spell...

I will spell...

Произношу по буквам.

Say again

Repeat your message


1 say again

I say again

I will repeat...


diagram of a two-ship exchange /Stage 3,4/

Step 9

listen for a short period on before switching back to the appropriate Watchkeeping VHF channel.40. Work in pairs. Make the correct Message transmission (step 6) and the correct respond to Message (step?) and the End procedure (steps 8, 9) as in the diagram

exchange roles and repeat the exercise./ URGENCY/ SAFETY MESSAGESto use Distress, Urgency and Safety procedureMAYDAY MAYDAYship or aircraft is threatened by grave and imminent danger, and requests immediate assistance.: MAYDAY (3) The engine room is on fire! Require immediate assistance!PAN-PAN PAN-PAN PANstation sending it has a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of a ship, aircraft or other vehicle, or the safety of a person.: PAN PAN (3) Main engine breakdown. Not under command. Require towing.SECURITE-SECURITE

(pronounced SAY-CURE-TAY) The station sending it has a message to transmit containing an important navigational or meteorological warning: SECURITE (3) there is a dangerous wreck in position... Navigate with caution.9the following words after the speaker

- Distress

- Mayday

- Urgency

- Pan Pan

- Safety

- Securite

Exercise 41.

Choose the right variant

1. Distress




2. Urgency




3. Safety




42. What signal do you use for announcing the following assistance?

1.  Engine room is on fire. Require immediate assistance.

2.  Main engine breakdown. Not under command. Require towing.

3.  Sighted unlightened derelict vessel adrift. Keep sharp lookout.

4.  I have lost a man overboard. Help with search and rescue.

5.  There is a dangerous wreck in position... navigate with caution.

6.  I need help. I am sinking.

Exercise 43. Choose the right procedure

1.       Your ship is sinking and you need a lifeboat to come to your rescue.

a)  distress procedure

b) urgency procedure

c)  safety procedure

2.       Your propeller has dropped off in a gale two miles off Cape Guardafui with an onshore wind

a)  distress procedure

b) urgency procedure

c)  safety procedure

3.       Your propeller has dropped off, one hundred miles from cape Guardfui, with an off-shore wind.

a)  distress procedure

b) urgency procedure

c)  safety procedure

4.       You are not under command and you wish to warn other shipping to keep clear.

a) distress procedure

b) urgency procedure

c)  safety procedure

5.       You see a ship sinking, and you wish to advise the appropriate SAR(Search and Rescue) authorities.

a) distress procedure

b) urgency procedure

c)  safety procedure

Example of an Initial Distress Message

1. distress signals MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY

2. name of the ship in distress this is RA TILER RA TILER

3. distress signal MAYDAY

4. name of the ship and its callsign Rattler, GOLFXRAYXRAYXRAY

5. Position of the ship in distress

Position: latitude: 039 degrees 20 minutes North, longitude: 039 degrees 20 minutes West.

6. Nature of distress Collision with iceberg, sinking.

7. The assistance which is required Request: immediate assistance. Over.

Example of an Urgency Message





5. Position: bearing 090 degrees true, from Ras SARKAN; distance: 15 miles

6. Lost propeller

7. Require tow.

8. Over

Example of an Initial Safety Transmission


2. All ships (may be repeated if thought necessary)

3. This is Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia

4. Securite

5. Arcadia, Charlie, Alfa, Alfa, Alfa.

6. Navigational information; Decca warning

7. Switch to VHF channel 06

8. Over

Exercise 44. What they have in common is that they may have to be transmitted under pressure, without time to refer to a bridge book or other manual, and it is important that they are correctly handled

a)       Write out the appropriate message for the following circumstances:

You are sinking, due to collision with a submerged object, which has punctured the hull in the area of nos. 4 and 5 and double bottom tanks. The ballast line non-return valves have failed, probably due to grit in the valve seatings. It is now 15:00 ship's time, and you are keeping zone +11. Your dead reckoning position is 25 degrees and ten minutes south, 160 and half degrees west.

b)      Write out the appropriate message for the following circumstances:

Your chief engineer has fallen down an engine room ladder. He has broken both legs and is bleeding from the mouth. It is 03.20 in the afternoon and Quessant lighthouse is 8 miles bearing 195 from your ship. There is no doctor or proper medical facility on board


PART I. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally. Repeat them after the teacher. Learn them by heart»- Bulk cargo - массовый груз (насыпной, навалочный, наливной)

^ Commodity - предмет потребления, товар

r^ Compartment - отделение, отсек, перегородка

г^ Crane подъёмный кран

^ Crate - клеть

Ф* Crude oil - сырая (неочищенная) нефть

$>- Derrick - подъёмная стрела

fc** Discharge - разгружать

fe" Double bottom - двойное дно

(^ Dry bulk cargo - навалочный груз

$*■ Edible oils - съедобное масло (растительное)

fa»* Fuel - топливо

fc" Freighter - 1. фрахтователь, 2. грузовое судно

\^ Fertilizer - удобрение

fc* General cargo - генеральный хруз

^ Gra6 - черпак, ковш

^ Graz'w - зерно

ft>* Heavy cargo - тяжеловесный груз

^ Hold -трюм

ft*- Homeport - порт базирования (приписки, регистрации)

^ Inland waterways внутренние водные пути

гЪ" £/wer - лайнер, пароход, совершающий регулярные рейсы

^ Liquid cargo - жидкий груз

г^ То load- грузить

^ Longitudinal - (прил.) продольный, по долготе.

(сущ.) продольный элемент конструкции т^ Lubricating oil - смазочное масло £>- Merchant - торговый, коммерческий fa* Ore - руда

г*" Petroleum - 1. нефть, 2. керосин г^ Рог? of call - порт захода г^ Port of destination - порт назначения fa3" Pre-arranged - подготовленный заранее ^ Го provide - обеспечивать ^ Pump - насос

$>■ Refrigerated cargo - рефрижераторный груз г*" Schedule - расписание, 1рафик, план, режим г*" Timber - лесоматериалы

ft*" Tramp трамповое судно (грузовое судно, не работающее на определённых рейсах)

ft^ Transverse - поперечный $*■ Tweendeck - твиндек Р5^ Stability - (здесь) остойчивость ft5- Storage - хранение

Generally speaking a vessel can be classified to the purpose she serves. The most common purposes are:

1) transportation of cargo or/ and passengers;

2) assistance and service (by so called ''special purpose vessels");

3) the catching offish (fishermen);

4) peace keeping( war ships).

Liners and Tramps

Vessels that have been designed to transport cargo or/ and passengers are called merchant ships. They may be classified as liners or tramps.liner carries cargoes between two fixed destinations.sailing schedule has been prearranged - she has a fixed homeport, port of destination andport(s) of call, and fixed ETA 's and ETD 's (Estimated Times of Arrival and Estimated Times of Departure). A liner-vessel is allowed to carry up to 12 passengers.that carry cargoes according to schedules that are not fixed are called tramps., ports of destination, ports of call, ETA's and ETD's differ with every voyage.tramp is not allowed to carry any passengers.ships may carry general cargoes, hulk cargoes, refrigerated cargoes, heavy cargoes, timber, and many many more.Cargo Shipscargo is cargo that has been packed in crates, boxes or bags, or cargo coming in pieces (unpacked cargo items).is loaded and discharged by the vessel's own derricks or by shore based cranes.conventional general cargo ship has several tweendecks.

Bulk Carrierscargo is unpacked cargo of one commodity.bulk cargo, such as grain, ore, fertilizers, etc. is carried in specially designed vessels with holds that have been divided into compartments by longitudinal and transverse separations, so that the ship's stability will not be affected by a full cargo.bulk cargo is loaded and discharged by cranes with grabs or by pumps.cargoes such as crude oil, petroleum, edible oils, etc. are carried in tankers, for example in Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC's), chemical tankers, such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas tankers (LPG carriers) or Liquefied Natural Gas tankers (LNG carriers).tankers are small tankers that carry different sorts of reasons tankers must be fitted with double bottoms. These spaces also provide storage for fuel, lubricating oil and waters.

Dry Bulk Carrier                   LPG-carrier


2. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally. Repeat them after the teacher and learn them by heart - 1. В кормовой части судна, на корме, 2. корма Р5" Abeam - на траверзе Р9" Athwartship поперек

P=" Bay - номер секции от носа к корме (для контейнеровозов) Р^ Bow (здесь) нос корабля

Р^ Cargo handling equipment - оборудования для обработки груза Р=" Coaster - судно прибрежного плавания, каботажное судно Р^ Fore - носовая оконечность; в носовой части $*■ Gantry crane - портальный, эстакадный кран Р^ Humidity control - контроль влажности Р^ Layer - слой, пласт Р5" То measure - измерять Р5" Obstacle препятствие, помеха Р^ Perishable cargo - скоропортящийся груз Р^ Ramp - (здесь) аппарель, наклонная плоскость ffc" Ro'Ro cargo - колесный груз

Р=" Ro/Ro ship - ролкер, судно с горизонтальной грузообработкой Р=" Row ряд, порядковые номера в секции от правого до левого борта Р^ Stern - корма

Р^ Stow - 1. хранение, 2. хранилище; (гл. укладывать, размещать) Р=^ Tier - (сущ.) ряд, ярус, штабель; номер ряда (яруса) по высоте от днища судна

# (гл. располагать ярусами)shipsthat has been containerized is carried by container ships.are most often measured in Twenty Feet Equivalent Units (TEU 's) and are stowed in a cellular arrangement in Rows, Bays and Tiers.rows run abeam, or athwartship; the bays run fore to aft and the tiers are horizontal layers. The three-figure code on each container refers to this stowage system. Thus, each container can easily be found.ships are sometimes equipped with their own gantry cranes that load and discharge the containers. Container ships may carry general cargoes, liquid cargoes or refrigerated cargoes.

Roll-on/Roll-off ships (Ro/Ro ships)

a Ro/Ro ship cargo is rolled on and rolled off by lorries or trailers. The great advantage of this system is that no cargo handling equipment is required.loaded vehicles are driven aboard via ramps through special stern and bow doors and are properly secured for the passage. Upon arrival in the port of discharge, the vehicles are released and driven ashore to their destinations.


coaster carries cargo along the coast or on sea voyages. Trans-Atlantic voyages are quite common.coaster is of limited length and tonnage.engine room is situated aft. Often there are no tweendecks and the cargo spaces have no obstacles, so that a variety of cargo can be handled.

Refrigerated-cargo vessels (Reefers)

cargo vessels are ships that carry perishable cargoes, such as meat or fruit. These cargoes require cooling and must be stored in spaces that have precise temperature- and humidity controls during the voyage., as these ships are also called, are equipped with refrigerating plants.

РАКТ З. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally. Repeat them after the teacher and learn them by heart" Cargo handling gear - грузовое устройство=" Derelicts and wrecks - фрагменты судна, покинутые экипажем в результате потери плавучести судна Р^ Ferry - паром Р" То float - плавать

Р^ Heavy-load vessel - судно для перевозки тяжеловесных грузов Р" То hoist - поднимать Р=" Lash-vessel - лихтеровоз типа ЛЭШ Р=" Lighter - лихтер, портовая баржа Р" Multi-purpose vessel - судно многоцелевого назначения Р" Raw material - сырьё Р" Route - маршрут, курс, путь Р^ То submerge - затоплять, погружать(ся) Р" То tow - буксировать Р^ Tug буксирvessels

"Lash " stands for "'Lighter aboard Ship ". A Lash-vessel has a main deck that is flat and without any obstacles. A lighter is a container that floats in the water. The containers may be hoisted on board by the vessel's own heavy derricks that stack them on board.way of loading the containers on board is by submerging the vessel first (for this she must be equipped with a powerful pumping-system), then have tugs or push boats tow or push the lighters over the Lash-vessel, after which the vessel will emerge again and will "pick up" the lighters. This type of vessel is also referred to as a "Seabee"

Heavy-load vessel

load vessels have been designed to lift and carry extremely heavy cargo on the main deck.most prominent features are very heavy derricks ("booms"), masts and lifting-blocks.cargoes, such as drilling platforms, engines, yachts, trains, derelicts and wrecks, are loaded onto the main deck, which is free from any obstacles.

Timber Carriers

is a raw material from which wood-products are manufactured. Vessels that carry timber can easily be recognized by their tall derricks. A timber carrier has been designed in such a way that she can carry a tall deck cargo.

Multi-Purpose Vesselsships that carry both general cargo, bulk cargo and containerized cargo are called multi-purpose (or multi-loads) vessels. These ships are equipped with a variety of cargo handling gears to load and discharge the different types of cargoes.OBO-ship has been designed to carry oil/ bulk/ ore. She has been subdivided in such a way that oil can be carried in the largest compartments and ore can be carried in the smaller compartments.

Passenger Ships

ships, such as cross-Channel ferries, have been designed to carry passengers and their vehicles on a prearranged route.main features are more or less the same as the features of the Ro/ Ro vessels.

1. Complete the chart

"Purpose she serves ": give a short description of the purpose that the vessel serves.Begin your answers with "To ". In this way a verb will be used to indicate the vessel's purpose.: "To transport.... "; "To assist.... "

"Feature(s) of design": give a short description of particular details of the vessel.

Type of vessel

Purpose she serves

Feature(s) of design

1) General Cargo Carrier / 'Open Freighter" 2) Dry Bulk Carrier 3) Tanker 4) Container ship 5)Ro/Roship 6) Coaster 7) Reefer 8) Lash-vessel 9) Heavy-load vessel 10) Timber Carrier 11) Multi-load vessel


Exercise 2. Watch the CD-ROM program "International Maritime English Programme" (Types of Vessels)3. Fill in the diagram

4. Choose the best variant of a, b, c, d. Fill in the gaps

1.       ... carries cargo along the coast.

a) Ro/Ro

b) Lash ship

c)  Reefer

d) Coaster

2.       ... is a container that floats in the water

a) Lighter

b) crate

c)  box d)bag

3.       Cargo is loaded and discharged by the vessel's... on general cargo ships.

a)                                        pumps

b)      gantry cranes

c)  trailers

d) derricks

4.       The loaded vehicles are driven aboard via ....

a) a hold

b)a ramp

c) a compartment

d)an engine room

5............................. Reefers are equipped with

a)       tweendeck

b)double bottom

c) refrigerating plant

d)      gantry crane

6.       . . is a raw material from which wood products are manufactured.

a) grain


c) ore

d)      fertilizer

7.       ... have been especially designed to carry holidaymakers.

a) Ro/Ro

b)General Cargo ships

c) Cruise Ships


8.       Upon arrival in the port of discharge the vehicles are ... and driven ashore to their destination.

a)                                     stored


c) released


9.       Perishable cargo must be ... in spaces that have precise temperature and humidity control.

a)                                     manufactured

b)      submerged

c)       secured

d)                                    stored

10.     Containers are ... in a cellular arrangement in Rows, Bays and Tiers.

a) run


c) stowed

d)      secured

11.     Double bottoms provide ... for fuel, lubricating oil and waters.

a)       discharge

b)      stowage

c)                                     storage

d)      emerge

12.     ... that carry cargoes according to schedules that are not called fixed are called tramps.



c) tramps

d)      coasters

13.     ... is liquid cargo.

a)       timber

b)      Petroleum

c)       Vehicle

d)                                         grain

14.     Unpacked cargo of one commodity is ... cargo.

a)                                         liquid

b)      perishable

c) bulk


15............................................... Heavy load vessel is designed to carry

a)       containers

b)                                        bulk carriers

c)       petroleum

d)      derelicts

Exercise 5. Odd one out (if any)


2. liner, coaster, lorry, freighter

3. stern, bow, |amp, aft

4. row, bay, tier, pump

5. petroleum, edible oil, liquefied natural gas, ore

6. crane, derrick, ramp, lighter

7. gear, refrigerating plant, gantry crane, crate

8. crate, bag, box, pack

9. fertilizer, grain, ore, crude oil

10.lorry, trailer, vehicle, lighter, stow, store, ^usH)

12.pump, ramp, maindecETtweendeck

13.general, fixed, perishable, bulk

14.merchant, fixed, prearranged, estimated

15.bow, compartment, stern, trailer

Exercise 6. Is this information true or false?

1. The most common purpose of warships is catching fish.

2. A tramp is not allowed to carry passengers.

3. Freighters that carry cargoes according to schedules that are not fixed are called liners.

4. General cargo is cargo that has been packed in crates or bags.

5. Lash -vessels usually cany lighters.

6. There are two derricks on the main deck of the Lash vessel.

7. Perishable cargoes are oil, liquid gas, timber.

8. An OBO-ship has been designed to cany oil/ bulk/ ore.

9. Cruise ships carry very few passengers.

10.  Containers are most often measured in Ten Feet Equivalent Units (TEU's)

11.  LPG and LNG are chemical carriers.

12.  Dry Bulk Cargoes are loaded and discharged by derricks.

13.  Merchant Ships are designed to carry cargo and / or passengers.

14.  There is no cargo handling equipment on Ro/Ro.

15.  A coaster's engine room is situated fore.

Exercise 8. Fill in the words mentioned in the text

Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word

1. Merchant ships are designed to carry

2. Some are also designed to carry p

3. Merchant ships can operate as..... and as tramps.

4............ are employed on regular routes on a fixed

5............ do not sail on regular routes.

6. They do not keep to a..... timetable.

7. They are employed in all parts of the world where there is          for

them to carry.

8........... are the most common type of passenger vessel. Many of them also

carry vehicles.

9.  The largest type of cargo ship is

10.  Tankers are designed to carry.... cargo such as oil.

11.  The tankers which are over 500 000 dwts are known as   (VLCCs)

12.  An.......... ship is designed to carry both dry and liquid cargo.

13.  The most modern type of dry cargo carrier is a... ship.

14.  They carry........ of standard dimensions, consequently stowage is easier.

15.  Fruit, meat and dairy are carried in.. ships.

Грамматический комментарий

При изучении страдательного залога (Passive Voice) следует запомнить, что в английском языке он употребляется гораздо чаще, чем в русском, в силу того, что в английском языке подлежащим предложения в страдательном залоге может стать не только прямое дополнение, как в русском языке, но так же косвенное и предложное дополнение.

Если мы хотим сказать, кем или чем совершено действие, то употребляем предлог by. Passive: This ship was built by ship builders last year.

Страдательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени (am/ is/ are/ was/ were/ have been/ has been, etc.) + the past participle смыслового глагола.



Present Simple

We make butter from milk. Somebody cleans these rooms every day. People never invite me to parties. How do they make butter?

Butter is made from milk. These rooms are cleaned every day. I am never invited to parties. How is butter made?

Past Simple

Somebody stole my car last week. Somebody stole my keys yesterday. They didn't invite me to the party. When did they build these houses?

My car was stolen last week. My keys were stolen yesterday. I wasn't invited to the party. When were these houses built?

Present Continuous

They are building a new airport at the moment. (= it isn't finished) They are building some new houses near the river.

A new airport is being built at the moment. Some new houses are being built near the river.

Past Continuous

When I was here a few years ago, they were building a new airport. (= it wasn't finished at that time)

When I was here a few years ago, a new airport was being built.

Present Perfect

Look! They have painted the door. These shirts are clean. Somebody has washed them. Somebody has stolen my car.

Look! The door has been painted These shirts are clean. They have been washed. My car has been stolen.

Past Perfect

Ann said that somebody had stolen her car.

Ann said that her car had been stolen.

После модальных глаголов (will, can, may, must, should, ought to, have to) мы используем форму to be + past participle смыслового глагола.



Somebody will clean the office tomorrow.

The office will be cleaned tomorrow.

Somebody must clean the office.

The office must be cleaned.

I think they'll invite you to the party.

I think you'll be invited to the party.

Thev can't repair my watch.

My watch can't be repaired.

You should wash this sweater by hand.

This sweater should be washed by hand.

They are going to build a new airport.

A new airport is going to be built.

Somebody has to wash these clothes.

These clothes have to be washed.

Thev had to take the injured man to hospital.

The injured man had to be taken to hos-

В английском языке некоторые глаголы, такие как show могут иметь два дополнения.

Как видно из примера, в английском языке подлежащим предложения в страдательном залоге может стать не только прямое дополнение, как в русском языке, но также косвенное и предложное дополнение.

Грамматическое задание10. Read these sentences and paraphrase the sentences using the Passive Voice

1. Ships approach piers at slow speed.

2. They canceled all voyages because of heavy storm.

3. He will bring all necessary charts for the voyage to the captain.

4. Scientists from many countries are exploring the Antarctic Continent.

5. Our boatswain has known me since 2001,

6. He offered me some interesting work.

7. We'll have dredged this navigation canal by the end of this year.

8. Winds influence currents.

9. They sent him for the captain.

10.     The captain ordered all the crew members to stay on board.

Exercise 11 a) Study the pairs of sentences

1. We carried dry bulk cargo last voyage. (Past Simple)      Active Dry bulk cargo was carried by us last voyage. Passive

2. They are painting the hull. (Present Continuous)             Active The hull is being painted by them.                                                                            Passive

3.      They will launch a new vessel next month. (Future Simple)    Active

A new vessel will be launched next month.                          Passive

4.  LNG carries Liquefied Natural Gas. (Present Simple)       Active Liquefied natural gas is carried by LNG.                                                                          Passive

5.  They packed cargo in crates, boxes and bags. (Past Simple)         Active Cargo was packed in crates, boxes and bags.                                                  Passive

b) Change the grammar construction into Active /Passive

1. They discharge dry bulk cargo by cranes with grabs or by pumps.

2. Containerized cargo is carried by container ships.

3. Shipbuilders must fit tankers with double bottom.

4. The cargo is rolled on and rolled off by lorries and trailers.

5. They drive vehicles aboard Ro-Ro via ramps through special stem and bow doors

Exercise 12in the right form of the verb (choose the most logical one):

·am/ are/ is/ was/ were/ (+ being) +past participle

·have been/ has been/ had been +past participle

1.      These tools.................. frequently in the Engine room department

these days, (to use)

2.      The tools ......... frequently............. since we bought them last

month, (to use)

3.      These tools.................. at the moment, so you can't take them, (to


4.      The vessel................. within 1 day and departed immediately for

her home voyage, (to discharge)

5. When the vessel arrived she.................... by two tugs, (to tow)

6. All the bills .....................  and we received permission to depart, (to


7. Right now everything................. to solve the matter, (to do)

8. The cargo........................ to the wrong port, so we cannot sail out in

time (to deliver)

9.      The distress message ..........  by the vessel that has just collided

with an iceberg, (to transmit)

10.    He wants to know whether this ..............................  already

(to do)

11.    The helmsman reacted immediately and a collision

(to avoid)

12.    The Master.................... that a vessel on opposite course was ap
proaching, (to warn)


I. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally, and then read the text

 Tonnage - тоннаж, грузовместимость $* Deadweight tonnage - полная/валовая/грузоподъемность ft8" Gross tonnage - валовая/полная брутто-/регистровая вместимость fc" Net tonnage - чистая /нетто/регистровая вместимость fa" Capacity - вместимость, объем fc* Cargo carrying capacity - чистая грузоподъемность ^ Volume - (зд.) объем, масса, емкость Ъ* То deduct - вычитать, отнимать Р*" Dues - (мн.ч.) налоги, пошлины $* Capable - способный ^ Potable water - питьевая вода ft=" Lubricating oil - смазочные масла $* To displace - вытеснять fa Displacement - водоизмещение

$" Light displacement - водоизмещение порожнего судна ^ Loaded displacement - полное водоизмещение Ф* Upthrust - толчок вверх, давление ^ Ullage - незаполненная часть объема fc" To expand - расширяться, увеличиваться Р* Bale space - киповая грузоподъемность fy" Grain space - грузоподъемность для зерновых/насыпных грузовL Read the text and be ready to answer the questionstonnage of a vessel indicates the measurement of her weight, size or capacity. A very common way of measuring a vessel is by means of a displacement-indication. Merchant vessels are also measured by their gross tonnage or deadweight tonnage.distinguish several kinds of tonnages.Register Tonnage - the entire volume of the enclosed spaces of the vessel that can be used for cargo, stores and accommodation.Tonnage - volume that can be used to carry cargo. It is calculated by deducting the spaces that are not used for cargo from the gross tonnage. Net tonnage is often used to calculate harbour dues that must be paid to municipal port authorities for the use of all the port facilities.Tonnage - the weight of all the contents a vessel is capable of carrying when loaded to summer mark. The contents of a merchant vessel are cargo, stores, equipment, fresh water, potable water, lubricating oil and fuel.Cargo Carrying Capacity is understood the amount of cargo that a vessel is capable of carrying.displacement is understood the amount of water that is "displaced" by the body of the vessel as she is floating in the water. Displacement is indicated by the word "ton" (or "tonne")., by displacement is understood the total weight of the vessel and her contents, or the weight of the displaced water mass.

spacesBale Space is meant the volume of the cargo holds that can be used to carry general cargo.Grain Space is understood the volume of the cargo holds that can be used to carry dry bulk cargo.Oil Space is understood 98% of the total volume of the wet bulk tanks.remaining 2% are used as ullage. This is the empty space on top of the liquid level that will prevent a tank from overflowing when the oil expands due to heat.2. Answer the following questions

1.  What indicates ship's size or weight?

2.  What types of tonnage do you know?

3.  What are the contents of a merchant ship?

4.  What is the difference between tonnage and displacement?

5.  What is the difference between Net Tonnage and Cargo Space?

6.  What types of Cargo Spaces do you know? 1. How can you indicate Oil Space?

Exercise 3. Correct the mistakes and give right definitions

. By displacement is understood the total height of the vessel and her masts, or the weight of the displaced potable water mass.

2. The tonnage of a vessel indicates the measurement of her height, length or manning.

3. Oil space is the empty space on top of the liquid level that will prevent a tank from overheating.

4. Net Tonnage is calculated by adding the spaces that are used for cargo to the gross tonnage.

Exercise 4. Match the expressions with the explanations

Expressions                                          Explanations

1.Gross Register tonnage        a) is the entire volume of all the enclosed spaces

2.Deadweight Tonnage  b) is equal to the weight of the displaced mass of water

3.Ullage                    c) is the total weight of the cargo that can be carried 4 Grain Space    d) is the empty space on top of a liquid

4.Oil Space              e) is 98% of the volume of the tanks

5.Cargo Carrying Capacity     f) is the volume of the spaces used to carry general cargo

6.Displacement        f) is used to calculate how much harbour dues must be paid

7.Net Tonnage         g) is the volume of the spaces used to carry dry bulk cargo

8.Bale Space            h) is the weight of cargo, stores, oils and waters

PART 2. Dimensions Vocabulary and reading Practise these words orally, and then read part one of the text

Ь" Moulds - теоретический размер корпуса судна fa- Moulded breadth - расчетная ширина судна $*■ Moulded depth - расчетная глубина судна r^ Stability - остойчивость ^ Beam - бимс, ширина судна, траверз

^ Clearance - клиренс, минимальная глубина под килем корабля $* Embankment -1.дамба, насыпь 2. набережная fc*' To allocate - размещать, назначать £>■ Stem - форштевень, нос ^ То intersect - пересекать

^ Rudderstock - баллер руля, изогнутая балка для передачи вращения от рулевой машины к перу руля fa* Salinity - соленость £>Draft (draught) - осадка ^ Loaded draft - осадка с полным грузом ^ Light draft - осадка в баласте5. Read the text and be ready to answer the questionsBreadthmoulded breadth is understood the horizontal distance between the insides of the moulds. In other words, it is the inside breadth (or width) of the used to determine the vessel's cargo carrying capacity in relation to her stability.Depthmoulded depth is understood the vertical distance between the insides of the moulds (including the double bottom).indicates the inside height of the used to determine the vessel's cargo carrying capacity in relation to her stability.beam is understood the extreme breadth of the vessel. In restricted narrow fairways (e.g. the Panama Canal) the vessel's beam is an important factor to obtain a clearance to proceed.Over All (L.O.A.).Length over all is understood the distance between the extreme fore-end and the extreme aft-end of the vessel. Before a berth along an embankment is allocated, the port authorities will have to know the total length of the ship.Between Perpendiculars (LPP)Between Perpendiculars is measured between the fore-perpendicular (LPP) and the aft-perpendicular (APP). It is used to determine the vessel's stability.Construction Waterline is the line to which the ship may be loaded in summer.fore-perpendicular is the vertical line through the point where the Construction Waterline and the stem intersect. The aft perpendicular goes through the radderstock.6. Read the ship's details and write down her descriptionQueen's Hope Container carrier y.b. 1999 L.O.A.: 140.50m Beam: 27m Draft s/w: 9m Dwgt: 13300t GRT: 8700t NRT: 4820t

Exercise 7. Listen to the speaker (Computer Programme "Anglomar Study English "). Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version

РИС.1 1. Носовой шпринг. 2 Носовой прижимной конец 3 Носовой продольный конец 4 Нос/форштевень 5.Левая носовая скула. 6 Буксирный трос, буксировщик. 7.Правая носовая скула. 8 Бак,полубак 9 Правый борт


1 Forward spring


? Forward breast line


3 Head line.


4 Dow/stem


5.Port bow


6 Towing line tug


7 Starboard bow


8 Forecastle


9 Starboard


10 Midships

10 Мидель 11 Траверз 12.Мостик.



11 Abeam



13 Правая кормовая скула. 14.Носовая часть. 15 Кормовая часть 1Б Наибольшая длина 17 Корма 18 Ширина 19 Назад, позади 20 Кормовой продольный конец. 21 .Кормовой прижимной конец. 22 Кормовой шпринг 23 Траверз 24.Левый борт 25 Вперед впереди 26Левая кормовая скула.


13 Starboard quarter


14 Forward


15 Aft


1С Length overall (LOA)


17 Stem


18 Breadth


19 Astern


20 Stem line


21 Aft breast line


2? Aft spring




24 Port


25 Ahead


26 Port quarter

Exercise 8. Match the words from column A with the words from column В

1. 2. 3.

upper double transverse

a) chain b) superstructure c) bottom



d) bulkhead



e) mast



f) deck

7. 8

signal chain

g) gear h) winch

9 10.

mooring aft

i) spring j) locker

1 2 3

мидель ширина наибольшая длина

a) port quarter b) abeam c) starboard bow

4. 5. 6 7 8 9

кормовой прижимной конец d) mooring gear левая кормовая скула е) foremast правая носовая скула f) transverse bulkhead траверз g) length overall поперечная переборка h) midships фок-мачта i) aft breast line


швартовое устройство

j) breadth

Exercise 10. Give the synonyms in Russian to the following words port quarter; starboard quarter; bow stem; port bow; starboard bow11. Read the text and answer the following questions, air draft, freeboard and under keel clearancedraft is understood the distance from the bottom of the keel to the surface of the water. A distinction must be made between loaded draft and light draft, as well as salt-water draft and fresh-water draft. Due to the salinity of seawater, the draft in seawater is less than draft in fresh-water, because seawater has a higher specific gravity.air draft is understood the distance from the waterline to the highest point of the vessel. When proceeding through a channel that is spanned by a bridge, the air draft should of course be less than the vertical clearance of the bridge. When a vessel's air draft is greater than the vertical clearance will allow, we speak of a top-hampered vessel.freeboard is understood the distance between deckline and waterline.underkeel clearance (UKQ) is understood the distance between keel and seabed.

1. How do they call the inside width of a ship?

2. When is it especially important to take into consideration the beam of a ship?

3. What do the port authorities have to know the ship's L.O.A. for?

4. What is the construction waterline?

5. How do you think, why is it that important to distinguish loaded draft and light draft?

6. How do you think, where can be the highest point of the vessel? Why is it so important to know this?

7. When is it necessary to state your freeboard? What for?

8. What is the best (or the least) under keel clearance according to the well known saying?

Exercise 12. Correct the mistakes and give right definitions

1. In shallow water the vessel's beam is an important factor to obtain a clearance to proceed.

2. Before a berth along an embankment is allocated, the port authorities will have to know the total width of the ship.

3. Due to the salinity of seawater, the draft in seawater is greater than draft in fresh-water

4. When a vessel's draft is greater than the vertical clearance will allow, we speak of a top-hampered vessel.

5. The fore-perpendicular is the diagonal line through the point where the Construction Waterline and the stem intersect.

Exercise 13. Match the expressions with the explanations


1.moulded depth

2.moulded breadth




6.Length over all

7.the aft perpendicular

8  under keel clearance

9  air draft

10. length between perpendiculars

a.       is the vertical line through the rudderstock..        is the distance between FPP and APP.

с is the distance between the vessel's keel and the bottom of the sea.

d.       is the highest point of the ship measured from the waterline?.         is the distance from the bottom of the ship to the waterline..      is the distance between the deckline and the sur face of the water

g indicates the height of the cargo holds, including the double bottom.indicates the greatest distance between the starboard- and port sides.. is the length between the stem and the stem., j. indicates the inside breadth of the cargo holds.14. Listen to the speaker. Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version

I cannot keep my present course.

Я не могу более идти этим курсом.

1 am altering course to port / starboard.

Я изменяю курс влево / вправо.

Advise you alter course to ... (at...)

Рекомендую изменить курс на ... (в ...)

What is your draught?

Какая у Вас осадка?

What is your draught forward?

Какая у Вас осадка носом?

What is your draught aft?

Какая у Вас осадка кормой?

My draught forward is ....

Моя осадка носом ....

My draught aft is ....

Моя осадка кормой ....

Vessel... is of deep draught.

Судно .. с большой осадкой.

Do you have any list?

Имеете ли Вы крен?

I have a list to port of... degrees.

У меня крен на левый борт... градусов.

Maximum permitted draught is ....

Максимальная допустимая осадка составляет ....

What is your freeboard?

Какова у Вас высота надводного борта?

What is your height / air draught?

Какова высота Вашего судна над водой?

Are you trimmed by the head / stern?

У Вас дифферент на нос / корму?

Are you on even keel?

Вы на ровном киле?

What is your maximum draught now?

Какова сейчас у Вас максимальная осадка?

15. Listen to the speaker (Computer Programme "Anglomar Study English") and match the terms you hear with the given numbers on the sketch. Give Russian equivalents16. Outline the characteristic features of kinds of tonnage. Complete the chart

Exercise 18. Watch the CD-ROM program "International Maritime English Programme " (Ship Measurement)


PART I. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally and learn them by heart

 Estimated time of arrival (ETA) - предполагаемое время прибытия^- To indicate - указывать" Draught - осадка (судна)5" Pilotage - лоцманская служба; лоцманская проводка

ft5' Pilot boarding - посадка лоцмана на борт судна

ft3' Compulsory - обязательный

ft3' То obtain - получать, брать

Р^ Harbour Master - капитан порта

ft5' To embark - подниматься на борт судна

ft3' Embarkation - посадка на борт судна

ft>- To disembark - сходить с судна' Customary signals - обычные сигналы5" То display (hoist) - показывать; вывесить

ft3' International Code of signals - Международный свод сигналов' Blast - звук; гудок' Whistle - свисток

9* In compliance with - в соответствии с ...

ft*' То provide - обеспечивать

ft3' International Standard Pilot Ladder and Mechanical Hoists - лоцманский трап международного стандарта и механические подъемники

ft3' Lee side - подветренная сторона

ft3' Pre-arrival information exchange - обмен информацией перед приход! судна в порт

ft" (ISC) International Shipping of Chamber - международная судохода палата" Bridge Procedures Guide - руководство для штурманского состава мостике

fa* Approximately - приблизительно

ft" Annex приложение

ft" Thruster подруливающее устройство; толкатель

ft" Prior the ship's arrival до прихода судна

ft" To con вести судно; давать команды рулевому

ft" To see to ~ наблюдать1. Read the text quickly to grasp the main ideaarrival information exchange with the pilotaccordance with the ISC Bridge Procedures Guide in case when the Master has limited local knowledge of the pilotage waters, it is recommended that a pre-arrival exchange of information takes place with the pilot before boarding.ship initiates an information exchange approximately 24 hours before the pilot's ETA will allow sufficient time for more detailed planning to take place both on the ship and Shore Master/Pilot Exchange and Shore to Ship Pilot/ Master Exchange forms can be used for this purpose (see annexes Al and A2).fonns can provide a basis, the exact detail of the forms can vary from ship to ship, trade to trade, or even from port to port. It is recommended to keep preliminary information exchange to a minimum, and limit the information to that which is strictly necessary to assist in planning the pilotage.some cases the Shore to Ship Pilot/Master Exchange form can be supported by a graphical route plan.exchanges and discussions on berthing can take place when the pilot arrives on board.2. Learn the documents. Fill in the gaps using the following data (Annex 1)Ro "Transitor"o.a - 156.6 m Breadth - 23.8 m Height-16.9 m Draught-7.2 m Deadweight -7,100 t Speed- 17.3 kn"Victoria" Length o.a. - 230.2 m Breadth - 32.2 m Height- 19.0 m Draught- 13.6m Deadweight - 68,550 t Speed-15.8 kn"Regal Star" Length o.a. -215.2 m Breadth-31.9m Height-17.3 m Draught-12.3 m Deadweight-52,450 t Speed- 14.2 kncarrier "Gloria" Length o.a. - 131.6 m Breadth - 19.3 m Height-8.8 m Draught - 7.4 m Deadweight - 7,7001 Speed - 14.0 kn

PART 2. Vocabulary and listening

these words orally. Learn them by heart. Listen to the dialogues^ To climb up - подниматься

гЬ" To sheer - отклоняться от курса, рыскать

fa* To answer the wheel - слушаться руля (о судне)^- A single-screw ship - одновинтовое судно

\** A heavy swell - сильное волнение (о море)

fa Exception - исключение

fa Л lifebuoy ~ спасательный круг

fa .4 heaving line - бросательный конец

^ ^4 fairway buoy ~ фарватерный буй

fa То ту mind- по моему мнению

CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE1 Taking a pilot aboard

Watch officer:       There is a pilot boat approaching our ship, Master,:     Lower the pilot ladder over the port side. Make a lee for the pilot boat.officer:        Yes, Sir. The ladder is fast. A piht may climb up.:    That's all right.

Dialogue 2 Pilot is on board the ship

Watch officer:       Please meet the Captain, Mr. Stone: How do you do, sir?:     How do you do Pleased to meet you, sir. I'd like to get some informa
tion about your ship.:    You are welcome.:         How many propellers does your ship have?:                              She is a single-screw ship.:     What is her maximum speed?:          20 knots.:                   How many knots are we doing now?:       We are running about 17 knots.:                              What is a draft of your ship? <:      Her draft is 4, 5 metres fore and 6 metres aft.:            How is her head now?: Her head is 156 degrees now.: How does she answer the helm?.              She answers the helm all right.:       Does the ship sheer too much?;                              No, she sheers a little when there is a heavy swell or a strong wind.:                              Thank you. Now we shall turn to starboard. Starboard a bit.
Captain (to helsman): Starboard a bit.:      Yes, sir. Starboard a bit.

Dialogue 3 Proceeding to the port

Captain:      Pilot, how far will you pilot the ship?:       I shall con the ship only to the port entrance.

Captain:      Who will con the ship further on?:   At the entrance to the port another pilot will board the ship. He will relieve me

and manoeuvre her into the port. He will take the ship to her berth.:        Thank you. Shall we take a tug to enter the port?

Pilot: Yes, taking a tug is compulsory for such big ships as yours. To my mind, you

will take even two tugs.:          Thank you.

Exercise 4. Compose your own dialogues between Master and OOW;and OOW; Master and Pilot5. Role play the dialogues PAHT3and readingthese words orally and learn them by heart" Pilotage passage plan - лоцманский план перехода судна; ft=" Amendment - поправка; ^ To commence - начинать; Ф" Consequential changes - важные изменения;" Individual bridge team responsibilities - обязанности каждого члена штурманской команды; £* То hand - вручать; Р5" Pilot Card- лоцманская карта;

$* Wheelhouse Poster - объявление штурманской рубки; ffc" Manoeuvering information - информация о движении судна; W To manoeuvre - маневрировать; проводить судноon boardto ISC Bridge Procedures Guide the captains should discuss the pilotage passage plan with the pilot as soon as he comes on board. They should agree any amendmends to the plan before pilotage commences.also should make any consequential changes in individual bridge team responsibilities before pilotage begins.pilot should be handed the Pilot Card (see Annex A3) and shown the Wheelhouse Poster (see Annex A4).Wheelhouse Poster provides a summary of ship manoeuvring information.

Exercise 6. Read the commands after the speaker (Computer Programme "Anglomar. SMCP") and learn them by heart. Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version

Commands to the helmsman Commands to the engine room


Прямо руль

Port five

Руль лево пять


Руль лево на борт

Starboard five

Руль право пять


Руль право на борт

base to five

Держать лево/ право пять



Steady as she goes

Так держать

Keep the buoy/mark/beacon on port/starboard side

Держать буй/ориентир/знак слева/справа

Report if she does not answer the wheel

Доложить, если судно не будет слушаться руля

Finished with the wheel

От руля отойти

Full ahead

Вперёд полный

Half ahead

Вперёд средний

Slow ahead

Вперёд малый

Dead slow ahead

Вперёд самый малый

Stop engine (s)

Стоп машина (ы)

Dead slow astern

Назад самый малый

Slow astern

Назад малый

Half astern

Назад средний

Full astern

Назад полный

Emergency full ahead/astern

Вперёд/ назад максимально возможный ход

Stand by engine

Машина «товсь»

Finished with engines

Машины не нужны

PART 4. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally and learn them by heart" Duties and obligations - обязанности fa" To releive from - освобождать от..." Officer in charge (officer of the watch, 00 W) -вахтенный помощник капитана" Safety of a ship - безопасность судна" To exchange - обмениваться^ Regarding - относительно" Navigation procedures - плавание" Local conditions - местные условия плавания

fa" Ship's characteristics - технические данные судна

fa" Position - местоположение судна

fa" Movement - движение

fa" Offing - часть открытого моря, видимого с берега

Exercise 7. Scan the text as quickly as possible. Decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F)and pilotsto STCW 1978/95 Convention, the duties and obligations of pilots, their presence on board does not relieve the Master or an officer in charge of a navigational watch from their duties and obligations for the safety of the ship. The Master and a pilot shall exchange information regarding navigation procedures, local conditions and the ship's characteristics. The Master and /or an officer in charge of a navigational watch shall co-operate closely with the pilot and maintain an accurate check on die ship's position and movement.

hours prior to the ship's arrival at a port the ship sends a radiogram to the company's agent ashore indicating the estimated time of arrival (ETA), the quantity and quality of cargo. Sometimes Masters state the draught of their vessels.ship hoists the signal when she approaches the pilot station or the Master contacts the pilot station by radiotelephone.many ports ships must take pilots to manoeuvre die ship into or out of the port. Ships requiring a pilot should make customary signals. In daylight ships display the flag "G" (Golf) of the International Code of Signals. It means "I require a pilot". At night the signal for a pilot is blasts on the ship's whistle or siren*many ports pilotage is compulsory for merchant ships. A pilot may be obtained from a port pilot station or sometimes from the office of the Harbour Master. A pilot may board the ship near the pilot station or in the offing. A pilot is usually taken aboard from the lee side.compliance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1979, ships shall be provided with the International Standard Pilot Ladders and Mechanical officer usually meets the pilot at the ladder and shows him to the bridge. Then the pilot manoeuvres the ship into the port to her berth. Sometimes the pilot cons the ship only to the entrance of the port and the port pilot embarks the ship to manoeuvre her to the berth. He should also see to the mooring of the ship.proceeding to the port the pilot is consulted as to what course the ship should steer and at what speed she should move, nevertheless Master of the ship is responsible for the safety of the ship, the crew, the cargo and passengers (if any) in any case.8. Decide whether these statements are true or false

\. The ship sends a radiogram 3 days prior to her arrival at a port. ( )

2. The Master of a ship indicates the ETA, the quantity and quality of the cargo in his radiogram. ( )

3. The Master and a pilot exchange information as for navigation procedures, local conditions and the ship's characteristics. ( )

4. The ship hoists the signal "J" when she approaches the pilot station. ( )

5. The OOW contacts the pilot station by radiotelephone. ( )

6. In daylight the ship displays the flag "H". ( )

7. The flag "G" means "You need not take pilot". (        )

8. A pilot may board the ship only in the offing ( )

9. A pilot is taken aboard from the weather side. (        )

10.     The Chief Mate always meets the pilot at the ladder. ( )

Exercise 9. Answer the following questions

1. When does the ship send a radiogram ashore?

2. What does Master indicate in the radiogram?

3. Why must ships take pilots in many ports?

4. What customary signals should ships requiring a pilot make in daylight?

5. What does this flag mean?

6. What is the signal for a pilot at night?

7. Where may pilots be obtained?

8. What kind of pilot ladders and mechanical hoists shall ships be provided with?

9. Where may pilots board the ship?

10.Who usually meets the pilot at the ladder?

11.What are the pilot's duties on the ship?

12.Who cons the ship with the pilot aboard?

13.Who is responsible for the safety of the ship in any case? Why?

Exercise 10. Read and translate the extracts from pilot books into your native language

1. Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots board vessels outside the harbour.

2. Official pilots for the lake ports can be obtained by application to the Captain of the port.

3. Pilotage is compulsory for merchant vessels. Pilots meet vessels off the entrance to K. The signal for a pilot in daylight is the prescribed International Code signal and, at night, four blasts on the whistle or siren.

4. Pilotage. Pilotage is compulsory for merchant vessels. Vessels must report their expected time of arrival and draught by radio 24 hours beforehand. Pilots meet vessels northwestward of the western breakwater or just within the entrance. Entry must be made during daylight hours.

5. Pilotage. Pilots board vessels from 2 to 3 miles southwestward of O. Cay. The signal for a pilot is one long blast on the whistle, or siren, in addition to the usual International Code of Signals.

6. Pilot. A pilot for K. river may be obtained from point O. Vessels not wishing to call there, may embark a pilot off Cape A.

7. Pilotage. Pilotage is compulsory for vessels of more than 300 tons, A vessel entering the port and requiring a pilot should display flag G of the International Code of Signals.

8. Pilotage. Vessels bound for S. from southward, can obtain a pilot from the pilot vessel cruising off N. Vessels from northward can obtain a pilot from the pilot vessel cruising ofFH.

9. Pilotage. Pilotage is compulsory for merchant vessels. Pilots board vessels by day or at night from a small launch outside the entrance, weather permitting. They do not cross the bar when a Northern is blowing but wait inside displaying a white flag; a stranger should then either keep at sea or proceed to 1. for shelter.

10.     Pilots. There are no pilots. The best information with regard to the cross ing of the bar is to be obtained from the masters of vessels frequenting the various rivers.

PART 4. Listening Comprehension

to the following JMO Standard Marine Communication phrases and learn them by heartin standard communications differ from "normal" questions:

1.       When we ask a question in English we normally raise the tone of the voice. In other languages a falling tone is sometimes used. Therefore, confusion can arise.

In standard communications you should use the IMO message marker "QUESTION" in front of every sentence that is a question.

2.  In standard communications you should avoid indirect questions (e.g., Could you tell me...? Do you know...?)

3.  In standard communications you can often omit articles.

Exercise 11. Learn the following 1M0 Standard Marine Communication Phrases by heart. Record your own voice.Replay the original and your own version

Pilotage Pilot request

Лоцманская проводка Заявка на лоцмана


Must I take pilot?

Должен ли я взять лоцмана?


Yes, you must take pilot - pilotage is compulsory.

Да, вы должны взять лоцмана - лоцманская проводка обязательна


No, you need not take pilot.

Нет, Вы можете не брать лоцмана.


Do you require pilot?

Вам требуется лоцман?


Yes, I require pilot.

Да, мне требуется лоцман.


No, I do not require pilot - I am holder of Pilotage Exemption Certificate (No. ...)

Нет, мне не требуется лоцман - у меня имеется свидетельство об освобождении от лоцманской проводки (№ ...)


You are exempted from pilotage.

Вы освобождаетесь от лоцманской проводки.


Do you require pilot at... (name) Pilot Station?

Требуется ли вам лоцман у лоцманской станции ... ? (название)


Yes, I require pilot at... (name) Pilot Station.

Да, мне требуется лоцман у лоцманской станции ... (название)


No, I do not require pilot at... (name) Pilot Station - I require pilot in position

Нет, мне не требуется лоцман у лоцманской станции ... (название) - мне нужен лоцман в точке ...


What is your ETA at... (name) Pilot Station in local time?

Сообщите ваше предполагаемое время прибытия к лоцманской станции ... (название)... часов по местному времени.


My ETA at... (name) Pilot Station ... hours local time.

Моё предполагаемое время прибытия к лоцманской станции ... (название) ... часов по местному времени.


What is local time?

Сколько сейчас по местному времени?


Local time ... hours.

Местное время ... часов.


What is your present position?

Какое ваше настоящее местоположение?


My position ...

Моё положение ...


What is your distance from ... (name) Pilot Station?

На каком расстоянии вы находитесь от лоцманской станции ... (название)?


My distance from ... (name) Pilot Station ... kilometers/ nautical miles.

Я нахожусь от лоцманской станции ... (название) на расстоянии ... километров/ морских миль.


Is pilot boat on station?

Лоцманское судно на станции?


Yes, pilot boat on station

Да, лоцманское судно на станции.


No, pi Jot boat not on station.

Нет, лоцманского судна нет на станции.


Pilot boat on station at... hours local time.

Лоцманское судно будет на станции в ... часов местного времени.


In what position can I take pilot?

В каком месте я могу взять лоцмана?


Take pilot in position ... at... hours local time.

Возьмите лоцмана в точке ... в ... часов местного времени.


Take pilot near ... at... hours local time.

Возьмите лоцмана вблизи ... в ... часов местного времени.


When will pilot embark?

Когда лоцман будет на борту?


Pilot will embark at... hours local time.

Лоцман будет на борту в ... часов местного времени.


Pilot coming to you.

Лоцман следует к вам.


Pilot boat approaching your vessel.

Лоцманское судно подходит к вашему судну.


Keep pilot boat on port side

Удерживайте лоцманское судно у левого борта.


Keep pilot boat on starboard side.

Удерживайте лоцманское судно у правого борта.


What is your freeboard?

Какая высота надводного борта вашего судна?


My freeboard ... metres.

Надводный борт моего судна ... метров.


Stop in the present position and wait for pilot.

Остановитесь в данном месте и ждите лоцмана.


Change to VHF channel... for pilot transfer.

Переключитесь на канал ... УКВ для связи при передаче лоцмана.


Stand by on VHF channel ... until pilot transfer completed.

Следите на канале ... УКВ до окончания передачи лоцмана.


Pilotage at... (name) Pilot Station suspended until... (date and local time).

Лоцманская проводка у ... (название) лоцманской станции прекращена до ... (дата и местное время).


Pilotage at... (name) Pilot Station re sumed.

Лоцманская проводка у ... (название) лоцманской станции возобновлена.


Pilot cannot embark at... (name) Pilot Station due to ...

Лоцман не может подняться на борт у ... (название) лоцманской станции из-за...


Do you accept shorebased navigational assistance from pilot?

Принимаете ли вы навигационную помощь лоцмана с берега?

Yes, I accept shorebased navigational assistance from pilot.

Да, я принимаю навигационную помощь лоцмана с берега.

I stay in position ... until ... You may navigate by yourself (or wait for pilot at... buoy).

Я стою в точке ... до ... Вы можете следовать самостоятельно (или ждать лоцмана у ... буя)

Follow pilot boat inward where pilot will embark.

Следуйте за лоцманским судном на вход, там лоцман поднимется на борт.

Embarking/disembarking pilot

Приём/сдача лоцмана

Stand by pilot ladder.

Приготовьте лоцманский трап

Rig pilot ladder on port side ... metres above water.

Приготовьте лоцманский трап с левого борта ... метров над водой.

Rig pilot ladder on starboard side ... metres above water.

Приготовьте лоцманский трап с правого борта ... метров над водой.

Pilot ladder on port side.

Лоцманский трап - с левого борга.

Pilot ladder on starboard side.

Лоцманский трап - с правого борта.

You must rig another pilot ladder.

Вы должны приготовить другой лоцманский трап.

Pilot ladder unsafe.

Лоцманский трап небезопасен.

Move pilot ladder ... metres aft.

Передвиньте лоцманский трап на ... метров к корме.

Move pilot ladder ... metres forward.

Передвиньте лоцманский трап на ... метров к носу.

Rig accommodation ladder in combination with pilot ladder.

Установите парадный трап вместе с лоцманским трапом.

Rig pilot ladder alongside hoist.

Установите лоцманский трап у подъёмника.

Put lights on at pilot ladder.

Включите огни у лоцманского трапа.

Make lee on your port side.

Приведите под ветер ваш левый борт.

Make lee on your starboard side.

Приведите под ветер ваш правый борт.

Stop engine until pilot boat is clear.

Остановите двигатель до тех пор, пока лоцманское судно не отойдёт от борта.

Embarkation not possible.

Высадка невозможна.

Boarding arrangements do not comply with SOLAS - Regulations.

Приспособления для высадки не соответствуют требованиям правил СОЛАС.

Vessel not suited for pilot ladder.

Судно не приспособлено для лоцманского трапа.

1.       Permission to take pilot, at... UTC , have , in position... you. -


2.       embark, at...hours local time , will, pilot -

3. vessel, your, pilot boat, approaching , is -

. pilot, on , port side , keep boat -

. pilot transfer, change to , for, VHF channel -

. wait for, in, pilot, in present, stop , position and -

. pilot transfer, for, VHF channel, change to -

. completed , stand by , until, pilot transfer , on VHF channel -

. suspended , pilotage at, (name) Pilot Station ,until... (date and local time) -

. due to , Pilot Station , cannot, pilot, embark at -

(Abridged from the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases) Exercise 14. Standard Marine Communication Phrasesthe word order in the following sentences right or wrong? Correct the sentences thai are wrong. Follow the examples given in the first and the second sentences Examples:

1...... INFORMATION. Pilot ladder has broken steps.

2.       INFORMATION. You may navigate by yourself (or wait for pile
at... station),

... Wrong INFORMATION. You may navigate by yourself (or wait for pile at... buoy).

3.       INFORMATION. Pilotage at (name) Pilot Station resumed.

4. INFORMATION. Pilot boat approaching.

. INFORMATION. Pilot will embark at...hours local time.

. INFORMATION. You are exempted from pilotage.

. INFORMATION. Pilotage at (name) Pilot Station suspended until...(date and time).

. INFORMATION. Pilot cannot embark at (name) Pilot Station because...

. INFORMATION. Pilot ladder unsafe.

. INFORMATION. Embarkation possible.

11.INFORMATION. Vessel suited for pilot ladder.

12.INFORMATION. My ETA at... (name) Pilot Station... hours local time.

13. INFORMATION. Boarding arrangements do not comply with SOLAS -Regulations.

(Abridgedfrom the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases).15. Re-order the following groups of words to make questions.the example given in the first sentence:

1.pilot, take , I, must     Must I take pilot?

2.require, you , do , pilot

3. at..., (name) Pilot Station ,you, do ,pilot, require

. is ,ETA, at... (name)Pilot Station ,what ,your, in , local time

. local, is , time, what

. Present, what, your position

. distance , (name) Pilot Station , what, your, is from

. station, pilot boat, on , is

. position , I, Pilot, can, what, take, in

. will, embark , pilot ,when

. freeboard, is, your, what

. accept, shore based navigational, do, assistance , you, from, pilot

. wrong , what, with , is , pilot ladder16. Make the following sentences into questions acceptable in standard communications (IMO SMCP). Follow the example given in the first sentence Example:

1. Do you know when the pilot will embark? ...QUESTION. When will pilot embark?...

2. Could you please tell us if you require pilot?

3. Could you tell me your ETA at... (name) Pilot Station?

. Would it be possible for you to inform us whether you can proceed without pilot?

. Could you tell me what your freeboard is?

. Do you know if a pilot boat is on the station?

. Could you tell us what your present position is?

. Do you know the local time?17. Fill in the missing words in the text belowfrom the following list using appropriate form of the verb

must manoeuvre call for          may       hoist mean             require

come           embark              meet                show to

In some ports, ships. take pilots. They...... take pilots...... the ship

into or out of the harbour. Ships may.................................. a pilot by radio or by hoisting the signal. They.................... also call for a pilot by radiotelephone. Ships usually the International Code Flag "G". This flag "I require a pilot". Soon the pilot boat

alongside the ship and the pilot her. The watch officer.... the pilot at

the ladder. Then he......... him  the bridge.

. Match the opposites

1. to arrive

a) to disembark

2. to berth

b) to complete

3. to proceed

c) to depart

4. to start

d) to unberth

5. to embark

e) to stay

6. to resume

f) to break

7. to repair

g) to suspend

8. to keep

h) to hoist

9. to low

i) to increase

10. to decrease

j) to move

. Choose the right answer

1.       Where may pilots be obtained?

a)  from the office of the Harbour Master

b) from the port pilot station

c)  in the offing

2.       What flag should a vessel display when she requires pilot in daylight?

a) the flag "H"

b) the flag "G"

c)  the flag "K"

3.       What does the flag "G" mean?

a)  I have a pilot aboard

b) I require a pilot

c)  I want to communicate with you

4.       What is the signal for a pilot at night?

a) the flag "G"

b) blasts on the ship's siren

c)  blasts on the ship's whistle

5.       What must captains indicate when requesting pilots by?

a) the ETA of the ship

b) the name of the ship

c)  the draught of the ship

Exercise 20. Match the synonymes

1. to inform       a) to understand

2. to depart       b) to unload

3. to arrive        c) to contact

4. to acknowledge d) to berth

5. to comprehend  e) to leave

6. to communicate f) to come

7. to moor         g) to confirm

8. to discharge   h) to advise

9. to carry out   i) to get

10.                    to receive        j) to fulfill

Exercise 21. Which letter flags deal with the topic "PILOTAGE AND PILOTS"? Name them5activitywatching the video programme "Bridge Routines " study the dialogue and be ready to watch the film:ship is at sea, running up to the Pilot Station. The entire action, with the exception of the Third Officer's reply, takes place inside the wheelhouse.are the Master, the watchkeeping Officer (2/0), a helmsman and the Pilot.

Pilot (to 2/0):

Half ahead.


2/0 (Rings Telegraph):

Half ahead, Pilot.



Starboard Ten.



Starboard Ten, Sir.






Midships, Pilot.



Steer zero zero three.



Midships. Steady on zero zero three, Pilot.



Dead slow ahead.


2/0 (Rings Telegraph):

Dead slow ahead, Pilot.


Pilot (to helmsman):

What is your course?



My course is zero zero three, Sir.


Pilot (to Master):

Captain, we are coming up to the pilot station. Please rig pilot ladder on starboard side, one metre above the



Master (to Pilot):

Yes, Pilot.

Master (on radio):

"Arabiyah" Captain to Third Mate. Rig the pilot ladder on starboard side, one metre above the water. Have a lifebuoy and heaving line ready, then report to the bridge.

3/0 (on deck, on radio):

"Arabiyah" Third Mate to Captain. Rig pilot ladder on starboard side one metre above the water. Have a lifebuoy and heaving line ready. Г1 come up to the bridge when all is ready, Sir.

Pilot (to Master):

Captain, when I've left, keep steering zero zero three. This will take you to the fairway buoy. Pass the buoy, then you can set course to the east.

Master (to Pilot):

Alter course at the fairway buoy. Thank you, Pilot.

3/0 (to Pilot):

The Pilot boat is approaching, Sir.


Please, sign my papers, Captain.


Certainly, Pilot.


Thank you. Good-bye, Captain.


Thank you, Pilot. Third Mate, please take the Pilot down.


Yes, Sir.

Master (to 2/0):

Stop Engines.

2/0 (to Master):

Engines stopped, Sir.

Master (to helmsman):

Steady. Let me know when she does not answer the wheel.

Helmsman (to Master):

Steady on zero zero three, Sir.


PART I. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally and learn them by heart

 Light - огонь fa Alternating I. - переменный огонь fa Anchor I. ~ якорный огонь fa Fixed I - постоянный огонь fa Flashing I - проблесковый огонь fa Front I. - передний огонь fa Group-flashing I. - группо-проблесковый огонь fa Group-occulting I - группо-затмевающийся огонь fa Leading I. - створный огонь fa Masthead I. - топовый огонь fa Navigation I. - ходовой огонь fa Occulting I. - затмевающийся огонь fa Rear I. - задний огонь fa Revolving I - вращающийся огонь fa Riding I. - штаговый огонь fa Stern I - гакабортный огонь fa Unwatched I. - необслуживаемый огонь fa Isophase light I. - изофазный огонь fa Eclipse - затмение fa Elevation - высота (над уровнем моря) fa Exhibit показывать, выставлять, зажигать (огонь) fa Flash - вспышка, проблеск; подавать световой сигнал fa Height - высота (объекта) fa Lantern - фонарь fa To obscure - затемнять fa Show - показывать, выставлять (огонь) fa Visibility - видимость fa Visible ~ видимый fa Structure - постройка, сооружение fa Pile - столб, свая fa Pillar- стойка, столб fa Pole ~ столб, шест fa Post - столб, веха fa Staff- шест, шток fa Tower ~ башня fa Mast- мачта1. Scan the text and complete the chartare used to ensure safe navigation. There are several types of lights. The main of them are the following:Fixed light is a light that shines continuously. Its abbreviation is F. All lights are indicated by abbreviations on nautical charts.Flashing light is a light with a short light interval anda long dark interval. Its abbreviations is FI, but in nautical charts the abbreviations of the corresponding rhythms

 Q (quick - 50-80 flashes per minute) or VQ (very quick - 80-160 flashes per minute) are used.characteristic of the Occulting light is contrary to that of the flashing light: the occulting light has a long light interval and a short dark interval. In other words: it


an interrupted light.abbreviation is Oc/Occ.lights are flashing or occulting lights in which the light-intervals are exhibited in groups that are repeated at regular intervals, for example F (3) or Oc (2).Isophase light has a light interval and a dark interval of equal durations. Its abbreviation is ISO.lights are mostly of white (W), red (R), blue


(BVBu) and green (Gt) colour. In case a light changes its colour it is called alternating.Alternating light (Al) is a light that shows different colours alternately, for example ALWGR (Alternating light White/ Green/ Red).Morse Code light is a light in which appearances of light of two clearly different durations are grouped to represent a character or characters in the Morse Code.applications of the types of light are determined by the fact whether a light is conspicuous or not.most conspicuous light by far is the Flashing light. Therefore it is always used to indicate danger.least conspicuous light is the Fixed light Therefore it should merely be used to illuminate an object or an area.are exhibited from different conspicuous structures, such as towers, poles, posts, buoys, beacons, staffs, masts and lighthouses.2. Before completing the table watch the CD-ROM pro-gram "International Maritime English Programme " (Lights)

Types of lights


Exercise 3. Answer the questions

1. What types of lights are mentioned in the text?

2. What light shines continuously?

3. What is the characteristic of Fl?

4. What do abbreviations Q and VQ mean?

5. What is the difference between Fl and Oc?

6. Which light has light intervals equal to dark intervals?

7. What is Al?

8. What are group lights?

9. What light is the most conspicuous?

10.     What is a fixed light used for?

Exercise 4. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions

1. Изофазный огонь

2. хорошо видимый (приметный)

3. шест, шток

4. столб, шест

5. постоянный огонь

6. башня

7. затмевающий огонь

8. столб, стойка

9. переменный огонь

10.  морская карта

11.  показывать (выставлять) огонь

12.  проблесковый огонь

13.  огонь Морзе

14.  группо-затмевающийся огонь

15.  очень быстрый проблесковый огонь

Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer

1.       A light which is constantly visible.

a) a flashing light

b) a fixed light

c)   an occulting light

d) an isophase light

2.       A light which changes its colour is ...

a) flashing

b) green

c)   red

d) alternating

3.       A light which has a light and a dark interval of equal durations is ...

a)   constantly invisible

b) isophase

c)   occulting

d) leading

4.       A light which has a longer light interval and a shorter dark one.

a)   an occulting light

b) an isophase light

c)   a fixed light

d) a flashing light

5.       The duration of eclipse is longer than that of light.

a)   a flashing light

b) a fixed light

c)   an occulting light

d) an isophase light

6.       The most conspicuous light by far is ...

a)   a fixed light

b) a flashing light

c)   an isophase light

d) an occulting light

Exercise 6. Read andtranslate passages from Pilot Books. Check yourself by finding the corresponding Russian translation

1. K. light is exhibited, at an elevation of 28 feet (8m5), from a black metal structure with a red lantern, 24 feet (7m3) in height, situated on the west ern side of the entrance to the harbour (Lat.51o26'N,Long.4o00'E) 2. A white group-flashing light showing two flashes every ten seconds is shown westward from L. point. • 3. A light is exhibited on each side of the entrance to D.

a) Два огня, расположенные по вер тикали на высоте 20 и 26 футов (6,1 и 7,9м), установлены на белой бетонной мачте с черными поло сами 16 футов (4,9 м) высотой, расположенной на оконечности мола Б. b) Огонь К. установлен на высоте 28 футов (8,5 м) на чёрной металли ческой конструкции с красным фонарём высотой 4 фута (7,3 м), расположенной на западной сто роне входа в гавань (51°26'N. 4°00'Е). c) Белый группопроблесковый огонь, показывающий два проблеска ка ждые десять секунд, зажигается западнее мыса Л.

4. В. and N. lights in line, bearing 149°, 1 lead to the harbour. 5. Two lights, disposed vertically at ele vations of 20 and 26 feet (6ml and 7m9), are exhibited from a white con crete mast with black bands, 16 feet (4m9) in height, situated on the head <#"528383.files/image037.gif"> Light structure - маячная постройка Р^ Truncated structure - пирамидальная постройка Р* Brick - кирпич; кирпичный Р" Concrete - бетон; бетонный Р^ Iron - железо; железный ^ Steel - сталь; стальной Р5" Stone - камень; каменный Р^ Wood-дерево Р5' Wooden деревянный Р" Angle - угол Р^ Circular - круглый Р" Hexagonal - шестиугольный Р5" Octagonal - восьмиугольный Р" Pyramidal пирамидальный Р^ Quadrangular - четырёхугольный ^Rectangular прямоугольный Р=" Square квадратный Р^ Triangular - треугольный18. Read the text and answer the questionslighthouse is a structure exhibiting a light. This light serves as an aid to navigation. Lighthouses are always conspicuous.are built on land and at sea. In most cases lighthouses are erected on solid foundations.vary in shape. They can be circular, pyramidal, quadrangular, square, cylindrical triangular, rectangular, hexagonal and octagonal. They are built of stone, brick, concrete, iron, steel, wood, etc.are painted white, yellow, red, etc. Sometimes they are painted in horizontal and vertical stripes of different colours. (A band is a horizontal line, a stripe is a vertical line). The lights may be fixed, flashing, occulting, alternating, group-flashing.leading lights are exhibited, the front light is always lower than the rear light.may be connected to the telephone system for life-saving purposes.

1. What purpose does a lighthouse serve?

2. Where are lighthouses built?

3. What shape can lighthouses be?

4. What material are lighthouses built of?

5. What types of lights may be exhibited from lighthouses?

6. What does the Odessa lighthouse look like?

7. Which light is exhibited higher, the front or the rear one?

Exercise 19. Translate from Russian into English

1.   Маяк - постройка, на которой выставлен огонь.

2.   Маяки устанавливаются на берегу и в море.

3.   Маяки могут иметь ажурное основание.

4.   Имеются различные формы маячных построек.

5.   Для постройки маяков используются различные материалы: камень, фпич, железо, сталь.

6.   Огни бывают разного цвета: зелёные, белые, красные, жёлтые.

7.   На маяках выставляются постоянные, переменные, проблесковые, задевающиеся и другие огни.

8.   На плавучий маяк нельзя полагаться.

9.   Находится ли маяк на своём штатном месте?

10. На каком расстоянии от порта находится этот маяк?

11. Плавучий маяк окрашен в красный цвет со словом «Санкт-1етербург» на его бортах.

12. Какой пеленг этого маяка? - Пеленг этого маяка 85°.

Exercise 20. Ask questions using the model1: This light is exhibited at an elevation of 10 feet. What elevation is this light exhibited at?

1.   A red light is exhibited at an elevation of 9 feet.

2.   An alternating light is shown at an elevation of 141 feet.

3.   A fixed light is placed at an elevation of 50 feet.

4.   A group flashing light is exhibited at an elevation of 37 feet.

Model II: Castle harbour is situated on the eastern coast. Where is Castle harbour situated?

1.   This lighthouse is built on land.

2.   A metal tower is situated westward of Drum point.

3.   A flashing green light is exhibited at the head of a breakwater.

Exercise 21. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions

1._________________ A light is exhibited_____ an iron column, 7 feet    height, situated            the

head of the jetty.

2.   The lighthouse is connected_ the telephone system__ life-saving purposes.

3.   A fixed light is exhibited_ an elevation___ 10 feet,___ black and white

wooden post, situated______________ the outer extremity_______ the mole   the entrance____________ A.


4.   Lighthouses are located land or __ sea.

5.   A lightboat, painted red is moored__ the edge___ the shoal.

6.   Lighthouses vary_ appearance. They are built___ steel, stone, wood,

7. What is the height      the tower?

8. What are the leading lights exhibited      ?

Exercise 22. Translate from English into Russian

1. Shambles lighthouse, painted red, with the name "Shambles" in white on the sides, is moored nearly half a mile eastward of the 10 fathoms edge of the bank. The vessel has a tower amidships from which a revolving light is exhibited at an elevation of 40 feet. A fog signal is sounded from the light-vessel.

2. A Kghtboat painted red and from which a red flashing light every four seconds is exhibited is moored near the edge of the shoal that extends off Khersonese point, about one quarter of a mile south-westward of the point.

3. The old lighthouse, a framework tower, is situated close southeastward of the new one, and in 1929 was still conspicuous.

4. The light-vessel is off the station.

5. "Stripes" is the term used to indicate markings which are vertical, unless stated to be diagonal.

6. "Bands" is the term used to indicate horizontal marking.

Exercise 23. Which word is the odd one out? Why? Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary

1. square




2. pillar




3. cable




4. hut




5. green




6. brick




7. flash




8. hexagonal




9. exhibited








24. Use your dictionary and match the oppositesblack short horizontal westward band eastward

dark    land southern fixed                  white rear               eclipse

sea front    flash        alternating light vertically stripe long

Exercise 25. Translate the text from Russian into English

Воронцовский маяк

Маяк основан в 1845 году. Он установлен на оконечности карантинного мола Одесского порта по инициативе известного русского флотоводца, первооткрывателя Антарктиды адмирала Михаила Петровича Лазарева.

Первая башня была деревянной. В 1863 году сооружается стальная баш-w, которая была взорвана в 1941 году во время героической обороны Одессы. Также был сильно повреждён мол.

В 1954 году после восстановления мола, получившего название Рейдо-зый, установлена новая цилиндрическая башня маяка высотой 26 метров. Башня белого цвета, фонарное сооружение красного. Дальность действия огня красного цвета достигает 15 миль.

Воронцовский маяк является передним маяком створа, ведущего в акваторию порта с моря. Задним маяком этого створа служит задний одесский створный маяк, береговая четырёхгранная башенка которого установлена на крыше белого многоэтажного здания на высоте 20 метров на расстоянии 1,2 мили от Воронцовского переднего маяка. Дальность действия огня заднего маяка, также красного цвета, составляет 18 миль.

В настоящее время Воронцовский маяк с соседними Ильичевским и Григорьевским маяками обеспечивает безопасное плавание в сложном и с интенсивным судоходством районе, обеспечивает подход к трём крупнейшим Черноморским портам - Одессе, Ильичёвску и Южному.


PART I. Vocabulary and reading

these words and expressions orally and learn them by heart

 Beacon - знак на берегу или на воде r^ Conical b. - конический знак Ф* Floating b. - плавучий знак ^ Leading b. - створный знак ^ Light b. - светящийся знак ^ pile b. - знак на сваях Ф* Buoy - буй; (гл. ограждать буями) \^ Buoyage system - система ограждения ^ Barrel b. - бочкообразный буй fc* Bell and whistle b. - буй с колоколом и свистком Р* Сап Ь. -- цилиндрический буй, тупоконечный \Ь* Cask b. - бочкообразный буй

^ Chequered b. - буй, раскрашенный в шахматном порядке 9s- Conical b. конический буй fa" Fairway b. - буй, ограждающий фарватер $> Horizontally striped b. - буй с горизонтальными полосами Р* Light b. - светящийся буй ^ Mooring b. - швартовная бочка

Ъ* Nun b. - буй в виде усеченного конуса; двойной буй (с конусами с обеих сторон)

Р" Pillar b. - столбовидный буй

$*■ Spar b. - веха

$* Spherical b. - сферический буй

^ Spindle b. - веретенообразный буй

fa" Unlit b. - несветящийся буй

Р* Vertically striped b - буй с вертикальными полосами

$* Wreck b. - буй, ограждающий затонувшее судно

fc" To indicate - указывать

^ 7b employ - применятьconcerning buoys and beacons

$* Ball -шар* Band- полоса* Broom голик, метла* Downturnedb. - голик раструбом вниз>- Upturned b. - голик раструбом вверх

Р=" Buoyage - ограждение фарватера

· Cage - клетка на знаках ограждения " Cone - конус

· Inverted с. - конус, повёрнутый вершиной вниз

· Cross - крест

· Cylinder - цилиндр

· Disk - диск

· То erect - устанавливать (буй)

· То establish - устанавливать (буй)

· Mark - знак, отметка; (гл. отмечать, ограждать) =* Тор т. - топовая фигура

*■ То moor - устанавливать (буй) =* Painted - окрашенный *■ Point - вершина

· p. downwards - вершиной вниз

· p. upwards - вершиной вверх

· points apart - вершинами врозь

· points together - вершинами вместе ^ Shape - фигура

** Diamond s. - ромбовидная фигура

^ Stripe полоса

^ То surmount увенчивать, помещать над чем-либо

^* Steep to - приглубый, отрывистый* a shoal awash - омываемая мель" J 8 feet patch - 18-футовая отличительная глубина

ft* 20 feet least water - минимальная глубина 20 футов

ft* two brooms bases apart - два голика раструбами врозь

ft* two brooms bases together - два голика раструбами вместе

ft" a black and white spar buoy - чёрно-белая веха* a bank with 4 to 5 fathoms over it - банка с глубиной от 4 до 5 саженей* offshore - на некотором расстоянии от берега.

Memorize the translation of the following sentences* The fairway is buoyed. - Фарватер обставлен (ограждён).* The fairway is unbuoyed. - Фарватер не обставлен (не огражден).* Leave this buoy to starboard (to port). - Оставьте этот буй справа ва).' This buoy marks the inner part ofT. shoal. Этот буй отмечает внутрен э часть мели Т.

ft-- A spar buoy in 5 fathoms marks the western side. ~ Веха над 5-саженной Зиной ограждает западную сторону.

Ф* You can pass that buoy on either side. - Можно пройти этот буй с любой стороны.* These buoys cannot be relied upon. - На эти буи нельзя полагаться.* Uncharted reef rock/ shoal reported in position - не нанесённый на карту риф/ скала/ отмель находится, по донесению, в точке ...

9* Dangerous wreck/' obstruction located in position is marked by - опасное затонувшее судно в точке, ограждено буем1. Read the text and try to retell itand Beaconsand beacons are used for marking dangers at sea, for marking approaches to entrances, for defining channels, fairways and their positions etc.and beacons may be of various shapes and colours. The shape is more important than colour, as certain shapes are used for particular purposes. Buoys may be lit and they may have topmarks.are pillar shaped buoys, can buoys, spar buoys, spindle buoys, nun buoys, spherical buoys etc.colour may be green, red, black, yeDow etc.night many buoys exhibit lights: green, red, white, yellow etc.may be checkered or painted in horizontal bands or vertical stripes.may be surmounted by top marks, such as a can, a cone, a sphere, cones points upward, cones points downward, cones base to base, cones point to point, a ball, a staff, a cross, downturned brooms, upturned brooms etc. Topmarks may be painted in green, red, black and other colours.2. Answer the questions

1.   What are buoys and beacons used for?

2.   What do they mark?

3.   What do you know about the shapes and colours of buoys and beacons?

4.   How are buoys and beacons painted?

5.   What topmarks do you know?

6.   What may buoys be surmounted by?


Exercise 3. Retell the text, using the expressions listed below
a) The text is headlined

b)   The text deals with

c) The aim of the text is to provide some information on

d)   The text describes. Further it is said that... In conclusion


4. Scan the textsystems and types of buoysmain buoyage systems that are employed world-wide are the Lateral buoyage system and the Cardinal buoyage system. Buoys in the Lateral system are used to indicate the port and starboard sides of the fairways.Lateral system is subdivided into two separate systems: the IALA-A system and IALA-B system (IALA stands for International Association of Aids to Lighthouse Authorities).countries in the world employ the A-system; the starboard side of the fairway is indicated by the green-coloured conical shape, and the port side is indicated by the red-coloured can-shape.and some oriental countries employ the B-system: starboard is indicated by a red-coloured cone, and the port is indicated by a green-coloured the Cardinal system are used to indicate how to pass a danger (e.g. a wreck) in a certain quadrant or area.position of the danger is indicated by North-, South-, East-, and West-Cardinal buoys. They will give the navigator information regarding the vessel's position in reference to the position of the danger. Cardinal buoys are pillar- or spar-shaped.buoys indicate special features in the fairway that can be looked up in the Pilot book. They may have any shape and are fitted with a yellow lightmarks mark safe water of sufficient depth and indicate that one approaches the coast. They are pillar-, spar-, or spherical-shaped and are fitted with a white light.danger marks are pillar- or spar- shaped and are fitted with a white light.of buoys

buoy conical buoy pillar buoy spar buoy spherical buoy (cone) (sphere)

Exercise 5. Answer the questions

1. What buoyage systems are employed worldwide?

2. What are buoys in the Lateral system used to indicate?

3. What subsystems is the Lateral system subdivided into?

4. How is the starboard side of the fairway indicated in the A-system?

5. How is the port side of the fairway indicated in the A-system?

6. What subsystem is employed in America and some oriental countries?

7. What are buoys in the Cardinal system used to indicate?

8. How is the position of the danger indicated?

9. What will give the navigator information regarding the vessel's position in reference to the position of the danger?

10.  What colour light are special buoys fitted with?

11.  What do landfall marks mark?

12.  What colour light are isolated danger marks fitted with?

13.  Where can you read about buoys and beacons?

Exercise 6. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions

1. основные системы ограждения буями

2. латеральная система ограждений

3. кардинальная система ограждений

4. конус красного цвета

5. цилиндр зелёного цвета

6. лоция

7. достаточная глубина

8. подходы к побережью

9. правая сторона фарватера

10.  информация относительно местоположения судна

11.  местонахождение опасности

12.  восточные страны

13.  указывать

Exercise 7. Watch the International Maritime English Programme (Lectures. Buoyage) and get acquainted with the Lateral and Cardinal Buoyage System) Listen, take notes, and draw in colour Cardinal Buoys and Cardinal Buoyage around a wreck8. Outline their main characteristics


9. Scan the text(Daymarks)are not only distinguished by their shapes and colours, but also by their topmarks (daymarks). The shapes of these topmarks may be a can, a cone, a sphere or a cross.pillar- or spar- buoys are fitted with red or green can-shaped or conical topmarks. When the buoys are can- or conical-shaped themselves they are not fitted with any topmarks.buoys are fitted with two black indicated by two cones points up;is indicated by two cones points down;is indicated by two cones point to point;is indicated by two cones base to base.special buoy, whose meaning is indicated in the pilot book, carries a yellow water buoy (landfall buoy) is fitted with a single red sphere.isolated danger buoy carries two black spheres.10. Watch the International Maritime English Programme ((Lectures. Topmarks) and get acquainted with the Lateral and Cardinal Buoyage System) Listen, write down, draw in colour and outline the main characteristics

a) of the Lateral buoys;

b) of the Cardinal buoys;

Be ready to describe orally any of them and answer the following questions11. Complete the chart








































Shape •








Topmarks: Light:

Topmarks: Light:






Colour: Topmarks: Light:







Shape: Colour:

Shape: Colour:



• !

• Topmarks: Light: Number:

Topmarks: Light Number



Shape Colour: Topmarks: Light.


Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light: Number:

Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light: Number:





Shape. Colour: Topmarks: Light: Number

Shape. Colour Topmarks: Light. Number:


Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light:









Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light. Number

Shape: Colour. Topmarks Light: Number:

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions

1. What systems is the buoyage system divided into?

2. What is the lateral system used for?

3. What is the Cardinal system used for?

4. How are the North Cardinal buoys indicated?

5. How are the South Cardinal buoys indicated?

6. How are the West Cardinal buoys indicated?

7. How are the East Cardinal Buoys indicated?

8. What information does a pillar buoy provide itself?

9. What are the Yellow Spherical buoys used for?

10.  What are the spherical buoys painted in vertical stripes used for?

11.  How is direction of the ship marked in a I ALA -A system?

12.  What are the odd numbers used for in a Lateral System?

13.  What are the even numbers used for in a Lateral System?

14.  What lights may be exhibited from Lateral buoys?

15.  What are the cardinal colours? What do they mean? Draw the picture.

16.  What lights are used on Safe water buoys?

РАНТ 413. Read the paragraphs from Pilot - book and translate them into lussian

1. There are three buoys in the harbour marking the channel.

2. A red bell buoy with a staff is moored close off the north-eastern extremity )fDoboy.

3. A black nun buoy is placed at the western end of the channel in a depth of 15 feet. Vessels must pass northward of it

4. A black spar buoy, with conical topmark, is moored in a depth of 10 feet, on he shoal extending off the western entrance point of the bay.

5. A green wreck buoy lies close eastward of the black beacon buoy and on he south side of a sunken wreck, on which there is a least depth of 26 feet.

6. A red spar buoy, surmounted by a ball, is moored in a depth of 5 V2 feth-Dms, at 6 cables eastward from the old lighthouse, to mark the extremity of the -ocky ledge extending in that direction.

7. A can buoy and red spar buoy lie on the south-eastern side of the shoals on he northern side of the approach, at a distance of 16 miles, 82° true, from Zumber Lighthouse.

8. A spherical buoy painted in black and white horizontal stripes, surmounted by an iron staff and cross, lies close south-eastward of Cabretta.

9. A black spindle buoy with cylindrical topmark is moored off the extreme of the shallow ree£ extending about 1 /3 cables southward from rocky ledges, one of which dries 9 feet.

10. A pillar shaped whistle buoy, painted in black and white horizontal bands, marked "L. P.", surmounted by a staff, and exhibiting a white occulting light is placed in 12 fathoms about 1V4 miles north-eastward of the northern extremity of Tybee Bank.

11. A black and red vertically striped conical buoy marked "S. M.", with a topmark consisting of a cone point down surmounted by a cross, is established off the entrance to Stingray, and about l3/4 miles eastward of Saldera light-and-whistle buoy.

12. The fairway buoy, situated about 4 miles north-westward of Cora Lighthouse, is a red and black chequered conical buoy with a topmark consisting of a double cross over a cone point down. No. 1 red and No. 2 black, situated about 8 cables southeastward of the fairway buoy have a cage and a truncated cone topmark respectively.

13. A light-buoy, exhibiting a fixed red light, established southward of Auts Bank in a position about 13/4 miles east-north-eastward of Colpoys Point. A light-buoy exhibiting a fixed green light is established near the anchorage in a position about 5 cables north-north-eastward of Range Point. The position of the light buoys are not to be depended upon.

14. In difficult parts of the river the channel is marked by red conical and black can buoys; during winter they are replaced by spar buoys. Red buoys indicate that the channel lies between them and the right bank and they must therefore be left on the starboard hand by vessels proceeding up-river.

15. A light-and-bell-buoy, with red and black horizontal bands, and showing a short white flash every two seconds, is moored on the north-eastern side of Potter Rock.

16. California Rock, small in extent, with a depth of 9 feet over it, lies nearly in mid-channel in the passage north-eastward of Pennock Island, about half a mile northward of the south-eastern extremity of the island. It is marked on its northeastern side by a black barrel shaped buoy with a topmark consisting of a cone point down.

17.     A light-and-whistle-buoy, painted red, marked No. 2, exhibiting a white flashing light of one second's duration every ten seconds, is moored about 3 cables south-south-westward of Harwell Island.

I. A red beacon stands on the northern side of the shoal. 2. A red conical beacon stands on the edge of the reef extending about half a mile south-westward of Felice. 3. A beacon marks the edge of the reef extending northward from the southern entrance point of the bay. 4. A beacon, the position of which is approximate, stands near the northern end of the reef on the western side of the entrance.

5. A red beacon, surmounted by a cone, marks the outer end of a reef which extends about 4V2 cables west-south-westward from Clover, the eastern entrance point.

6. Too much reliance should not be placed on the existence of beacons in the vicinity.

7. The southern patch has a least depth of 3 fathoms and is marked on its north-western side by a black conical buoy, surmounted by a cylinder.

8. A white triangular beacon stands on the eastern shore of Higgins Channel 2 V4 miles north-eastward of Betton Point.

9. A beacon surmounted by a white disc, stands on the southern shore, which, in line with a rock, painted white, bearing 172°, leads to the anchorage.

10.  A red beacon is situated on the southern side of the fairway, three-quarters of a mile eastward of the north-western extremity of the reef on the southern side of the entrance.

11.  Two white, square leading beacons, the front one of which is a stone tower, standing at elevations of 164 and 184 feet, respectively, are situated on the northern side of the port.

12.  On the northern extremity of the north-western islet is a white pyramidal beacon 13 feet high, surmounted by a cross, and on the south-eastern islet is a similar beacon surmounted by an inverted cone and a cross. These beacons in line bearing 105°, lead through the channel southward of Larzatita Island, situated about a mile west-north-westward.

13.  A white square framework beacon, 29 feet high, stands on the southwestern side of the bay, about a quarter of a mile westward of the light structure. A white framework beacon surmounted by a cylinder, 31 feet high, stands on the same side, 4 V2 cables north-westward of the first beacon.

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into Russian

(A.) 1. A pillar shaped whistle buoy.

2. A black barrel shaped buoy.

3. A ball topmark.

4. A diamond shaped topmark.

5. An entrance point.

6. A fairway buoy.

(B.) 1. The position of the light-buoy is not to be depended on (upon). 2. Too much reliance should not be placed ...15. Form verbs from the following nouns and translate both the nouns and the verbs, bearing, breaker, leader, situation, cross, mark, anchorage.16. Give synonyms to, shoal, starboard, ledge, to proceed, left.17. Give antonyms to, outer, far, here, less, difficult, always, much, horizontal, foul ground, shallow water.18. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Этот буй окрашен в красный цвет.

2. Должны мы оставить этот буй с правого или левого борта?

3. На освещаемый береговой знак нельзя по лататься.

4. Белый конический буй, увенчанный шаром, установлен на глубине 10 футов.

5. Чёрный тупоконечный буй, расположенный около 4 миль к северо-западу от маяка К., отмечает северную сторону мели.

6. С какой стороны следует пройти этот буй?

7. Вы можете пройти этот буй с любой стороны (с левой, с правой стороны).

8. Восточная сторона фарватера ограждена красным береговым знаком.

9. Белый треугольный береговой знак стоит на северной стороне мели.

10.  Этот береговой знак, увенчанный конусом, расположен в 3 /г милях от берега.

11.  Скала глубиной менее двух футов отмечена белым береговым знаком.

12.  Что ограждают эти буи? Эти буи ограждают мель.

13.  Как ограждена мель? Мель ограждена вехами.

14.  Имеются ли там швартовные бочки?

15.  Нет, там нет швартовных бочек.

Exercise 19. Read the following fractions in English

20. Read and translate. Check your translations by finding the corresponding point in Russian

1. A spherical buoy, painted in white and green horizontal bands and surmounted by a staff, is moored about 2lU cables south ward of the eastern extremity of the Nome. 2. A can buoy, painted in red and white che quers, marks the extremity of Peveril ledge.

a) Светящийся буй (конический зелёный проблесковый огонь с периодом проблеска 5 секунд) ограждает восточную сторону мели с наименьшей глубиной 3,0 м (10 футов), на западной стороне которой на ходится затонувшее судно с четырьмя мачтами, высотой 12 м. b) Бочкообразный буй, раскрашенный в красную и белую клетку с топовой фигу рой, установлен в полумиле на северо- восток от светящейся башни, во время се веро-западного муссона он устанавлива ется как раз на банке, а во время юго-

3. Three small red barrel buoys, used when launching and mooring the lifeboat, lie northward of the lifeboat slipway about lV2 cables eastward of the pier. 4. Two black spherical mooring buoys for the use of the lighthouse tender are moored at distance of one and 2lh cables, respect tively, from Wolf Rock. 5. A pillar light whistle-and-bell buoy, painted red and exhibiting a white group flashing Light showing two flashes every ten seconds is moored about 21/* cables southward of Runnel Stone; the bell is ac tuated by wave motion. The buoy is liable to drift or break away, so no reliance can be placed on its being in position. 6. A conical light-buoy, No 2D, painted yel low with red vertical stripes, and exhibiting a red flashing light every ten seconds, is moored about 2V2 miles eastward of Nare point. 7. A red and white chequered can buoy, with a cylindrical topmark marks the southern side of a shoal situated about 11 cables westward of the summit of St. Anne island. 8. A red and white chequered barrel buoy with a topmark is moored about half a mile north-eastward of the light tower; during the north-west monsoon it is moored just on the bank, and during the south-east monsoon just off the southern side of the bank. 9. A light-buoy (conical green; light-flashing green every five seconds) marks the E side of a shoal with a least depth of 3,0 m (10 feet), on the W side of which there is a wreck with four masts, 12 m high.

восточного - мористее южной стороны банки. c) Цилиндрический буй, окрашенный в красную и белую клетку с цилиндрической топовой фигурой, ограждает южную сторону отмели, расположенную около 11 кабельтовых западнее острова Святой Анны. d) Конический светящийся буй, номер 2Д, окрашенный в жёлтый цвет красными вертикальными полосами, показывающий красный ггооблесковый огонь каждые 10 секунд, установлен около 2,5 миль восточнее мыса Наре. e) Столбообразный светящийся со свистком и колоколом буй, окрашенный в красный цвет и показывающий группо-проблесковый огонь с двумя проблесками каждые 10 секунд, установлен около двух с четвертью кабельтовых к югу от Рунел Стоун; колокол звенит от движения воды. Буй подвержен дрейфу или смещению, поэтому нельзя полагаться на его поло жение. f) Два чёрных сферических швартовых буя для использования маячного тендера (по сыльного судна) установлены на расстоя нии одного и двух с половиной кабельто вых соответственно от скалы Вульф. g) Три маленьких красных бочкообразных буя, используемых для спуска на воду и швартовки спасательной шлюпки, нахо дятся севернее от судоподъёмного эллин га около 1,5 кабельтовых к востоку от пирса. h) Цщиндрический буй, окрашенный в красную и белую клетку, ограждает восточную оконечность рифа (гряды камней) П. i) Сферический буй, окрашенный в белые и зелёные горизонтальные полосы, и увенчанный вехой, установлен в 2,25 кабельтовых к югу от восточной оконечности Нове.


Buoys and beacons

В., Blk.





Шахматной окраски







H. S.

Horizontal stripes

Горизонтальные полосы





Vertical stripes

Вертикальные полосы






























Жидкий ил,










Крупная галька













































































Specks, speckled






































Ml. i



Wd. У-

Weed Yellow

Водоросли Жёлтый


PART I. Vocabulary and reading

these words and expressions orally and learn them by heart

 Bank - отмель, банка P* Drying b. - осушная банка P^ Bar - бар, отмель P** Cliff- утёс> Cluster of rocks - группа скал P* Flat - отмель P5" Ledge - гряда рифов»- Patch - группа банок, группа камней; отличительная глубина; участок Р* Reef - риф

ЧЬ* Ridge - подводная гряда, гребень Р* i?ocA: - скала

Р" Above water r. - надводная скала Р^ Below water r. - подводная скала Р^ Drying г. - осыхающая скала Р** ///#/* uw/er г. - надводная скала Р* Low wafer r. - подводная скала Р^ Pinnacle r. - остроконечная скала ^ Submerged г. - подводная скала Р>- Sunken г. - подводная скала Р" Under water r. - подводная скала Р=" Shallow - мель; мелкий, мелководный 9* s. water - мелководье 9* shoal - мель; отмель; мелеть; мелкий

·   attached s. - примыкающая мель

·   detached s. - отдельно лежащая мель

·   8. head- коса, риф

·   s. water - мелководье Р* Spit - коса

Р=" Wreck - затонувшее судно

Р* Го encounter- встречаться с чем-либо

Р=* Го threaten - угрожать

Р" Safety - безопасность

Р*- Fas* ice - сплошной твёрдый лёд

Words and word combinations concerning buoys and beacons* Awash - омываемый водой

£*- To break - ломать, разрушать, образовывать буруны

Breakwater - бурун, прибой ^ Clear - ясный, чистый; пройти не задев ft* Danger опасность ft" Dangerous - опасный ft" Learf *%?//? - наименьшая глубина ft5* Prudent - осторожный, зд. на большом расстоянии ft* one fathom patch - односаженная отличительная глубина ft* 5-fathom line - 5-саженная линия (равных глубин) - изобата ft* clearing marks - створные знаки, ограждающие опасности ft* off- shore dangers - отдалённые от берега (мористые) опасности ft" off the coast ofX. - мористее побережья X. ft* to be in danger - быть (находиться) в опасности ft* to be out of danger - быть вне опасности ft" to be clear of danger быть свободным от опасности ft5" to pass clear of- пройти в стороне от ft* to keep clear of- держаться в стороне от ft" to close the land приближаться к берегу

ft" to give a wide berth - пройти в достаточном (безопасном) расстоянии ft8" as much as ... 2 miles - на расстоянии 2 миль ft* in line with T. bearing 41° - в створе с Т. по пеленгу 41° ft* under 11 fathoms - менее 11 морских саженей ft* well off.. the pier - на значительном расстоянии от пирса ft* vessels drawing 20 feet of water - суда с осадкой 20 футов

Memorize the translation of the following sentences" There is a danger due to mines there. - Там имеется опасность от мин." This rock must be given a wide berth. - Эту скалу надо обойти на большом расстоянии.* These rocks must be given a berth of 2 cables. - Эти скалы надо обойти на расстоянии 2 кабельтовых.* Т. danger with 4 feet (water over it) lies about 3 miles south-eastward ofM. - Опасность Т.на глубине 4 фута находится около 3 миль к юго-востоку от М." T in a depth of 5 fathoms lies about 51miles westward ofN. Island. - Т. на глубине 5 саженей лежит около 51 мили к западу от острова Н.

ft* This coast must be approached with great caution. - К этому берегу надо подходить с большой осторожностью.I. Read the text and answer the following questionsare many dangers which the navigator may encounter. Banks, patches, underwater rocks, shallow waters may threaten the ship's safety. When navigating in dangerous areas the navigator should avoid all these dangers.a rule, all the dangers are shown on the charts. They are also described in pilot-books. That's why pilot-books and charts should always be carefully the Northern seas is especially dangerous, because of ice. In the open sea ships can meet floating ice formations. Fast ice is often found over shoals. Icebergs broken away from the parent formation may float in the open sea. Ice formations may prevent the ship's movement. They make the navigator sometimes change course and speed. When sailing in dangerous areas a sharp look-out should be always kept.

1. What dangers may threaten the ship's safety?

2. What book should a navigator consult to avoid dangers?

3. Why is navigation especially dangerous in the North?

4. Why is the ice in bays more dangerous than in the open sea?

5. What do we call ice formations attached to the shore?

6. Where is fost ice found?

7. What makes sometimes the navigator change the ship's course in the Northern seas?

8. When is it especially recommended to keep a sharp look out?

Exercise 2.Find the corresponding English equivalents in the text

1.  могут столкнуться

2.  угрожать безопасности судна

3.  следует избегать

4.  как правило

5.  описываются в лоциях

6.  следует тщательно консультироваться

7.  из-за льда

8.  сплошной лёд

9.  менять курс и скорость


3. Listen to SMCP on navigational warnings and repeat them. Learn them by heart. Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version

There is a dangerous wreck in position ... (marked by ... showing ...)

Опасное затонувшее судно в точке ... (ограждено ... показывающим)


There is a dangerous rock in position (marked by ... showing ...)

Опасная скала в точке ... (ограждено ... показывающим)


There is a dangerous shoal in position (marked by ... showing...)

Опасная мель в точке ... (ограждено ,.. показывающим)


There is a drifting mine reported in position

По сообщению, дрейфующая мина в точке...


There is a gas leakage (from fractured pipeline) in position

Наблюдается утечка газа (из трубопровода) в точке ...

There is a slick of oil in position (extending)

Нефтяное пятно в точке .. (простирается)

There are pipelaying operations in position

Проводятся работы по прокладке трубопровода в ...

There are cablelaying operations in position

Проводятся работы по прокладке кабеля в ...

There are salvage operations in position

Проводятся спасательные работы в ...

There are oil clearance operations in position

Проводятся операции по очистке нефти в ...

There are tankers transferring... in position

Танкеры, передающие... находятся в точке...

There are current metres moored in position

Измерители скорости течения установлены на якорь в точке ...

There are oceanographic instruments moored in position ...

Океанографические приборы установлены на якорь в точке ...

There is a derelict adrift in position ... (at ... hours)

Покинутое судно дрейфует в точке ... (в ... часов)

There is a vessel with a difficult tow on passage from .. to ...

Судно, занятое сложной буксировкой, находится на переходе из ... в ...

There is a drilling rig ... (name) established in position ...

Буровая платформа установлена в точке

There is an off-shore installation... (name) established in position

Морское сооружение... установлено в точке...

There is a ... buoy in position ... unlit

В точке ... находится несветящийся буй

There is another mark in position ... unlit

В точке ... находится другой несветящийся знак ...

There is a ... buoy in position ... off station

В точке ... находится смещенный со своего штатного места буй

There is another mark in position ... off station

В точке ... находится смещенный со своего штатного места другой знак

There is a ... buoy (showing ...) established in position ...

Буй (показывающий) установлен на штатном месте в точке ...

"here is another mark (showing ...) estab-shed in position ...

Другой знак (показывающий ...) установлен на штатном месте в точке ...


'here is a ... light in position ... now howing

Огонь ... в точке ... сейчас показывает


'here is a ... buoy in position ... now howing

Буй ... в точке ... сейчас показывает


"here is another mark in position ... now howing

Другой знак ... в точке ... сейчас показывает


There is a vessel carrying out hydrographic ;urvey in position

Судно производит гидрографические исследования в точке ...


There is a vessel carrying out seismic survey in area

Судно производит сейсмические исследования в районе ...


Abnormally low tides expected in ... at... lours

Необычно низкие отливы ожидаются в ... в ... часов


Abnormally low tides expected in ... around... hours

Необычно низкие отливы ожидаются в ... около ... часов


Vessels must keep clear of area indicated

Суда должны проходить в стороне от указанного района


Vessels are advised to keep clear of this area

Судам рекомендуется проходить в стороне от этого района


Vessels must navigate with caution

Суда должны идти с осторожностью


There is a vessel not under command in position

В районе находится судно, лишенное возможности управляться


There is hampered vessel in position

В точке ... находится судно, ограниченное в возможности маневрировать


Radio beacon service ... has been discontinued

Радиомаяк ... прекратил работу


Advise you keep clear of sea area... search and rescue in operation

Советую Вам держаться в стороне от морского района ..., где проводится операция по поиску и спасению


Route ... has been suspended

Путь ... временно закрыт


Traffic lane ... has been suspended

Полоса движения ... временно закрыта


Route ... has been discontinued

Путь ... отменен


Traffic lane ... has been discontinued

Полоса движения ... отменена


Route has been diverted

Путь ... изменен


Traffic lane ... has been diverted

Полоса движения ... изменена


4. Match the words from the left column with the words from the right column

1. range scale 2. to suspend 3. identification 4. a slick of oil 5. pipelaying operations 6. off station 7. oil clearance operations 8. gas leakage 9. hampered vessel lO.hydrographic surveys 11 .current metres 12.seismic surveys 13.abnormally low tides 14.on passage from... to... 15oceanographic instrument 16.traffic lane 17 to discontinue 18. radar contact 19. salvage operations 20. cablelaying operations

a. гидрографические исследования b. операции по очистке нефти c. работы по прокладке трубопровода d. спасательные операции e. шкала дистанций f. измерители скорости течения g. сейсмические исследования п. необычно низкие отливы i. на переходе от... до... j. радиолокационный контакт к. океанографические приборы 1. опознавание т. отменить п. операции по укладке кабеля о. нефтяное пятно р. смещенный со штатного места q. временно закрыть г. утечка газа s. судно, ограниченное в возможносп маневрировать t. полоса движения

J. Listen to the SMCP again and fill in the gaps using appropriate terms

There is a


.... in position... (marked by... showing...)

There is a

dangerous rock....

(markedby... showing...)

There is ..

.... in position (marked by... showing...)

.... reported in position...

There is ,

.... (from fractured pipeline) in position

There is a

in position(extending)


There are

operations in position

There are

operations in position

There are salvage


. operations in position



.. moored in position


There are oceanographic

moored in position...


There is a

adrift in position... (at... hours)


There is a vessel with a

on passage from... to...


There isa

(name) established in position...


There is an off-shore

(name) established in position


There is a... buoy in position...




There is another

in position...unlit


There is a... buoy in position...




There is mark in position... off station


There is a... buoy (showing...) .

in position...


There is another mark (

) established in position...


There isa

in position... now showing



There is

in position... now showing


There is a vessel carrying out .

in position


There is a vessel carrying out..


Abnormally low tides

in... at... hours


Abnormally low tides expected

in hours


area indicated




Vessels must navigate



There is a vessel

in position


There is

vessel in position


Radio beacon service



Advise you keep clear of sea area in operation

Route... has been

Traffic has been suspended

has been discontinued

Route diverted

Traffic lane... has been

6. Listen to SMCP on dangers to navigation, warnings and assistance and learn them by heart. Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version

You are running into danger

Вы идёте к опасности

Shallow water ahead of you.

Впереди Вас мель.

Submerged wreck ahead of you.

Впереди Вас скрытое под водой затонувшее судно.

Risk of collision imminent.

Имеется риск столкновения.

Fog bank ahead of you.

Впереди полоса тумана.

Bridge will not open.

Мост не будет открыт.

Dangerous obstruction reported at...

Сообщается об опасном препятствии в

Unknown objects) in position ...

Неопознанный объект (объекты) находится (находятся) в точке ...

Floating ice in position...

Дрейфующий лёд находится в районе

(considered hazardous to navigation).

(представляющий опасность для навигации).

Mine(s) reported in position...

По сообщению, в точке ... замечена мина (мины).

Navigation is closed (prohibited) in area...

Судоходство закрыто/запрещено в районе ...

There has been a collision in position...

В точке ... произошло столкновение ...

Stand by to give assistance.

Будьте готовы оказать помощь.

It is dangerous to ...






Remain in present position

Оставаться на прежнем месте


Alter course to starboard

Изменять курс вправо


Alter course to port

Изменять курс влево


Approach close to my vessel

Приближаться вплотную к моему судну


Vessel... is aground... in position...

Судно ... на мели в точке ...


Vessel... is on fire in position...

Пожар на судне ... в точке...


Large vessel leaving.

Отходит большое судно.


Keep clear of approach channel.

Держитесь в стороне от подходного канала.


Go to Emergency anchorage.

Следуйте на аварийную/запасную якорную стоянку.


Your navigation lights are not visible.

Ваши ходовые огни не видны.


You are running aground.

Вы идёте на мель.


Keep clear. I am jettisoning dangerous cargo.

Держитесь в стороне. Я сбрасываю опасный груз.


Vessel is leaking inflammable cargo in position...

Судно в точке ... имеет утечку воспламеняющегося груза.


Vessel is leaking noxious cargo in position...

Судно в точке... имеет утечку вредного груза.


Vessel is leaking poisonous cargo in position...

Судно в точке,.. имеет утечку ядовитого груза.


I have a long tow.

У меня длинный буксир.


You are crossing my nets.

Вы идёте на мои сети.


You are heading towards my tow/a towing line.

Вы идёте прямо на буксируемый объект/буксирный трос.


You are heading towards towing line.

Вы идёте прямо на буксирный трос.


I need help...

Я нуждаюсь в помощи...


I am sinking.

Я тону.


I will make a lee for... your vessel the boat the raft

Я прикрою от ветра... Ваше судно шлюпку плот


I cannot send a boat.

Я не могу выслать шлюпку.


I cannot send a raft.

Я не могу выслать плот.


I will attempt rescue by Breeches buoy.

Я попытаюсь использовать спасательную беседку.


Is it safe to fire a rocket? It is safe to fire a rocket. It is not safe to fire a rocket.

Безопасно ли будет выстрелить ракету? Выстрелить ракету неопасно. Выстрелить ракету небезопасно.


Take command on search and rescue.

Примите командирование поиском и спасением.

Судно ... руководит поиском и спасением.


I am in command of search and rescue.

Я руковожу поиском и спасением.


Assistance is no longer required.

Помощь больше не нужна.


You may proceed.

Вы можете следовать дальше.


You must keep radio silence in this area unless you have messages about the casualty.

Вы должны соблюдать радиомолчание в этом районе, если только у Вас нет сообщения о несчастном случае.


7. Match the words from the left column with the words from the right column

1. ahead of you

а. подходной канал


2. reported

b. вредный груз


3. hazardous to navigation

с. аварийная якорная стоянка


4. remain

d. держаться в стороне от...


5. approach channel

е. идти прямо на...


6. keep clear

f. дрейфующий лед


7. noxious cargo

g. Я руковожу поиском и




8. make a lee

h. препятствие


9. to head towards

i. сообщается


10. in the living spaces

j. воспламеняющийся груз


11.1 am in command of searh and rescue

к. прикрыть от ветра


12. to keep radio silence

1. видимые огни


13.1 am sending you a boat

т. в жилых помещениях


14. large vessel leaving

п. оставайтесь


15.1 am aground 16. Emergency Anchorage 17. floating ice 18. obstruction 19. inflammable cargo 20. visible lights

о. опасно для навигации p. Я высылаю Вам шлюпку q. Я на мели, г. соблюдать радиосвязь s. отходит большое судно t впереди

8. Listen to the SMCP again and fill in the gaps using appropriate terms

You are running into danger


ahead of you.



ahead of you.



Risk of collision



ahead of you.



Bridge will not open.


renorted at...



Unknown objects) in position ...


in position...




to navigation).


Mine(s) reported in position...


Navigation is closed (



There has been a

in position...




It is dangerous to ...


Remain in present position


Alter course to





to my vessel


Vessel... is

in position...



Large vessel leaving.




Your navigation lights are not


You are running aground.


Keep clear. I am jettisoning dangerous cargo.



Vessel is leaking noxious cargo in position...



I have a long tow.




You are heading towards towing line.


I need help...


1 am sinking.


I am on fire.


I in collision.


I am aground.



I am on fire... in the engine-room in the hold in the cargo tanks in the accommodation in the living spaces


I have lost a man (at...).


Help with


What is your position?



What assistance is required?


I require ... a lifeboat a helicopter medical assistance fire-fighting assistance atug tugs

I am coming to your

I expect to you at... hours.

Please, send a boat.

Please, send a

lam sending a to you.

Make a lee for my vessel.

Make a lee for the boat.

Make a lee for the raft.

your vessel the boat the raft

I cannot send a boat.

I cannot send a raft.

1 will attempt rescue by Breeches buoy.

Is it safe a rocket? It is safe to fire a rocket. It is not safe to fire a rocket.

Take command on search and rescue.

Vessel... is in command of search and rescue.

I am in command of search and rescue.

You must keep radio silence in this area unless you have messages

9. Read and translate the following extracts from the English Pilot-Books.your translation by finding the corresponding points in Russian. Mind terms in italics

1. Off-lying dangers. - An approach

а) Песок Р. на юго-западной стороне


to S. isles from south-westward or

канала простирается на полторы


westward requires caution in hazy

мили юго-восточнее песков В., и


or thick weather on account of the

большая часть осыхает, от 2-х до 4-


rocky ledges extending in those di-

х футов (0,6м до 1,2м). Группа пло-


rections, the principle of these are

ских скал С, которые ссыхают на 2


Nan-deeps, about 2 miles west-

фута (0,6м), лежит на северной


north-westward of A., C. rocks, B.

кромке песка Р., которая подверже-


rock and C.B. ridge, and the vari-

на перемещению и изменению фор-


ous ledges extending north-

мы во время плохой погоды.


westward from P. head at the


south-western extremity of the is-


lands. P. bank, with a least depth of


13 fathoms (23m8) over it, lies


nearly 3 miles southward of B.


rock; the overfalls make it danger-


ous to open boats in rough weather.


(hazy - туманный; ledge -риф,


гряда камней; ridge гребень,


подводная гряда; overfall - бы-




2. Hats, a group of rocky shoals

Ь) Побережье между М. и мысом В.


north-eastward of I. islet, cover a

окаймлено надводными и подвод-


large area, with depths of less than

ными скалами на расстоянии полу-


3 fathoms (5m5) over it, with sev-

мили от берега. Эти скалы приглу-


eral heads having depths of from 3



to 6 feet (0m9 to lm8) over them; a


boiler, which dries 2 feet (0m6) lies


close within the south-eastern cor-


ner of these shoals; the approach to


С bar lies between the south-


western end of these shoals and the


foul ground extending from I.


(boiler - котел; to dry ~ ссыхать)


3. Off-lying banks. - Cape C. Bank, about 6 /2 miles north-westward of

с) Отмель с глубиной 17 футов (5м2)


лежит около 1,25 кабельтова к вос-


Cape C, is a rocky ridge with a

току от мыса С. Между мысом С. и


least known depth of 12 fathoms

мысом В., около 2-х миль на северо-


(2 lm9) over it near its southern extremity. As the sea breaks heavily in bad weather on Cape C. bank and B. shoal, particularly during north-westerly gales their locality should be avoided at such times, especially by small and heavily laden vessels, (to break heavily -образовывать буруны) 4. Between В. Т. and В. Head, 33/4 miles south-eastward, is a succession of dark, rugged cliffs rising abruptly to an elevation of 400 feet (121m9); thence the coast trends about one mile northward to the entrance to S harbour; it maintains the same elevation, with but few trees and is intersected by deep ravines, but it rises less abruptly than westward of the head. (succession - последовательность; rugged неровный; to intersect - пересекать; ravine -ущелье, овраг) 5. Submarine cables. - Submarine cables cross the harbour from a position close to S. situated 3V4 cables north-eastward of A. point. Vessels should not anchor in the vicinity of these cables, the positions of which are indicated by wavy lines on the chart. (In the vicinity of- поблизости, в районе (чего-либо) L

восток имеются несколько отдельно лежащих участков земли с глубинами от 7 до 18 футов (от 2,1м до 5,5м), лежащих в пределах одного кабельтова к берегу. d) Банка С, отмель из мелких ракушек и гравия, простирается на 3,5 мили на северо-восток от положения око ло 6 кабельтовых северо-восточнее маяка СР., вплотную к её южному концу имеются глубины от 7 и 11 футов (2,1м и 3,4м), а в других час тях имеются глубины от 11 до 30 футов (3,4м до 9,1м), а иногда и глубже. Банка заканчивается у севе ро-восточного конца в песчаной от мели почти в полумилю длиной, с наименьшей глубиной 15 футов (4,6м). В штормовую погоду море образует буруны на всех участках банки С, особенно на юго-западном конце, при сильных восточных вет рах нет укрытия между отмелью и берегом, т.к. неспокойное море про стирается к берегу. e) Удалённые от берега опасности. - Подход к островкам С. с юго-запада и запада требует осторожности в туманную погоду из-за скалистой гряды камней, простирающихся в тех направлениях, основными из них являются: Напдипс, около 2-х милей на запад - северо-запад от А., С, скала В., и подводная гряда С, В и различные рифы, простирающие ся на северо-запад от мыса Р. у юго- западной оконечности островов. Банка Р. с наименьшей глубиной 13 саженей (23,8м) находится почти в

6. S. bank, a shoal of pulverized shell and fine gravel, extends for about 3V2 miles north-eastward from a position about 6 cables northeastward of S.P. lighthouse; close to its southern end there are depths of 7 and 11 feet (2ml and 3m4), and on other parts there are 11 to 30 feet (3m4 to 9ml), with occasionally greater depths. The bank terminates at the northeastern end in a sandy shoal nearly one mile in length, with a least depth of 15 feet (4m6). In boisterous weather the sea breaks heavily on all parts ofS. bank, especially on the south-western end; with strong easterly winds there is no shelter between the shoal and the land, the broken water extending to the coast. (broken water - неспокойное море, close to - близко, вплотную к, to terminate ~ кончать (ся), boisterous - бурный, неистовый) 7. A shoal, with a depth of 17 feet (5m2) over it, lies about 1V4 cables eastward of S head. Between S. Head and W. Point about 2 miles north-eastward there are several de tached patches, with depths of from 7 to 18 feet (2ml to 5m5) over them lying within one cable to the coast, (detached - отдельно лежащая мель) 8. The coast between M. and B. head

3-х милях к югу от скалы В., быстрины создают опасность для судов в штормовую погоду. f) Хэтс, группа скалистых отмелей северо-восточнее островка И., за нимает большую площадь с глуби нами меньше, чем 3 сажени (5,5м) с несколькими мысами, на глубинах от 3 до 6 футов (0,9м до 1,8м); ко тел, который осыхает на 2 фута (0,6м) находится рядом, в юго- восточном углу этих отмелей. Под ход к бару С. находится между юго- западным концом этих отмелей и плохо держащим грунтом, прости рающимся от И. g) Удаленные от берега банки. - Банка С. около 6,5 миль к северо-западу от мыса С. - это скалистая подводная гряда с наименьшей известной глу биной 12 саженей (21,9м) возле её южной оконечности. Т.к. море об разует буруны в плохую погоду на мысе банки С. и отмели В., особен но во время северо-западных вет ров, эту местность в такое время следует обходить, особенно малень ким и тяжело груженым судам. h) Между В.Г. и мысом В. 3,75 мили


is fringed by above-water and sunken rocks for as much as half a mile offshore. These rocks are steep-to. (steep-to - приглубый; to fringe - окаймлять) 9. P. sand, on the south-western side of the channel, extends lV2 miles south-eastward from W. sand, and the greater part dries from 2 to 4 feet (0m6 to lm2). C. ledge, a group of flat rocks which dry 2 feet (0m6), lies on the northern edge of P. sand, about half a mile eastward of the northern extremity of The Warren. There is small bank off the south-eastern end of P. sand which is liable to shift its position and change its shape during bad weather.

на юго-восток имеется ряд темных, неровных утёсов, поднимающихся резко на высоту 400 футов (121,9м), откуда берег направляется на расстоянии 1 мили на север к входу в гавань С, он сохраняет ту же высоту с небольшим количеством деревьев и пересекается глубокими оврагами, но поднимается не так резко, чем к западу от мыса. i) Подводные кабели. - Подводные кабели пересекают гавань от места рядом с С, расположенного в 3,75 кабельтовых на северо-восток от мыса А. Судам не следует становиться на якорь в районе этих кабелей, местонахождение которых обозначено волнистыми линиями на карте.


10. Read the text and say what useful information you have got

a)   Dangers. - Spur reef extends nearly a mile south-south-westward of Middle island. The western side, on which the sea always breaks, dries 3 feet (0m9); the eastern side was, in 1891, marked by a wreck. Foul ground extends one mile southward and 172 miles south-eastward from the reef.

b) There are numerous shoal patches scattered about the northern end of the lagoon, within 2 miles of East island, with depths of from lV2 to 372 fathoms (2m7 to 6m4) over them. The position of which can best be seen on the chart. (To scatter - разбрасывать)

c)   Parry patch, with depths of 2l/4 fathoms (4ml) over it, at the entrance to Rambler bay, lies nearly 2V2 miles north-north-eastward of Marianne point. Elder rock, with a depth of 5 feet (lm5) over it, lies about 2 miles east-northeastward of Marianne point. A 3-fathom (5m5) coral patch lies 7 cables south-westward of Elder rock. About 13 cables north-eastward of Marianne point is a patch with depths of 4 fathoms (7m3) over it. About 4 cables west-north-westward of this patch is another with depths of 3 fathom (18m3) line, in the open part of the lagoon northward of those just mentioned, but ail have a greater depth than 5 fathoms (9ml) over them.

d)   Minni-Minni patch, with a depth of 17 feet (5m2) over it, lies 872 cables north-westward of the mined settlement at Minni-Minni. The lagoon southward of Minm-Mmm patch is studded with dangers; but vessels can proceed to within 3 miles of its southern end by keeping a careful look-out from aloft, and of buoying the intricate parts. (To stud - усеивать, усыпать; intricate сложный, запутанный; aloft- наверху,нареях)

e) Dangers. ~ Bank du Vaudreuil lies maidway between the north-eastern side of Nosi Ovi and the northern shore of Rafaralahi bay between Sangajira point and Anorontsangana. This bank is broken in the centre by a passage with depths of from 5 to 8 fathoms (9ml to 14m6); there are some rocks awash on the southern part of the bank, and depths of less than 3 feet (0m9) over the northern part.

f)   A detached, 2l/2 - fathom (4m6), coral patch lies 23/4 miles north-westward; a rock with a depth of less than 6 feet (lm8) over it, lies about a mile northward; and some drying patches of reef lie about 2 miles north-north-eastward of Lavalohalika point. A 4-fathom (7m3) bank lies in the middle of the entrance to the bay, about 21/2 miles south-south-westward of the Custom house (Lat 13°55'S, Long. 47°56'E).

g)   Coast. - Outlying shoals. - Dangers.- From abreast Maromoni point the outer reef which is of the nature of a submerged barrier reef, and is a continuation of that which begins near Nosi Kivinji off the north-western side of the Am-bavatobi peninsula, continued south-westward, from 10 to 15 miles offshore as far as Bali bay, a distance of 156 miles, or, including the portion northward of Maromoni point (Lat. 14°40'S, Long. 47°28'E), about 230 miles. (Peninsula - полуостров)

h) As soundings on this outer reef have been chiefly taken not with the object of finding the shallowest spots on it, but to discover the best passages through, it is not improbable that depths shallower than any charted may be found in many places; consequently, whatever a vessel's draught, it is always best to cross the outer reef by one of the passages indicated, as they have been examined with some exactness. (Spot - место; improbable ~ невероятный, неправдоподобный; consequently ~ поэтому, в результате)) From Mahajamba bay westward, the principal known shoals on the outer reef, as well as the passes, are all named. The least known depth is 2 fathoms (3m7) but there are very numerous patches with depths of from 3 to 41/2 fathoms (5m5 to 8m2) over them. On Thetis bank, off Cape Tanjjona the coral appears to be still living, and the bottom very irregular; elsewhere the bottom is regular, the coral being dead and almost always covered with sand of seaweed. (Seaweed - морская водоросль)) Dangers. - A 43/4 - fathom (8m7) bank lies about 11 miles north-north-westward and another similar patch about 9 miles north-westward of Maro-moni point. These banks are of coral and lie near the western edge of the outer reef.) Diamond bank lies about 7 miles westward of Maromoni point (Lat. 14°40'S, Long. 47°28'E), and 4 miles offshore. There are many heads on this shoal, the least depth being 15 feet (4m6). All these dangers lie on the outer reef.

) Westward of Diamond bank there are several 4V4 - fathom (7m8) patches on the outer reef. A bank, with depths of 374 and 4V4 fathoms (5m9 and 8m2) over it, lies about 8 miles south-westward of Maromoni point and three-quarters of a mile offshore, and a 4V2 - fathom (8m2) patch lies about 5l/2 miles north-north-eastward of Marolahi point and l3/4 miles offshore. A reef extends at about 7 cables westward of Marolahi point with depth of 4 fathoms (7m3) over the extremity.) A reef, with depths of 2 fathoms (3m7) or less over it, extends 2 cables northward from Mys Fel'kerzama, the northern extremity of the peninsula; it merges into a sand rocky ledge, from 2 to 3 cables wide, with depths of from 3 to 4V4 fathoms (5m5 to 7m8) over it, extending west-north-westward to the western shore of the bay. A black spar buoy, surmounted by a black broom, point up, is moored about 3 cables west-north-westward of the extremity of Mys Fel'kerzama. (To merge - сливаться)) Between Mys Mydela and Mys Filisova, a promontory 237 feet (72m2) high, about 11/2 miles north-eastward, the coast is generally high and indented by several bights, with low shores, which are frequently marshy. There is a fishing station about half a mile south-westward of Mys Filisova. (Promontory мыс; to indent - зазубривать; bight бухта; frequently часто; marshy -болотистый)


and readingthese words orally and learn them by heart

 Anchorage - якорное место, якорная стоянка

· Temporary anchorage - временная якорная стоянка

· Permanent anchorage - постоянная якорная стоянка

· Emergency anchorage - запасная якорная стоянка

· Safe anchorage - безопасная якорная стоянка

· Fair anchorage - хорошая якорная стоянка

· Excellent anchorage - отличная якорная стоянка

· Exposed anchorage - открытая якорная стоянка

· Sheltered anchorage - защищенная якорная стоянка

· Special anchorage - якорная стоянка специального назначения

· Man-of-war anchorage - якорная стоянка для военных кораблей

· Quarantine anchorage - карантинная якорная стоянка

· Prohibited anchorage - запрещённая якорная стоянка Р*" Sufficient - достаточный

Р»- То afford - предоставить

^ То obtain - получить

w Deep draught - большая осадка

Р* Shelter - укрытие, убежище

fr Protection - защита

Р8" Heavy weather - штормовая погода

Р* Local knowledge - знание местных условий плавания

W Cable area - растой прокладки кабеля

Р" Prevailing - преобладающий

Р*- Landmark ~ береговой ориентир

Р»- Bottom - грунт

Р5* Fine sand- мелкий песок

F" Coarse sand- крупный песок

Р5- Shingle - галька

Р^ Pebbles - крупная галька

Р* Mud - ил

Р^ 0oz£ - жидкий ил

Р5' Clay глина

Р^ Shells - ракушки

Р=" Stone - камень

Р*" Gravel - гравий

Р" Foul ground - плоходержащий грунт

W Good holding ground- хорошо держащий грунт

Р" 7Ь avoid - избегать1. Scan the text and decide whether the statements below are true (+) or false (-).may have to anchor at sea when necessary. They may anchor at places where the depths are depths of from 2 m may be afforded by small crafts. Anchorages in depths of not less than 7,5 m can be obtained by vessels of deep draught.may be of different kinds. There are temporary, permanent, emergency anchorages; they may be safe, excellent, fair, sheltered or exposed to winds.are usual or special-purpose anchorages such as: the man-of-war or quarantine anchorages.anchorages are taken by the ships when they need some shelter or protection to avoid heavy weather for a short time.anchorages are usually outside or inside the port, when the ships have to wait for a vacant berth, or a pilot, or a tug.cable areas anchorage is prohibited and ships should not anchor there.anchorages can be found only by vessels with local knowledge.anchoring the captain of a ship must have full information as to the depths, character of bottom, prevailing winds. He must also know bearings from anchorage to some landmarks. All this information is given in a Pilot anchorages may be: fine or coarse sand, mud, clay shells, stone, coral, etc. Foul ground should be avoided.these statements true (+) or false (-)?

1. Anchorages in depths of from 3 m may be afforded by vessels of deep draught. ( )

2. Ships may anchor near some port waiting for a pilot or a tug. ( )

3. Ships should not anchor where the depths are sufficient. ()

4. Permanent anchorages are sometimes outside the ports when the ships have to wait for a vacant berth. ()

5. All anchorages can be found only by vessels with local knowledge. ()

6. Ships may anchor at places where the cable runs. ()

7. After anchoring the Master of a ship must have full information concerning depths, character of bottom, prevailing winds. ( )

8. Foul ground should be avoided by vessels. ()

Exercise 2. Read and translate extracts from the English Pilot books. Check your translation by finding the corresponding Russian translation

1. Anchorages. The best sheltered anchorage for small vessels, during the Bora season, is either in K. or in В.; in southerly winds, they can moor in D., but the best berth is in M, where are bollards on both sides, and a quay.

1. Якорная стоянка. - Хорошая якорная стоянка может быть получена судами со знанием местных условий на глубинах от 2 % до 7 саженей 9от 5 м до 12,8м) приблизительно от 3,5 до 5 кабельтовых к югу от


2. Prohibited Anchorage. Anchorage is prohibited in the vicinity of the submarine cables southward of the Railway wharf. Anchorage can be obtained off the city of A. Port authorities will indicate where to anchor. 3. Anchorage. - Fair anchorage may be obtained by vessels with local knowledge, in depths of from 2 3A to 7 fathoms (5m0 to 12m8), from about 3 lA to 5 cables southward of Q. hill but with easterly or southerly winds a heavy swell may be experienced. 4. Large vessels can anchor in depths of from 5 V2 to 19 fathoms (10ml to 34m7), mud or sand, good holding ground off the north-eastern side of С harbour; south westerly winds, however, cause a heavy sea. There are no dangers beyond the distance of one cable offshore. 5. The inner anchorage lies within the en trance. A vessel of deep draught should anchor northward of the Q. mark on Fort W., and secure her stern to a buoy. This anchorage is sheltered from northerly winds. This anchorage is dangerous with northerly winds. 6. Anchorage. Temporary anchorage can be obtained south-westward of M., in a depth of 20ml, sand and good holding ground.

холма Q., но при восточных или южных ветрах может быть сильное волнение. 2. Якорное место. В К., в южной части острова, есть хорошее якорное место для малых судов при знании местных условий плавания и с осадкой до 12 футов (3,7м). Надводная скала высотой 3 фута (0.9м) распо ложена на О. почти в полумиле к NE и А. и около 1 кб от берега. Эта якорная стоянка предоставляет хо рошее укрытие. 3. Поблизости скалы высотой 2 фу та (0,6м) около 13А кабельтовых на юг от маяка на мысе У. есть укрытие, где можно осуществить высадку на берег. Якорная стоянка имеет много места для маневрирования (разворачивания). 4. Район, запрещённый для якорной стоянки. Якорная стоянка запреще на в районе пролегания подводных кабелей южнее железнодорожного пирса. Можно стать на якорь мори стее города А. Портовая админист рация укажет место стоянки. 5. Якорные места. Наиболее за щищенное якорное место для малых судов в сезон боры - либо в К., либо в Б.; при южных ветрах суда могут швартоваться в Д., но самое лучшее причальное место в М., где по обе стороны имеются швартовные тум бы, а также причал. 6. Внутренняя якорная стоянка на ходится в пределах входа. Судно с большой осадкой должно становить ся на якорь севернее знака Q. на

7. Outer anchorage. Vessels may find anchorage, in depths of from 7m3 to 18m3, mud, westward of the head of the westward breakwater (Lat. 11°07'N., Long. 74°51'W.), but the holding ground is not very good. 8. In the vicinity of a rock 2 feet (0m6) high about 1 % cables southward of the light-tower on Y. cape, there is a certain amount of shelter where landing can be effected. There is much room to swing at the anchorage. 9. Anchorage. There is good anchorage for small vessels with local knowledge, drawing up to 12 feet (3m7), in. K., in the southern side of the island. An above- water rock, 3 feet (0m9) high, is situated in 0. nearly half a mile north-eastward of A. and about one cable offshore. This an chorage affords a good shelter.

форте В. и крепиться кормой к бую. Эта якорная стоянка защищена от северных ветров. Эта якорная стоянка опасна при северных ветрах. 7. Большие суда могут стать на якорь на глубинах от 5,5 до 19 саже ней (от 10м до 34,7м). Грунт, ил или песок, хорошо держащий, мористее северо-восточной стороны гавани С, юго-западные ветры, однако, вызы вают шторм на море. На расстоянии одного кабельтова от берега опасно стей нет. 8. Якорное место. Можно времен но стать на якорь к S W от М. на глубине 20,1 м в 3 кб от берега. Грунт - песок, якоря держит хо рошо. 9. Внешнее якорное место. Суда могут стать на якорь западнее оконечности западного волнолома (11°07^., 74°5Г W). Глубины 7,3 - 18,3 м, грунт - ил, якоря держит не очень хорошо.


3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions

1.  Where is anchorage prohibited? Where may vessels obtain anchorages? (2)

2.  What is the best anchorage for small vessels during the Bora season? Is this anchorage sheltered or not? (1)

3.  For what vessels is this anchorage? Is the anchorage in the north-western or southern side of the island? Are there any dangers in the vicinity of the anchorage?

4.  Where should vessels of deep draught anchor? When is this anchorage dangerous? (5)

5.  What is there in the vicinity of a rock? Where can landing be effected? (8)

6.  Where can large vessels anchor? What are the depths at the anchorage? Are there any dangers at that anchorage? (4)

7.  Is the holding ground good or bad at the anchorage? What is the depth there? (6)

8. What is the character of bottom at the anchorage? What are the depths westward of the head of the western breakwater? (7)

9. What vessels should anchor northward of the Q.? Is this anchorage sheltered from winds? (5)

Exercise 4. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions

1. становиться на якорь

2. получить якорную стоянку

3. суда с большой осадкой

4. со знанием местных условий плавания

5. штормовая погода

6. район прокладки кабеля

7. предоставить

8. убежище, укрытие

9. постоянная якорная стоянка

10. временная якорная стоянка

11. аварийная якорная стоянка

12. открытая якорная стоянка

13. безопасная якорная стоянка

14. относительно характера грунта

15. преобладающие ветры

16. береговой ориентир

17. пеленг

18. достаточные глубины

19. плохо держащий грунт

20. избегать, обходить

21. запрещать

Exercise 5. Read and translate extracts from Pilot Books into your native language

1.   Large vessels anchor in 7 to 10 fathoms, sand, and mud, with le Pouleins light in line with Garean Tower and Pointe de Tailleger, 290°, and le Gres Rocher, 175°. Small vessels anchor close in. This position is well sheltered from South and SW winds but with strong north-westerly or south-easterly winds there is a very heavy sea.

2.   The bay affords excellent shelter from north-westerly winds, which prevail in summer, but it is insecure in winter, when winds from opposite directions prevail. A good anchorage is in 6 fathoms, mud, between the villages of Es-carabote and Exteiro.

3.   Vessels are recommended to anchor about a mile from the north shore of the bay, in depths of from 6 to 12 fathoms, the bottom being generally mud, mixed with sand near the shore, and a good berth is about half a mile southeastward of Ouaiha Hana; in 4 to 5 fathoms.

4. Because of the foul ground in Alum Bay, only yachts and small vessels anchor there. The best position is about 400 yards westward of the ruins of a pier, which extend from the eastern shore, with the junction of the white and coloured cliffs bearing about 120° and Albert Fort in range with Hatherwood Point, bearing 39°. A depth of 18 do 21 feet (5.5 to 6.4) will be found in this position.

5. When merchant vessels are directed to anchor in Strokes Bay they shall anchor to westward of the beacons showing the western end of the measured distance, and as close to the shore as their draft will safely permit.

6. Anchorage may be obtained during easterly winds off Klauf, in a depth of 14 fathoms, rock, sand, and stones, with the summit of Daldjall in line with the western extremity of the coast southward of it, bearing about 355е, and the eastern extremity of Hellisey in line with the west side of Sudwey, bearing about 207°.

7. Anchorage may be obtained, by vessels with local knowledge westward of Arnesseyjar, with the northern extremity of that islet bearing about 85°, and Armes Church, in the southwestern corner of the bay, bearing about 202 °.

8. Vessels can moor in certain assigned positions outside the breakwaters. These anchorage berths are shown on the charts by capital letter followed by a numeral the largest vessels may anchor within the breakwaters, sheltered from all winds. Vessels may ride safely to a single anchor with a good scope of cable out.

9. Anchorage may be obtained in depth of from 7 to 10 fathoms (12m8 to 18m3) between Port Louis citadel and St. Michel island, but care must be taken to keep clear of the channel. Large vessels secure to No. 1 mooring buoy northward of the citadel, which is moored in a depth of 31 feet (9m4).

10.   The quarantine anchorage is in depths of 12 fathoms (21m9) coarse sand and coral, southward of a line joining P. mountain and Fort W., with light-buoy bearing about 075", distant 6 cables; two small black buoys for the use of the quarantine guard boat are moored between the anchorage and B. point the north-western extremity of B. island. Vessels in quarantine are, however, allowed to enter the harbour in order to coal in smooth water.

11.   In general, the holding ground in Exmouth gulf is good, the fine brown sand having almost the consistency of mud.

Anchorage becomes considerably less exposed towards the southern part, and little or no swell is experienced south of Learmonth, about 8 miles north north-north-westward of Point Lefroy. For shallow draught vessels, good anchorage may be had northward of Point Leffroy, which also provides the best landing, but it is about 9 miles by road from the nearest habitation.

12.     During the north-eastern monsoon there is anchorage eastward of the sand
ridge which extends southward from Tanjong Doengoe, in depth of from 6 to
8 fathoms (1 lm0 to 14m6) about 2 miles off-shore. In the south-east monsoon
there is good anchorage westward of Tanjong Senna, in depth of from 11 to

14 fathoms (20ml to 25m6), mud; the bay on the western side of this point is foul, and must not be entered farther than the alignment of the southern extremity of Boean with Tanjong Senna bearing about 079°.

13.   Vettekulla, about V/i miles west-north-westward of ortholmen light-structure affords anchorage to small vessels with local knowledge, in a depth of 10 feet (3m0), sand. There is a small pier, with a depth of \VA feet (3m5) alongside. The anchorage is approached from the inshore channel leading from Karl-shamn to Metvik.

14.   Prohibited anchorage. Submarine cables cross the river near the Resident house and are marked by two pairs of leading beacons. Anchorage is prohibited in the vicinity of these cables.

15.   There is a convenient anchorage for vessels with local knowledge in a depth of 8 fathoms (14m6), hard sand, with Hoog Island bearing 215° distant about one mile; also about half a mile eastward of this islet in a depth of about 11 fathoms (20ml). Care must be taken, however to avoid the reefs in this locality.

16.   The anchorage space, in from 7 to 9 fathoms (12.8 to 16.5m) is about 800 yards in extent; the bottom is of sand, and the holding ground is good, but better near St. Mary's Island than to the eastward. Vessels should not anchor on the Ridge situated 1000 yards eastward of Tolls Island, nor on the ground immediately to the southward of it, as the bottom is rocky and uneven.

Exercise 6. Decipher the following abbreviations from English Sea Charts Quality of bottom:

1. G.Co.Oz.

2. S.Cy.M.

3. StP.G.

4. bk.St.Sh.Sn.

5. S.fSh.

Exercise 7. Translate from Russian into English

1. Эта якорная стоянка защищена от северных ветров.

2. Лучшее якорное место в заливе находится на рейде к югу от порта.

3. Большие суда могут стать на якорь мористее города В., на глубинах 35.1.-42.5м.

4. Эта якорная стоянка опасна при северных ветрах.

5. Наиболее защищенное якорное место для малых судов - в С.

6. При знании местных условий плавания суда могут стать на якорь у входа в гавань.

7. Грунт на якорном месте - песок с ракушкой.

8. Якорная стоянка запрещена в районе прокладки подводных кабелей.

9. Суда могут стать на якорь западней южной оконечности острова Z.

10.     Внутри гавани имеется якорное место, глубина которого 13м, грунт - песок.


I. Vocabulary and reading

these words and word combinations orally. Learn them by heart

 To secure - крепитьTo slacken (to reduce) speed- убавить (замедлить) скоростьTo grease - смазывать

^ To remove - удалять, снимать To drag тянуть, тащить, волочить

fa To allocate назначить, определить

fa Embankment - набережная

fa 7b te/ go - отдать (якорь, конец)

fa To provide обеспечить

fa Provided- (зд.) при условии

fa Current - постоянное течение

fa Gale - шторм, штормовой ветер

fa To sheer - отклоняться

^ Sufficient - достаточный

fa Scope of chain - длина вытравленной якорной цепи

fa To obstruct - мешать, находиться на пути

fa Unobstructed- беспрепятственный, свободный

fa Good-holding ground - хорошо держащий грунт

fa Hawse pipe - клюз, якорная труба

fa To afford- (зд.) давать, предоставлять

fa To house - помещать, размещать

fa To sound- замерять глубины

fa Soundings - замеры глубинBearing пеленгTo take a bearing on - брать пеленг на что-либоRestricted waters - стеснённые водыTo determine - определятьTo pay out (away) - травить, вытравливатьTo post - выставлятьTo post a lookout - выставить вперёдсмотрящегоIn dependence (of) - в зависимости отShackles - смычки (якорь-цепи)Adverse weather - неблагоприятная погодаLow tensile - слаборастяжимыйHinging parts - соединительные частиBandbrake - ленточный тормозHawse ргре-closing plates- крышка якорной трубыWindlass - брашпиль1. Scan the text and focus on the equipment used for anchoring and its main Junction. Enumerate them:may anchor inside or outside the harbour. Before anchoring it is necessary to slacken speed.the vessel is approaching the anchorage or her designated berth, the anchor has been thoroughly checked and prepared: windlass and hinging parts have been greased, bandbrakes tested, hawse pipe-closing plates removed, etc.order to avoid any unexpected situations, it is customary to prepare both starboard and port anchors for letting go.holding ground, such as sand and shells, will cause the anchor to drag.information about holding ground must be looked up in the pilot book or chart prior to letting go anchors.a river berth has been allocated by the VTS Station or port authority, it will sometimes be necessary to "dredge anchor" in order to make a sharp turn towards the embankmentgo a single anchor is the simplest method of securing a ship to the bottom. If the holding ground is good she should rise easily in bad weather provided sufficient scope of chain is a strong current or in a gale a vessel may sheer considerably. Therefore it is necessary to have an unobstructed area equal to a circle whose radius is the length of the ship plus the scope of chain used. If for some reason, the anchorage doesn't afford such an area, the ship must be moored.modern ships the anchors are housed in the Hawse pipe and secured by chain stoppers. The anchors may be required unexpectedly when on soundings, in narrow channels in restricted waters or working around docks, etc. The Master or the Watch Officer must determine how much of chain is to be paid out in each case.length of chain that is put out is indicated by the number of shackles (1 shackle equals 15 fathoms). Safe anchoring implies that a length of chain equal to the depth of water plus two shackles must be used.shackles must be put in the water:

·when the water is very deep (more than 25 fathoms)

·in adverse weather

·when barges are passing close to the vessel

·when the anchor chain has a low tensile strength

·when the anchor chain is leading ahead

When the anchor is holding, the anchor lights must be switched on and the anchor ball is hoisted.vessel in dependence of her length shall carry one or two white lights visible all round the horizon, one at the foremast stay and the other at the stern.anchor position must be checked by bearings at regular intervals. When the vessel is at anchor at night one or more men should be posted on anchor watch.2. Describe the main steps of anchoring in brief using the following expressions

1. inside or outside the harbour

2. to slacken (to reduce) speed

3. to approach

4. to check and prepare

5. both starboard and port anchors

6. to let go

7. to provide

8. sufficient scope of chain

9. to sheer considerably

10.unobstructed area require unexpectedly determine pay out

14.length of chain

15.number of shackles

16.anchor lights take bearings

Exercise 3

Study the text "Anchoring" and then indicate whether the following examples of "good seamanship " are appropriate (appr.) or not appropriate (not appr.) for the situation.

Fill in: ApprJ Notcqypr.

1. Look up holding-ground information when the vessel is underway to her anchorage or designated berth.

2. Check windlass because vessel is in ballasted condition.

3. Put more lengths of chain in the water because tide is rising.

4. Check windlass when the vessel is underway to her anchorage or designated berth.

5. Put more lengths of chain in the water when chain is leading ahead.

6. Test handbrake because chain is leading ahead.

8 Remove hawse-pipe closing plate when the vessel is underway to ber anchorage or designated berth.

9. Put more lengths of chain in the water because weather conditions are deteriorating.

10. Look up holding-ground information when strength of chain is not according to recommendations.

11. Look up holding-ground information because traffic is very busy.

12. Grease anchor-gear hinging parts because chain is leading ahead.

13, Put more lengths of chain in the water because traffic is very busy.

14. Prepare both anchors when the vessel is in ballasted condition.

4. Find out what the following words mean as they appear in the text •nd learn them by heart

Adverse weather


Anchor gear





Bower anchor

Cast off


Designated berth


Dredging anchor


Engineroom orders


Equipped with


Hawse pipe


Holding ground



5. Answer the questions and work in pairs

1. Where may ships anchor?

2. Should a vessel reduce her speed when anchoring?

3. May the ships ride to one anchor only?

4. What is the simplest method of securing a ship to the bottom? What should be provided in this case?

5. Why is it necessary to have unobstructed area of the anchorage?

6. Where are anchors housed in modem ships?

7. When may anchors be required?

8. Who is to determine how much of chain should be paid out?

9. What length of chain is usually sufficient?

10.     What information should be entered into the Log Book? By whom?

11.     What lights shall a vessel carry when at anchor?

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with suitable words or word combinations:
1. Ships may anchor inside or___ the harbour.

2. To bring the ship to anchor, it is necessary

3. Ships may ride to one or to anchors.

4. It is necessary to have area at the anchorage.

5. The anchors may be required_____________ , in

6.__ must determine how much of chain is to be paid out.

7. A length of chain equal to the depth of water plus    is sufficient.

8. Bad holding ground such as____ will cause the anchor to drag.

9. Information concerning holding ground is given in    .

10.  If the anchorage can't afford an unobstructed area the ship must be    .

11.  A vessel at anchor shall carry or two____ lights visible all round

the horizon.

12. __ must be checked by bearings at regular intervals.

PART 27. Read the commands after the speaker. Learn them by heart. Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version


Операции с якорем

Going to anchor

Подход к якорной стоянке (постановка на якорь)

Stand by port/starboard/both anchors) for let go.

Приготовить левый/ правый/ оба якоря к отдаче

Port/starboard/both anchors) standing by for let go.

Левый/правый/оба якоря гото вы к отдаче

Walk out anchors)

Припустить якорь(-я)!

Anchors) walked out.

Якорь(-я) приспущен(-ы).

We are going to an anchorage.

Мы следуем на якорное место.

We will let go port/starboard/both anchors)

Мы будем отдавать левый/ правый/ оба якоря.

Put,.. shackles in water.

Вытравить ... смычок в воду!

Put,.. shackles in pipe

Вытравить ... смычек в клюз!

Put... shackles on deck

Вытравить ... смычек на палубу

Walk back port/starboard/both anchors) one/one and a half shackle(s)

Подобрать левый/правый/оба яко-ря на одну/полторы смычку (-и)!


We will let go port/starboard/both anchors) ... shackle(s) and dredge it/them

Мы отдадим левьва/правый/оба якоря на ... смычку(-и) и протащим его (их) по грунту.


Let go port/starboard/both anchor(s)

Отдать левый/правый/оба якоря!


Port/starboard/both anchor(s) is/are let

Левый/правый/оба якоря отданы.


Pay out cable(s)

Травить якорную цепь(-и)!


Check the cable(s)

Задержать цепь(-и) (канат(-ы))!


Hold on port/starboard/both cable(s)

Задержать левыйУггоавый/оба канат(-а)!


How is cable leading?

Куда смотрит якорная цепь?


Cable(s) leading ahead/astern/to port/to starboard/round the bow up and down

Якорная цепь(-и) смотрит(-ят) по носу / по корме / влево / вправо / вокруг носа / вертикально.


Is/are anchor(s) holding?

Держит ли якорь(-я)?


Yes, anchors) holding.

Да, якорь(-я) держит(-ат).


No, anchor(s) not holding.

Нет, якорь(-я) не держит(-ат).


Are you brought up?

Вышли на якорь?


Yes, brought up in position ...

Да, мы вышли на якорь в точке


No, not brought up (yet).

Нет, мы не вышли на якорь.


Switch on anchor light(s).

Включить якорные огни!


Anchor light(s) switched on.

Якорный огонь(-и) включен(-ы).


Hoist anchor ball

Поднять якорный шар!


Anchor ball hoisted

Якорный шар поднят.


Check anchor position by bearings

Проверьте положение судна по пеленгам.

Check anchor position by ...

Проверьте положение судна по ...

Anchor position bearing ... degrees, distance ... kilometres/nautical miles

Положение судна ... градусов, расстояние ... километров/морских миль.

Check anchor position every ... minutes

Проверяйте положение судна каждые ... минут.

Leaving the anchorage

Снятие с якоря

How much cable is out?

Сколько вытравлено якорной цепи?

... shackles out

Смьгчка(-ек) вытравлена(-ы)

Stand by for heaving up

Приготовиться к подъёму якоря!

Standing by for heaving up

Готовы к подъёму якоря

Put windlass in gear

Сообщить брашпиль!

Windlass put in gear

Брашпиль сообщён

How is cable leading?

Куда смотрит якорная цепь?

Cable(s) leading ahead / astern / to port / to star board / round the bow / up and down

Якорная цепь(-и) смотрит(-ят) по носу/по корме/влево/вправо/ вокруг штевня/вертикально.

Heave up port/starboard/both cable(s)

Выбирать якорную цепь левую/правую/обе !

Heaving up port/starboard/both cablets)

Выбираем якорную цепь(-и) левую/правую/обе

How much weight is on cable?

Какова нагрузка на якорную цепь?

Much weight on cable

Нагрузка на якорную цепь большая.

Too much weight on cable

Нагрузка на якорную цепь сильно большая.

No weight on cable

Якорная цепь - без нагрузки

Stop heaving

Стоп выбирать якорь-цепь!


How many shackles are left (to come in)?

Сколько смычек осталось (выбрать)?


..shackles left (to come in)

... смычек осталось (выбрать)


Attention! Turn in cable(s)

Внимание! Якорная цепь(-и) пере-кручена(-ы)


Anchor(s) aweigh/clear off Bottom

Якорь(-я) подорван/оторван от грунта


Cable(s) clear

Якорная цепь свободна


Anchor(s) clear of water

Якорь(-я) вышел из воды


Anchor(s) home

Якорь(-я) на месте


Anchor(s) foul

Якорь(-я) нечистые


Anchors) secured

Якорь(-я) закреплен(-ы)


and reading. Practise these words and word combinations orally and learn them by heart>- Appropriate - соответствующий f*' To permit - позволять fc" To remain - оставаться fa" Readily identifiable - легко опознаваемые $* To ensure - обеспечить $* To observe ~ наблюдать, следить за чем-либо £*• То notify - уведомлять Ф* То undertake - предпринимать, брать на себя ^ Necessary measures - необходимые меры

Р*- То drag anchor - тащить, тянуть якорь (якорь потерял сцепление с грунтом)

&*• Readiness - готовность

£*- То deteriorate - ухудшать (ся), портить (ся)

Ф* Applicable regulations - применимые правила

Я* То protect - защитить

^ Environment окружающая среда

fa Pollution - загрязнение

^ То comply - подчиняться8. Read the check list B-8 from "Bridge Procedure Guide"; memorize and try to retell it. Work in pairs:at anchor, Officer of the watch should:and plot the ship's position on the appropriate chart as soon as practicablecircumstances permit, check at sufficiently frequent intervals whether the ship is remaining securely at anchor by taking bearings of fixed navigation marks or readily identifiable shore objects.that proper look-out is maintainedthat inspection rounds of the ship are made periodically.meteorological and tidal conditions and the state of the sea.the master and undertake all necessary measures if the ship dregs anchor.that the state of readiness of the main engines and other machinery is in accordance with the master's instructions.visibility deteriorates, notify the masterthat the ship exhibits the appropriate lights and shapes and that appropriate sound signals are made in accordance with all applicable regulations.measures to protect the environment from pollution by the ship and comply with applicable pollution regulation.

9. Listening comprehensionto the following 1MO Standard Marine Communication phrases and learn them by heart. Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version

(The following phrases should normally be preceded by Message Markers "INSTRUCTION**, "ADVICE", "INFORMATION", "QUESTION", "ANSWER")

(Перед данными фразами обычно следует ставить слова-указатели ИНСТРУКЦИЯ, СОВЕТ, ИНФОРМАЦИЯ, ВОПРОС, ОТВЕТ)

You must anchor at... UTC.

Вы должны стать на якорь в ... итс.

You must anchor until pilot arrives.

Вы должны стать на якорь до прихода лоцмана.

Do not anchor in position...

He становитесь на якорь в точке ...


Anchoring prohibited.

Якорная стоянка запрещена.


Do not dredge anchor.

Не протаскивайте якорь по грунту.


You must heave up anchor.

Вы должны выбрать якорь.


You must anchor in a different position.

Вы должны стать на якорь в другом месте.


You must anchor clear of fairway.

Вы должны стать на якорь в стороне от фарватера.


Advise you have your crew on stand by for weighing anchor when pilot embarks.

Советую Вам держать команду наготове, чтобы сняться с якоря, как только лоцман поднимется на борт.


You have permission to anchor at... TJTC.

Вам разрешено стать на якорь в ... UTC.


You have permission to anchor in position ...

Вам разрешено стать на якорь в точке ...


You have permission to anchor until pilot arrives.

Вам разрешено стоять на якоре до прихода лоцмана.


You have permission to anchor until tugs arrive.

Вам разрешено стоять на якоре до прихода буксиров.


You have permission to anchor until sufficient water.

Вам разрешено стоять на якоре в ожидании достаточного уровня воды.


MV ... at anchor in position ...

Теплоход ... стоит на якоре в точке


You are obstructing fairway.

Вы загромождаете фарватер.


You are obstructing over traffic.

Вы затрудняете движение судов.


You are at anchor in wrong position.

Вы стоите на якоре не на том месте.


Are you dragging anchor?

Ползёт ли Ваш якорь?


Yes, I am dragging anchor.

Да, мой якорь ползёт.


No, I'm not dragging anchor.

Нет, мой якорь не ползёт.

Are you dredging anchor?

Протаскиваете ли Вы Ваш якорь?

Yes, I'm dredging anchor.

Да, я протаскиваю якорь.

No, I'm not dredging anchor.

Нет, я не протаскиваю якорь.

and listeningthese words orally and learn them by heart. Listen to the dialogues

** Outer roadstead- внешний рейд

$* Sufficient - достаточный

r^ To allocate назначать, распределять

гЬ" Fathom - морская сажень (1, 82 м)

$* Patches of sand- небольшие участки песка

fc" To weigh anchor - сниматься с якоря, поднимать якорь

r^ To swing at anchor - разворачиваться на якоре

r^ To steer - держать курс на

Р" Landmark - береговой ориентир

\Ъ* То approach - приближаться

Ф* Shackles - смычки (якорной цепи)

£" То allot - предназначать

*R=" To bear - править (по курсу), держать курс

$* Ebb ~ отлив, отливное течениеpractice Dialogues



How do you do, sir?



How do you do. Pleased to meet you, sir. In an how we'll be nearing the port we are bound for.



Shall we anchor at the outer roadstead?



Yes, we'll have to wait for the tide, as it is ebb time now. The depths in the entrance to the port are not sufficient for the ship's draught.



All right, we'll do that/ What is the anchor position for me?



Anchor position 178° half a mile off-shore is allocated to you.



What are the depths at the anchorage?


The depths are about 19 fathoms; the anchorage is well sheltered from winds.


What is the nature of the bottom there?


There is good holding ground: soft mud and patches of sand.


That's good. Is there enough room at the anchorage for swinging?


Yes, there's plenty.


All right Shall we keep the present course?


I advise you to alter course to 65 ° when abeam with No. 16 buoy; there is a shoal just ahead of you. So be careful while approaching the position allocated to you.


Thank you. I'll see to that.



We are proceeding to the anchorage allocated to us. In half an hour weTl be there. It's time to notify the engine room and to get the anchors ready.


All right. Which anchor shall we drop?


We'll use the starboard anchor.


How much of chain shall we need?


I think four shackles will do.


What landmarks shall we have there for the anchorage?


There is a conspicuous black tower on the coast, which should be kept on bearing 75 ° and the lighthouse at the port entrance which should bear 95°. You must steer for that tower till the port lighthouse opens to southward.


Well, but how shall we proceed then?


Then we shall alter the course 45 °to starboard and steer to lighthouse till we are half a mile off-shore. That is our anchorage.


All right, that's clear. We are proceeding into the port. I have already given orders to stand by to weigh anchor.

10. Video activitywatching the video programme "Anchoring" study the dialogue and be ready to watch the film:Master and the Chief Officer (C/O) are in the wheelhouse. Ibis ship is proceeding (at slow ahead) towards the anchorage. The forecastle party consists of the Chief Officer (C/O) and the Bosun.


Mate, we are approaching the anchorage. Go forward with the bo'sun and prepare the port anchor for letting go. We will use five shackles in the water.


Yes, Captain. Go forward and prepare the port anchor to let go. We will use five shackles in the water.


Yes. Walk the anchor back to just above the water and hold it on the brake.


Walk the anchor back to just above the water and hold it on the brake. Yes, Sir.


Dead Slow ahead.

2/0 (to Master)

Dead slow ahead, Sir.

Master (to 2/0)

Stop engine.


Stop engine. Engine stopped, Sir.

Master (to 2/0)

Half astern.

2/0 (to Master)

Half astern.

Master (on radio)

"Arabiyah", Captain to Mate. Is the anchor ready for letting go?

C/O (on radio)

"Arabiyah", Mate to Captain. Port anchor ready for letting go. The anchor is just above the water.


Second Mate, what is the sounding?


Sounding forty metres, Sir.

Master (on radio)

"Arabiyah", Captain to Mate. Let go port anchor.



and readingthese words orally, and then read the text

^ Humidity - влажность, сырость

Ф* Precipitation - (зд. метеор.) осадки

Ф* Pressure - давление

^ Scale - зд. шкала

^ Obsolete - устаревший* Vapour ~ пар (ы), туман* Moisture - влага, влажность* Saturation - насыщенность (влажность воздуха)

^ Imminent - надвигающийся, близкий

(*" Drizzle - изморозь, мелкий дождь

^ #<елУ - град

^ S/eef - дождь со снегом, слякоть

te9" Merely - только, просто

^ Rotation - вращение

^ Hemisphere - полушарие

fa- Clockwise - по часовой стрелке

£" Forecast - прогноз погодыL Read the text and learn the definitions for the meteorological elements mentioned:elementsconditions have a great influence on the safety during a voyage and should always be taken into consideration in voyage-planning and when underway.state of the atmosphere is determined by various meteorological elements, such as temperature, humidity; cloudiness and fog, forms of precipitation, barometric pressure, and speed and direction of wind. All these elements may be referred to as "the weather".change in temperature is significant in weather-forecasting.measuring temperatures three different scales can be used:

·the commonly used Celsius-scale, which measures a temperature in centigrades; »- the obsolete Fahrenheit-scale.

Humidityrefers to the amount of water vapour in the air. Warm air is capable to contain a higher grade of moisture, or humidity, than cold air. The maximum amount of moisture that air can hold at a specific temperature is known as "saturation".clouds are the result of a rising mass of cool air. When the temperature of air falls, water vapour in the air will condense into droplets or ice crystals, thus forming clouds or fog.very often indicate an imminent change of weather. Rising clouds is an indication that the weather is about to clear; lowering or thickening clouds will indicate a cloud that touches the ground. Dense fog will reduce visibility considerably and is referred to as "thick weather".is formed when the droplets or ice crystals in clouds have become sufficiently large to fall to the ground. Precipitation may take a variety of forms, for example rain, snow, drizzle, hail or the most important factor that determines the condition of the weather. Wind is merely an amount of air that moves in a horizontal motion over the earth from an area of high barometric pressure towards an area of low barometric pressure.barometric pressure generally indicates that a gale or storm is approaching; rising pressure indicates the approach or continuation of fair weather.area of low pressure is called a cyclone. A high-pressure area is an anticyclone.of the rotation of the earth, the circulations of winds in the northern hemisphere tend to be clockwise around areas of high pressure, and anti-clockwise around low-pressure areas.the southern hemisphere the directions of circulation are the always named after the direction it is coming from, not blowing in.force is indicated by the Beaufort-scale numbers. These numbers, ranging from zero to force 12, refer to the wind-speed measured in nautical miles per hour.the navigator the wind direction and force are the most important aspects of meteorological conditions that are forecast in weather reports by weather stations.must always include an increase or decrease in force and any change in wind-direction. A change of direction is usually indicated by the terms "veering" and "backing".veering wind changes in a clockwise direction. A backing wind changes in anti-clockwise direction.2. Answer the questions:

1. Why is the weather so important for mariners?

2. How can you measure the temperature? Do you know the difference between the scales mentioned above?

3. How does humidity depend on the temperature of the air?

4. How can you predict weather judging on the clouds?

5. What is the name for a cloud that touches the ground?

6. What kinds of precipitation do you know? What is the difference between them?

7. What is the influence of barometric pressure upon the weather-conditions?

8. Why is it so important to consider the place you are in while predicting the wind's movement?

9. How are the winds named?

10.     How is the force of the wind measured?

. Exercise 3. Fill in the necessary word:

1. A change of_____ in a clockwise direction is indicated by the word


2._____ is announced by a lowering or thickening cloudiness.

3. A change in____ is the most significant aspect in weather forecasting.

4. Saturation refers to the maximum amount of_ in air at a specific


5._______________ Circulation of is anti-clockwise around low pressure areas in the

Northern Hemisphere.

6. An irnminent change of weather is often indicated by         .

7. The amount of air that moves from one area to the other is referred to as

8._____ can be measured in three different scales.

9._____ is a result of a rising mass of cool air.

10. A decrease of_____ of air will result in the forming of clouds or

11._____ speed is measured in nautical miles per hour.

12.The amount of water vapour that is in the air is referred to as    .

13.When a cloud touches the ground we speak of .

14. ____ is formed when droplets have become large enough to fall to the ground.

Exercise 4. Complete the chart:





Adjective (for winds)


Southward of








Southwestward of







Exercise 5. Listen to the recording

a)       You are going to hear a conversation on the bridge of the MVElga during bad weather. What are the -weather conditions like? Choose from the list below:

gale tidal stream tropical storm                       snow

torrential rain floating ice                          high wind

poor visibility dust storm fog bank

b)      Answer the questions (you may listen to the text again if necessary):

1. Why has the tanker issued a securite call?

2. How long would it take the MV Elga to reach the tanker's position in good weather conditions? What about the given situation?

3. Why do the Officers try to contact the Coastguard? What is wrong?

4. What is the problem with the MV Elga?

5. Can the MV Elga assist the tanker?

Exercise 6. Fill in the schemes

7. Write a short report describing the weather conditions today. Try to mention all the meteorological elements you know. Are the conditions favourable for a sea voyage? Why?


Survey - обозрение, осмотр

tfc" Vicinity - окрестности, район

ffc" Broadcast - передавать по радио, вещать

^ Trough - ложбина низкого давления

te" Ridge - гребень повышенного атмосферного давления

$* Occlude - окклюдировать; преграждать

fa* Overcast сплошная облачность, пасмурно

рт* Thunderstorm - гроза" Thunder - гром

^ Lightning - молния

fa* Gtf/e - шторм, ветер от 7 до 10 баллов

fc- Squall - шквал

^ (dust) Haze - дымка,лёгкий туман

тЬ"Moderate - умеренный, средний

Exercise 8. Scan the textForecastweather forecast for seafarers offers a survey of weather conditions that may be expected in certain places, sea areas and in vicinities of coastal stations within the next 24 hours. A weather forecast is broadcast in radio bulletins and should be monitored by the navigator and transferred to the Weather Forecast Information Sheet.Weather Forecast Information Sheet must be made available to all bridge-personnel and studied regularly and closely in order to determine short-range weather conditions and visibility.sheet consists of three parts:

· in the "General Synopsis" information is given about barometric pressure, position and movement of a depression or anti-cyclone;

· in me "Forecast for Sea Areas" information is given about wind, weather conditions and visibility. The presence of a gale is indicated by a "tick" in the column "gales";

· in "Reports from Coastal Stations1' information is given about wind, weather conditions, visibility and atmospheric pressure.

Exercise 9. Learn the abbreviations used in Weather Forecasting by heart:abbreviations used in the General Synopsis are:= depression (low pressure area, also referred to as "cyclonic")= high pressure area (anti-cyclone)= trough of low pressure~ ridge of high pressure- warm front

С = cold front

О = occluded frontabbreviations used in the Forecast for Sea Areas and Reports from Coastal Stations are:

b - blue sky

m/f - mist followed by fog

с - cloudy


pc - partly cloudy sky

tlr - thunderstorm (thunder,

lightning and rain)

о - overcast sky




R - heavy rain

G - heavy gale

s - snow

q - squalls

r/s - rain followed by snow

Q - heavy squalls

rs - sleet

z - dust haze

m - mist

var. - winds variable


CALM - wind force zero

F - heavy fog

gale is indicated by a tick (V) in the column "gales". A slash (/) indicates a change. The use of a capital letter, for example F, or R - will indicate and intensification of that specific weather condition.may be indicated bypoor- moderate= good- very goodBarometric Pressure is indicated by

= steady

/ = rising or rising rapidly

\ = falling or falling rapidly10. Watch CD-ROM program "International Maritime English Programme'* (Weather). Pay particular attention to the way the weather forecast tables are completed11. Fill in the weather forecast tables: Forecast for Sea Areas

. Thames: wind variable, becoming easterly, force three, partly cloudy sky, good visibility.

Sea area


Wind: Now/Later



2. Biscay: wind westerly force six, increasing force eight to nine, heavy quails, moderate visibility.

Sea area


Wind: Now/Later



. Irish Sea: calm, wind increasing northwesterly force five, backing south-vesterly force three to four, rain followed by snow, poor visibility.

Sea area


Wind: Now/Later



from Coastal Stations:

1. St. Abb's Head: wind west force five, blue sky, three miles, nine hundred linety-two millibars, falling.

Coastal Station

Wind direction

Wind force





. Dowsing: calm, partly cloudy sky, twelve miles, a thousand and twenty two millibars, steady.

Coastal Station

Wind direction

Wind force





. Bristol: Wind south west force six, rain followed by thunderstorm, seven miles, nine hundred seventy-nine millibars, falling rapidly.

Coastal Station

Wind direction

Wind force





Exercise 12. Listen to the recording* It is a sea area forecast for 17th April Complete the chart -with the information for each area.

Sea area


Wind: Now/Later



Castle Rock










Turtle Cove

IS. Read and learn the following Standard Marine. Communication Phrases (SMCP). Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version

Meteorological Information (the following phrases should normally be preceded by Message Marker "INFORMATION", "WARNING"

Метеорологическая информация (перед следующими фразами обычно следует ставить слова-указатели ИНФОРМАЦИЯ, ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ)


Position of tropical storm ... (name) ,.., path... (compasspoints), speed of advance... knots

Местоположение тропического шторма ... (название), направление движения ... (компасные румбы), скорость продвижения ветра ... узлов.


Wind .direction ... (compasspoints), force Beaufort... in position...

Ветер направлением ... (компасные румбы), и силой ... баллов по шкале Бофорта в районе....


Wind backing and increasing/decreasing .

Ветер меняет направление против часовой стрелки и усиливается / ослабевает.


Wind veering and increasing / decreasing

Ветер меняет направление по часовой стрелке и усиливается / ослабевает.


Wind expected to increase in position force Beaufort..; within next hours

Ожидается усиление ветра в районе ... до ... баллов по шкале Бофорта в течение ближайших часов.


Wind expected to decrease in position ... to force Beaufort... within-next hours

Ожидается ослабление ветра в ... до ... баллов по шкале Бофорта в течение ближайших часов.


Visibility in position ... metres/nautical miles

Видимость в точке ... составляет ... метров / морских миль.


Visibility reduced by mist/fog/snow/dust/rain/...

Видимость понижается из-за мороси / тумана / снега / пыли / дождя ....


Visibility expected to increase, to ... metres/nautical miles in position ... within next hours

Ожидается улучшение видимости до ... километров / морских миль в ... (точка, район) в течение ближайших ... часов.


Visibility expected to decrease to ... metres/nautical iftiles in position... within ... next hours

Ожидается ухудшение видимости до ... километров / морских миль в ... (точка, район) в течение ближайших ... часов.


Sea/swell in position,;.. metres from ... (compasspoints)

Высота волны / зыби в ... (точка, район) составляет ... метров от ... (компасные румбы).


Sea/swell expected to increase within next... hours

Ожидается увеличение волнения / зыби в течение следующих ... часов.


Sea/swell expected to decrease within next.., hours

Ожидается уменьшение волнения / зыби в течение следующих ... часов.


Icing expected/not expected to form in area around...

Обледенение ожидается / не ожидается в районе ....


Meteorological Questions and Answers

Вопросы и ответы по метеорологии


(The following phrases should normally be preceded by Message Markers «QUESTION» «ANSWER»)

(Перед данными фразами обычно следует ставить слова-указатели ВОПРОС, ОТВЕТ)


What is wind direction and force in your position/in position...

Каковы направление и сила ветра в Вашем месте / в районе ... ?


Wind direction... (compasspoints), force Beaufort... in my position/in position...

Направление ветра ... (компасные румбы), сила ветра ... баллов по шкале Бофорта в моём месте / в районе ....


Is wind backing/veering?

Меняет ли ветер направление против часовой стрелки / по часовой стрелке?

Wind backing/veering

Да, ветер меняет направление против часовой стрелки / по часовой стрелке.

What wind direction and force is expected in my position/in position ..,?

Какого направления и силы ожидается ветер в моём месте / в месте ...?

Wind in your position/in position ... expected from ... direction(s), force Beaufort...

В вашем месте / в районе ... ожидается ветер от ... (направление) силой... баллов по шкале Бофорта.

Wind in your position/in position ... expected variable.

Ветер в Вашем месте / в районе ... будет переменным.

Is wind expected to increase/decrease?

Ожидается ли усиление / ослабление ветра?

Wind expected to increase/decrease

Да, ожидается усиление / ослабление ветра.

What is your latest gale warning?

Какое Ваше последнее штормовое предупреждение?

My latest gale warning is as follows: Gale warning. Winds at ...UTC in area... (met.area) from direction... (compass points) and force Beaufort ... backing/veering to ... (compass points)

Моё последнее штормовое предупреждение: Штормовое преду1гоеждение. В ... UTC в районе ... (указать район) ожидается ветер от... (компасные румбы) и силой ... баллов по шкале Бофорта, изменение направления ветра против часовой стрелки / по часовой стрелке ... (по компасным румбам)

What is your latest tropical storm warning?

Какое Вы имеете последнее предупреждение о тропическом шторме?

My latest tropical storm warning is as follows: (Standard tropical storm warning)

Моё последнее предупреждение о тропическом шторме: (стандартное предупреждение о тропическом шторме).

Tropical storm warning at ...UTC. Hurricane... (name)/tropical cy-clone/torna-do/willy- willy/typhoon... (name) with central pressure of... millibars located in position.... Present movement... (compasspoints) at ...knots.Winds of... knots within radius of... kilometres/nautical miles of centre. Seas over... metres. Further information on VHP channel... / frequency ...

Предупреждение о тропическом шторме на ... UTC. Ураган ... (название) / тропический циклон / торнадо / вили-вилли / тайфун ... (название) с давлением в центре ... миллибар находится в точке .... В данный момент продвигается ... (компасные румбы) со скоростью ... узлов. Ветер со скоростью ... узлов наблюдается в радиусе ... километров/ морских миль от центра. Волнение более ... метров. Дальнейшую информацию можно получить на канале ... УКВ / частоте ....


What is atmospheric pressure in your position/in position ...?

Каково атмосферное давление в Вашем месте / в месте ...?


Atmospheric pressure ...millibars

Атмосферное давление ... миллибар.


What is barometric change in your position/in position...?

Какова барометрическая тенденция в Вашем месте / в месте ...?


Barometric change ... millibars per hour

Барометрическая тенденция составляет ... миллибар в час.


Barometric change is... millibars within last... hours

Барометрическая тенденция ... миллибар в течение последних ... часов.


Barometer steady

Барометр без изменений.


Barometer dropping (rapidly)

Барометр падает (быстро).


Barometer rising (rapidly)

Барометр растет (быстро).


What maximum winds are expected in storm area?

Какой максимальной силы ветер ожидается в районе шторма?


Maximum winds of... knots expected in storm area

В районе шторма ожидается ветер с максимальной скоростью ... узлов.


Maximum winds of... knots expected within radius of... kilometres/nautical miles of centre

В радиусе ... километров / морских миль от центра ожидается ветер с максимальной скоростью.


Maximum winds of.., knots expected in safe/dangerous semicircle

Ветер с максимальной скоростью ... узлов ожидается в безопасном / опасном полукруге....


What is sea state in your position/ in position...?

Каково состояние моря в Вашем месте / в месте ... ?


Height of sea/swell in my position/in position ... metres from... (compass points)

Высота волны / зыби в моем месте / в месте ... метров от... (компасные румбы).


Is sea state expected to change (within next hours)?

Ожидается ли изменение состояния моря (в течение ближайших часов)?


No, sea state not expected to change (within next hours)

Нет, не ожидается изменения состояния моря (в течение ближайших часов).


Yes.sea/sweli of... metres from ... (compass points) expected (within next hours)

Да, (в течение ближайших часов) ожидается волнение / зыбь ... метров от... (компасные румбы).


Tsunami/abnormal wave expected by .UTC

Цунами / необычно сильное волнение ожидается к... UTC.


What is visibility in position...?

Какова видимость в месте ... ?


Visibility in position   kilo metres/nautical miles

Видимость в месте километров / морских миль.


words that we use talking about the state of the sea* wave - волна

^ calm (glassy) - зеркально-гладкая поверхность

fa calm (rippled) - слабое волнение, рябь, 1 балл

^ smooth (waveless) - умеренное волнение, 2 балла, 0,2-0,3 м

$*■ slight - значительное волнение, 3 балла, 0,5-1,25 м

> moderate -значительное волненение, 4 балла, 1,25-2,5 м

$*■ rough ~ сильное волнение 5 баллов, 2,5-4,0 м

(Ь" very rough - сильное волнение 6 баллов, 4-6 м

Р*' high - очень сильное волнение, 7 баллов, 6-9 м

$* very high - очень сильное волнение, 8 баллов, 9-12 м

$*■ phenomenal - исключительное волнение, 9 баллов, более 12 м

$* Sea less than 5fts - волнение менее 5 футов

fa* Heavy sea - сильное волнение

fa* Surge - крутое волнение

fa" Wavelent - небольшая волна

ft* Hollow sea высокие крутые волны

fa" Surging sea (angry) - бурное море

^ Ground sea -прибой



and readingthese words and learn them by heart

$* Tide - морской прилив и отлив ру Gravitational - гравитационный fcr Centrifugal центробежный fa" Springs - сизигия $* Cancel out - гасить, сводить на нет Р=" Neap - квадратура $* Chart datum - ноль глубин Р*" Average - среднийHighest high tide - самый высокий полный прилив $* Lowest low tide - самый низкий малый прилив Ф* Slack tide - стоячий прилив (отлив) $* Low Slack- малая стоячая вода ^ High Slack - полная стоячая вода ft* Semi-diurnal tide (SO) - полусуточный тфилив (отлив) ft* Mixed, mainly semi-diurnal tide (MSD) - смешанный полусуточный прилив (отлив)* Mixed diurnal tide (MD) - смешанный суточный прилив (отлив)

ft* Diurnal tide (D) суточный прилив (отлив)

ft* Oscillation - колебание

ft* Declination - склонение светила

Exercise 1. Read the text quickly and grasp the main gist of each (a, b, c, d) passages.

a)       Tides are mainly created by the gravitational effect of the moon and the Sun on the earth.

The effect of the Sun's gravity on the tides is approximately half of that of the because the sun is at a far greater distance from the earth.centrifugal forces caused by the rotation of the earth influence tides too.

b) Every other week, at new and full moon, when the sun and the moon are bom in line with the earth the two gravitational forces produce exceptionally strong tides which are called Spring-tides.

c)   When the sun and the moon are at 90 degrees to each other at the first and third quarters of the moon, the pull of the sun will cancel out half of the moon's gravitational effect.

As a result of it, weak tides, called Neap tides are produced.

d)      The tide has a rise and fall, i.e. a vertical motion.

Tides are measured from chart datum, and levels are always given at average heights.high tides and lowest low tides are called Spring tides.low tides and lowest high tides are called Neap tides.

e)       When tide is turning we speak of Slack tide., at Low Slack the tide is about to rise.

High Slack tide is especially important to the mariner, since it is the best tide to leave and proceed to open sea.

f)       By "Range"is meant the average difference between 2 waterlevels. Range
can be of 3 types: a) neap range; b) mean range; c) spring range.

Types of Tides

1.  Diurnal tide (D) - One complete tidal oscillation daily.

2.  Mixed, diurnal tide (MD) - Usually, and certainly when the moon has low declination, there are two complete tidal oscillations daily.

3.  Semi-diurnal tide (SD) - Two complete tidal oscillations daily, both high waters having similar heights as well as both low waters.

4.  Mixed, semi-diurnal (MSD) - Two complete tidal oscillations daily with inequalities both in height and time reaching the greatest values when the declination of the moon has passed its maximum.

Fill in: a)

b)------------------------ _




f>___________________________ )

Exercise 2. Read the text "Tides" attentively to answer the following questions:

1. What effect are tides mainly created by?

2. What are centrifugal forces caused by?

3. What forces produce exceptionally strong tides?

4. What are these tides called?

5. As a result of what are neap tides produced?

6. When do we speak of slack tides?

7. Why is high slack tide especially important to me mariner?

Exercise 3. Pick out false sentences out of those below and correct them.

1. The moon is at a nearer distance from the earth than the sun.

2. The sun is at a far greater distance from the moon than the earth.

3. The earth is at a far greater distance from the moon than the sun.

4. The effect of the moon's gravity on the tides is much weaker of that of the sun.

5. Spring tides occur when the sim and the moon are at 90 degrees to each other.

6. Neap tides are called weak tides.

7. The sun, the moon and the earth are in line every week.

8. Spring tides are produced at new and full moon.

9. At Low Slack the tide is about to fall.

10.  At High Slack the tide is about to turn.

11.  When the tide is turning we speak of Low Slack.

12.  High Slack is the best tide to leave and proceed to open sea.


~~4    Exercise 4. Watch the CD-ROM program"International Marir» time English Programme" (Tides. Lectures) and do the test

Exercise 5. Choose the correct variant of a, b, c, dare created by the ...

a) rotation of the earth;

c)  effect of the sun's gravity;

d) gravitational effect of the moon and the sun on the earth.

Spring tides are produced by the ...

a)   gravitational effect of the moon;

b) effect of the sun's gravity;

c)   centrifugal forces;

d) two gravitational forces when the sun and the moon are both in line with the earth.

Neap tides are produced by the ...

a) gravitational effect of the moon;

b) pull of the sun;

c)   gravitational effect of the sun and the moon at 90 degrees to each other;

d) centrifugal forces caused by the rotation of the earth.

Slack tides will occur...

a)   every other week;

b) when the sun and the moon are at 90 degrees to each other;

c)   when the sun and the moon are both in line with the earth;

d) when the tide is turning.

At Low Slack water the tide is about...

a)   to turn;

b) to rise;

c)   to fall;

d) to be cancelled outHigh Slack water the tide is about...

a) to turn;

b) to rise;

c)   to fall;

d) to be cancelled out.

By range is understood ...

a) two complete tidal oscillations;

b) inequalities both in height and time;

c)   one complete tidal osdllation;

d) differences between high and low tides.

РАНТ 2Streams and Currentsand readingthese words and learn them by heart* Standard port - основной порт (в предвычислении приливов)

fa* To predict ~ пред вычислять

fa" Tidal stream - приливо-отливное течение

fa" Rising tide - прилив" Falling tide - отлив* Rate (velocity) - скорость

fa* Set - сущ. направление, (гл. устанавливаться)

fa" Tide rip - рябь, толчея, сулой

fa" Ebb stream - отлив" Flood stream - прилив" High water - полная вода" Low water - малая вода" Eddy ~ водоворот" Tide-guage - мореограф, приливомер" Spring rate - скорость в сизигию

fa" Neap rate - скорость в квадратуру

fa-* Ripple - рябь, толчея, зыбь

fa" Race - быстрина, сулой

fa" Swirl - водоворот

fa" Surge - зыбь, накат волны

fa" Storm surge - штормовой нагон воды, штормовой ветер

fa" Under-keel-clearance - глубина под килем" To affect - воздействовать, влиять" Rectilinear - прямолинейный" Gyre - вихрь, завихрение6. Read the text "Tidal streams and currents" quicldy and grasp the main gist of each (a, b, c, d) passagesStreams and Currents

a) Tidal Streams are horizontal movements of the water caused by the tides. They can be predicted for any period in the future.

b) The tidal streams in European waters are of the same type as the tides, i.e. they are semi-diurnal in character. They can be predicted by reference to a suitable Standard port by tables printed on the published charts.

In some other parts of the world daily predictions are necessary. These predictions will be found in Volumes 2 and 3 of Admiralty Tide Tables.

c)       The duration and the rate of tidal streams depend on the depth of water, the con-

tour of the land, prevailing winds, tides and currents. A distinction is drawn between tidal streams and currents.

d)   Tidal Streams are astronomical in origin. Currents are mainly of meteorological origin. Conditions that affect currents are the following: persistent strong winds, barometric pressure, positive and negative surges, storm surges. Strong winds may approach and even exceed the rate of the tidal streams. Strong currents during or after positive or negative surges may greatly increase tidal streams or cancel them out.

e) Negative surges are important to the Mariner as they result in reduced under-keel-clearance.

Tidal streams may affect currents and produce ripples, eddies, races, swirls,, etc.practice the navigator experiences a combination of tidal stream and current.

Fill in a)





Exercise 7. Read the text carefully to answer the following questions:

1. What causes tidal streams?

2. What type are the tidal streams in European waters?

3. What is meant by semi-diurnal?

4. What factors influence the duration and the rate of tidal streams?

5. What conditions affect currents?

6. How do strong currents affect tidal streams?

7. Why are negative surges important to the Mariner?

8. What period in the future can tidal streams be predicted for?

Exercise 8. Pick out false sentences out of those below and explain your decision

1. Tidal streams are caused by strong winds.

2. Tidal streams and currents are similar in origin.

3. The tidal streams in European waters are of the same type as the tides.

4. The rate of tidal streams does not depend on the contour of the land.

5. Strong wind may not exceed the rate of the tidal streams.

6. Ripples are produced by currents.

7. Positive surges result in reduced under-keel-clearance.

Exercise 9. Memorize the following abbreviations concerning tides and currents used on Metric Charts


High Water

Полная вода


Low Water

Малая вода


Mean Tide Level

Средний уровень прилива


Mean Sea Level

Средний уровень моря


Spring Tides

Сизигийньш прилив


Neap Tides

Квадратурный прилив


Mean High Water Springs

Средний уровень полных сизигийных вод


Mean High Water Neaps

Средний уровень квадратурных вод


Mean Higher High Water

Средний уровень высокой полной воды


Mean Lower High Water

Средний уровень низкой полной воды


Mean Low Water Springs

Средний уровень малых сизигийных вод


Mean Low Water Neaps

Средний уровень малых квадратурных вод


Mean Lower Low Water

Средний уровень низкой малой воды


Mean Higher Low Water

Средний уровень высокой малой воды


Higher Astronomical Tide

Высокий астрономический прилив


Lower Astronomical Tide

Низкий астрономический прилив










Fathom Charts

H.W.F.& С

High Water Full and Change

Прикладной час порта для расчёта полной воды

L.W.F. & C.

Low Water Full and Change

Прикладной час порта для расчёта малой воды

10. Match a word (1-7) with a word (a-g)



a) tide



b) season



c) direction



d) rate



e) water



f) stream



g) Ф

11. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word Choose from these words: rate tide range current slack low sets water

1. There is only one high daily in S.

2. In the bay the flow is weak and is governed by_ rather than tidal


3.__________________________ The flow sets SSW on the falling        attaining a   of 1 knot 3 hours

after local high water with a    of tide of 1-2 m; it then turns anti-clockwise

without becoming_____ and_______________ ESE at Va knot near       water.

Exercise 12. Circle the odd-abbreviation-out (if any):

1. LAT, Q, MLLW, Sp, Vel

2. MHLW, B, LW Dir, MHWS

3. HW, MLHW, Kn, HAT, Np

4. MSL, MLWS, H.W.F. &C, MHWS, Lat

5. MHHW, Mid, LW, MWL, LLW


Exercise 13. Passage (a) describes "Tides and Tidal Streams" inLachDay and Song Ca. Read the passage and decide which of those opinions matches tides (T) and tidal streams (TS)

1. The rate of flow is often 2 or 3 knots.             [ ]

2. From December to May, Song Ca is at its lowest.     [ ]

3. The melting snow causes the river to rise rapidly.     [ ]

4. The annual rise at Hanoi is from 4-9 to 6-lm.. [ ]

(a) Tides and tidal streams in Lach Day and Song Ca. The rate of flow in the lower reaches of the river system is often 2 or 3 knots, and the influence of the tidal stream on the flow is apparent up river almost as far as a Hanoi during the low-river season, and from the sea to about halfway to Hanoi during the hight high-river season.December to May, Song Ca is at its lowest, about May, the melting snow in Upper Tonkin and Yunnan causes the river to rise rapidly, frequently washing away the banks. The annual rise at Hanoi (21°02'N, 105°E) is from 4-9 to 6-lm.14. Answer those questions:

1. In what places of the river is the rate of flow often 3 or 2 knots?

2. What is the influence of the tidal stream on the flow?

3. When does the snow melt in Upper Tonkin and Yunnan?

4. What is frequently washed away?

5. What is the annual rise of tide at Hanoi?

Exercise 15. Passage (b) describes tidal streams at East Goodwin light-vessel Read the passage and decide which of those opinions matches the south-going stream. Tick (v) them.

1. It sometimes sets north-westward.

2. It is strong near high water.

3. It begins + 0530 Dover.

4. It has a spring rate of 3.2 knots.

5. Its mean direction is 016°.

6. It has a neap rate 1.8 knots.

7. It sets south-westward into the Gut.

Note: references preceded by a minus (-) sign are intervals before high water, those preceded by a plus (+) sign are intervals after high water.

(b) Tidal streams. - At east Goodwin light-vessel, the stream is nearly rectilinear; the north-going stream, spring rate 3-1 knots, neap rate 1-7 knots, mean direction 016° , begins - 0100 Dover; the south-going stream, spring rate 3-2 knots, neap rate 1-8 knots, mean direction 193°, begins + 0530 said, though with doubtful authority, that, eastward of the sands, the north-going stream sometimes sets north-westward with considerable velocity. Observations of the stream obtained in recent years do not confirm the existence of this set; if, however, it occurs, it is strong near high water, when the sands are covered, and dangerous. Near the eastern side of the northern part of the sands the north-going stream probably sets north-eastward out of Kellett Gut, and the south-going stream sets south-westward into the Gut.16. Answer these questions:

1. Where is the stream nearly rectilinear?

2. Where does the north-going stream set north-westward?

3. With what velocity does it set?

4. Do observations confirm the existence of this set?

5. In what direction does the north-going stream set near the eastern side of the northern part of the sands?

6. What spring rate does the south-going stream have?

7. What mean direction does it have?

Exercise 17. Passage (c) describes currents of the South China Sea.the passage and decide which of those opinions match the main current.

1. It is much more variable.

2. It is influenced mainly by the monsoon winds.

3. It flows on the W side of the region.

4. It is controlled largely by the positions of gyres.

5. It sets NE on the SW monsoon.

6. It has a high constancy.

7. It sets SW during the NE monsoon.

Currents of the South China Seasurface currents of the South China Sea are influenced mainly by the monsoon winds which control the flow of water into or from the Sum Sea, Java Sea and through Tai-wan Strait.main current flows on the W side of the region and sets SW during the NE monsoon (October to March) and NE on the SW monsoon (May to August), During the regime of either monsoon the appropriate current has a high constancy but some variations, and occasionally even reversals may occur with irregularities in the monsoon.the E part of the area currents are much more variable being controlled largely by the positions of gyres which are common in the central part of the South China Sea in all seasons.18. Answer these questions:

1. What winds influence the surface currents of the South China Sea?

2. What do the monsoon winds control?

3. How long does the main current flow on the W side of the region?

4. In what direction does it set?

5. When may variations or reverals occur?

6. In what direction does the main current set from May to August?

7. What are currents over the E part of the area controlled by?

Exercise 19. Role Plays: VTS-station to all vessels in the vicinity of К City.information Role A: P. Radio Role B: MV "Texas-QBFI".. Radio informs MV Texas-QBFI about the tides in the vicinity of H. City. MV "Texas-QBFI" answers that she has received this information.

I.       A: MV "Texas-QBFI". This is P. Radio Inform: Tide setting in direction 020 degrees. Over.

B: (answer for the ship).

II.      Make up your own dialogues between O. Radio and MV Peters using the following information.

1. Tide rising. It is 4 hours after high water.

2. Tide falling. It is 2 hours after high water.

3. Tide slack.

4. Current 3 knots in position H.

5. Charted depth decreased by 2 metres due to sea state.

6. Abnormally low tides expected in position H. at about 0945 UTC.

7. No sufficient depth of water in position H.



and readingthese words and try to memorize them

&> Direction указание, наставление, направление

l^- To approach подходить, приближаться

fc" To guide руководствоваться

ffc* Heading - заголовок, название

P>- To avoid- избегать, обходитьTo choose (chose, chosen) - выбирать To proceed- следовать, идти

fa Conspicuous - приметный, хорошо видимый

fa Landmark - береговой ориентир

"R^ Summit - вершина

^ 5p/>e - шпиль

^ Chimney - труба

£*• Fro/и seaward - со стороны моря

IV Го £/7/?g /л /ше - привести в створ

^ Clear of dangers - на достаточном расстоянии от опасностей

fa Leading line - створная линия

fa Feasible - вероятный, возможный, осуществимый

Directionsapproaching some port, anchorage, entering or passing through narrow channels or canals the navigator should be guided by special instructions. These instructions are given in the form of recommendations. As a rule several courses are recommended for ships proceeding from different directions. They will help the ship to avoid dangers and choose the correct course.conspicuous landmarks are used to show the direction of approach to some place. These may be lighthouses, water towers, summits of mountains, lights on some constructions, spires of churches, chimneys and other conspicuous objects seen from seaward.conspicuous objects brought in line from seaward may lead the ship clear of dangers into the port, roadstead, bay, anchorage, etc. This line is called a leading line.recommendations are often given in directions. They may refer to the effect of wind, tidal streams, currents, character of bottom, etc.. Answer the following questions about the text

1. What is meant by directions?

2. In what form are they given?

3. Why are several courses recommended for ships?

4. What landmarks are used to show the direction of approach?

5. What line may lead the ship clear of dangers?

6. What is understood by a leading line?

7. What useful information may be found in Pilot Books under the heading 'Directions'?

Exercise 2. Explain what is understood by

1.a vessel from eastward; Fill in

2.a vessel bound for S.; Fill in

3.a vessel with local knowledge; Fill in

4.a vessel from westward; Fill in object seen from seaward; Fill in

6.a vessel without local knowledge; Fill in

7.a vessel from northward. Fill in

Exercise 3. Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose them from the following list

clear of                 leads             pass              attempt            if

bound                           be rounded                      with local knowledge     be attempted

1.__________________ C. is let bearing 023°   from seaward, between the dangers on either side.

2.________________________________________________ Owing to the strength of the tidal streams navigation should only_______________________ at

or near the time of slack water.

3. If___ for C. passage, S. islets should__ at not less than 2 cables.

4. Vessels with__ can enter between the islets.

5. No vessel should__ to enter without local knowledge.

6. Course may be altered to the NE the banks.

7. A vessel should not_ between Seven Stones and the light-vessel.

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences with suitable information from the text 'Directions'. Mind modal verbs 'should', 'may1, 'must'where necessary

1. Two conspicuous objects brought in line from seaward      __.

2. A ship passing through narrow channels         by special instructions.

3.______________________________ A vessel approaching some port          two conspicuous objects in line

from seaward.

4.   For ships proceeding from different directions several courses_ .

5.   Conspicuous landmarks are used to show__ .

Exercise 5. Read the extracts from the Pilot Books

. Passage (a) describes the route which was used by HMS Warrior in September 1954.the passage and decide whether the following recommendations correspond to the Directions given in the passage. Correct the false recommendations

1.   From a position 5 miles S. of Madge Bank steer to a position 19 miles N of Mui Ba Kiem.

2.   From a position 19 miles S. of M.B.K. steer 080° between Banc Rivier and Torcy Bank.

3.   From a position 5 miles N. of M.B. steer 080 "between B.R. and T.B,

4.   Steer 080 ° until about the meridian of 108 ° 50'.

5.   From a position about the meridian of 108 ° 50* steer to the NE.

6.   This course will lead clear of the banks and dangerous wrecks.

7.   The banks and wrecks extend SSW from Pointe Lagan.

(a) Directions.ТЫ following route, coastwise from Sai Gon NE was used by HMS Warrior in September 1954 on several occasions.a position 19 miles S of Mui Ba Kiem (6.10), steer 055 ° to a position 5 miles N of Madge Bank, thence steer 080 ° between Banc Rivier and Torcy Bank until about the meridian of 108 ° 50' E, when course may be altered to the NE clear of the banks and dangerous wrecks extending SSE from Pointe Lagan.6, Answer these questions

1. From what position should a vessel steer 080 °?

2. How long should a vessel steer 055 °?

3. When may course be altered to the NE?

4. In what direction do the banks and dangerous wrecks extend from Points Lagan?

5. By what ship was this route used in September 1954?

6. What country did the ship belong to?

Exercise 7. Passage (b) describes recommendations how to enter Kyuquot channel. (K. ch.) Read the passage and answer these questions

. May vessels enter K. channel without local knowledge in clear weather?

2.   At what distance from Barrier islands should vessels proceed when approaching from south-eastward?

3.   At what distance should the dangers be avoided when approaching from westward?

4.   What recommendations are given to a vessel entering the channel?

(b)     Directions. No vessel should attempt to enter Kyuquot channel, without local knowledge, except in clear weather.

In approaching from south-eastward, Barrier islands should be given a berth of at least 1 lA miles, and in approaching from westward, the dangers southward of Thornton islands should be given a berth of at least one mile.vessel entering the channel should bring the summit of Whiteley island to bear 040° , midway between Rugged and Chatchannel points, to pass midway between the dangers on either side of the approach and about 4 cables north-westward of the light-and-whistle buoy. When nearing Chatchannel point, course should be altered, eastward, to pass about half a mile eastward of the point (Lot 50°00'N., Long. 121° WW.).8. Decide whether these statements are true or false or the passage doesn V say. Correct the false ones

1.   A vessel may enter K. channel without local knowledge in any weather.

2.   B. islands should be given a berth of at least one mile when approaching from south-eastward.

3.   A vessel should pass midway between R. and Ch. Points when nearing Ch. point.

4.   The dangers are on either side of the approach.

5.   A vessel should pass midway between the dangers.

6.   Vessels may enter K. channel without local knowledge in clear weather.

7.   A vessel entering the channel should pass about 4 cables south-eastward of the light-and-whistle buoy.

8.   The light-and-whistle buoy marks the dangers on the port side of the approach.

Exercise 9. Passage (c) describes recommendations how to approach The Quay. Read the passage and copy out all the recommendations how to approach The Quay

(c)      Directions. Wells Fairway Light-buoy (safe water) (53° 00'N, 0°5ГЕ) isnoored 7 cables NNE of the entrance to the approach channel called The Run. Ities between Bob Hall's Sand to the E and West Sands to the W. The outer part of he channel is marked by buoys, some lighted, which are moved as necessary and ihould not be relied upon. The inner part of the channel lies between the sands off -ligh Cape and those off The Bink, 1 V% miles E. High Cape and The Bink are sandidges. The channel is marked by beacons, some lighted, with diamond topmarks on the W side and square topmarks on the E side. The lifeboat house stands on the coast at the N end of a straight embankment constructed for the reclamation of Holkham Marshes, and which runs S from the sandhills to the town. At the S end of the embankment the channel turns E for The Quay.

Exercise 10. Passage (d) describes recommendations how to minimise the effects of the tidal streams at the harbour entrance

1.   What are these recommendations? Copy out them.

2.   When is entry feasible? What synonym to the word feasible do you know?

(d)     Directions. To minimise the effects of the tidal streams at the harbour en trance it is recommended that vessels enter harbour on the in-going stream and de part on the out-going stream. The optimum time to enter Lowestoft is 1 hour before local HW or 1 hour after local LW when the tidal streams across the entrance should be weak. Whether approaching from the N or S, the approach should be made as slowly as possible until about 100 m off the entrance when speed should be increased and the appropriate wheel applied to maintain the centerline of the en trance.

Entry is feasible during E gales just after LW as the offshore sandbanks make an excellent breakwater. Entry is not advisable for large or low powered vessels during SE gales.11. Passage (e) describes recommendations how to enter the harbour

1.   What are these recommendations? Copy them out.

2.   What is a recommended time to enter the harbour?

(e)      Directions. From a position SE of the harbour entrance the route is NW to the entrance crossing the bar, composed of sand and shingle, which varies with the season and the effect of wind and sea. The entrance is formed by two piers and is 46 m wide decreasing to 35 m within the pierheads. Lights (metal column, 3 m in height) are exhibited from each pierhead. Within the entrance the route follows the channel formed initially by the piers and then by the River Blyth. A recommended time to enter the harbour is 2 to 3 hours after the recommencement of the in-going stream.


and readingthese words orally, and then read part one of the text

 Fenders - кранцы fa" Heaving line - бросательный конец fa" Appropriate - соответствующий, надлежащий fa" Headway - передний ход, инерция переднего хода fa" Sternway - задний ход, инерция заднего хода fa' Steerage-way ~ ход, достаточный для управления рулём fa" To back - дать задний ход fa" Hawser - перлинь, (стальной) трос fa" Embankment - 1.дамба, насыпь 2. набережная fa" Bollard - причальная тумба fa" Warping drum - сновальный барабан fa" Head-rope /headline - носовой швартов fa" Bow spring /backspringforward- носовой шпринг fa" breast line - прижимной швартов fa" Stern rope / sternline - кормовой швартов fa" Stern spring/ backspring aft - кормовой шпринг fa" To secure - крепить, закреплять" To heave (heaved, hove) тянуть, выбирать, подтягивать fa" Taut - тугой, натянутый (о канате) fa" Slack - слабый, имеющий слабину (о канате) fa" To veer in - выбирать (конец веревки) fa" To veer out - травить, вытравливать fa" Quay- набережная, стенка fa" To moor - швартоваться" To make fast alongside - швартоваться лагом" To make fast stern to - швартоваться кормой

fa- To get moored                    "^

fa" To get berthed                      I ошвартоваться

fa- To get tied up" To work the ship into her berth -*" To bring the ship alongside the quay -поставить судно к причалу" To make the starboard (port) landing - ошвартоваться правым (левым) бортом" To get alongside starboard (port) side to - швартоваться правым (левым бортом" To run out a line it is advisable - подать (вытравить) конец рекомендуется

^ То swing the bow to starboard (port) ~ развернуть носом вправо (влево), уваливать

Р^ То sheer the stern from the quay, to double up fore and aft - отвести («отбить») корму от причала, завести дугошни с носа и кормы

Exercise l.Read the text and be ready to answer the questionsmake fast to a wharf either alongside or stern to. When approaching a berth, ships must proceed at slow speed. On deck, heaving lines and mooring ropes, as well as fenders, should be ready for use. The anchors must be ready to let go. At an appropriate distance from the berth the engine is stopped and the ship's headway is used to bring her alongside the wharf. This headway should be just enough to keep the ship moving ahead without losing steerage-way. If a ship has too much headway it should be stopped by backing the ship with the engine or by letting the anchor go. When the vessel approaches her designated berth at minimum steerage-way, the approach to the quay is made at the smallest possible angle. With a heaving line the hawser is pulled from the vessel onto the embankment by line-handlers. The spring is fastened to a bollard^ and while the engine is on half astern, the warping drum picks up the slack (that is: pulls the line tight).To prevent the line from being fouled, the hawser or spring is led through a fairlead. The ship is then manoeuvred along the embankment and fastened to bollards.ship is made fast to the quayside by mooring lines. They consist of a headline, a breast line and a back spring forward, a stern line, a breast line and a back spring aft. Any of these lines may be doubled. Each line has a large eye spliced in the end. The eye is placed over a bollard on the quayside. If there is another line already on the bollard, the eye of the second line should be taken up through the eye of the first line before placing it over the bollard. This makes it possible for either line to be let go first.the ship is secured in her berth, rat-guards should be placed on all the lines. For permanent moorings wire ropes are preferred to ordinary fibre ropesthe mooring lines should be constantly watched, as the change of weather or rise and fall of tide can make the lines too taut or too slack and this will necessitate veering them in or out from time to time. Nowadays there are automatic winches used for this purpose. In stormy weather the ships secured in their berths usually have to double up fore and aft.berthing operations seamen must work with great caution. Carelessness may cause serious injuries.2. Answer the following questions

1.   What are the necessary preparations before berthing the ship?

2.   What power is used to bring the vessel to her berthing place? What can be the engines used for?

3. What is the usual procedure for mooring the ship? What lines are used for it?

4. What is the way of placing the mooring rope over a bollard?

5. What necessary arrangements must be done after the ship is made fast?

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks, using the given words

veer out        fairlead              mooring ropes           embankment fasten

make fast       steerage way                         rat guards

1.   Your ship may____ to a wharf № 4.

2.   A heaving line and a hawser are pulled from the vessel onto the

by line handlers.

3.   The springs are_____ to bollards.

4.   A ship is made fast to the quayside by the____ .

5.   If the lines are too taut or too slack you must_ them______ .

6.   To prevent the line from being fouled it must be led through the___ .

7.   After the ship is in its berth, you must place___ on all the lines.

8.   The vessel must approach to her berth at minimum___ .

1.   All the mooring ropes should be constantly watched as the change of weather or rise and fall of tide can make the anchor chain too taut or too slack and this will necessitate fastening it to the bollard.

2.   At an appropriate distance from the berth the engine is stopped and the ship's steerageway is used to bring her alongside the tug.

3.   When the ship is in her berth there must be lookouts watching all the lines.

4.   If a ship has too much headway it should be stopped with the help of two tugboats towing her in the opposite direction, or by pulling the heaving line to the embankment.

5.   In stormy weather helicopters secured in their berths usually have to double up anchor chain.

6.   A single buoy mooring is a stone-built structure at which vessels can lie alongside, usually with public access, usually approached through a lock, maintaining the water at constant level

7.   A wharf means a single column of wood, steel or concrete to take ships' lines.

Exercise 5. Read the passage and learn the definitionsberth may be at:

. A single buoy mooring (SBM) - a single buoy carrying pipe-lines for tankers. It is usually situated at the distance of 20 miles from shore and more.

2.   Dolphins - single columns of wood, steel or concrete to take ships' lines. Can be used together with

3.   A T-jetty or Pier

4.   A Dock - an enclosed area of water, usually approached through a lock, maintaining the water at constant level

5.   A Quay - a stone-built structure at which vessels can lie alongside, usually with public access. It may be in a dock or it can be a river berth.

6.   A Wharf- a stone or similar structure at which vessels can lie alongside, Usually in enclosed dock, with warehouse facilities.

Exercise 6. Translate the extracts from the pilot book

a)   The wharves and piers on the Philadelphia side of the Delaware River are numbered consecutively. From the foot of Market Street, about a quarter of a mile below the suspension bridge, northward of Fort Richmond. The wharves at Port Richmond are numbered independently. Those on the western side of the river including Petty Island, and the eastern side opposite Philadelphia, have depths up to 38 feet, those in the Schuylkill River, up to 30 feet. There are several municipal piers which are equipped with modern appliances for working cargo; these and a large proportion of the other wharves and piers are connected to the railway.

b) The wharves on the Camden side are numbered consecutively from Pavonia, on the eastern side of the entrance to Cooper River, southward to Newton Creek, with the exception of the railway wharves, which are numbered independently. There are municipal wharves on this side with depths up to 30 feet alongside,

c)   All the wharves and jetties are connected to the general railway system. West quay is equipped with cranes of from 3 to 5 tons lifting capacity; in addition, there is a 10-ton crane on No. 3 wharf, a 15-ton crane on No. 6 quay, and a 20-ton crane on West quay. A few lighters are available.

d) Tug berth, on the southern side of the turning basin, is 95 feet (29m0) in length, with a depth alongside of 18 feet (5m5)

The Passenger landing jetty (Lat 33' 0Г S., Long. 27 64' E.) is 283 feet (86m3) in length, with a depth alongside of 13 feet (4m0). Fish wharf is situated close below the bridge at the head of the harbour; it is 360 feet (109m7) in length, with a depth alongside of 20 feet (6ml).

e)       Dockyard pier projects from the southern shore of the harbour, close westward
of the Naval dockyard. It is L-shaped, and is 160 by 42 feet (48m8 by 12m8)
and has a depth of 14,5 feet 80 (4m4) alongside its end; there is a 5-ton travel
ling crane on the pier.

The passenger landing pier projects about 150 feet (45m7) from the shore abreast the Roman Catholic Church, and at its outer end is a pontoon, 50 feet  (15m2) in length, with a depth alongside of 10 feet (3m0). All persons must land at this pier, at the root of which is the Custom house. Boats are not allowed to make fast to piers nor to lie alongside for any length of time. Moderate engineering repairs can be carried out by the Government Railway and Harbour workshops. Fair quantities of fresh provisions are obtainable, but prior notice is desirable. Water can only be obtained in small quantities in case of emergency.7. Find English equivalents for the following phrases

предварительно              оборудованный             за исключением

приспособления                                                 выполнять, производить                                    наружный, внешний

последовательно   грузоподъемность            сходить на берег


Exercise 8. Watch the CD-ROM program "International Maritime English Programme "

(Berthing, leaving berth and underway " (pay particular attention to shots 5-19)the scheme of a vessel with all lines used.  the lines and the equipment necessary to work with them9. Read, translate and memorize the textapproaching the berth, commands for mooring are given by the pilot or the master. The first order to be given is uGivG on shore the heaving line!". It is pulled from the vessel on shore by line-handlers (linesmen). Then comes the next order: "Send on shore...". First the essential lines should be sent on shore, such as the head rope, the stern rope, then the breast lines and the springs.a line is too short it should be paid away. And vice versa if it is too long the order "Heave in the slack" is given.leaving berth, casting off orders are given by the pilot or the master. After having started the engine, the first order is: "Stand by for letting go!".a line is cast off the next order will then be: "Heave away", which means that the line can be pulled aboard.sequence of commands for mooring that can then be given depends on how the vessel is supposed to be berthed, and on the prevailing weather condition and currents.10. Listen to the dialoguevessel is getting ready to sail from Newharbour to Havenport; the first leg of a voyage that's going to take her halfway round the world.


Utopia Forward Station, Utopia Aft Station, this is Utopia Bridge. How do you read me?

Chief Officer:

Utopia Bridge, this is Utopia Forward Station. I read you with signal strength five.


Second Officer:

Utopia Bridge, this is Utopia Aft Station. 1 read you with signal strength five.



Utopia Forward Station. Single up forward to head line and spring.


Chief Officer:

I will single up.



Utopia Aft Station. Single up aft to breast line and stern buoy line. Take tugs towing line to capstan, then make fast on starboard quarter.


Second Officer:

I will single up and make tug fast.


Chief Officer:

Utopia. Singled up forward.


Second Officer:

Utopia Singled up aft.Tug fast.



Utopia. Let go fare and aft.


Chief Officer:

Utopia Forward Station. Let go.


Second Officer:

Utopia Aft Station. Let go.


11. Make your own dialogue using the commands abovevery careful when naming the lines. The omission of one word can change the command completely and cause an accident. Compare:

"Cast off stern!" (all the stern ropes, including stern tug towing line if applicable)

"Cast off stern line"12. Read, translate and find Russian equivalents for the commands

1. Single up - "Single up fore/aft" - Instruction to haul or pull onboard all but essential lines mentioned, so that ship is ready to leave the quay or berth.

2. Let go - "let go fore and aft" - cast off all lines. In case a specific line is mentioned this line is the only one to be let go,

3. Take to - "take tug's towing line to capstans" - bring the towing line from the tug to the capstan, so that when the capstan is started the line can be hauled on board ship.

4. Make fast - "... then make fast on starboard quarter" - take a line to the bitts so that it will hold weight without slipping.

Exercise 13. Answer the following questions

1.   What line leads aft from the forecastle to the shore?

2.   What line leads forward from the port quarter to the shore?

3.   What are lines and springs made fast on ashore?

4.   What are lines and springs made fast on onboard?

5.   What does a line pass through to ensure the best route for it?

6.   What is a windlass used for?

Exercise 14. Odd one out

1. winch         fairlead windlass warping drum                  capstan

2. embankment quay wharf warehouse pier berth

3. to con to maneuver to steer to pilot to secure

4. to berth to get moored to make fast to cast off

5. bollard rope line mooring spring breastline hawser

Exercise 15.Read and learn the following Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP). Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version

Швартовка и отшвартовка

Berthing and unberthing


Общие указания



Гребной винт чист?

Is propeller clear?


Да, гребной винт чист

Yes, propeller clear


Нет, гребной винт не чист

No, propeller not clear


Держать гребной винт чисто

Keep propeller clear


Остановить гребной винт!

Stop propeller


Гребной винт остановлен

Propeller stopped


На причале имеются кранцы?

Are fenders on berth?


Да, кранцы на причале имеются

Yes, fenders on berth


На причале нет кранцев

No, no fenders on berth


Приготовить кранцы на носу и на корме!

Have fenders ready fore and aft





Мы будем швартоваться левым бортом

We will berth port side alongside


Мы будем швартоваться правым бортом

We will berth starboard side alongside


Мы будем швартоваться к бочке (-ам) носом и кормой

We will moor to buoy(s) ahead and astern


Мы будем швартоваться к причалу

We will moor alongside


Мы будем швартоваться к кустам свай

We will moor to dolphins


Подайте носовой / продольный / кормовой / прижимной конец

Send out head / stem / breast lines


Подайте носовой (-ые) шпринг (-и)

Send out... spring(s) forward


Подайте кормовой (-ые) шпринг (-и)

Send out... spring(s) aft


У вас есть автоматические швартовные лебёдки?

Do you have tension winches?


Да, у нас имеются автоматические швартовные лебёдки (носовые и кормовые)

Yes, we have tension winches (forward and aft)


Нет, у нас нет автоматических лебёдок

No, we have no tension winches


Приготовьте носовые и кормовые бросательные концы

Have heaving lines ready forward and aft


Подавайте бросательные / носовые / кормовые / прижимные концы на берег

Send heaving / head / stern / breast line ashore


Швартовщики будут использовать скобы / найтовы для крепления швартовов

The linesmen will use shackles / lashings for securing mooring


Подавайте через центральный / панам-ский клюз

Use centre / panama lead


Подавайте через носовой скуловой клюз

Use bow lead


Подавайте через левый / правый кормо-шклюз

Use port quarter / starboard quarter lead

Выбрать конец (-ы) ... шпринг (-и)

Heave on ... line(s) / ... spring(s)

Подобрать слабину ... конца (-ов) ... на принг (-и)

Pickup slacken ... line(s) /... spring(s)


Heave away!

топ выбирать!

Stop heaving!

Травить швартовы (-ы)... шпринг (-и)!

Slack away ... line(s) /... spring(s)

Стоп травить швартовы (-ы) ... шпринг (и)!

Stop slacking ... line(s) /... spring(s)

Задержать конец (-ы) ... шпринг (-и)

Hold on ... line(s)/ ... spring

Подбирать понемногу

Heave in easy

Поджимайтесь к причалу

Heave alongside

(ержать швартовы втугую!

Keep lines tight

Сообщите расстояние по носу до ... /по корме до ...

Report forward / aft distance to ...

Вы должны продвинуться на.., метров (перед / назад

We have to move ... meters ahead / astern

Мы находимся в нужном положении

We are in position

Среиить носовые и кормовые швартовы!

Make fast fore and aft

Срепить носовые!

Fast forward

Крепить кормовые!

Fast aft



Приготовить машину (-ы)

Stand by engine(s)

Машина (-ы) готова (-ы)

Engine(s) standing by

Вы готовы начать движение?

Are you ready to get underway?


Да, мы готовы начать движение

Yes, ready (to get underway)


Нет, мы ещё не готовы начать движение

No, not ready (yet) (to get underway)


Мы будем готовы начать движение через ... минут

Ready to get underway in ... minutes


Приготовиться к отшвартовке!

Stand by for let go


К отшвартовке!

Standing by for let go


Оставить по одному продольному и шпрингу на носу и на корме

Single up ... lines and ... springs fore and aft


Травить носовой / кормовой / прижимной!

Slack away head / stem / breast line


Травить носовой / кормовой шпринг!

Slack away fore / aft spring


Задержать носовой / кормовой / прижимной!

Hold on head / stem / breast line


Задержать носовой / кормовой шпринг!

Hold on fore / aft spring


Выбрать носовой / кормовой / прижимной!

Heave on head / stern / breast line


Выбрать носовой / кормовой шпринг!

Heave on fore / aft spring


Отдать все носовые / кормовые!

Let go everything forward / aft


Отдать носовой / кормовой / прижимной!

Let go head / stern / breast line


Отдать носовой / кормовой / шпринг!

Let go fore / aft spring


Отдать буксирный трос! ... отдан(-ы)

Let go tug line .... is / are let go


Приготовить к отдаче оба якоря!

Stand by both anchor(s)


Оба якоря готовы к отдаче

Both anchor(s) standing by


reading.I. Read the text quickly and grasp the main idea of each passagetypes of ropelarge number of different types of rope are used on board ship, and it is important for every sailor to know their characteristics so that the right rope can be used for the right job. Ropes can be divided into three basic types: natural fibre rope, which is made from the fibres of different plants; synthetic fibre rope, which is made from materials such as nylon; and wire rope, which is made from strands of steel wire.let us look at the different types of natural fibre rope. A well-known rope of this type is Manila. Manila rope is made from the fibres of a plant which grows in the Philippine Islands of the Pacific. It is strong and flexible, but rather expensive. It is used for a number of jobs connected with cargo-handling and mooring. Because manila rope is expensive, sisal rope is often used in its place. Sisal comes from a plant which grows in the USA and Russia. It is less strong and less flexible than manila rope, but it is cheaper. It is used for moorings and lashings. Another type of rope is hemp rope. Hemp comes from a plant which grows in the USSR, Europe and North America as well as in China and India. It is strong and flexible and does not shrink or swell after contact with water. Because of this it is used on sailing boats. Coir ropes are made from coconut fibres. They are very buoyant and very elastic, but they rot easily when they are wet. They are sometimes used for mooring and towing lines. The cotton plant grows in the southern part of North America. Cotton rope is both strong and flexible, but it is very expensive and therefore not used on merchant ships. Because it looks nice, it is often used on yachts and pleasure boats.fibre ropes have now largely been replaced by synthetic fibre ropes. Synthetic ropes have many advantages. They are strong and elastic and they are resistant to the action of water. Nylon rope is the strongest and the most elastic of all the synthetic fibre ropes. It is used for mooring and handling cargo. Terylene rope has the highest melting point. It melts at a temperature of 260'C. It is also strong and elastic. It is mainly used on yachts. Another type of synthetic fibre rope is polypropylene rope. It has the lowest melting point of all synthetic ropes and is used for log lines and halyards.rope is made of steel. It is usually galvanized to stop it from rusting. It is very strong and elastic, but not as flexible as other types of rope. Large wire ropes are very heavy. Wire rope has many uses on board ship, particularly for standing rigging, mooring lines and for cargo-handling.

А.2. Enumerate all types of ropes and their properties. How do you think, w, ropes are most widely used in merchant fleetand readingthese words orally, and then read part one of the text" To tow - буксировать

fr< To shift -перешвартовываться, переводить на другой причал

ft" Repairs - ремонт

ft" Tow-line - буксирный трос, конец

fk" Steel wire - стальная проволока

ft" Length - длина; отрезок, конец (троса)

ft*- То afford - предоставлять, давать

ft* То shorten - укорачивать

ft* The ship is disabled - судно потеряло управление5" To arrange - уславливаться, договариваться, подготавливаться

ft" Assistance - помощь

ft9" To settle - устраивать, урегулировать, договариваться

Exercise I. Read the text and get ready to retell itmay need towing in a number of cases. When in port, tugs may be required to take ships to or from their berths. Sometimes it may be necessary to shift the ship from one berth to another and the port tug is usually ordered to do mis job.may also happen that the ship will need dry docking for cleaning the bottom and repairs to the hull. A tug-boat will then be required to manoeuvre the ship into the dock.ships require big tow-lines. Most modern vessels are provided with steel wire tow-lines of sufficient length. It is advisable to use wire hawsers connected with a good length of manila rope, as this will afford the necessary elasticity to tow-lines. Tug-boat towing the vessels may either pull them or push them ahead.a rule, port tugs are well equipped and use their own lines and hawsers for towing. In such cases masters of ships arrange with the captain of a tug how tug-lines should be secured, which side should the tug approach the ship etc.ship may become disabled at sea and in this case she will need some other vessel or a tug to tow her to the nearest port. She may then have to ask the nearest vessel for assistance and such a vessel may not be specialized in towing. In such cases the masters of both vessels will have to settle many problems before the actual towing can begin. They must discuss what tow-lines should be used, how the distressed vessel should be approached, how the lines should be passed over and secured and how long they must be.a disabled vessel a long way is a very difficult task because the weather may suddenly change and make the towing extremely dangerous.towing and towed vessels communicate with each other to coordinate their actions. Nowadays they usually do it by VHF radiotelephone.2. Answer the questions

1.  What may a tug be required for when in port?

2.  What kind lines can be used for towing?

3.  What combination of lines is recommended for towing and why?

4.  What must the master of a ship settle with the master of a tug?

5.  What happens if a ship becomes disabled at sea? How can it be towed into a port?

6.  Why is it difficult to tow a vessel a long way?

7.  Why should the towing and the towed vessels communicate with each other?

Exercise 3. Correct the mistakes

1.  It is forbidden to use wire hawsers connected with a good length of manila rope, as this will spoil the elasticity of tow-lines.

2.  The port tug is usually ordered to manoeuvre the ship clear of ecologically sensitive areas.

3.  Towing a disabled vessel a long way is a very difficult task because the master's mood may suddenly change and make the towing extremely dangerous.

4.  As a rule, port tugs are well equipped and use their own chains for towing.

5.  In such cases masters of ships arrange with the captain of a tug how tug-lines should be called, which side should the tug leave the ship etc.

Exercise 4. Read and learn the following Standard Marine Communication Phrases. Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version

Помощь буксира

Tug assistance

Сколько буксиров вам требуется?

How many tugs do you require?

Мне требуется ... буксиров

I require ... tug (s)

Должен ли я брать буксир (-ы)?

Must I take tug (s)?

Да, вы должны брать буксир (-s)

Yes, you must take ... tug (s)

Нет, вам не надо брать буксир (-ы)

No, you need not take tug (s)

Сколько я должен взять буксиров?

How many tugs must I take?

Вы должны взять ... буксир (-ов) в соответствии с Портовыми правилами

You must take .. tug (s) according to Pon Regulations


Вы должны взять ... буксир (-ов) с носа и ... буксир (-ов) с кормы

You must take ... tug (s) fore and ... tug (s)aft


Я закажу буксир (-ы)

I will order tug (s)


В каком месте буксир (-ы) встретят меня?

In what position will tug (s) meet me?


Буксир (-ы) будут встречать вас в месте ... в . . местного времени

Tug (s) will meet you in position ... at... local time


Ждите буксир (-ы) в точке ... (местоположение)

Wait for tug (s) in position ...


Должен ли я использовать свои буксирные тросы?

Must I take my towing lines?


Да, вы должны использовать свои буксирные тросы

Yes, you must take your towing lines


Нет, вы не должны использовать свои буксирные тросы

No, you must take towing lines of tug


Помощь буксиров прекращена до ... (дата и местное время)

Tug services suspended until ... (date and local time)


Помощь буксиров возобновляется ... (дата) в ... местного времени

Tug services resumed on ... (date at... local time)


Мы будем использовать .. буксир (-ы)

We will take ... tug (s)


Буксир (-ы) будет (-ут) тянуть / толкать

Tug(s) will pull / push


Мы принимаем буксирный (-ые) трос (-ы) с судна

We take lines of vessel


Мы принимаем буксирный (-ые) трос (-ы) с буксира

We take line(s) of tug(s)


Приготовиться крепить буксир (-ы)!

Stand by for making fast tug(s)


Готовы крепить буксир (-ы)

Standing by for making fast tug(s)


Используйте центральный / панамский клюз

Use centre / panama lead


Используйте левый / правый клюз

Use fairlead on port side / starboard side


Используйте центральный клюз

Use fairlead amidships


Используйте левый / правый носовой клюз

Use fairlead on port bow / starboard bow


Используйте левый / правый кормовой клюз

Use fairlead on port / starboard quarter


Подать бросательный конец на буксир!

Send heaving line to tug


Подать два буксирных троса на буксир!

Send two towing lines to tug


Потравить буксирный трос (-ы) на буксир!

Lower towing line(s) ... to tug


Потравить буксирный (- ые) трос (-ы) ... метра (-ов) над водой

Lower towing line(s) ... metre(s) from the water


Травить буксирный трос (-ы)!

Slack away towing line(s)


Крепить буксир (-ы)!

Make fast tug(s)


Крепить носовой буксир (-ы)!

Make fast tug(s) forward


Крепить левый носовой буксир (-ы)!

Make fast tug(s) on port bow


Крепить правый носовой буксир (-ы)5

Make fast tug(s) on starboard bow


Крепить . . кормовой буксир (-ы)!

Make fast... tug(s) aft


Крепить левый кормовой буксир (-ы)!

Make fast... tug(s) on port quarter


Крепить правый кормовой буксир (-ы)!

Make fast... tug(s) on starboard quarter


Крепить носовой буксир (-ы) левого / правого борта!

Make fast forward tug(s) alongside on port side / starboard side


Крепить кормовой буксир (-ы) левого / правого борта!

Make fast aft tug(s) alongside on the port side / starboard side


Крепить ... буксир (-ы) на носу с каждого борта!

Make fast... tug(s) on each bow


Крепить . буксир (-ы) на корме у каждого борта!

Make fast... tug(s) on each quarter


Положите огоны буксирных тросов на кнехты

Put eyes of towing lines on bitts


Буксир (-ы) закреплен (-ы) (на ...)

Tug(s) fast (on . )


Держитесь в стороне от буксирных тросов

Keep well clear of towing line(s)


Приготовиться отдать буксир (-ы)!

Stand by for let go tug(s)


Готовы отдать буксир (-ы)

Standing by for let go tug(s)


Отдать буксир (-ы)!

Let go tug(s)


Буксир (-ы) отдан (-ы)

Tug(s) is / are let go


Буксирный трос порван

Towing line broken


5. Put the words in the correct order

1. me, what, will, In, tug(s), meet, position?

2. on, bitts, eyes, towing, put, lines,of

3. tug(s), for, fast, by, making, stand

4. services, until, tug, tomorrow, suspended

5. lines, I, towing, my, take, must?

6. bow, fairlead, use, port, on

7. line(s), of, well, keep, towing, clear

9. towing, away, slack, line(s)

10. to, lines, tug, two, send, towing

Exercise 6. Listen to the cassette and fill in the blanks

Ships communicate with each other and with____ in a number of ways: by

radio, by flags, by light and and by semaphore. The International Convention adopted a uniform_____________________ of International Code Signals which is widely

used by all the__ . In this system a single_____ or a combination of letters

signifies a whole__ .

When the ship receives these______ the watch officer________ them into

letters (or their combinations) and finds their meaning in the code , where

they are grouped in certain order. Single-letter signals are___ to denote urgent

or very___ messages. For instance, signal "G" means: "1______ a pilot".

As it was mentioned above, they also have a special_ when used between

towing and towed_ . For example, the same signal "Gr in this case means:

"Cast the towing hawser", the signal "A" signifies: "The towing hawser is

", etc.

Exercise 7. Read and learn the following regulation signals used when towing

Is the towing hawser fast?

Закреплен ли буксир?

All fast.

Все закреплено.

Are you ready for towing?

Вы готовы к буксировке?

Everything is ready for towing.

Все готово к буксировке.

Commence towing!

Начинайте буксировать!

I am commencing to tow.

Я начинаю буксировать.

Shorten in the towing hawser.

Укоротите буксир!

I am altering my course to starboard.

Я поворачиваю вправо.

Steer to starboard.

Идите вправо.

Pay out the towing hawser.

Потравите буксир.

Veer out the tow line.

Cast off the towing hawser.

Отдайте буксир.

Continue the present course!

Продолжайте следовать тем же курсом!

Stop your engines at once!

Остановите немедленно ваши машины!

Keep away before the sea!

Отводите от волны!

Bring me to shelter or to an anchor as soon as possible!

Приведите меня в закрытое место или поставьте на якорь как можно скорее!

Shall we anchor at once?

Должны ли мы немедленно стать на якорь?

I want to anchor at once.

Я хочу немедленно стать на якорь

Go slower!

Уменьшить ход!

My engines are going astern.

Мои машины работают задним ходом.

Go astern!

Дайте задний ход!

Increase your speed!

Увеличьте ход!

I am paying out the towing hawser.

Я травлю буксир.

Get spare towing rope ready.

Приготовьте запасной буксир.

I cannot carry out your order.

Я не могу выполнить ваше распоряжение.

8. Give English equivalents to the following phrases

·   Запасной буксир готов.

·   Я отвожу от волны.

·   Я должен отдать буксир.

·   Я останавливаю свои машины.

·   Должен ли я продолжать следовать тем же курсом?

·   Я уменьшу ход.

·   Буксир закреплен.

Exercise 9. Translate from Russian into English using the following phrasesmake fast alongside starboard (port) side - швартоваться лагом правым (левым) бортом

То be stem on to the current - стоять носом к течению То swing at anchor - разворачиваться на якоре

Я хочу рассказать вам, как мы швартовались однажды в речном порту. Портовый лоцман поднялся на судно еще в устье реки. Капитан начал расспрашивать его об условиях швартовки в этом порту. Лоцман рассказал, что течение там очень сильное, 7 - 8 узлов. Высота прилива тоже очень большая - до 5 метров. Глубины на входе малые, фарватер узкий. Судно может входить в порт только в полную воду.

У причала глубины 8 - 8,5 метров; Судно должно швартоваться лагом левым бортом носом против течения. По правилам порта взятие буксира является обязательным. Судно должно иметь наготове бросательные концы, носовые и кормовые продольные концы, шпринги и прижимные концы. Судно должно иметь свои кранцы (10 - 12 штук).

К причалу мы подходили очень осторожно на малом ходу. Застопорили машину, затем дали самый малый назад, чтобы погасить инерцию судна. Отдали правый якорь, судно развернулось на якоре. Начали потравливать якорь-цепь и приблизились к причалу. С бака подали бросательный конец и носовой шпринг. Затем подали на берег все остальные концы и закрепили их на пушках.


1.   Anglomar Study English. Учебное пособие для моряков. Infomar-Tech., 2004 - 369 p.

2.   P.C. van Kluijven. The International Maritime English Programme. An English course for students at Maritime Colleges and for on-board training/Alk and Heijnen Publishers. The Netherlands, 2005 - 416 p.

3.   Seaspeak Training Manual Pergamon Press.-Oxford, 1988 - 191 p.

4.   Marlins. English for Seafarers. Study pack 1. Edinburgh, 2000 - 75 p.

5.   Marlins. English for Seafarers. Study pack 2. Edinburgh, 2000 - 82 p.

6.   Maritime English. Model course 3.17,/International Maritime Organization. Ashford Open Learning Ltd. London, 2000 - 138 p.

7.   Стандартные фразы ИМО для общения на море - С-Пб.,1997 - 472 с.

8.   Поваляев Г.Н. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник морских терминов. М, 2002 - 254 с.

Навчальне видання


Навчальний поабник англшською мовою

АВТОРИ: Монастирсъка Ольга 1гор1вна, Дорошенко Лариса Павтвна, Желтова Оксана Миколашна та ш.

Шддисано до друку 14.06.2006.

Формат 60x84/16. Пашр офсетний.Обл.вид.арк. 10,5

Тираж 100 прим. Замовлення № И6-10-06.

«Видав1нформ» ОНМА

Свщоитво ДК № 1292 вщ 20.03.2003

, г. Одеса, ул. Д1др1хсона, 8, корп. 7, п. 206

Тел./факс (0482) 34-14-12

Министерство образования и науки Украины ОДЕССКАЯ НАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ МОРСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ



(Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Украины

в качестве учебного пособия для курсантов и студентов специальности

«Судовождение» высших учебных заведений,

письмо Лг 1.4/18 - Г-26 от 12.05.2006)


.432.1 Л 84 8И. 111(075): 656.61

торы; О.И. Монастырская , Л.П. Дорошенко, ОН. Желтова, В.М. Иванова, Г.Г. Куян, Л.Б. Малых, О.Ф. Миронова, И.Ф. Пивоварова, Л.О. Хасанова

Профессиональный английский язык в судовождении [Текст]: учебное пособие для курсантов и студентов судоводительских специальностей морских вузов/О.И. Монастырская [и др.]; - Одесса: ОНМА, 2007. - 192 с.

Рецензенты: зав. кафедрой лексикологии и стилистики английского языка Одесского национального университета им. И.Й. Мечникова И.М. Колегаева, профессор, д.ф.н.; доцент кафедры иностранных языков Одесской национальной академии связи им. А.С. Попова Л.В. Тарасенко, к.п.н.; зав. кафедрой иностранных языков Одесского государственного экологического университета И.Ю. Пьянова, к.ф.н., доцент

В учебном пособии приведены текстовые аутентичные материалы на английском языке, связанные с приобретением курсантами и студентами навыков устной и письменной речи профессионального морского английского языка.

В учебное пособие включены лексико-грамматические упражнения, глоссарий, различные виды коммуникативных упражнений, комплекс упражнений для развития навыков аудирования и говорения в компьютерном классе.

Учебное пособие предназначено для курсантов и студентов направления подготовки 1003 «Судовождение и энергетика судов», профессиональной направленности «Судовождение», специализации «Судовождение на морских и внутренних водных путях».

© О.И. Монастырская, Л.П. Дорошенко,

О.Н. Желтова, В.М. Иванова, Г.Г. Куян,

Л.Б. Малык, О.Ф. Миронова,

ISBN 966-7591-12-3    И.Ф. Пивоварова, Л.О. Хасанова, 2006

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